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Oblivion Mod:Die Legende des Kirim Var

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Die Legende des Kirim Var (The Legend of Kirim Var)[edit]

Mod Information
Author(s) Hebrock
Current Version 1.1.1
Last updated 3 May 2011
Links Ei der Zeit, Elder Scrolls Portal, Nexus Mods
Language German
Translations N/A
Requirements Shivering Isles
Playing Time 2-3 hours
Quests (Side Quests) 2


What is past, should stay gone ...
Some of that is forgotten, should remain forgotten ...

People seek power ...
but there is power that is not intended for the people ...

I have spent so this power to hide my life,
but I can feel it, my life will end ...

Are you daring enough and strong enough to hunt and receive one of the most powerful secrets of Merethic era? Are you ruthless enough to get Kirim Var's power? Or does the heart of virtue and morality beat in your chest?

Go in search of an ancient, lost, mighty secret from the distant past, the possession of such forces unleashed that even the most powerful and wisest people of Tamriel would hardly dare to use it. Make the decision for one of two possible paths that corresponds to the ethos of your character.

To start the quest, stay at the inn "The Laughing Boar" between Skingrad and Kvatch and keep a lookout in the guest room for a letter from a former guest.



  • This mod conflicts with UL Arrius Creek and Oblivion WarCry - New Dimension.