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Oblivion Mod:Order of the Dragon/Mysterious Passages

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Mysterious Passages
# of Zones 2
Important Treasure
Bust of Clavicus' Masque
Console Location Code(s)
ODDDesertLostTomb01, ODDDesertLostTomb10
Bam Ukaltan
East of Sula, near Turtle Rock
The main entrance to the Mysterious Passages

The Mysterious Passages is an underground tomb east of Sula. There are two entrances, each leading to a separate and distinct area: the first entrance is located at the end of a small canyon, guarded by a sand dreugh, and the second is a small door half-buried by sand.

The secondary entrance

Related Quests[edit]


  • The exterior is located at coordinates: ODDDesert01 8,-4
  • This location does not have a map marker.

Zone 1: Mysterious Passages[edit]

(Note: Both "zones" are in the same cell, but are separate and accessible from different locations, so are listed individually for the sake of simplicity.)

You won't be able to access this part until the quest Missing; the Argonian will give you a key for the door. It leads to a large chamber with two pillars and a sealed door in the opposite wall. There are two stone plates in the floor, near the braziers - step on both to activate them, and the door will open. The passage beyond has a pair of spike traps (jump over those); follow it upward (there are a few more traps along the way, so keep an eye out) until you reach the roof. Step into the flame, and you'll be teleported to a new area.

You'll end up in a small room with three alcoves and a grate in the ceiling. One of the alcoves holds a skeleton - the remains of an Order Knight - and one of the Order's treasures, the bust of Clavicus' Masque. Another alcove holds an urn with two potions of water breathing in it; the third is a door leading to a small room. A pressure plate on the far side of the door opens a plate in the floor of the first room, which leads to a deep water-filled shaft (the plate's a little twitchy and the door closes quickly, so be prepared to move). Drop down - you won't get hurt - and follow the submerged (and thankfully uninhabited) passage back up to another shaft, where you can climb out. From here, take the exit and follow the passage to a room with four statues and a plinth in the middle. Stand on the plinth (which has a pressure plate on it), and you'll get a quick cutscene where the four statues in the corners shoot fireballs into the center, creating a large flame. Step into the flame (or just stay there), and you'll be teleported back to Cyrodiil.

Zone 2: Mysterious Passages[edit]

The entrance leads to a passage sloping downward. If you're doing the quest Moon Sugar Gold, you'll receive an update here and the quest will complete. The passage ends in a massive, empty room; a sealed door sits in the wall opposite the entrance. A switch in the wall opposite the door will open it, revealing a second, smaller room with a pedestal, on which sits Ja'kil's treasure - a single death coin.