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Ayleid Ruin:
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 1
# of Welkynd Stones 9
# of Varla Stones 0
Nuisance Animals,
Important Treasure
Umbra's Ebony Armor
1 boss-level Chest
Console Location Code(s)
VindaselExterior, Vindasel
Great Forest
Southwest of the Imperial City, on the Red Ring Road

Vindasel is a small Ayleid ruin southwest of the Imperial City containing nuisance animals and one NPC (quest-related). It contains only one zone, Vindasel.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Vindasel is quite small, but is home to a very popular target: the female Bosmer Umbra. Umbra can be found in the ruin from the start of the game, even if you have not started Clavicus Vile's quest.
  • According to The Adabal-a, during the Ayleid occupation of Cyrodiil, human slaves were subjected to "art-tortures" here for the strange pleasure of the elves.
  • Vindasel also appears in ESO.


Key to Maps
Vindasel, Exterior
  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel 0, 7
  • This location's map marker (M on map) is named Vindasel (editor name VindaselMapMarker). The entrance door is WSW of the marker, 50 feet away.
  • 0-2 Conjurer Enemies (each 33% probability Conjurer, 67% Daedra) are near the entrance
  • 1 Road Creature (Plains variety) is near the entrance
  • 1 Wilderness Creature (Forest variety) is near the entrance
  • The following plants can be found near the entrance: 16 Green Stain Cup plants, 11 Monkshood plants, 12 Steel-Blue Entoloma plants, and 18 Summer Bolete plants

Zone 1: Vindasel[edit]


This ruin is very straightforward and linear, with your ultimate objective being Umbra at U in the final room. Apart from the other, insignificant creatures in the dungeon, there are two traps (C and D) which can be easily avoided. In the final room you will also find a boss chest (B) and a bedroll (b). Umbra isn't initially aggressive, and you are free to loot the chest and use the bedroll.




Doors and Gates:

  • There is one door (at Out) in/out of this zone, leading outside


  • 1 bedroll at location b on map (hidden under the U label)