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Oblivion:Ida Vlinorman's House

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Summary: written by Beezer1029

House Inventory: written by SitDown

Description: written by Kiz

Residents: written by Beezer1029

Related Quests: not written
Ida Vlinorman's House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
ICElvenGardensIdaVlinormansHouse, ICElvenGardensIdaVlinormansHouseBasement, ICElvenGardensIdaVlinormansHouseUpstairs
Imperial City, Elven Gardens District
Ida Vlinorman's House

Ida Vlinorman's House is located in the northeastern block of the Elven Gardens District. It is on the north side of the street and door-to-door with Dovyn Aren. Luther Broad's Boarding House is two doors down to the west. Ida Vlinorman is the sole resident, and the house contains three zones: Ida Vlinorman's House, Ida Vlinorman's Private Quarters, and Ida Vlinorman's Basement.


Ida Vlinorman

Ida Vlinorman's House[edit]

The ground floor, where Ida spends her mornings, is sparsely decorated with lit candles and tapestries on the wall. A bit of food can be found on the table and in the cupboard near the basement entrance with a clutter sack next to it. The chest near the front door only contains clutter as does the desk in the middle of the room. There is a sack on the stairs near the clutter drawers that has a chance to contain a small amount of gold.

Ida Vlinorman's Private Quarters[edit]

Her locked quarters are slightly more interesting; at the foot of Ida's double bed, a chest holds minor loot, while another chest contains up to three pieces of lower-level equipment. There is also a chest of drawers at the western end in front of the door with clutter, a clothing cupboard to the southeast, and a clutter sack next to it. On the table south of the door are three apples.

Ida Vlinorman's Basement[edit]

All the containers in the basement contain clutter, as well as a sack containing grain, but the northeastern corner is quite interesting as it reveals Ida's secret hobby, collecting handbills from the various stores and inns in the Imperial City. Ida's collection consists of the following handbills:

6 handbills from Rindir's Staffs.
5 handbills from Three Brothers Trade Goods.
4 handbills from The Gilded Carafe.
4 handbills from A Fighting Chance.
3 handbills from Red Diamond Jewelry.
2 handbills from Jensine's "Good as New" Merchandise.
2 handbills from The Copious Coinpurse.
2 handbills from Slash 'N Smash.
2 handbills from The Feed Bag.
1 handbill from Divine Elegance.
1 handbill from First Edition.
1 handbill from Stonewall Shields.
1 handbill from Edgar's Discount Spells.
1 handbill from The Main Ingredient.
1 handbill from The Best Defense.