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Oblivion:Edgar Vautrine

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Edgar Vautrine
(RefID: 0001FBAC)
Home City Imperial City, Market District
Store Edgar's Discount Spells
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 14 Class Enchanter
RefID 0001FBAC BaseID 00015E9D
Available 8am-8pm every day, on Morndas, Middas and Fredas until midnight
Gold 800 Mercantile Apprentice (40)
Spells Alteration SpellsConjuration SpellsDestruction SpellsIllusion SpellsMysticism SpellsRestoration Spells
Other Information
Health 88 Magicka 285
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Faction(s) IC Citizens
Edgar Vautrine

Edgar Vautrine is a Breton enchanter and proprietor of Edgar's Discount Spells in the Market District of the Imperial City. He sells a wide variety of cheap spells from all of the magical schools. He should have been able to sell you the unique Veil of the Seer but because of a bug, no Barter option is available.

While the citizens of the Imperial City are skeptical of the whole concept of "discount spells", Edgar doesn't care and keeps his business up and running even though it means working long hours with only little spare time. Edgar sleeps in the private quarters above the shop every night between midnight and 6am and always starts the day with a two-hour breakfast in the main trading room. At 8am, he unlocks the doors to customers and spends the next twelve hours offering his services. Additionally, on Morndas, Middas and Fredas, he will keep the shop open all evening as well, not closing up before midnight.

On all other days, he will close up shop at 8pm and go to different places in the City. On Tirdas and Turdas, he heads over to his colleagues at the Arcane University, just to hang out and meet some similar minded people. On Loredas, he goes to the Elven Gardens District to enjoy a four-hour dinner at the King and Queen Tavern. Sundas finds him in the Temple of the One for an evening prayer. He always heads back to his bed at midnight.

He wears a simple set of common middle class clothing, a blue & green outfit and a pair of russet felt shoes. He carries around a spare pair of light brown linens, his shop key and a leveled amount of gold. In combat, Edgar relies on the same set of spells that you can buy from him at a very cheap cost.

When you meet him for the first time in his shop, Edgar will introduce himself and his cheap wares: "Edgar Vautrine. You don't want the very best. You want cheap. And I got cheap." When asked about his city of choice, he will give you a piece of advice: "You want to buy or sell, the City is great. You want free? Go down the holes, kill some monsters. Sell your loot back in the city!"

Imperial City denizens will often comment on his low prices with negative remarks such as:

"I understand money is tight, but buying discount spells seems like a bad idea."
"Isn't there something just wrong about buying "discount" spells?"

Other citizens will simply comment:

"Have you ever shopped at Edgar's Discount Spells?"
"If you're looking to buy cheap spells, Edgar's is the place to look."

You may also hear a number of responses:

"I'm not buying a discount spell. That's just a bad idea."
"Discount spells. I'd just as soon buy a 'slightly used' shield."
"Seems to me, some things are worth paying full price for."
"There are some things you shouldn't skimp on. Spells are one of them."


  • Edgar will still talk and sell goods to you when you're a full vampire.
  • It is not possible to invest in Edgar, even after you have reached 75 skill in Mercantile.


Edgar Vautrine has the following spells for sale:

Spell Name Level Cost Effects
Protect Novice 10 Shield 5% for 30sec on Self
Ease Burden Apprentice 35 Feather 50pts for 240sec on Self
Water Breathing Apprentice 43 Water Breathing for 30sec on Self
Bound Dagger Novice 21 Bound Dagger for 15sec on Self
Summon Scamp Apprentice 60 Summon Scamp for 20sec on Self
Burning Touch Novice 14 Fire Damage 10pts on Touch
Shocking Touch Novice 14 Shock Damage 10pts on Touch
Snowball Novice 21 Frost Damage 10pts on Target
Major Wound Apprentice 43 Drain Health 15pts for 10sec on Target
Drain Skill: Destruction Journeyman 78 Drain Skill: Destruction 15pts for 25sec on Target
Starlight Novice 14 Light in 20ft for 60sec on Self
Minor Life Detection Novice 15 Detect Life in 60ft for 10sec on Self
Absorb Attribute: Luck Novice 14 Absorb Luck 5pts for 20sec on Touch
Fortify Fatigue Novice 11 Fortify Fatigue 25pts for 45sec on Self
Absorb Skill: Mercantile Apprentice 40 Absorb Mercantile 10pts for 10sec on Touch
Greater Fortify Fatigue Apprentice 26 Fortify Fatigue 50pts for 45sec on Self
Absorb Skill: Alteration Journeyman 67 Absorb Alteration 15pts for 10sec on Touch
Fortify Magicka Journeyman 69 Fortify Magicka 30 pts for 60sec on Self
Purchased Spell Notes
  • The magicka cost for most purchasable spells matches the value you would calculate from the Spell Cost equation. In other words, if you were to create the same spell at the Spellmaking Altar, it would have the same magicka cost as the purchasable spell. There are a few exceptions. Spells that are a bad deal, i.e. more expensive than a custom spell, are in red; spells that are a good deal are in green. The magicka cost if you were to create a custom spell at the Spellmaking Altar is shown in parentheses.
  • The magicka cost for spells is dependent upon your skill in the school (as modified by Luck, see Magic Overview). The provided baseline values are the magicka cost when your skill level is 33. For other skill levels the magicka cost can be determined from:
Cost * (1.4 - 0.012 * Skill)
  • More powerful spells cost more to buy, have a higher skill requirement, and consume more Magicka.
  • Level indicates what skill level you must reach (or surpass) in order to use a spell. Skill Level 0-24 = Novice, 25-49 = Apprentice, 50-74 = Journeyman, 75-99 = Expert, 100 = Master.
  • The base cost in gold that you must pay to purchase a spell is always three times the current magicka cost of the spell, taking into account your character's skill level and Luck. (The actual cost you pay is further increased based on how well you haggle with the merchant.) Therefore, if you have any Fortify Skill or Fortify Luck spells/potions handy, you can get significantly better deals when purchasing spells.


  • Edgar only keeps the store open longer on certain days because he doesn't have anything else to do. None of his other AI packages are active between 8pm and midnight on Morndas, Middas and Fredas, so he keeps doing what he was already doing - serving in the store.
  • No barter option is available for Edgar, therefore the unique item Veil of the Seer cannot be bought from him.