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Oblivion Mod:Albae + Gefärhten

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Albae + Gefärhten (Albae + Companions)[edit]

Mod Information
Author(s) Wave Breaker
Current Version 1.0
Last updated 5 Jun 2009
Links Elder Scrolls Portal, Planet Oblivion
Language German
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests) 1 (2)


Albae + companions is a quest mod based on the people of the Albae from Markus Heitz's book "The Dwarves". There was a lot taken from the book, some invented by me (as an example: The books come in the game all from my pen). The traits of character and appearance of the Albae correspond as far as possible the descriptions in the book, adapted to the situation and the possibilities of the CS.

This quest mod takes place in another world. The player can enter through the Oblivion gate near Fort Farragut. Misty mountains and bloodthirsty creatures await you on the other side. Only an experienced hero will survive.

New armor and weapons, make new friends and enemies, of magic and blood, it's all part of the world you will enter...

