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Oblivion Mod:Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul/Slaver's Logbook

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Slaver's Logbook
ID xx01ED69
Value 3 Weight 1.0
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Slaver's Logbook
A Dunmer slaver's logbook

Process Log
Mistress Faylu

Date: 15th, First Seed, 433.
Set up camp at Marsh Punk. Optimal location for oversight functions. Several Argonian lairs in the vicinity: good defense position and well hidden. Work has started over Seran camp--due east of our camp. Prisoner pen construction is ahead of schedule. No sign of Imperial patrols, yet.

Date: 26th, First Seed, 433.
Argonian scout found Seran camp. It was hunted before it could alert its herd. Ferval missed a nearby Argonian hideout right by Seran. Too late to withdraw and re-settle the pen. All construction is finished. Doubled the men at Seran--we will need them to stop the Argonians from overrunning it.

Date: 31st, Rain's Hand, 433.
We retreated northwards to rejoin forces. The Argonians found our camps near the Panther River. They assailed us with great force for two weeks, even attacking our camps directly at the end. We were not ready for their level of preparation. They are well organized and supplied for being lesser beings.

Date: 9th, Sun's Height, 433.
We resettled at Marsh Punk. Word from Nayon camp arrived today. Everything is set in the northern edge, a second large pen is now built near Nayon. Lerys is in charge there. Good idea: underground location is perfect for holding these beasts. Also good spot for emergency evacuation should we need to recover again--it is closest to Vvardenfell.

Date: 7th, Last Seed, 433.
Damned beasts! They came out of hiding and attacked Seran. Lost four hunters and three slaves, one died during the escape. Reinforcements are here already. Operation is lucrative enough to keep us well stocked. They will think twice before attacking us again.

Date: 10th, Last Seed, 433.
Raiding parties uncovered Argonian hideouts. Strong opposition, well organized. Caverns are known to locals: Gloom Way, Blood Clot, and Red Gill. Smuggling centres. They have contacts outside. Perhaps they may alert the legion through them. For now they are oblivious to our presence. I have sent orders to organize periodic attacks on these lairs. Fear will cut their tongues. Two beasts captured for interrogation--disposable.

Date: 12th, Last Seed, 433.
One died this afternoon. Told us everything. In fact, it told us several versions of it. Torture is not working on them--they simply tell us what we want to hear, and then some more. We know they have leaders in those strong lairs. We do not know their names, or how to defeat them permanently. Not yet.

Date: 13th, Last Seed, 433.
Hunter Surah found a stranger today--local from Bravil, possibly. Adventurer type. The foolish woman saw it fit to seduce him. We do not know what she advanced in return. He did not reveal much before dying, something about treasures in Shattered Scales cave. I have instructed the groups to keep their damn mouths shut. Flailing Surah had its effect. They will think twice next time. Could not kill her, she has charms that most lack. I confided with her afterwards. She was as tame as expected. Told her to rein that lust and put it to good use. Catch strangers, then make them kill the beast's leaders. That would be a start in earning our trust.

Date: 16th, Last Seed, 433.
Seran was fully stocked. Guar caravan departed towards underground camp. Proceeded to gather new stock. Lerys expects a hefty pay from the last batch. He'll be surprised to see what was sent. All working as expected, and better. Imperial Legion has found out about us. We count on Bravil, Cheydinhal and Leyawin's authorities to act. Sent Surah to work her magic on them. She has been most receptive after her initial mistake and our agreement--truly a worthy move. I did not foresee her potential then.

Date: 22nd, Last Seed, 433.
Report from Surah this noon. Even the errand-boy looked desperate to see me, and pleased upon delivery. Wicked charms of her. Got him to run all the way through the jungle, ha! Information at last. Kizra leads the Argonians at Red Gill caverns. They got word out, which is how the legion found about us. Sent message to Nayon. They are to intensify raids upon her group. Gave the boy a letter for Surah. She will interpret it well, as I taught her, if he makes it back alive.

Date: 27th, Last Seed, 433.
Local Dunmer joined us today. Gave him some gear from our contraband and placed him at my oversight. He is eager to keep dispatching Argonians. Would prefer them all alive, but these tribes are a thorn we must pick. Harvest will proceed much quicker and safer afterwards.

(That appears to be the last entry in the logbook)