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Knights of the Nine

Oblivion:Priory of the Nine (place)

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Priory of the Nine
(view on map) (lore page)
Added by Knights of the Nine
Console Location Code(s)
NDPrioryoftheNineHouse, NDPrioryoftheNineBasement, NDPrioryoftheNineUndercroft, NDPrioryoftheNineChapel
West Weald
Southeast of Skingrad
Priory of the Nine

The Priory of the Nine is a settlement and chapel southeast of Skingrad (download-specific).

The settlement only exists after you have installed the Knights of the Nine official download, when it immediately becomes present. As the Knights of the Nine questline progresses, the priory building and grounds will be cleaned up and restored by the newly arriving knights.

The settlement consists of two buildings (the priory and the chapel), a stable, and an archery range. The priory is two stories tall and initially contains a bed, a bedroll, and food supplies. On the first floor is a large symbol that can be activated. Without Sir Amiel's ring (obtained during The Shrine of the Crusader) in your inventory, nothing will happen. With the ring, a secret stairway will be revealed, leading to the Priory Basement and Priory Undercroft; see the related quest for more information. The altar in the small chapel is like any other, and will heal you of any ailments; otherwise, there is a ladder to the roof, but not much else.

Quests Starting Here[edit]

Related Quests[edit]


  • After the priory has been fully restored (at the end of the Knights of the Nine questline), the priory's containers can be used to safely store items. However, storing ingredients and potions in the priory is not advisable, as the knights may take them.
    • Before the questline has been completed, items should only be stored in the priory with extreme caution. As the priory is restored, several containers disappear completely. Even storing items on the ground is not safe, because new furniture can be placed directly on top of the items, making it impossible to access them. The containers that do not disappear during cleanup, and therefore may be used for storage, are those on the ground floor and those in the bedroom on the second floor.
    • Before the questline has been completed, do not leave followers in the priory or they may disappear and be lost forever. Take extra care with quest followers such as Erthor or Martin.
  • After completing the Knights of the Nine questline, you can activate the tombs of the original Knights of the Nine in the undercroft to gain a blessing specific to the knight's tomb. See here for further details.
  • Three of the new knights arrive with horses, all of which are found in the stable whenever the knights are at the priory.
  • Once the priory has been restored, a small garden tended by Sir Avita and Sir Brellin is planted in front of the priory. It contains the following plants: 42 carrots, 8 dragon's tongue, 2 fennel, 8 flax, 14 ginseng, and 15 lettuce.
  • The following additional plants can be found near the priory: 11 columbine, 7 flax, and 18 nightshade.
  • The Priory of the Nine appears in ESO as the Abbey of the Eight.


  • After part of the Knights of the Nine questline is completed, you may be able to access repair services in the priory basement. However, this is not always possible due to a bug.
