Oblivion:Dead Captain

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Dead Captain
(RefID: 00095A59)
Home City Anvil
Location The Serpent's Wake
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 1 Class Pirate
RefID 00095A59 BaseID 00095A40
Other Information
Health 0 (Dead) Magicka 111
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Anvil - The Serpent's Wake; Anvil Citizen; Anvil - Fo'c's'le
The Dead Captain

The Dead Captain was the Redguard captain of the Serpent's Wake.

He was killed, along with his entire crew, by an unknown assailant shortly after docking his ship in Anvil, as Varulae will explain:

"I've been going out of my mind ever since my crew was murdered! This is my ship, you see. The Serpent's Wake. I hired the crew to sail to Summerset Isle to retrieve a family heirloom, my mother's crystal ball. They made the journey, and arrived back all right, but then... Someone murdered them! All of them! Now their spirits are haunting the ship!"

Once you progress in the Dark Brotherhood questline enough to find the Traitor's Diary, it will be revealed that the assailant was Mathieu Bellamont. As he recounts, the crew made the mistake of insulting him:

"When they saw me, they could have kept walking. But no. They laughed! They laughed at me, mother! They called me names! They said I was strange, that I was a human rat, living here in the cellar of the lighthouse. They did not know who they were dealing with! So I snuck on board, later that night, and I slit their throats. Every last one of them. So there the Serpent's Wake sits. The ghost ship of Anvil they'll call it now! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The captain's ghost still haunts the ship, and prevents Varulae from receiving her cargo. You'll find both his ghost and corpse in the captain's cabin of the Serpent's Wake. Once you've defeat his spirit and those of the other crewmembers, and retrieved the precious crystal ball, Vurlae will reward you with the captain's old sabre:

"Oh thank you! Here, please take this as a reward! It's the captain's enchanted cutlass. I managed to grab it when I was in his cabin, before his spirit chased me out!"

He wore laced leather pants, a coarse linen shirt with a pair of sack cloth sandals. He also had a small amount of gold with the keys of his ship and chest.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Despite always being dead, the captain still retains a schedule in the Construction Set. He wold have spent his rainy days in The Flowing Bowl with the other pirates, occasionally grabbing a bite to eat. When it wasn't raining he would have wandered around the dock before taking a six hour sleep at midnight.