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Oblivion Mod:Reclaiming Sancre Tor

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Reclaiming Sancre Tor[edit]

Mod Information
Author: DarkRider
Current Version 1.0.5
Version Date 3 Aug 2012
Links Nexus Mods, TES Alliance, Official site, RST Wiki
Language English
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time 40+ hours
Quests 25 (main); 12 (misc)


Reclaiming Sancre Tor is an in-depth story based expansion pack that adds hundreds of new characters, overlapping quests, new worlds, and multiple unique dungeon levels to the original Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion RPG by Bethesda Softworks. The story surrounds a contingent of Blades from Morrowind who have reclaimed the ancient ruins of Sancre Tor in the aftermath of the Oblivion crisis. The player is invited to join their ranks and must aid the Blades in serving the Empire as well as unraveling their own destiny.

This mod is designed to be a continuation of the Blades plotline at the end of the game's original Main Quest; as such it will not be accessible by the player until after the completion of all stages of the Oblivion Crisis. Upon completion of the Main Quest, some time must pass before the player will be summoned to Cloud Ruler Temple to begin the mod's primary questline so do not be discouraged when the mod does not begin immediately on load. You must collect the Imperial Dragon Armor reward at the end of the vanilla Main Quest to initiate this expansion. It is not necessary to be a member of the Blades faction prior to beginning this mod, nor a saintly paladin, however infamy will play a part in determining the rewards the player receives.

RST's layered main storyline includes a period of basic training in the Blades where you will learn about the Order and earn your place in it, followed by a bit of spywork under the Blademaster Bruin Hrothgar, and ending with a troubling prophecy that only you can unravel as the Hero of Destiny. Earn your ranks in the Blades, meet new characters and creatures, travel to faraway realms, and fill your chests with treasures, weapons, and armors galore. RST contains a little bit of everything for everyone, making it a truly unique Oblivion gaming experience.

In addition to the main quest, RST also includes a few minigames, and sidequests for the hearty quest loving adventurer out there. Each new village has a quest of its own for the resolving and all have unique rewards for your hardwork. There are also some hidden bonuses and quirky easter eggs thrown in to honor the Bethsoft tradition of pop culture references and witty jabs.


  • A patch for Better Cities is available in the BC archive.
  • A patch for Castle Domrose is available here.
  • A patch for Kragenir's Death Quest is available here.
  • A patch for KDQ and Cliffs of Anvil (used together) is available here.
  • A patch for Open Cities is available here.
  • A patch for Roads of Cyrodiil + UL Skingrad Outskirts is available here.
  • Patches for Thievery in the Imperial City and ImpeREAL Empire Unique Forts are available here.
  • Patches for UL Cheydinhal Falls, Cliffs of Anvil, Cloudtop Mountains, and Skingrad Outskirts (without RoC) are available here.
