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Oblivion Mod:Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul/A Slaver's Moldy Logbook

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A Slaver's Moldy Logbook
ID xx01ED6B
Value 5 Weight 1.0
Found in the following locations:
A Slaver's Moldy Logbook
A Dunmer slaver's journal

Yeah, this is the Log

Master Lerys

Anyways, I don't care for fanfare and appearance. If you want a straight account, talk to Derahed. I hate writing this stuff. We are here for slaves, not to keep your sorry black asses informed. Want information? Talk to the men. They don't talk to you? Oh, I am so sorry. It is probably your smell. Go fry some Guar's dung.

Seventh or Eighth of First Seed--can't remember
Yeah, yeah. We got a few camps set up, scouted the area, lots of game, yada, yada, yada. Gotta fan this crew out, sitting ducks. Now that should worry you, the fancy legion and sycophantic town guards. Or, what's-her-face, Surah, that's one clawed succubus. Told Rylu to stay off her. Pointless. Sent the witch south, with Derahed. Hahah! Wanna have a good laugh? Ask him about what she did to him. He won't talk to ya? What did I tell you before, punk?

Probably early Rain's Hand. This place stinks, the clouds stinks, you all stink, everything stinks like a wet Guar.

Got us some snake-skins already. No thrills. Didn't I tell ya men to go hunt ogres for sport, uh? What a bunch of lilipad-wearing weaklings, I swear. Get outta my face before I carve a flower in your foreheads!

Tis Second Seed now, punks! Are you still alive?
And I thought you were pansies. Look what happened to Derahed, ha! Crawling like a worm because some fish-breath mongrels spanked her badly. I can't believe this. Announcement to all: want to live? Talk to me and I'll arrange your transfer with that bunch of good-for-nothing creeps.

Mid Year's gotta be. The stench is beyond putrid. All this heat is making me sweat ink.
What do you know? No more smelling you rancid vapours. Got us some shade. Nice little spot I found for you, sorry excuse for a Dunmer. Best underground base you'll ever see. Eat that Derahed!

Early Last Seed. What more do ya want, uh?
Poor woman, let me cry you a river... Ok, done. Tell that Kwama larva to stop her snivelling and complaining. Lost a few men in Seran, so what? I lose them every day. No matter, we get two of you dummies for every one that ditches. Don't like it? Go home cry to your mommy.

Day after the mess at Seran
Nice batch of snake-skins that we sent over. Gold's flowing. Those fat bastards can't live without their comfort, however much the Houses pretend to avoid the issue even after the war. Derahed will soon send another envoy from Seran.

Few days, few months? Can't keep track of time in this damn place.
Raids against their hideouts work magic. We can resume our caravans without their fish-breathing on our necks. You better be happy about it, scum. Drink ale when you get home, hit some skooma and drop your pay in a brothel 'cause I am going to peel the skin off your back when you return.

Freak-Day's gotta be
Told ya skooma's ok, told ya plundering and rapping's ok, but I did not tell you that licking toads' ok, did I? Get that sorry lot back in line! or all of you'll be the next to flip over the cliff--and make Rylu come down the tree, will ya? Second time's a charm for that Guar's calf. Gonna feed him to the fishes.

Are we in Hearth fire yet? Sure hope so.
Gotta love them. Red Gill cave crawls with snake-skins. Derahed says they ratted us out. That's too bad, what's a decent killer gonna do now, uh? Yep. You guessed it. Sharpen that blade and head over there, on the double, punks! Same we did to them in Deep Cover and Drowned Hopes. And, no, this time you can't leave any alive for "th'after, boss!" Wanna have fun? Wanna be one of us? Earn your keep. Triple bonus for whoever kills their leader, Kizra.

Last stinking days of Last Seed.
Ok, that was a disaster. Someone's gonna pay for this mess, and it ain't gonna be me, worms. Got info on Eidkee, at Blood Clot cave. We came, we raided, and we got spanked. I swear, another one of you so much as lifts head off the ground and I'll send you back in there.

(That appears to be the last entry in the logbook)