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(RefID: 00030149)
Home City Bruma
House J'Ghasta's House
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Level PC+15 Class Ancestor Moth Monk
RefID 00030149 BaseID 00030148
Other Information
Health 38 + (5+1.4)x(PC+14), PC=1-10
Magicka 100 + 3.5x(PC+14) (max=250)
Responsibility 0 Aggression 20
Faction(s) [see notes] Dark Brotherhood ("Won't Call Guards" subfaction)
J'Ghasta training in his house in Bruma

J'Ghasta is a Khajiit boxer who lives in Bruma. He is a speaker of the Black Hand. J'Ghasta will only appear in the game when you initiate the related Dark Brotherhood quest, Broken Vows, in which you are contracted to kill him. The contract claims a prominent Cyrodilic noble wants J'Ghasta dead for breaking his engagement to the noble's daughter.

He wakes up early in the morning, at 5am, to have a long breakfast of three hours. Then he will train for a long twelve hours, hitting each of his training targets for four hours respectively. At 8pm he will finally give it a rest, retreating in his chair to read for four hours, after which he will go to bed. All of this takes place in the basement of his house, meaning he'll never leave it, unless he is pursuing you.

J'Ghasta is garbed in leather armor except for his chest and head, which are bare. He also carries a copy of Guide to Bruma, a small amount of gold, and his key.

Related Quests[edit]

  • Broken Vows: Deep within the well of Skingrad Castle Courtyard, the next drop matches killer against killer.

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

Broken Vows[edit]

After killing Celedaen, your dead drop orders you will ask you to eliminate the Khajiit:

"Your next target is a Khajiit nobleman by the name of J 'Ghasta [sic], who can be found at his home in the city of Bruma. J 'Ghasta [sic] was recently offered the hand of a prominent Cyrodiil noble's daughter, but turned down the offer when he learned of the girl's rather negligible dowry. The girl's family is outraged, of course, and has hired the Dark Brotherhood to make J 'Ghasta [sic] pay for his insolence."

You will also be warned:

"The Khajiit is rich and bored, and spends most of his time honing his skills in unarmed combat. Any opponent who can kill with merely his hands is not to be trifled with, so tread carefully. Even worse, J 'Ghasta [sic] is aware someone may be trying to kill him, and has bribed the guards not to interfere if a fight should spill out into the city streets."

When you greet him, he will immediately warn you:

"I don't recall inviting you into my house. Leave, quickly, or we will have a problem."

After this, you have three possible replies:

We already have a problem, J'Ghasta.
"What? Who are you to come into my home, to speak to me like a petulant child? Do you know who I am? Do you have any idea what you're dealing with?"
Oh, but I was invited. By Sithis!
"Sithis? What is this treachery? Who sent you? I don't know who is behind this outrage, but I will have blood! To the Void with you, assassin!"
[Say nothing.]
"So, the thief opts for the stoic approach, hmm? Oh, my friend, I'm afraid you've broken into your last house. Ha ha ha ha ha!"

All of these options cause him to attack you, relying on his fists and his set of Monk Spells (always strongest for J'Ghasta's skill level) to do the job. Note that he has the unique Black Hand Ability, which gives him 50% Resist Magic and 50% Resist Normal Weapons.

Unused Dialogue[edit]

There's an unused voice line in the files that appears to have been meant as a greeting for J'Ghasta. It probably would've been used if he was enabled before Broken Vows had started. If you had been able to meet him pre-quest, he would've have greeted you with:

"J'Ghasta. No offense stranger, but who I am and what I do, are my business."

J'Ghasta would also have used the following dialogue if you approached him, but since it's not properly implemented it is never heard:

"Do you have a death wish, boy/girl?"

And upon exiting conversation:

"Move faster, if you value your life."


  • J'Ghasta is the first person Mathieu Bellamont tricks you into killing. There are also quite a few hints that J'Ghasta isn't who you think he is:
    • Searching the secret training room in his Bruma house will yield a copy of the Dark Brotherhood text, The Brothers of Darkness, hinting towards his position within the Brotherhood. A Black Hand Robe, Black Hand Hood, and The Five Tenets can also be found in a locked keg in a corner of the lower level of his house.
    • If you talk to J'Ghasta before you attempt to assassinate him, you can tell him Sithis sent you. J'Ghasta's response will reveal his surprise at this, wondering if treachery has a play in it. This is one of the first hints that something is wrong with the Dark Brotherhood contracts.
  • In the game, it is stated that J'Ghasta is a Speaker in the Dark Brotherhood and also belongs to the Black Hand. However, in the Construction Set, J'Ghasta is only listed as a member of the "Dark Brotherhood -- Won't Call Guards" faction (editor ID DarkBrotherhoodNoGuard). This faction does not have any ranks. The information listed in the summary box is the Construction Set faction, because this is the information that controls the NPC's disposition, dialogue, and responses to scripts; see Factions for details.
  • J'Ghasta uses the "Ancestor Moth Monk" class. He is the only one with this class to not actually be such a monk. This either implies that he's familiar with their techniques, or that he was meant to have the more common "Monk" class, which is alphabetically right before his current class, and that said class was a developer error.