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Oblivion:Reynald Jemane

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Reynald Jemane
(RefID: 000234C7)
Home City Chorrol
House Reynald Jemane's House
Race Breton Gender Male
Level PC+0 Class Warrior
RefID 000234C7 BaseID 000222A8
Other Information
Health 40 + (6+3)x(PC-1), PC=5-19
Magicka 175 + 1.5x(PC-1) (max=300)
Responsibility 80 Aggression 5
Essential Until Sins of the Father is completed
Follower Legacy Lost
Faction(s) Chorrol Citizen; Jemane Family
Reynald Jemane

Reynald Jemane is a Breton warrior living in Chorrol. He owns a house but spends most of his time in an ale-induced haze at The Grey Mare. He has an identical twin brother, Guilbert, whom he knows nothing about, because they were separated at a very young age when their home was attacked by ogres. He was found in the wilderness by traveling merchants, and raised at Weynon Priory. The two are reunited in the Separated at Birth quest, and are involved in two more.

Before his reunion with Guilbert, he sleeps every night between 12am and 6am. Then he unlocks his door and very lazily wanders around upstairs until 8am, when he locks his door and heads to the Grey Mare. After drinking for a whopping sixteen hours, at midnight he heads back home for some sleep.

During the Legacy Lost quest he will accompany you and his brother to Weatherleah after you have cleared it of ogres, before settling into this new routine there. After moving to Weatherleah with his brother, he begins his day at 6am by going outside and wandering until 10am, when he goes inside for breakfast. He goes back outside at noon and wanders for 12 hours. At midnight he tries to sleep, but as there is only one bed in the house, he may end up pacing aimlessly if Guilbert gets there first.

He wears a blue and green outfit with a pair of doeskin shoes. He also carries four bottles of ale, his key, a spare pair of tan linens, a leveled shortsword that is always the best possible quality for your level, and a leveled amount of gold.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

Separated at Birth[edit]

The first time you meet Reynald he will drunkenly say: "If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, I've NEVER been to Cheydinhal! I.... oh, hang on. You're someone else. Apologies, my good friend. I mistook you for someone else. Always being asked about it, I am. 'Didn't I see you in Cheydinhal?', they say. Well I'm sick of it. Sick and tired, tired and sick. And perhaps a little drunk. But nevermind. You look like the honest sort, so I've a job for you. You're going to travel to Cheydinhal, and find out what sort of imposter is trying to besmirch my good name. And you're going to tell him... *hic*... You're going to tell him I am quite capable of besmirching my good name on my own. He should cease and desist immediately. There's fifty gold pieces in it for you, friend... right then. Off you go."

He will then give you fifty gold pieces. Speaking to him again will yield one of the following responses:

"Hello love. I'll have another bottle of wine if you please. And do hurry - the last 5 barmaids I've talked to never came back... Wait... you don't work here, do you? But you do work for me. At least, you're supposed to be working for me. Off you go, then." (If you are female)
"Ugh. You're about the ugliest barmaid I've ever seen, and that's saying quite a bit. Come to bring me another round, have you? My mistake - shouldn't you be on the other side of Cyrodiil by now?" (If you are male)
"We've met before, haven't we? ... I don't... owe you money, do I? Ah! No, I've got it. You're going to find the fellow trading on my name. Good show - carry on."
"I swear I didn't know that was your pig. Eh? Oh. Sorry, I looked like someone else just then. Or rather, you did. Yes, that's it. *hic* Aren't you doing a job for me? You should be off, then."

He will send you off with: "Impersonate ME will you? Ha! There's only one... ummm... ahhh... what was my name again? Oh, yes... only one Reynald."

Should you speak to him again, he'll say: "We've met before, haven't we?... I don't... owe you money, do I? Ah! No, I've got it. You're going to find the fellow trading on my name. Good show - carry on. *hic*"

If once you have located Guilbert, you speak to Reynald before Guilbert arrives he will drunkenly comment: "Ah, it's you! You're the one... err... who are you again? Right, right. You were finding that fellow who's stolen my name. Have you had any luck?"

After you confirm that you have found his brother he will confusingly reply "What? Brother? You misunderstand. I don't have a brother. Maybe I misunderstand ... another bottle of wine will help. If you ask him about Guilbert he will again confusingly reply: "What? Either I'm far too drunk, or I'm misunderstanding you. I have a brother? How can that be? My family was killed long, long ago. At least, that's what I'd been told... perhaps it's time for me to stop drinking. And he's coming here to see me, you say? Yes, I'd better sober up."

Then when asking about Reynald himself he will state: "Yes, that's me. And apparently some other fellow, as well. Strange thing, that. Knowing that someone else is also you... makes my head hurt." When approaching him later on he will say hopefully: "Brother? Wow... hope he's got a wine cellar!"

When the Jemane brothers have been reunited, Reynald will exclaim:

"Would you look at this! My brother - my spitting image - is here! I can't thank you enough, friend. Unfortunately, my hangover is making it difficult to think straight. You're best off speaking to Guilbert for now." (if Guilbert is nearby)
"My good friend! Let me drink to your health! For more saving my brother ... no, for finding him ... or was it for finding me? Anyway, bottoms up!"

When further asked about Guilbert he will state: "He's Guilbert. I'm Reynald." Once you have located Guilbert, people will say "Mystery solved, eh? Reynald had a twin brother. Well he had all of us fooled."

Legacy Lost[edit]

Once you have begun the Legacy Lost quest, Reynald will always say "Guilbert should be able to help you with anything you need... for now, I'm going to celebrate! If asked about his ancestral home he will remark: "Yes, yes. Our home, stolen by ogres. My head hurts something terrible right now - speak to Guilbert, will you?"


The denizens of Chorrol will often remark about Reynald's strange behavior while in Cheydinhal:

"Reynald Jemane has a terrible memory. We've met many times, but when I saw him in Cheydinhal, he walked right past me like we were strangers."
"I was in Cheydinhal last week, and I'm sure I saw Reynald Jemane. He acted like he didn't know me, though."

To which others will reply: "Yes, it's quite odd. Reynald, who I've bumped into several times in Chorrol, acted like I was a complete stranger. Also, he seemed sober, which is a refreshing change. Usually Reynald is stumbling around Chorrol drunk as can be. Very odd, but then, it's really none of my business."

In addition, Castle steward Orok gro-Ghoth will sniff: "Do you know Reynald Jemane, the fellow who lives on the west side of Chorrol? I saw him in Cheydinhal recently, and said 'Hi,' and he pretended he didn't know me. I was quite irritated, and haven't spoken to him since. But, I wonder, was he really trying to be a fool? Or was something wrong?"


  • During the Legacy Lost quest Reynald and Guilbert will follow you, and as they are essential they make handy allies.
  • While they are following you, sometimes when you ask Guilbert to wait, Reynald will still follow you.
  • Upon completion of Sins of the Father, Reynald becomes noticeably more sober and coherent, speaking as clearly as his brother. He also drinks less frequently.