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Oblivion Mod:Unofficial Oblivion Patch/Statics and Clutter

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NIF Mesh and Texture Fixes - Statics and Clutter[edit]

  • Replaced the default large yellow diamond/grey exclamation point error mesh that denotes a missing mesh with one that's a little more descriptive of the problem, points directly to the origin of the affected object, and doesn't half-hide in the ground (Marker_Error.NIF)
  • Fixed several errors with ship meshes: The player and NPC's will no longer hover noticeably above the decks of the Marie Elena, Bloated Float and other ships due to misaligned Havok, extruded the wheel hub so that the wheel is no longer attached to nothing, fixed the deck trim being seethrough on the underside due to the lack of stenciling, moved two misaligned posts so that seethrough beams no longer jut through them, closed two seethrough beams near the rudder, fixed incorrect texturing and missing UV mapping on the stern railing, and fixed the UV mapping on the rudder so that the rivets are no longer distorted (BloatedFloat01.NIF, MainDeck01.NIF and PirateCabin01.NIF) and optimized from 1,073KB to 683KB, 506KB to 311KB and 220KB to 124KB respectively
  • Deepened the bases of the fore and aft mast components of ship piece MainMast01.NIF so that they are not hovering or seethrough on angled bows or sterns as they were, and optimized from 1,082KB to 763KB (could not just lower instances of them as this would cause the rigging to not line up properly)
  • Closed seethrough gaps between the beams and windows of the drop-in ship cabin piece ShipCabin01.NIF and optimized from 77KB to 43KB
  • Fixed flickering overlap of two beams in ship interior piece SICeilingCurve02.NIF and optimized from 9KB to 7KB
  • Closed two large seethrough holes over the window, fixed distorted and one-sided support beams on the table around the main mast, closed gaps between the frames and wall on the oculus windows on the interior Bloated Float (BloatedFloatInterior01.NIF) and optimized from 798KB to 495KB
  • Improved the fixes for tops of several of the ruined Ayleid towers at Hame, Nornal and Wendir being transparent; properly closed the open polygons of the meshes (ARTower01-03.NIF's) so the separate item is not required (however did not remove it completely as it was used to plug other gaps elsewhere)
  • Also plugged the tops of three similar Ayleid arch types (ARArchColumn01-3.NIFs) as they were also hollow when placed alone as they are in several places, and optimized them from 182KB to 168KB in total
  • Closed seethrough gaps on the rampart undersides of castle wall components CastleWallBend01-08.NIFs and optimized from 2.36MB to 1.64MB in total
  • Removed duplicated-in-place polygons causing flickering on the top of castle wall piece CastleWallEnd01.NIF and optimized from 88KB to 64KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap between the doorframe and wall on castle interior entry door pieces (StackHallEntrance01.NIF) and optimized from 220KB to 96KB (removed many invisible polygons including the useless metalwork on the fake placeholder door that is never seen)
  • Closed a seethrough gap in the stone trim and fixed one-sided wall polygons clipping through the Gothic arch of castle pieces Stack3WayBottomRightHall01.NIF and Stack3WayBottomLeftHall01.NIF and optimized each from 51KB to 27KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps under the balcony's decorative Gothic arches and two polygons of bad UV mapping on each of them, a one-sided hollow beam clipping into the vault apex, two beams and a thin sliver of the wall above clipping into the lower level on castle interior balcony pieces StackBalconyCornerLeft01.NIF, StackBalconyCornerLeft02.NIF, StackBalconyCornerRight01.NIF, StackBalconyCornerRight02.NIF, StackBalconyMid01.NIF, StackBalconyMid02.NIF, StackBalconyRight01.NIF and StackBalconyRight02.NIF, and optimized from 2.50MB to 1.73MB in total
  • Closed a seethrough gap in the ceiling apex, fixed flickering caused by duplicate faces and a slight clipthrough of a beam on StackStairsMid02.NIF and optimized from 102KB to 67KB
  • Fixed a flickery gap in the apex and slight clipthrough of a beam on StackStairsRight02.NIF and optimized from 170KB to 116KB
  • Expanded the flange of the Gothic arch in castle pieces CastleIntLWay.NIF and CastleIntTWay.NIF to close seethrough gaps where they meet other castle pieces (noticeable in Bruma Castle Great Hall) and optimized from 109KB to 70KB and 103KB to 63KB respectively
  • Closed seethrough gaps between the column base and plinth on three castle columns CastleIntLargeHallColumn01-03.NIFs and optimized from 274KB to 221KB in total
  • Removed extraneous one-sided polygons and closed several open beams on a castle dungeon room piece (PrisonDrunkTank02Room.NIF) and optimized from 269KB to 211KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps between the floor and walls on castle dungeon room piece PrisonCell2WayDouble.NIF and optimized from 295KB to 245KB
  • Fixed a polygon of the architrave of a castle archway (Stack4WayBottomHall01.NIF) clipping through the arch and optimized from 41KB to 21KB
  • Fixed a large pair of one-sided rectangular polygons sticking out of castle archways StackStairsDoorFrame01.NIF and StackStairsDoorFrame02.NIF and optimized from 78KB to 52KB and 76KB to 51KB respectively
  • Closed a seethrough tear in the turret and a hole in the corner caused by a missing polygon in both large Imperial City wall meshes (ICWall01.NIF & ICWall02.NIF) and optimized from 928KB to 746KB and 929KB to 734KB respectively
  • Fixed the IC Talos Plaza street mesh (ICTalosStreetPlaza01.NIF) so that the bad land texture at the entry doors doesn't show through without having to edit LAND resources, and optimized from 1,082KB to 989KB
  • Aligned skewed UV mapping on the doorway, fixed the all-black dome top, and lowered the bottom as much of it was slightly flying for the exterior Temple of the One (IC Temple District) and optimized from 995KB to 827KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap in the corner of Trenus Duronius' IC Temple District house (ICTempleBlock04House01.NIF) and optimized from 730KB to 602KB
  • Fixed a piece of bad UV mapping on the base of the exterior of Ulen Athram's house in the IC Talos Plaza district (ICTalosBlock03House01.NIF) closed some small gaps in the roof and optimized from 795KB to 558KB
  • Fixed multiple errors on 18 Imperial City upperfloor room meshes (ICTopFloor01-08, 11-14, 18-21, 25, 2.NIF's): a hole and rogue polygon by the load door and bad UV mapping on the stonework around the stairwell and columns tops on all of them, as well on most seethrough gaps in the ceiling and walls, flickery overlapping (many useless duplicate) polygons on the column tops, and hundreds of invisible polygons embedded or outside the visible area (some had more invisible than visible) optimizing them from 11.1MB to 5.7MB in total
  • Fixed UV mapping errors on the Waterfront tunnel entrance to the Imperial City (ICEntrance01.NIF) and optimized from 1,048KB to 788KB
  • Fixed bad UV mapping around the ceiling and seethrough gaps between the half-columns and walls of ICTowerInt02.NIF and ICTowerInt03.NIF and optimized from 338KB to 294KB and 348KB to 351KB respectively
  • Fixed similar bad UV mapping around the ceiling of ICTowerTop01.NIF and optimized from 306KB to 283KB
  • Fixed polygons of columns poking through other columns in the Imperial Lighthouse interior (ICTowerBottom01.NIF) and optimized from 282KB to 254KB
  • Moved some polygons of a column poking through the wall, fixed bad UV mapping around the ceiling, and removed two extraneous polygons in the stairways of the Bastion (ICTowerInt05.NIF) and optimized from 647KB to 548KB
  • Fixed numerous errors on the four IC hotel top floor meshes (ICHotelTop01-04.NIFs): one-sided polygons, seethrough holes in the ceiling and between columns and the wall, wrinkles in the ceiling stonework, flickering due to overlapping columns and bad UV mapping on column tops, deleted a large number of invisible polygons on the outside or inside the walls and columns, and optimized from 2.09MB to 1.15MB, 1.61MB to 847KB, 1,623KB to 846KB and 2.02MB to 1.07MB respectively
  • Fixed oversized and misaligned Havok mesh on the IC trapdoor stairway (ICDomeStairs01.NIF; in Umbacano Manor and Jakben Imbel's house the Havok was preventing objects by the stairs from being picked up), closed several seethrough gaps between the steps and risers, fixed UV mapping on the step ends, and optimized from 207KB to 159KB
  • Fixed oversized and misaligned Havok mesh on the columns of ICDTopFloor04.nif used in several Imperial city houses which was preventing some objects from being picked up (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed pointless alpha property from the stone lower wall texturing that was causing them to turn dark at an angle, fixed rock instead of wood texture on a ceiling beam and closed several seethrough gaps in the interior of Armand Christophe's and Modryn Oreyn's houses also used on three other places (HouseLowerInterior02.NIF) and removed hundreds of invisible polygons optimizing from 755KB to 346KB
  • Closed several holes in the exterior of a general lowerclass house (HouseLower03.NIF) and removed hundreds of invisible polygons optimizing from 572KB to 308KB
  • Fixed small patches of bad UV mapping on the stair tops of the Market District street mesh (ICMarketStreet01.NIF) and optimized from 718KB to 647KB
  • Moved a one-sided beam protruding into the fireplace and closed large seethrough gaps between the roof and walls on a common farmhouse interior used in about twenty locations (FarmHouseInterior01.NIF) and optimized from 503KB to 362KB
  • Closed a long seethrough seam in the wall of the interior of Weatherleah, the Imperial Bridge Inn and several other locations (FarmHouseInterior03.NIF) and optimized from 894KB to 741KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap between the a beam and the second floor and another in a room wall and removed several duplicated-in-place faces causing flickering on beams in the paired meshes for the interior of the Brina Cross and Drunken Dragon Inns and five other locations (FarmHouseInterior04.NIF & FarmHouseInterior04Top.NIF) and optimized them from 475KB to 416KB and 511KB to 443KB respectively
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the stairs, under the stonework on the harbor side and a brick of the large Anvil dock piece (AnvilBoardwalkComplete01.NIF), fixed several UV mapping errors on the stonework and optimized from 1,184KB to 713KB
  • Fixed similar errors as above on Anvil boardwalk piece AnvilBoardwalkChunk01.NIF and optimized from 1,260KB to 763KB
  • Closed the seethrough underside of AnvilBoardwalkStair02.NIF and optimized from 193KB to 119KB
  • Closed a noticeable seethrough gap under one of the merlons of two Anvil wall pieces (ANCastleWallCurve01.NIF & ANCastleWallCurve02.NIF), smoothed two sharp wrinkles just under the crenelation and optimized from 211KB to 162KB and 213KB to 161KB respectively
  • Closed the seethrough ends of a stone beam and the buttress capitals and seethrough-underside decorative supports on the Anvil castle doorway (ANCastleDoorway01.NIF) and optimized from 166KB to 119KB
  • Removed the useless right column from Anvil courtyard peristyle end pieces ANCastleCourtPillarEnd01.NIF and ANCastleCourtPillarEnd02.NIF as they were overlapping with the other pieces' columns causing flickering (also moved one of the sets in the Anvil courtyard) and optimized them from 87KB to 47KB and 103KB to 48KB respectively
  • Fixed torn and seethrough polygons on the entrance addition to the Anvil lighthouse (AnvilLightHouseBaseEntrance.NIF) and optimized from 84KB to 56KB
  • Closed gaps under the stonework on the dock gate to Anvil (ANCastleGate01.NIF), seethrough stone beam ends over the door, gaps at the back between the towers and wall (can't usually be seen) and optimized from 323KB to 229KB
  • Closed gaps under several vertical beams and floor/ceiling skirting, a large gap between the wall and ceiling vault at the fireplace and fixed UV mapping under the stairway in Ulfgar Fog-Eye's house in the Anvil Lighthouse (AnvilLightHouseInterior01.NIF) and optimized from 595KB to 427KB
  • Fixed UV mapping errors and gaps between the stairway trim and the wall in the Anvil lighthouse interior (LightHouseBase01.NIF) and optimized from 453KB to 335KB
  • Fixed two one-sided polygon protrusions in the upper interior Anvil lighthouse (LightHouseTopRoom01.NIF) and optimized from 373KB to 268KB
  • Closed a hollow beam, and fixed a window cel poking through a beam and several UV mapping errors on the exterior Anvil lighthouse (AnvilLightHouse01.NIF) and optimized from 1,259KB to 1,021KB
  • Removed onesided polygons and closed several seethrough beams and holes in the walls and ceiling in the Flowing Bowl in Anvil (AnvilLCTavernInterior01.NIF) and removed hundreds of invisible polygons optimizing from 883KB to 663KB
  • Fixed flickering/darkening due to duplicate polygons on entire wall panels near the entrance, closed seethrough gaps, gaps around the doorframes and on the beam arches and a gap behind the fireplace, and fixed several UV mapping errors in the main floor of the Count's Arms in Anvil (AnvilUC02FirstFloor01.NIF) and optimized from 1,005KB to 525KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps of nothingness in the walls and ceiling, attached three detached windowframes to the wall, fixed UV mapping under the stairwell, fixed flickering stone beam intersections and a one-sided wall polygon clipping through a stairway post in Heinrich Oaken-Hull's house in Anvil (UC03InteriorFirstFloor.NIF) and removed many invisible exterior polygons optimizing from 549KB to 363KB
  • Closed gaps between the entryway's columns bases and their supports and between the window cels and their frames, moved a post clipping into the entryway's roof, deleted a duplicated-in-place beam causing flickering on the exterior of Quill-Weave's house in Anvil (AnvilHouseMC04.NIF) and optimized from 530KB to 420KB
  • Fixed seethrough gaps at the ends and above the decorative supports, closed several seethrough gaps in the walls of the interior of Quill-Weave's and three others' houses in Anvil (AnvilHouseMCInterior01.NIF) and optimized from 1,202KB to 944KB
  • Closed seethrough column tops and several gaps in the walls in the Private Quarters of the Fo'c's'le in Anvil (AnvilLCHouse03SecondFloor.NIF) and optimized from 1,110KB to 814KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps between the panels and frame of Anvil lower-class load door AnvilLCDoor01.NIF, and removed many invisible and unnecessary polygons optimizing from 84KB to 33KB
  • Fixed a really bad piece of UV mapping on the stonework near the front door, fixed bad UV mapping on the facade and closed gaps between the entry colonnade and walls of the exterior Anvil Mages' Guild (AnvilMagesGuild01.NIF) and optimized from 1,055KB to 779KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap under the eaves of the lower roof, two gaps in columns on the facade and a seethrough gap in the wall by the front door, fixed several small UV mapping errors and two flickering overlaps on the Anvil Fighters' Guild (AnvilFightersGuild01.NIF) and deleted hundreds of invisible interior polygons (two building meshes had been mashed together leaving much of their internal structure) optimizing from 1,104KB to 657KB
  • Fixed two pieces of bad UV mapping and flickering overlapping polygons on IC basement pieces ICBasement1Way.NIF, ICBasement2Way.NIF, ICBasement3Way.NIF, ICBasement3WayCrypt01.NIF, ICBasement4Way.NIF, ICBasementCorner01.NIF, ICBasementCornerCrypt01.NIF and ICBasementTransistion01.NIF {sic} and optimized them from 991KB to 748KB in total
  • Deleted duplicated-in-place polygons causing flickering on the drain grate of a chapel undercroft piece (CathedralCryptCorner02DR.NIF), moved the drain so that it doesn't intersect a column and optimized from 140KB to 106KB
  • Removed a disjointed polygon hovering in a doorway, moved three one-sided polygons clipping through the floor, fixed an area in the ceiling without UV mapping and closed several seethrough gaps in columns in the Abandoned House, Horse Whisperer Stables and the Harborside Warehouse in Anvil (AnvilLCHouse01Interior.NIF) and optimized from 863KB to 614KB
  • Closed a hollow beam by the front door and another on the wall to the right, closed several seethroughs gaps in the roof under the eaves, removed two rogue triangles sticking out of the wall near the chimney on the exterior of the Anvil Abandoned House (AnvilLCHouse01.NIF) and optimized from 339KB to 212KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps between the forge columns and the wall and another between a wall and the floor skirting board in the interior of Morvayn's Peacemaker's (AnvilHouseMCInterior03.NIF) and optimized from 787KB to 582KB
  • Closed a seethrough protrusion of roof and open beams, fixed the bad UV mapping at the bottom of the doorframes on the exterior of the Fo'c's'le in Anvil (AnvilLCHouse03.NIF) and optimized from 626KB to 475KB
  • Closed seethrough open beams, fixed two small patches of flickering due to overlapping polygons and bad UV mapping at the bottom of the doorframe of the exterior of Lelles' Quality Merchandise in Anvil (AnvilLCHouse02.NIF) and optimized from 323KB to 262KB
  • Fixed completely missing Havok collision on the large square planter boxes (CheydinhalGarden03.NIF); the collision mesh was present but standing on edge high above the object, and optimized from 12KB to 10KB
  • Closed seams in the stairway, fixed an open and seethrough piece of stone skirting, closed a large gap between an exterior doorframe and the wall and the wall clipping into it on the town guard barracks mesh (BarracksRoom01.NIF) and optimized from 635KB to 497KB
  • Fixed flickering on beams due to duplicate polygons on the interior Cloud Ruler Temple mesh (TestCloudRulerInt.nif) and optimized it from 2.99MB to 2.05MB (thousands of unwelded vertices)
  • Closed a seethrough gap between the stairwell and wall in the Cloud Ruler Temple West Wing (CRTWestWingBarracks.NIF) and optimized from 295KB to 235KB
  • Extended the beam on the Jerall View Inn sign in Bruma (SignJerallView.NIF) and moved it outwards so that it no longer gets stuck while horizontal in the building Havok when swinging (also looks better as can be read at a distance) and optimized from 121KB to 94KB
  • Fixed a flickering polygon overlap on the floor of the Bruma Mages' Guild living quarters (BrumaMageGuildBase.NIF) and optimized from 1,484KB to 818KB (thousands of unwelded vertices and unnecessary polygons)
  • Closed several open-ended and one-sided beams and two holes in the walls and floor, fixed UV mapping in the fireplace (can't usually be seen) in the interior of Jearl's and Bradon Lirrian's houses in Bruma (BrumaHouseLowerInterior03.NIF) and deleted hundreds of invisible polygons (ie every beams' beveling polygons were still present though outside or hidden in other beams) optimizing from 624KB to 250KB
  • Closed several open-ended and one-sided beams, holes in the roof, fixed UV mapping smearing on several beams in the interior of Ongar's house and the Wildeye Stables in Bruma (BrumaHouseLowerInterior01.NIF) and deleted hundreds of invisible polygons as above optimizing from 705KB to 312KB
  • Closed several gaps in the walls and floor of Istrius Brolus' house in Bruma (BrumaHouseLowerInterior02.NIF) and deleted hundreds of invisible polygons as above optimizing from 780KB to 309KB
  • Removed two unnecessary vertical beams sticking out of the walls in the bedrooms, closed seethrough gaps at the apexes of the roof, fixed a seethrough beam end poking through another beam in Baenlin's, Lyra Rosentia and Honmund's houses in Bruma (BrumaHouseUpper01Int.NIF) and optimized from 1,001KB to 538KB
  • Closed several open-ended and one-sided beams, a hollow vertical wall support and hollow vertical ceiling beam and fixed a ceiling section poking through another one and bad UV mapping on a ceiling beam and in the fireplace (can't usually be seen) in the interior of the player's house and Nord Winds in Bruma (BrumaHouseMiddle02Interior.NIF) and deleted hundreds of invisible polygons optimizing from 1.26MB to 1.01MB
  • Closed seethrough gaps under the windowframes and at the apexes of the roof, fixed some small UV mapping errors on the exterior of Lyra Rosentia's and two other houses in Bruma (BrumaHouseUpper01.NIF) and optimized from 537KB to 435KB
  • Closed several seethrough gaps of nothingness in the walls and ceiling of Olav's Tap & Tack in Bruma (BrumaHouseLowerInnInt.NIF) and optimized from 903KB to 691KB
  • Deepened the frame of common trapdoors ChorrolTrapdoor01.NIF & ChorrolTrapdoor02.NIF so that they are not seethrough when placed against a curved surface as they are in several Imperial City homes, closed a seethrough gap between the panel and frame of ChorrolTrapdoor02.NIF and optimized them from 20KB to 13KB and 23KB to 15KB respectively
  • Fixed a window sticking out of its frame and the wooden windowframes having stone ends in a Chorrol Fighters Guild piece (ChorrolFightersGuildHallInterior01.NIF) and optimized from 70KB to 47KB
  • Fixed parts of the walls turning dark at certain angles, closed a seethrough gap between a beam and the wall, fixed a forge beam clipping into the wall and a strip of bad UV mapping in the Chorrol Fighters Guild basement (ChorrolFGInterior01Basement.NIF) also used for the Cheydinhal guild basement, and removed many invisible polygons optimizing from 518KB to 382KB
  • Fixed a bad piece of texturing on a beam (was stone instead of wood) and a one-sided wall polygon protruding through a beam on the exterior Chorrol Mages Guild (ChorrolMageGuild01.NIF) and optimized from 741KB to 607KB
  • Closed several gaps and fixed clipping into the floor below it for the upstairs of Chorrol's Gottshaw Inn (ChorrolHouseMiddle02InnWall.NIF) and optimized from 169KB to 130KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap between the wall over the porch and a horizontal beam and another over an eave beam, fixed a flickering beam intersection at the roof apex, fixed some bad UV mapping on beams and closed a thin seam in the roof of the exterior of Fire & Steel in Chorrol (ChorrolHouseMiddle09.NIF) also used for a Hackdirt house, and optimized from 523KB to 389KB
  • Fixed flickering beam intersections and bad UV mapping on the chimney on the exterior of the Oak and Crosier in Chorrol (ChorrolHouseMiddle06.NIF) and optimized from 622KB to 524KB
  • Closed two holes in the floor near the forge, fixed several seethrough one-sided beams protruding through other beams, fixed a couple of UV mapping errors on the interior of Fire and Steel in Chorrol and Moslin's Dry Goods in Hackdirt (ChorrolHouseMiddle09Interior.NIF) and optimized from 506KB to 395KB
  • Closed several seethrough gaps in the exterior of Arborwatch (ChorrolHouseUpper04.NIF) Chorrol player's home and optimized from 613KB to 501KB
  • Closed several seethrough gaps under the eaves, between the addition supported by columns and the main structure, and others on the exterior of ChorrolHouseUpper02.NIF and optimized from 807KB to 644KB
  • Closed numerous small seams in the columns, walls and roof of the second floor of Arborwatch (ChorrolHouseUpper04Interior02.NIF - mesh is also the rooms of Moslin's Inn in Hackdirt) closed a gap at the top of the interior doorframe, and deleted hundreds of invisible exterior polygons optimizing from 1,039KB to 577KB
  • Fixed similar errors to the above for the third floor of Arborwatch and Moslin's room (ChorrolHouseUpper04Interior03.NIF) and optimized from 813KB to 486KB
  • Closed numerous seethrough gaps in the walls, floor and trim in Vilena Donton's house in Chorrol (ChorrolHouseUpper02Interior01.NIF) and optimized from 1.43MB to 1.09MB
  • Removed a large duplicated-in-place polygon on the chimney causing flickering on the exterior of Rimalus Bruiant's house in Chorrol (ChorrolHouseUpper01.NIF) and optimized from 551KB to 423KB
  • Closed several seethrough beams in the interior of Rimalus Bruiant's house in Chorrol (ChorrolHouseUpper01Interior.NIF) and optimized from 908KB to 771KB
  • Fixed several flickering beam intersections, closed a seethrough gap in the roof and seethrough gaps between the cupola roofs and their beams on the exterior of Francois Motierre's house in Chorrol (ChorrolHouseUpper03.NIF) and optimized from 679KB to 507KB
  • Fixed misaligned Havok on the wall by the closet on mesh used by three Bravil houses (including the player's home) allowing objects to fall through it, fixed UV mapping errors on the fireplace and optimized from 454KB to 335KB (BravilHouseIntL02.NIF)
  • Closed a seethrough gap in the roof and a wall, fixed bad UV mapping on two beam ends and a beam of the Bravil Skooma Den (BravilCardinalHouse.NIF) and optimized from 431KB to 326KB
  • Closed three seethrough gaps in the walls and two open beams, and fixed a flickering beam intersection in an interior piece of the Bravil Skooma Den (BravilHouseIntU01.NIF) and optimized from 319KB to 236KB
  • Closed two open beams and fixed a one-sided polygon of the ceiling clipping through a beam in City Swimmer's house in Bravil (BravilHouseIntU02.NIF) and optimized from 226KB to 187KB
  • Fixed bad UV mapping and two seethrough beams on the exterior of Dro'shanji's house in Bravil (BravilDroshanjiHouse.NIF) and optimized from 428KB to 353KB
  • Closed a large seethrough gap in the upper floor caused by a missing beam and fixed a flickering beam overlap on the exterior of Silverhome-On-The-Water in Bravil (BravilSilverHomeOnTheWater.NIF) and optimized from 607KB to 513KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the walls, stairway, ceiling beams and the floor near the upstairs door, deleted several flickering overlapping polygons on the floor trim near the upstairs door on the 1st floor interior of Silverhome-On-The-Water in Bravil (BravilSilverHomeOnTheWaterInt1stFloor.NIF) and optimized from 677KB to 495KB
  • Fixed the same flickering overlap and gap as above and closed several gaps on the exterior Bravil Fighters' Guild (BravilFightersGuild.NIF) and optimized from 642KB to 532KB
  • Fixed small patches of bad and missing UV mapping and closed a seethrough seam in the roof apex and hole under a beam in the eaves on the exterior of The Fair Deal and The Lonely Suitor Lodge in Bravil (BravilFairDeal.NIF) and optimized from 529KB to 431KB
  • Closed a seethrough seam in the roof apex and fixed bad UV mapping on the chimney of the exterior of the Archer's Paradox in Bravil (BravilArcherParadox.NIF) and optimized from 325KB to 272KB
  • Fixed some bad UV mapping and incorrect texturing (stone where wood should be) on the exterior of Ungolim's house in Bravil (BravilUgolimHouse.NIF) {sic} and optimized from 475KB to 369KB
  • Fixed see-through hole and bad UV mapping on the bottom of Bravil tower structures (BravilTowerTop01.NIF) and optimized from 429KB to 236KB (high number of invisible interior polygons removed)
  • Sealed the hollow underside of the door on the Bravil canal gate towers so that the seethrough mesh can't be seen into (BravilWaterGate01.NIF) and optimized from 684KB to 535KB
  • Closed over a dozen seethrough gaps in the stairway, ceiling, floor and walls and fixed several one-sided protruded polygons of the 1st floor of the Bravil Mages Guild (BravilMagesGuildInt1stFloor.NIF) and deleted hundreds of invisible polygons optimizing from 1,154KB to 867KB
  • Closed gaps in the stairway and under the columns one of the pieces of the 2nd floor of the Bravil Mages Guild (BravilMagesGuildInt2ndFloor01.NIF) and optimized from 361KB to 272KB
  • Closed about thirty gaps in the walls, ceiling, stairway and under the load door frame of the Bravil Mages' Guild basement (BravilMagesGuildBasement01.NIF) and deleted hundreds of invisible polygons optimizing from 977KB to 634KB
  • Fixed a similar number of gaps in the very similar Bravil Fighters' Guild Basement (BravilFightersGuildBasement01.NIF) and optimized from 888KB to 605KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the stairway and several in the walls and ceiling of the Bravil Fighters' Guild main floor (BravilFightersGuildInt1stFloor.NIF) and optimized from 934KB to 777KB
  • Closed several gaps in beams on the exterior of A Warlock's Luck in Bravil (BravilWarlockLuck.NIF) and optimized from 376KB to 284KB
  • Closed an open beam in the exterior of Henantier's house in Bravil (BravilHernanstirHouse.NIF) {sic} and optimized from 374KB to 320KB
  • Fixed several seethrough gaps in the walls, floor and roof, fixed flickering beam intersections due to overlapping polygons, removed a pointed badly-UV-mapped spike in the fireplace and moved a wooden beam running right through the firebox in the interior of Novaroma in Bruma (BrumaHouseMiddle01Int.NIF) also used in four other Bruma houses, and removed hundreds of invisible polygons optimizing from 1.88MB to 1.57MB
  • Fixed misaligned Havok collision mesh on the second floor so that the player, NPC's and objects will no longer float slightly, fixed several UV mapping errors, eliminated an overlapping face causing flickering, and optimized from 1,281KB to 887KB on the interior of the Gottshaw Inn and Jirolin Doran's house in Chorrol (ChorrolHouseMiddle02Interior.NIF)
  • Closed large seethrough gaps on the undersides of the turrets of the Castle Cheydinhal exterior (CastleCheydinhalKeep01.NIF), smoothed large wrinkles and skewing in the turret beams, fixed several UV mapping errors on the roof (normally invisible) and deleted thousands of hidden faces optimizing from 2.42MB to 1.54MB
  • Removed a displaced floating section of railing beam on the larger Cheydinhal bridge with cupolas (CheydinhalBridge02.NIF) fixed a crinkled beam with one-sided polygon in the ceiling, closed numerous seethrough beams clipping through others (every one of the sixteen handrail diamonds were like this) and handrail supports that weren't tall enough, fixed bad texturing and missing UV mapping on four diagonal supports and optimized from 776KB to 647KB
  • Fixed bad UV mapping and incorrect texture on the handrail ends of the smaller Cheydinhal bridge (CheydinhalBridge01.NIF), fixed clipping and see-through one-sided polygons on all handrail diamonds and bad texturing and missing UV mapping on four diagonal supports as above, and optimized from 366KB to 338KB
  • Fixed open beams clipping through the basement and front doors, closed large gaps between the ceiling and roof, several open seethrough beams and a seam in the first floor ceiling, fixed a roof polygon clipping through a ceiling beam, fixed all of the horizontal mid-wall beams on the first floor having hollow undersides, and closed a seethrough gap between the second-floor banister and the floor on one side in the interior of Rythe's house and Willow Bank in Cheydinhal (CheydinhalHouseUpper01Interior.NIF) and optimized from 918KB to 781KB
  • Flipped the reversed normals on the handles of one of the common Cheydinhal interior and exterior doors (CheydinhalDoor02.NIF & CheydinhalDoorInt02.NIF) and optimized each from 53KB to 31KB
  • Closed gaps and fixed several UV mapping errors in the Oak and Crosier (Chorrol) ChorrolHouseMiddle06Interior.NIF and optimized from 2.13MB to 1.83MB
  • Fixed the stairs in the Oak and Crosier basement (TheOakAndCrossierCellar.NIF) clipping through the wall, closed seethrough gaps between the wall and border in the stairs, between the wall and floor in two places, between the wall and doorframe, and deleted hundreds of polygons outside the visible area optimizing from 1,293KB to 809KB
  • Fixed a spike in the fireplace and a wooden beam running right through the firebox, closed seethrough holes in the walls and floor, fixed a few UV mapping errors on beams on the interior of Casta Scribonia's house in Chorrol and Natch Pinder's house in Hackdirt (ChorrolHouseMiddle07Interior.NIF) and removed hundreds of invisible faces optimizing from 2.50MB to 1.83MB
  • Closed a gap in the second floor ceiling, adjusted two nearby beams that didn't reach the ceiling and a large vertical beam not joining the wall, fixed a seethrough beam clipping through it and another large missing-face beam, flipped two inverted ceiling beams that made them appear missing, deleted several duplicate and moved overlapping polygons causing flickering, removed and moved four unnecessary roof polygons clipping into the second floor ceiling, fixed a first floor wall clipping into the second floor, closed a few other beams open at the end and one on the first floor open and seethrough lengthwise, fixed the wall UV mapping, removed hundreds of polygons outside the visible area, removed a large out-of-place dark area on the attic floor, and fixed the Havok collision on the vertical beam on the second floor in Llevana Nedaren's house in Cheydinhal (CheydinhalHouseMiddle01InteriorA.NIF) and optimized from 821KB to 630KB
  • Fixed the same errors as above in the similar CheydinhalHouseMiddle01Interior.NIF and optimized from 809KB to 660KB
  • Closed a large gap in the roof, a large one-sided eave beam, fixed several UV mapping errors on turret beams and fixed them being hollow and separated from the turret, deleted invisible interior polygons and optimized from 438KB to 375KB for the exterior Newlands Lodge (Cheydinhal) mesh (CheydinhalHouseMiddle04.NIF)
  • Fixed a gap between the floor and banister, a duplicated-in-place banister post causing flickering, two banister posts being inside-out due to reversed normals, a seethrough wall in the forge area, a gap between a beam and wall near the fireplace, two one-sided beams clipping through another beam and three more clipping in through the other floor, all the beams in the tower being hollow on the tops, in the interior of the March Rider in Cheydinhal (CheydinhalHouseMiddle03Interior.NIF) and optimized from 1,007KB to 844KB
  • Fixed a gap between the floor and banister, three seethrough beams protruding through other beams, two intersecting diagonal braces on one side of a wall and none on the other, a one-sided stone texture protruding through the tower's doorframe, a roof beam that disappeared into the roof and another clipping through a wall beam,a one-sided polygon of the tower poking through an adjoining wall, a hollow beam in the tower, a duplicated-in-place banister post causing flickering, two banister posts being inside-out due to reversed normals, and a thin diagonal seam on every stone stair riser in Ohtimbar's house in Cheydinhal (CheydinhalHouseMiddle05Interior.NIF) and optimized from 909KB to 767KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap between a roof beam and wall and the ceiling and wall near it, two seethrough gaps between the wall and ceiling, a long ceiling beam hollow at the top, all of the first-floor wall border being hollow and a thin diagonal seam on every stone stair riser in Magul's and Aldos Othran's houses' interiors in Cheydinhal (CheydinhalHouseMiddle05Interior.NIF) and optimized from 824KB to 685KB
  • Fixed several UV mapping errors on beams, closed seethrough gaps in the roof trim and between beams and walls on the exterior Cheydinhal abandoned house (CheydinhalAbandonedHouse01.NIF) and optimized from 670KB to 602KB
  • Fixed a noticeable large uncapped seethrough beam end in the stairway, a large ceiling beam missing one side, several banister posts that were not attached, three wall onesided polygons clipping through beams and several other seethrough beams in the interior Cheydinhal abandoned house (CheydinhalAbandonedHouse01.NIF) and optimized from 821KB to 683KB
  • Fixed three transparent pieces of broken stone, closed seethrough gaps under and at the base of the tunnel walls, fixed several UV bad mappings, and removed many polygons outside the visible area of the Dark Brotherhood entryway tunnel (DarkBrotherhoodHall01.NIF) optimizing from 274KB to 187KB
  • Closed numerous seethrough gaps between beams and beams clipping through walls, fixed flickering beam tops and fixed the distortion on the skylight beams on the interior Cheydinhal Bridge Inn and Orum House (CheydinhalHouseUpper03Interior.NIF) and optimized from 977KB to 832KB
  • Moved misaligned walls causing gaps in the walls beside the fireplace, moved/aligned the misaligned decorative keystones on the hearth, extended/closed four large seethrough ceiling beams near there and another near the top of the stairs to the second floor, moved a seethrough beam coming through the ceiling and two more through walls, fixed flipped normals/polygons on two of the banister supports and deleted a duplicated-in-place support causing flickering, closed a gap between the ceiling and stairwell, lowered three seethrough beams sticking through other beams, raised a rafter beam with a seethrough end, lowered two that were too high (one cut off halfway across the roof,) raised two that were causing flickering at their intersection, deleted a duplicate beam in the upstairs rooms, raised the displaced Havok mesh on the first floor so that the player and others don't sink slightly into it and moved a large horizontal beam at the stairwell with no Havok inwards in the interior Newlands Lodge in Cheydinhal (CheydinhalHouseMiddle04Interior.NIF) and optimized from 1,068KB to 906KB
  • Fixed bad beams (squashed and distorted) and seethrough gaps in the stonework of the Cheydinhal Castle gate (CastleGateCheydinhal01.NIF) deleted many invisible interior polygons and optimized from 428KB to 318KB
  • Removed a large one-sided polygon poking through the roof of Rythe Lythandas' house in Cheydinhal (CheydinhalHouseUpper01.NIF), fixed dozens of UV mapping errors and missing polygons on decorative beams, and optimized from 632KB to 523KB
  • Fixed flickery beam tops in the interior of Riverview and the Cheydinhal Fighters' Guild (CheydinhalHouseUpper02Interior.NIF), closed several gaps in walls and beams, fixed every horizontal beam on the first floor being hollow underneath and optimized from 903KB to 803KB (CheydinhalHouseUpper03Interior.NIF)
  • Fixed Havok collision type on the Arena and some related components (BloodworksCistern01.NIF, ChorrolArenaInterior01-04.NIFs, and ChorrolArenaInteriorGround01.NIF) from skin to stone type, fixed UV mapping errors on all the ChorrolArenaInterior .NIFs, closed seethrough holes near the side gates on 03 and 04, moved and added missing Havok collision on the Arena pit (ChorrolArenaInteriorGround01.NIF) to prevent the player from being able to jump onto the wall or through a column to behind the Yellow Team's gate and thus have a rather unchallenging match, and optimized all of them down to half their original combined size
  • Fixed bad Havok in the Arena Bloodworks (ChorrolBloodworks01.NIF) that put an invisible barrier in the corner behind Ysabel Andronicus and prevented a cupboard from being activated, fixed one of the columns not going all the way to the ground, and optimized from 425KB to 327KB
  • Fixed the seethrough carpet at the back of the Leyawiin throne platform (LeyawiinPlatform01.NIF)
  • Fixed the Havok collision in the rafter area so that the player can't jump onto it and "fall out of the world", closed all the hollow ceiling beams and several see-through gaps in the walls in a Leyawiin house interior (LeyawiinHouseIntL10.NIF) also used in two Borderwatch houses and optimized from 624KB to 492KB
  • Closed several seethrough gaps in the walls and ceiling and closed all the hollow ceiling beams in Leyawiin house interiors LeyawiinHouseIntL01.NIF & LeyawiinHouseIntL04.NIF, and optimized from 637KB to 498KB and 644KB to 507KB respectively
  • Fixed a flickering patch on a beam caused by duplicate faces, closed numerous gaps in the walls, floors, ceilings and shelves of the Five Claws Lodge in Leyawiin and the Border Watch Inn (LeyawiinHouseIntL07.NIF) and optimized from 442KB to 430KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap under the upper floor columns and removed duplicated-in-place polygons from around it causing flickering and closed small gaps, moved the lower landing steps of the stairway so that they no longer protrude through the wall into an adjacent room, removed a duplicated-in-place step front causing flickering, closed small seethrough gaps at the base of all of the banister posts and several other small gaps in the room and wall of the interior of Three Sisters in Leyawiin (LeyawiinHouseInteriorUpper01.NIF) and deleted hundreds of invisible polygons optimizing from 2.54MB to 2.00MB
  • Fixed flickering beam overlaps, two onesided beams protruding through another, five seethrough gaps in walls (three including a huge one to the right of the front door and the oculus were missing wall pieces) and bad UV mapping on a dormer window on the exterior Leyawiin Mages Guild (LeyawiinMagesGuildHouse.NIF) and optimized from 1,019KB to 899KB
  • Fixed flickering beam overlaps and closed two seethrough gaps in the walls of the exterior Blackwood Company Hall in Leyawiin (LeyawiinBlackwoodCompany.NIF) and optimized from 696KB to 600KB
  • Closed all the hollow ceiling beams, enabled stenciling on the ceiling texture so that the room's ceiling isn't transparent from the outside, closed two holes in the roof and walls of LeyawiinHouseIntL02.NIF and optimized from 698KB to 561KB
  • Closed an open beam and all the roof trim beams sticking over the edge of the roof and seethrough on LeyawiinHouseLower01.NIF and optimized it from 238KB to 182KB
  • Closed a similar open beam that was duplicated-in-place causing flickering on both sides, closed seethrough gaps in the walls and roof of LeyawiinHouseLower02.NIF and optimized from 257KB to 196KB
  • Closed two gaps in the roof of LeyawiinHouseLower03.NIF and optimized from 248KB to 188KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap in a corner beam and two in walls in LeyawiinHouseLower07.NIF and optimized from 382KB to 305KB
  • Added missing Havok to a Leyawiin house mesh (LeyawiinHouseLower04.NIF; also used for the Coast Guard station) so that the player can't jump through the overhanging porch roof, closed seethrough gaps between the walls and base trim and optimized from 216KB to 161KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the roof walls and thin seams in the eaves of LeyawiinHouseMiddle01.NIF and optimized from 340KB to 281KB
  • Fixed flickering overlapping polygons on beams, smeared UV mapping and small seethrough seams in the roof of LeyawiinHouseMiddle02.NIF and optimized from 360KB to 314KB
  • Closed seethrough four gaps in the exterior walls, removed several duplicate polygons causing flickering on LeyawiinHouseMiddle03.NIF and optimized from 252KB to 224KB
  • Fixed two flickering beam intersections and closed the hollow chimney top on LeyawiinHouseUpper03.NIF, and optimized from 620KB to 528KB
  • Closed two seethrough holes in the walls and a thin seam in the roof and fixed several UV mapping errors on beams on LeyawiinHouseUpper01.NIF and optimized from 462KB to 401KB
  • Fixed a flickering beam intersection and closed a seethrough roof end on LeyawiinHouseUpper05.NIF, and optimized from 507KB to 447KB
  • Fixed several flickering duplicated-in-place beams, closed a seethrough gap in a wall and one of the roof ends being seethrough on LeyawiinHouseUpper06.NIF and optimized from 619KB to 547KB
  • Closed a seethrough hole in a wall and the seethrough chimney top and fixed flickering beam overlaps of LeyawiinHouseUpper07.NIF and optimized from 509KB to 453KB
  • Raised the bottom of the Leyawiin Castle secret door (SecretDoor.NIF) so that it doesn't go right through the stone trim base when it opens, and slightly optimized it from 5KB to 4KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the middle and top of an animated Leyawiin interior door (LeyawinDoorLowerInt01.NIF) and optimized from 60KB to 45KB
  • Fixed several flickering beams on the exterior Weynon Priory house (WeynonHouse01.NIF) closed seethrough gaps in the trim and optimized from 1,006KB to 892KB
  • Fixed blurry texturing on the roof of the Weynon Priory chapel (PrioryChapel01.NIF) which is used in other locations as well, several UV mapping errors on the trim and optimized the mesh from 1,064KB to 892KB
  • Fixed a one-sided beam poking through and flickering duplicated polygons near the altar of the interior Priory chapel also used in similar locations to the above (PrioryChapelInterior.NIF) and optimized from 1,072KB to 916KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap and removed a flickering overlapping polygon by the front door, moved the front door buttress up so that it doesn't block the door, fixed several UV mapping errors on horizontal beams on the exterior Skingrad Fighters' Guild (SKFightersGuild01.NIF) and optimized from 542KB to 452KB
  • Closed several gaps and open beams, fixed several UV mapping errors, and moved the displaced Havok collision on the upstairs banister and post so that it can't be walked through in Eugal Belette's house in Chorrol (ChorrolHouseMiddle04Interior.NIF) and optimized from 788KB to 712KB
  • Closed a seethrough seam in the floor and a seethrough gap in a wall of the interior of Francois Motierre's house in Chorrol (ChorrolHouseUpper03Interior.NIF) and deleted hundreds of invisible polygons optimizing from 1.51MB to 1.04MB
  • Deleted a flipped-normals duplicated column, closed a gap in the wall caused by misalignment and two open beams over doorways, closed gaps between the doorframes and walls, moved a rafter beam hollow at one end that didn't go down far enough and another that flickered due to close intersection with another roof beam, lowered a horizontal beam to close a slight showthrough of roof polygons, centered the UV mapping of the diamond window pattern, raised a beam over these windows that had a small gap of see-through nothingness beyond, fixed bad UV mapping on the beam over the load door, and deleted several useless polygons outside the visible area in the Skingrad Mages' Guild Living Quarters (SKMageGuildIntT.NIF) and optimized from 414KB to 359KB
  • Fixed the same errors as above (except for those with the windows) in the Skingrad Fighters' Guild Living Quarters (SKFightersGuildIntT.NIF) and optimized from 347KB to 317KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps around the front door, moved the front door buttress up so that it doesn't block the door, and closed several seethrough gaps in wall and columns in the Skingrad Fighters' Guild main floor (SKFightersGuildIntB.NIF) and optimized from 1,108KB to 833KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps on the columns by the front door, fixed bad UV mapping on several beams, closed a seethrough chimney top of the exterior Skingrad Mages Guild (SKMageGuild01.NIF) and optimized from 621KB to 499KB
  • Closed a large seethrough gap over the load door, fixed several UV mapping errors on beams, in the interior of Glarthir's house in Skingrad (SKHouseMiddleInt02.NIF) and optimized from 910KB to 802KB
  • Fixed several areas of bad UV mapping on beams, a very dark and flickery duplicated-in-place pointed window arch in the upstairs rooms, several gaps in beams and gaps around the front door and interior door, and two open seethrough beam ends in the Surilie brothers' house and Hammer and Tongs (SkHouseMiddleInt03.NIF) and optimized from 1,120KB to 952KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap under a wall and between the banister and stairwell, seethrough ceiling beams and a floor skirting that were not long enough, fixed bad UV mapping on several beams and a flickery beam intersection in the ceiling in Salmo the Baker and Tamika's houses in Skingrad (SkHouseMiddleInt01.NIF) and optimized from 1.25MB to 1.06MB
  • Closed large seethrough gaps at the sides of the entryway and small gaps around the doorframe, moved the front door buttress up so that it doesn't block the door, closed a seethrough open chimney top and fixed bad UV mapping on a horizontal beam on the exterior Summitmist Manor in Skingrad (SKHouseUpper01.NIF) and optimized from 651KB to 536KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps over the load door frame, moved the door buttress up so that it doesn't block the door in the West Weald Inn interior in Skingrad (SKHouseUpperInt02B.NIF) and optimized from 1.26MB to 1.06MB
  • Fixed bad UV mapping on several beams in the West Weald Inn upstairs (SKHouseUpperInt02T.NIF) and optimized from 477KB to 417KB
  • Fixed bad UV mapping under a beam and closed several open beams and gaps, moved the front door buttress up so that it doesn't block the door, and removed a duplicated-in-place window arch causing flickering on the exterior of Salmo the Baker and Tamika's houses in Skingrad (SKHouseMiddle01.NIF) and optimized from 460KB to 375KB
  • Fixed a flickery overlapping polygon near the front door, moved the front door buttress up so that it doesn't block the door, closed the hollow chimney top and fixed several UV mapping errors on horizontal beams on the exterior of the player's home Rosethorn Manor in Skingrad (SKHouseUpper04.NIF) also used in other places, and optimized from 516KB to 440KB
  • Fixed many of the ceiling boards in the roof overlapping causing flickering or having seethrough ends in the roof of the interior of Reman Broder's and Undena Orethi's houses in Skingrad (SKHouseLowerInt01.NIF) and optimized from 541KB to 423KB
  • Fixed UV mapping on the chimney and closed gaps between the walls and roof of the exterior of Bernadette Peneles' house in Skingrad (SKHouseLower03.NIF) and optimized from 219KB to 173KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps between the dormer windows and roof, fixed UV mapping on several beams and the chimney on the exterior SKHouseLower04.NIF and optimized from 291KB to 238KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap under a decorative ceiling beam and two seethrough gaps in walls, fixed two flickering overlaps on columns in the interior of Nerastarel's house in Skingrad (SKHouseUpperInt05B.NIF) and optimized from 1,084KB to 863KB
  • Fixed skewed UV mapping causing wavy planking on the walls of the upstairs of Nerastarel's house in Skingrad (SKHouseUpperInt05B.NIF) and optimized from 331KB to 223KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the rear roof and fixed bad vertex colors and a sliver of the lower wall clipping into the balcony on the exterior Skingrad house SKHouseUpper02.NIF, and optimized from 767KB to 645KB
  • Closed large gaps between the columns by the front door and the wall and fixed bad UV mapping on a horizontal wall beam on the exterior Skingrad house SKHouseUpper05.NIF, and optimized from 499KB to 419KB
  • Fixed two pieces of bad UV mapping by the front door and closed gaps between the dormer roofs' apexes and roofs on exterior Skingrad house SKHouseUpper06.NIF, and optimized from 538KB to 454KB
  • Fixed several flickering beams due to overlapping faces on Skingrad house exterior SKHouseMiddle05.NIF and optimized from 502KB to 422KB
  • Moved the decorative buttress over the load door so that it doesn't block it, fixed UV mapping errors on two column bases, closed seethrough gaps between the banister base and the floor and on the base and top of two columns in the stairwell of the interior of Summitmist Manor in Skingrad (SKHouseUpperInt01B.NIF) and optimized from 1,118KB to 924KB
  • Fixed flickery beam intersections in Ambroise Canne's and Shameer's houses in Skingrad (SKHouseLowerInt04.NIF) and optimized from 886KB to 631KB
  • Closed seethrough end of the entry door's doorstop and gaps over the doorframe, fixed bad UV mapping on horizontal wall beams and several flickering beam intersections in the Summitmist Manor Living Quarters (SKHouseUpperInt01T.NIF) and optimized from 356KB to 302KB
  • Fixed small UV mapping errors and two duplicated polygons over the fireplace causing flickering in Marlena Brussiner's house in Hackdirt (ChorrolHouseMiddle03Interior.NIF) and optimized from 693KB to 619KB
  • Fixed incorrect texture and bad UV mapping on door beam ends, seethrough gaps/one-sided polygons between the floor and beams, and flickery beam intersections on a ruined guild in Kvatch (RuinedGuild.NIF) and optimized from 965KB to 677KB
  • Fixed two pieces of bad UV mapping on a ruined Kvatch castle gate (KvatchCastleGate03.NIF) and optimized from 363KB to 269KB
  • Closed a seethrough seam between the wall and a buttress of Kvatch curved wall piece KvatchCastleWallCurve07.NIF and optimized from 214KB to 167KB
  • Closed two holes of missing polygons and bad UV mapping on the column tops of the Imperial City interior wall divider (ICWallInt01.NIF) and optimized from 190KB to 154KB
  • Removed the face of the lowest step of BravilStairs01.NIF so that it doesn't clip through the platform it is placed on in several areas in Bravil, and optimized from 99KB to 72KB
  • Fixed flickering overlapping polygons on a beam end on the Bravil dock stairs used in many other places (BravilStairs03.NIF) and optimized from 232KB to 179KB
  • Fixed several flickering overlaps on beams ends and the stair sides of Bravil house exterior stairs BravilStairs04.NIF and optimized from 253KB to 195KB
  • Fixed flickery beam intersections on basement sections 1Way.NIF, Exit2Room.NIF, LWay.NIF, UngrdCurveSmall.NIF and UngrdCurveSmallRoom.NIF, and optimized from 383KB to 346KB in total
  • Moved a broken stone piece clipping through two beams of underground ruined tunnel transition UngrdTransitionFortRuin02.NIF, closed two seethrough gaps in floor beams, and deleted many polygons outside the visible area to optimize it from 111KB to 80KB
  • Removed duplicated polygons, fixed UV mapping and vertex colors on a ruined fort interior wall section (RFRmHallBalconyEndcap.NIF) and optimized from 42KB to 35KB
  • Closed large seethrough gaps of nothingness in the ceiling of fort ruin pieces RFRmCornerFigsL01.NIF and RFRmCornerFigsR01.NIF and optimized from 222KB to 176KB and 221KB to 174KB respectively
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the tops of fort ruin pit pieces RFPitBaseCorner.NIF, RFPitBaseCornerDoor2x.NIF, RFPitBaseCornerDoorL.NIF and RFPitBaseCornerDoorR.NIF and optimized from 517KB to 450KB in total
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the ceiling and between the columns and walls of fort ruin piece RFRmCornerL01.NIF (same as previously done for mirror-image RFRmCornerR01.NIF) and optimized from 285KB to 222KB
  • Removed duplicated polygons causing flickering on ruined fort section RFRmBalconyExitTranW.NIF and optimized from 260KB to 215KB
  • Closed a seethrough brick in ruined fort section RFNHalf01.NIF and optimized from 88KB to 69KB
  • Closed a small seethrough gap in the doorframe of ruined fort doorway RFRmDoorway01.NIF and optimized from 257KB to 213KB
  • Closed two seethrough gaps in the walls of ruined fort section RFWDeadEnd01.NIF and optimized from 195KB to 154KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the ceiling and a stone piece not being attached to the column on all four corners of ruined fort piece RFW4Way01.NIF and optimized from 241KB to 158KB
  • Adjusted the vertex coloring and UV maps to close visible seams between Sancre Tor wall sections (RFHubTunnelA.NIF, RFHubTunnelAb.NIF & RFHubTunnelAc.NIF)
  • Removed the pointless alpha property that was causing the two Sancre Tor Hub entryway braziers (RFHubDoorArchBrazier.NIF) to be transparent, and optimized from 15KB to 10KB
  • Fixed UV mapping errors on a Bravil castle wall (BravilCastleKeepWall01.NIF) and optimized from 208KB to 143KB
  • Added missing vertex colors to the shaft of the Kvatch well used in other places such as Hackdirt and Weatherleah (KvatchStoneWell01.NIF) so that the rather shallow bottom can't be seen and optimized from 161KB to 136KB
  • Fixed light vertex colors allowing the shallow bottom of the Anvil well to be visible (AnvilWell01.NIF) and optimized from 197KB to 150KB
  • Removed a dark seam line encircling the Anvil Castle well base (ANCastleCourtCircle01.NIF) and optimized from 51KB to 20KB
  • Fixed the mounting bracket on two-candle sconces being too far inward so the candles and their iron bowls stuck through the wall, adjusted the candles so that they no longer hang over the edges (were slightly seethrough) and fixed them not lighting up the wall behind them (WallSconceDouble01.NIF, WallSconceDouble01Fake.NIF, WallSconceDouble01Fake.NIF and Clutter\WallSconceDouble01.NIF)
  • Fixed the middle-class bowl of candles (MiddleBowlTanCandles01.NIF) so that one candle isn't clipping through the bowl, and optimized from 50KB to 44KB
  • Fixed strange refraction effect on the texturing of the beveled edges of the stone wall's posts (StoneWallPost01.NIF) seen when moving around them
  • Updated previous fix for ICGroundFloor04.NIF; corrected more UV mapping errors and optimized the mesh
  • Fixed bad vertex colors causing the tops of ruined fort iron railings to be completely black (RFIronRailing01.NIF) and optimized from 34KB to 20KB
  • Aligned too-high Havok on the flat surface of fort ruin endcaps (RFWEndCapFig.NIF) so that objects placed on them don't either fall through or hover noticeably over them (as in Bravil Wizard's Grotto) and optimized from 17KB to 9.5KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps between the arm supports and arms on the middleclass chair (MiddleChair04.NIF) and loveseat (MiddleChair05.NIF) and optimized the meshes from 102KB to 93KB and 166KB to 156KB respectively
  • Fixed one of the legs of a lowerclass chair (LowerClassChair01.NIF) missing its end and optimized from 113KB to 55KB (many unwelded vertices and hidden polygons removed)
  • Realigned the impossibly off-center string and nail on a lower-class painting (LowerPainting07.NIF) and optimized from 16KB to 12KB
  • Replaced the complex Havok collision mesh on ChorrolLoadDoorMiddle01.NIF and ChorrolLoadDoorMiddle02.NIF with a simple box; possible slight FPS increase
  • Resized the Havok collision box on ChorrolLoadDoorUpper04.NIF to remove the gap at the top and bottom
  • Fixed flickering on the ends of LowerClassBench01.NIF, LowerClassTable01.NIF and LowerClassTable03.NIF caused by overlapping polygons and optimized them from 77KB to 41KB, 176KB to 86KB and 134KB to 68KB respectively
  • Closed the seethrough feet of middle class table MiddleTable04.NIF (seethrough bottoms can be seen in the Kvatch castle where one is overturned) and slightly optimized from 116KB to 112KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps on the Mages Guild counters (MageGuildDesk01.NIF) between the countertop and decorative border and optimized from 247KB to 228KB
  • Closed three seethrough gaps in the stairwell, fixed one of the lower wall beams having stone instead of wood texture, a large one-side polygon protrusion in the ceiling of the dining area in the interior of several lowerclass inns ie Aleswell, the Roxey Inn, the Inn of Ill Omen and others (LowerClassTavernInterior01.NIF) deleted hundreds of invisible polygons optimizing from 966KB to 591KB
  • Closed two seethrough gaps in the lowerclass bar (LowerBar02.NIF) and optimized from 76KB to 62KB
  • Fixed flickering on the base and a thin seam between two layers of the tabletop of large upperclass table UpperTable04.NIF and optimized from 272KB to 226KB
  • Aligned the misaligned Havok collision mesh on ChorrolDoorMiddleAnim03/4/6.NIF's, ChorrolDoorMiddleAnim04.NIF
  • Fixed flickering at the intersection of the wrought-iron strips on several static signs (SignBlackWaterSideStables.NIF, SignBorbasGoodsAndStores.NIF, SignCheydinhalBridgeInn.NIF, SignMachNasBooks.NIF, SignNewlandsLodge.NIF and SignTheMarchRider.NIF) and optimized each from 109KB to 67KB (meshes are all the same except for the texture of the signboard)
  • Fixed the reverse side's texturing so it uses the texture made for it and removed pointless alpha property from the Black Horse Courier broadsheet (BroadSheet01.NIF) and the Gray Fox posters (WantedPoster02Static.NIF)
  • Fixed flickering overlapping polygons on the sides of the pawl of the large Oblivion tower gate ratchet (OblivionTowerSwitch01.NIF) and optimized from 207KB to 102KB
  • Fixed flickering caused by duplicate faces on one of the ceiling rings of Oblivion hall threeway CitadelHall3WayWinB01.NIF and optimized from 382KB to 294KB
  • Closed gaps in the hallway arches and fixed protruding polygons over the doors of the hallway entrance to Oblivion Sigil stone chambers (CitadelDeadraLordsChambers03.NIF) and optimized from 309KB to 204KB
  • Removed pointless alpha property from "Mother's Head" (MomsHead.NIF) and optimized from 193KB to 85KB
  • Corrected the collision type on Garridan's Tears to clutter, so that Telekinesis will now work on them (GarridansTears.NIF)
  • Fixed texture gap in the Sapphire (Sapphire.NIF ), fixed the Flawed Sapphire (SapphireFlawed.NIF ) having no flaws, and fixed the incorrectly sized Havok mesh on it and the Flawless Sapphire (SapphireFlawless.NIF) and removed the pointless alpha property from all three
  • Closed the hole in the mesh of one of the common keys (Key02.NIF) thus was able to remove the stencil property that was hiding it
  • Removed duplicated polygons causing flickering and changed the Havok type from complex to simple boxes on a lowerclass table (LowerClassTable05.NIF)
  • Changed the Havok type from complex to simple box and/or capsule shapes on two dungeon benches and a middleclass table (DUNBench.NIF, DUNBenchNormal.NIF and MiddleTable01.NIF)
  • Fixed several errors on all six upperclass double beds (UpperDoubleBed01-06.NIFs): on all of them closed a large gap underneath between the mattress frame and the headboard/footboard, smoothed a wrinkle in one of the feet, and closed seethrough gaps between the pillows and headboard, on 04-06 closed a seethrough gap at the back of the headboard, and on 04 fixed incorrect texturing on the posts (the blanket's texture was being used instead of wood) and fixed a polygon of the frame clipping through the blanket; also removed many invisible polygons optimizing them from 1.76MB to 1.09MB in total
  • Fixed the same errors as above on all six upperclass single beds (UpperSingleBed01-06.NIFs) and optimized them from 1.75MB to 1.27MB in total
  • Fixed the bedboard sticking through the blankets of the Countess of Anvil's bed (AnvilBed01.NIF) and optimized from 387KB to 280KB
  • Closed the seethrough carpet at the back of the platform the Countess of Anvil's bed sits on (AnvilPlatform01.NIF) and optimized from 28KB to 22KB
  • Fixed the hit effect on several bed types (LowerClassBed01-03.NIF's ) to cloth from stone and optimized them from 396KB to 261KB in total
  • Fixed a polygon of the wooden frame clipping through the blankets on all middleclass beds (MiddleDoubleBed01-04.NIFs), closed gaps between the headboard and footboard and frame, enabled stenciling on the blankets so that they are not transparent from behind and removed invisible polygons optimizing from 444KB to 362KB in total
  • Fixed flickering caused by duplicated polygons on the back of upperclass silverware shelves UpperCubboard02.NIF {sic} and optimized from 158KB to 139KB
  • Fixed misaligned Havok on an upperclass chest that objects are commonly placed on (UpperChest02.NIF) so that they don't hover too far above it, and optimized from 125KB to 92KB
  • Fixed flickering overlapping polygons on the angled lowerclass chest (LowerClassChest02.NIF) and optimized from 493KB to 211KB (hundreds of invisible interior polygons removed)
  • Fixed UV mapping errors and seethrough gaps on the metal trim of a middleclass chest (MiddleChest01.NIF) and optimized from 209KB to 100KB (thousands of unwelded vertices)
  • Corrected the UV mapping at the stave tops of the open barrel (LowerClassBarrel01.NIF) so that it doesn't look as though there is a seethrough seam running around it, and optimized from 61KB to 50KB
  • Fixed flickering on the top of the lowerclass cupboard (LowerClassCupboard01.NIF) and optimized from 150KB to 86KB (hundreds of unwelded vertices)
  • Fixed the hit effect on Umbacano's display cabinet (UmbecanoDisplayCase01.NIF {sic}) to wood from stone and optimized from 234KB to 179KB
  • Fixed bad UV mapping on the top and back of upperclass bookshelves (UpperWallShelf01.NIF & UpperWallShelf02.NIF), sealed the bottoms so that they can't been seen through (they are toppled in the destroyed Bruma Mages Guild) and slightly optimized the latter from 47KB to 45KB (01 only lost 0.5KB; also optimized 03 already in the UOP from 84KB to 79KB and capped the top as it can commonly be seen into if near stairways)
  • Closed a seethrough hole between the top shelf and one of its supports on one of the lowerclass shelves (LowerClassShelves01.NIF) and optimized from 133KB to 71KB
  • Fixed flickering overlaps on the beam ends, closed seethrough gaps between the front facing and beams, and fixed the backface clipping through the top beam on the lowerclass dresser (LowerClassDrawers01.NIF) and optimized from 137KB to 75KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap above one of the staves of MiddleBarrelTopped03.NIF and optimized from 101KB to 68KB (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed bad UV mapping on the bottoms of all potion bottles (Potion01.NIF, PotionAlteration.NIF, PotionConjuration.NIF, PotionDestruction.NIF, PotionIllusion.NIF, PotionMysticism.NIF, PotionPoison.NIF & PotionRestoration.NIF) and optimized all from 28KB to 21KB
  • Fixed flipped normals on every face of the Calipers (Callipers01.NIF {sic}) causing the entire mesh to be inside-out, and optimized from 18KB to 12KB
  • Fixed the ends of hay bales (HayBail01.NIF) {sic} being transparent due to overlapping alpha channels on the beveling; removed the beveling on the ends and joined to the cylinder, and optimized from 25KB to 17KB
  • Closed the seethrough bottoms of the legs of the hay archery target found everywhere in the game (TargetHay01.NIF) and optimized from 331KB to only 98KB (thousands of unwelded vertices mostly in the chain)
  • Fixed the grain spilling from the torn sack mesh (DunSack01.NIF) being seethrough from the back, and optimized from 51KB to 35KB (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed a bad piece of texture on the left hanging hook of one of the lowerclass tapestries (LowerTapestry04.NIF) and slightly optimized from 18KB to 17KB
  • Fixed flickering on the turnable page of the book animation object used by NPC's (GenericBook.NIF) as it had the exact same co-ordinates and was a duplicate of the page underneath it, and optimized from 17KB to 14KB
  • Fixed flickering at the overlap of the grate beams of the common firewood and grate (FirewoodGrate.NIF) and slightly optimized from 37KB to 35KB
  • Closed a thin seethrough seam on the bottom of the decorative shields seen hanging in Fighters Guild halls (ShieldBronze.NIF), fixed the UV mapping on the sides of the shield pieces and optimized from 128KB to 109KB
  • Resized the undersized Havok collision mesh on cheese pieces (Cheese05.NIF & Cheese05Static.NIF) and Somnalius Fronds (IngredSomnaliusFrond.NIF)
  • Fixed the collision types on Clannfear Claws (IngredClannfearClaw.NIF), Scales (IngredFishScale.NIF) and Daedra Skin (IngredDaedraSkin.NIF) from cloth to skin, and simplified the Havok on the latter
  • Optimized the complex Havok on Harrada (IngredHarrada.NIF) and Spiddal Stick (IngredSpiddalStick.NIF)
  • Replaced the complex Havok on the Quill (Quill01.NIF) with a simple box
  • Corrected the UV mapping on the leaves of Ayleid statues (ARStatue01.NIF and ARStatueSmall01.NIF) to remove a triangular hanging piece at the ends, aligned several of the leaves which were hanging off the stems, fixed UV mapping errors packed/MOPP'ed the Havok mesh and optimized the meshes by ~300KB and ~75KB respectively
  • Corrected the UV mapping on the leaves of Ayleid ruin vines (ARVineArch01.NIF, ARVineArch02.NIF & ARVineGrowOnTop.NIF) to remove a triangular hanging piece at the ends, aligned several of the leaves which were hanging off the stem, and removed duplicated underside polygons by enabling stenciling
  • Fixed the branches having a square cross-section which closed most of the seethrough gaps and ragged edges at the base of Vine Maple shrubs (ShrubVineMapleSnow.SPT & ShrubVineMapleSU.SPT)
  • Fixed several flowers and leaves of the Morning Glories (FloraMorningGloryBlue01-04.NIFs and FloraMorningGloryPurple01-04.NIFs) that were not attached to the stems
  • Fixed flickering on the leaves of the Monkshood (FloraMonksHood01.NIF) caused by polygons being both stenciled and two-sided, and made the root no longer taper to a point so was able to remove hundreds of edits from them from the ESP
  • Made the roots of Foxgloves (FloraFoxglove01.NIF), Columbines (FloraColumbine01.NIF) and Milk Thistles (FloraMilkThistle01.NIF) no longer taper to a point and optimized from 74KB to 61KB, 36KB to 28KB and 28KB to 25KB respectively
  • Fixed the stems on the Strawberry plant (CropStrawberry01.NIF) so that most of them are no longer unattached to the ground so was able to remove many edits to them from the ESP, and optimized from 127KB to 79KB
  • Fixed many of the leaves of the Primroses (FloraPrimrosePink.NIF and FloraPrimrosePurple.NIF) being noticeably detached from their stems
  • Changed the stems of Bergamot (FloraBergamot01.NIF and FloraBergamot02.NIF) and Viper's Bugloss (FloraViperBugloss01.NIF) so that they no longer taper to a point; as a result was able to remove most of the cell edits for them (see above)
  • Fixed one of the stems of both varieties of Ginseng (FloraGinsengRed.NIF & FloraGinsengYellow.NIF) being shorter than the other two so was often above ground level
  • Halved the alpha rendering FPS loss that occurs when the player is very close to any of the cobweb meshes (Cobweb01-07.NIFs); removed the duplicate backface object and enabled stenciling, removed normals and set an emissive color to prevent them from being overly dark, so they may look slightly different but are still as close as I could make them to how they are originally
  • Fixed bad UV mapping on the corners of Ayleid rubble ARWellBroken03.nif and optimized from 13KB to 11KB
  • Greatly reduced the floatiness of the overlayed moss above the surface of several West Weald rock types (RockWestWealdMoss01-05.NIFs, RockWestWealdMoss07.NIF, RockWestWealdMoss10.NIF and RockWestWealdMoss12.NIF) and optimized from 863KB to 764KB in total (there's still some slight floatiness left, but it's much better than it was, and after spending three solid days on just these I think I'll take a break from West Weald rocks for now)
  • Fixed smeared texturing caused by bad UV mapping on a Jerall Mountain rock cluster (JMRockSmallSnow04.NIF) and optimized the mesh (98KB to 25KB)
  • Fixed seven Oblivion cave pieces ObWallRampLong02A.NIF, ObWallRampLong02B.NIF, ObWallRampLong02D.NIF and ObWallRampLong02LavaA-D.NIFs which did not fit together correctly with other cave pieces and so caused a triangular seethrough hole in the ceiling wherever they were used, and slightly optimized from 343KB to 338KB (a face optimize would change the geometry and introduce more gaps)
  • Fixed cave piece CPitWall04A.NIF which did not fit together correctly with other cave pieces and so caused a triangular seethrough hole in the floor wherever it was used, and slightly optimized from 50KB to 44KB
  • Fixed the following cave entrance meshes having a leading space in their filename in the BSA so if they were modded they would show as an error mesh on some OS's where leading spaces are not permitted (such as 64-bit Vista): CEntranceCHighlandSm01.NIF, CEntranceGoldCoastSm01.NIF, CEntranceGreatForestSm02.NIF, CEntranceMtnSnowLG01.NIF, CEntranceMtnSnowLG02.NIF, CEntranceMtnSnowLG03.NIF, CEntranceMtnSnowSm01.NIF, CEntranceMtnSnowSm02.NIF, CEntranceMtnSnowSm03.NIF, CEntranceRockMossSm01.NIF, CEntranceRockyBeachSm01.NIF, CEntranceWestWSm01.NIF and CEntranceWestWSm02.NIF (also since the correctly named meshes have to be included, optimized them from 925KB to 831KB in total)
  • Removed unneeded extra texture reference to the normal map, fixed a small UV mapping error on the fringe ends, simplified the complex Havok collision mesh, and changed the Havok type so that projectiles don't get stuck in them for the following rugs: AnvilRugMid01.NIF, AnvilRugEnd01.NIF, BravilRugMid01.NIF, BravilRugEnd01.NIF, BrumaRugMid01.NIF, BrumaRugEnd01.NIF, CastleRugMiddleCheydinhal.NIF, CastleRugEndCheydinhal.NIF, KvatchRug02.NIF, KvatchRugLong01.NIF, KvatchRugLongEnd01.NIF, KvatchTapestry01.NIF, KvatchRug01.NIF, LeyawiinRugMid01.NIF, LeyawiinRugEnd01.NIF, CastleThroneRugSkingrad.NIF, CastleThroneEndRugSkingrad.NIF, CastleThroneRugChorrol.NIF, ChorrolGreatHallRugCenter.NIF, MS51RugClue.NIF, CastleThroneEndRugChorrol.NIF, LowerClassRug02.NIF, LowerClassRug03.NIF (packed NiTriStrips and removed pointless alpha from both LowerClass as well,) MageGuildRugCircle01.NIF, MageGuildRugRectangle01.NIF, MiddleClassRugCircle01.NIF, MiddleClassRugCircle02.NIF, MiddleClassRugOval01.NIF, UpperClassRugCircle01.NIF, UpperClassRugCircle02.NIF, UpperClassRugRectangle01.NIF, UpperClassRugRectangle02.NIF and UpperClassRugSquare01.NIF

  • Fixed numerous errors with the Daedric Shrine statues (several already present in the UOP so are updates):
    • Statue Pedestals (DaedricStatuePedestal01.NIF): Matched texturing with the Shrine pedestals
    • Azura (DaedricShrineAzura01.NIF): Tangent space artifacting, crown not being double-sided, face details being blurry, optimized mesh
    • Boethia (DaedricShrineBoethia01.NIF): Tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh type (strips instead of shapes)
    • Clavicus Vile/Barbas (DaedricShrineClavicusVile01.NIF & DaedricShrineClavicusVileDog01.NIF): Severe tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh and collision
    • Hircine (DaedricShrineHircine01.NIF & DaedricStatueHircine01.NIF): Optimized mesh
    • Hermaeus Mora (DaedricShrineHMora01.NIF & DaedricStatueHMora01.NIF): Tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh and mesh type (strips instead of shapes)
    • Malacath (DaedricShrineMalacath01.NIF & DaedricStatueMalacath01.NIF): Tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh
    • Mehrunes Dagon (DaedricStatueDagon01.NIF): Severe tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh
    • Mephala (DaedricShrineMephala01.NIF & DaedricStatueMephala01.NIF): Tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh
    • Meridia (DaedricShrineMeridia01.NIF & DaedricStatueMeridia01.NIF): Right foot sunken into pedestal, loincloth not double-sided, tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh and mesh type (strips instead of shapes)
    • Molag Bal (DaedricShrineMolagBal01.NIF & DaedricStatueMolaBal01.NIF): Wrong Havok collision type, tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh, (DaedricStatueMolaBal01-05Destroyed.NIF's): Tangent space artifacting and optimized meshes
    • Namira (DaedricShrineNamira01.NIF & DaedricStatueNamira01.NIF): Face details being blurry, tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh
    • Nocturnal (DaedricShrineNocturnal01Destroyed.NIF, DaedricShrineNocturnal03Destroyed.NIF & DaedricStatueNocturnal01.NIF): Tangent space artifacting and optimized meshes, (DaedricShrineNocturnal01.NIF & DaedricShrineNocturnal02Destroyed.NIF): Optimized meshes
    • Peryite (DaedricShrinePeryite01.NIF & DaedricStatuePeryite01.NIF): Tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh
    • Sanguine (DaedricShrineSanguine01.NIF & DaedricStatueSanguine01.NIF): Useless light source that caused the Construction Set to complain, loincloth not double-sided, optimized Havok collision object, tangent space artifacts, optimized mesh
    • Sheogorath (DaedricShrineSheogorath01.NIF & DaedricStatueSheogorath01.NIF): Tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh
    • Vaermina (DaedricShrineVaermina01.NIF & DaedricStatueVaermina01.NIF): Seethrough gap near right ear, overlapping polygons, severe tangent space artifacting, optimized mesh
  • Closed a seethrough gap between the floor and banister on the top floor of SkHouseMiddleInt03.NIF
  • Closed a seethrough gap between the floor and wall skirting in the Anvil Lighthouse (AnvilLightHouseInterior01.NIF)
  • Fixed part of the tunnel to the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary (UngrdTransitionFortRuin02.NIF) not fitting together with the other sections, leaving seethrough gaps near the floor
  • Closed some thin seethrough seams (could only be seen at the same level as the mesh) in BravilTowerTop01.NIF
  • Removed flickering overlapping polygons from ICBasement3WayCrypt01.NIF and ICBasement3WayCrypt02.NIF
  • Closed a seethrough gap over the upper load doors of ICGroundFloor07.NIF, ICGroundFloor09.NIF, ICGroundFloor20.NIF, ICGroundFloor26.NIF and ICHotelGroundFloor01.NIF
  • Closed a seethrough gap near the door to the Imperial Council chamber (ICPalaceCouncilRoomEnt01.NIF)
  • Removed more flickering overlapping polygons from the stairwell roof of ICTopFloor02.NIF
  • Closed a seethrough hole where the stairwell roof meets the wall in ICTopFloor14.NIF
  • Closed a seethrough seam between the wall and a half-column in the Leyawiin Mages' Guild basement LeyawiinBasement04.NIF
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the wall near the load door of LeyawiinHouseIntL10.NIF
  • Fixed UV mapping on the stonework of the tower and closed two seethrough seams in the roof facade of ChorrolHouseUpper01.NIF
  • Closed a small seethrough gap halfway up the wall of ruined fort interior piece RFRmCornerFigsL01.NIF
  • Fixed incorrect ambient property on some windows of FarmhouseInterior04Top.NIF causing the windows to appear different colors

Newly Added

  • Closed seethrough gaps in the walls where they bordered half-columns in Leyawiin Fighters Guild 3rd Floor West (LeyawiinFGInteriorRoom02.NIF) and optimized from 397KB to 339KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps between the walls and ceiling of ruined fort hallway stairs RFNStairs02.NIF and optimized from 195KB to 164KB
  • Removed the unnecessary alpha blending at the bases of stalactites causing them to be too bright, or to disappear if viewed through another layer of alpha (mist, cobwebs, etc.) on cave pieces CPitWall02A.NIF, CPitWall02C.NIF, CPitWall02D.NIF, CPitWall03A.NIF, CPitWallTall01A.NIF, CPitWallTall01B.NIF, CPitWallTall01C.NIF, CPitWallTall01D.NIF, CRmWall03A.NIF, CRmWall03B.NIF, CRmWall03C.NIF and CRmWall03D.NIF, and optimized from 1,192KB to 1,053KB in total
  • Fixed the doubled seafloor in Topal Bay and the Abecean Sea caused by the generated LOD mesh being too high wherever there was water (60.-32.-64.32.NIF, 60.-32.-96.32.NIF, 60.-64.-32.32.NIF, 60.-64.-64.32.NIF, 60.-64.-96.32.NIF, 60.-64.00.32.NIF, 60.-96.-32.32.NIF, 60.-96.-64.32.NIF, 60.-96.-96.32.NIF, 60.-96.00.32.NIF, 60.00.-64.32.NIF, 60.00.-96.32.NIF, 60.32.-64.32.NIF and 60.64.-96.32.NIF) also closed two seethrough holes in one of them and optimized them from 2.32MB to 1.66MB in total
  • Fixed the Havok collision on the back wall of Riverview in Cheydinhal (CheydinhalHouseUpper02.NIF) so that it can't be walked through (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed the missing Havok collision on the entire ceiling allowing it to be jumped through of a section of Margarte's house in Leyawiin (LeyawiinMCHouseInterior04.NIF) and optimized from 527KB to 454KB
  • Fixed the missing Havok collision on the entire ceiling of the (very similar mesh to the above) Leyawiin Fighters' Guild 2nd Floor (LeyawiinFGInteriorRoom01.NIF) and optimized from 524KB to 433KB
  • Fixed the missing Havok collision of the ceiling of the porch of LeyawiinHouseLower01.NIF (player's house and other locations) so that it can't be jumped through and the misaligned Havok for the porch supports that were allowing them to be somewhat walked through (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed part of the ceiling in Borba's Goods and Stores and the Knights of the Thorn Lodge in Cheydinhal (CheydinhalHouseMiddle01Interior.NIF) so that it can't be jumped through (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed same part of the ceiling as above in Llevana Nedaren's house in Cheydinhal (CheydinhalHouseMiddle01InteriorA.NIF) so that it can't be jumped through (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed the missing Havok collision of the ceiling of the porch of LeyawiinHouseLower04.NIF (Coast Guard Station and other locations) so that it can't be jumped through, and closed another seethrough gap in the roof (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed duplicated faces causing flickering on two rafter beams and closed seethrough roof apexes on the external Bruma Fighter's Guild and Jerral View Inn (BrumaFightersGuild.NIF), and removed many invisible polygons and thousands of unwelded vertices optimizing from 813KB to 464KB
  • Closed a seethrough ceiling beam, a seethrough beam by the load door, a one-sided beam protruding through another on the floor and fixed a flickering overlap in a wall panel on CheydinhalHouseUpper02Interior.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed several more seethrough beams and one-sided polygons on CheydinhalHouseUpper03Interior.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed seethrough gaps by the front door and in the angled ceiling of Jerall View in Bruma (BrumaUpperInnInt.NIF), deleted hundreds of invisible polygons and welded thousands of vertices optimizing from 1.88MB to 1.28MB
  • Closed several seethrough gaps and replaced small sections of bad texturing on the interiors of the Dividing Line and Ra'Jahirr's house in Leyawiin (LeyawiinMCHouseInterior01.NIF) and optimized from 1.46MB to 1.25MB
  • Closed numerous seethrough gaps in the walls and around the windows of Jeetum-Ze's Room in the Blackwood Company Hall in Leyawiin (LeyawiinBlackwoodCompanyRoom01.NIF) and optimized from 428KB to 373KB
  • Fixed similar errors as above in Ri'Zakar's Room (LeyawiinBlackwoodCompanyRoom02.NIF) and optimized from 377KB to 334KB
  • Closed the seethrough end of the porch roof of LeyawiinHouseLower03.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed a seethrough beam missing a side by the front door, hollow beams in the ceiling (could be seen by jumping) and a seethrough gap in a wall panel in the player's house in Leyawiin (LeyawiinHouseIntL08.NIF) also used in a Blankenmarch and Border Watch cell, and optimized from 495KB to 423KB
  • Removed a few more flickering duplicated polygons from the interior of Cloud Ruler Temple TestCloudRulerInt.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed a hollow seethrough-underside support beam in the Cloud Ruler Temple West Wing stairs (CRTWestWingStairs.NIF) and optimized from 189KB to 144KB
  • Closed several seethrough gaps in the walls and replaced missing polygons in one of the columns of the basement of Three Sisters in Leyawiin (LeyawiinBasement02.NIF) and optimized from 721KB to 563KB
  • Removed duplicated-in-place columns that were flickering badly and a duplicated-in-place wall panel, and closed seethrough gaps between a column and the window alcove in the second floor of the Leyawiin Mages' Guild (LeyawiinMGInteriorLaboratory.NIF) and optimized from 1.44MB to 1.18MB
  • Fixed the same errors as above in the Leyawiin Fighters' Guild second floor (LeyawiinFGInteriorTraining.NIF - mostly a retexture of LeyawiinMGInteriorLaboratory.NIF) and optimized from 1.37MB to 1.08MB
  • Closed the underside of the semicircular decorative frame over Leyawiin animated doors (LeyawiinUpperDoorInt01.NIF) as it was seethrough and optimized from 23KB to 16KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap over the doorframe, moved a one-sided ceiling polygon sticking through the wall and fixed intersecting beams on Bravil upperfloor piece BravilHouseIntU03.NIF and optimized from 237KB to 198KB
  • Closed another two seethrough gaps in the walls of BravilHouseIntM07.NIF and LeyawiinHouseIntL01.NIF (meshes were already in the UOP)
  • Closed another seethrough gap between a half-column and wall in BravilMagesGuildInt1stFloor.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed another seethrough gap over an upper load doorframe and fixed a small polygon on the upper landings with missing vertex colors on ICHotelGroundFloor02.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed the same upper landing polygons as above on ICHotelGroundFloor03.NIF and ICHotelGroundFloor04.NIF; also fixed the UV mapping on column tops on the latter (meshes were already in the UOP)
  • Closed more seethrough gaps and eliminated more flickering overlaps in ICHotelTop04.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed more flickering overlapping polygons from the roof of the stairwell of ICDTopFloor04.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Sealed the column bases and extruded bottom borders to close seethrough gaps underneath ICTowerMiddle01.NIF in the Imperial Lighthouse tower (the only place where it's used) and slightly optimized from 226KB to 219KB
  • Closed a one-sided polygon making a seethrough gap on a piece of the destroyed IC Temple of the One (ICTempleM01.NIF) and optimized from 1.44MB to 1.23MB
  • Fixed flickering overlapping polygons on the stem of the Marie Elena in the IC Waterfront (PirateRivets01.NIF) and optimized from 288KB to 140KB (hundreds of unwelded vertices removed)
  • Fixed several one-sided polygon intrusions (ie stairs and columns clipping through into the next room) and closed numerous seethrough gaps in the walls and roof of the upper floor of the Count's Arms in Anvil (AnvilUC02SecondFloor01.NIF) and optimized from 1,043KB to 661KB
  • Fixed a flickering overlap in the wall panels, eliminated a large one-sided beam polygon sticking through the second floor and closed numerous seethrough gaps in the walls and roof of Lelles' Quality Merchandise in Anvil (AnvilLCHouse02Interior.NIF) and optimized from 929KB to 726KB
  • Fixed some smeary UV mapping over the doors of AnvilLCHouse02.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed seethrough gaps around the roof of the Chorrol Fighters' Guild Tower (ChorrolFGTowerInterior01.NIF) and optimized from 209KB to 171KB
  • Fixed two pieces of bad UV mapping in the exterior Leyawiin Fighters Guild LeyawiinFightersGuildHouse.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed a small one-sided polygon of a protruding beam into the upper floor of LowerClassTavernInterior01.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed two more seethrough gaps and fixed several pieces of bad UV mapping in the exterior Leyawiin Blackwood Company house Meshes\Architecture\Leyawiin\Exterior\LeyawiinBlackwoodCompany.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed an unnecessary polygon causing a flickering overlap on the exterior Archer's Paradox in Bravil (BravilArcherParadox.NIF; mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed flickering column tops overlapping with ceiling beams, gaps under doorframes, banister supports, over ceiling beams, under stair steps and at the top of the stairs, and some bad UV mapping in the Leyawiin Mages Guild (LeyawiinMGInterior.NIF) and optimized from 2.90MB to 2.22MB
  • Fixed the same errors as above on the Leyawiin Mages Guild Library (LeyawiinMGInteriorLibrary.NIF) and optimized from 992KB to 835KB
  • Fixed the same errors as above on the interior Leyawiin Fighter's Guild (LeyawiinFGInterior.NIF) and optimized a further 47KB off of it by removing more invisible polygons (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed the same errors as above on the interior of Alval Uvani's house in Leyawiin (LeyawiinHouseInteriorUpper09.NIF) and optimized from 1.36MB to 1.06MB
  • Closed seethrough gaps under a doorframe, in a stair step, under banister supports and in a wall of the interior Leyawiin Blackwood Company Hall (Meshes\Architecture\Leyawiin\LeyawiinBlackwoodCompany.NIF) and optimized from 2.35MB to 1.83MB
  • Fixed flickering column tops and gaps between them and ceiling beams and closed other gaps in the walls and under banister supports of Southern Books and Rosentia Gallenus' house in Leywaiin (LeyawiinHouseInteriorUpper11.NIF) and optimized from 1.40MB to 1.10MB
  • Closed large seethrough gaps in the walls, columns and window cels in J'Bari's and Mahei's houses in Leyawiin (LeyawiinRoomInterior24.NIF) and optimized from 588KB to 511KB
  • Closed numerous gaps in the walls, columns and ceilings of the Leyawiin Mages' Guild basement (LeyawiinBasement04.NIF) and optimized from 1,111KB to 883KB
  • Fixed the same errors as above in Alval Uvani's basement in Leyawiin (LeyawiinBasement03.NIF) and optimized from 1,075KB to 857KB
  • Closed numerous seethrough gaps in the walls of Margarte's house in Leyawiin (LeyawiinMCHouseInterior03.NIF) and optimized from 1.54MB to 1.25MB
  • Lightened overly dark vertex colors causing a black floor section in the stairwell in Bernadette Peneles' house in Skingrad and the Isolated House (SKHouseLowerInt03.NIF) and optimized from 545KB to 440KB
  • Fixed small flickering overlaps in the ceiling corners of SkHouseUpperInt03.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed a seethrough gap in a back wall and removed duplicated-in-place window arch polygons causing flickering on Skingrad house exterior SKHouseMiddle01.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed a duplicated-in-place section of the roof of SKHouseUpper06.NIF causing flickering (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed four duplicated-in-place window arches causing flickering on Skingrad house exterior SkHouseMiddle03.NIF and optimized from 487KB to 388KB
  • Fixed UV mapping around the oculus window and overlapping polygons causing flickering on the trim at the back of the Skingrad Mages' Guild (SKMageGuild01.NIF ; mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed the stairway of CastleInterior\CastleStairs01.NIF extending beyond the visible area which caused them to clip through adjacent rooms in Cheydinhal and Chorrol castles, and optimized from 75KB to to 47KB
  • Fixed castle wall piece CastleWallCurve07.NIF not fitting together properly with other pieces leaving a small seethrough gap at the top (normally invisible from the ground but noticeable from the rampart) and optimized from 227KB to 183KB
  • Fixed bad UV mapping under Skingrad town wall pieces SkCastleWallGateTower.NIF and SkCastleWallGateTower02.NIF and slightly optimized by 0.6KB in total
  • Made new mesh UOPArkvedCornerDoorL01.NIF for three false doors' room pieces in Arkved's Hall of Changes with deepened doorframes, as the player could go into the tiny false door room, close the door behind them and it would embed the player in the door such that it became transparent
  • Sealed the bottoms of the ruined statues found in fort ruins (RFStatueFig01-03.NIFs) as they were transparent in many places where the statue has been overturned, and optimized thm from 239KB to 201KB in total
  • Fixed flickering at intersections of shelf boards and small pieces of bad UV mapping on the upperclass desk (UpperDesk01.NIF) and optimized from 192KB to 165KB
  • Fixed a flickering overlap at the end of the seat boards of the lowerclass bench (LowerClassBench01.NIF) and optimized from 76KB to 49KB (the static version of this bench in Clutter was already in the UOP)
  • Removed the useless hexagonal pins from round table MiddleTableRround01.NIF {sic} as they had no texture properties and other data (mesh only optimized by 0.5KB)
  • Eliminated flickering overlaps on the ends of lowerclass table DunTable01.NIF found in dungeons, fixed the rivets having wood texture and optimized from 170KB to 85KB
  • Fixed a flickering overlap at the end of the tabletop boards of LowerClassTable06.NIF and optimized from 114KB to 59KB
  • Fixed flickering overlap of boards at the top of upperclass shelving unit UpperWallShelf02.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed more duplicated-in-place polygons causing flickering on a leg of LowerClassTable01.NIF and LowerClassTable03.NIF (meshes were already in the UOP)
  • Closed seethrough buttress tops on BravilCastleTower02.NIF and fixed the ropes around the horizontal beams being misaligned so were inside it, and optimized from 271KB to 213KB
  • Slighty widened the columns of all eight Ayelid inner ring components (ARInnerCircle01-08.NIFs); they were narrower than their corresponding outer ring components which left seethrough gaps wherever they were used (most noticeable at Narfinsel where there is no stairway in the middle of the ring) and optimized from 442KB to 399KB in total
  • Fixed the complete lack of Havok collision on Ayleid ruin piece ARCrossBeam01.NIF (diagonal buttress between the inner and outer ring components of Ayleid ruins) and capped the seethrough ends as there are many places where they are exposed
  • Closed large seethrough gaps of nothingness in ruined fort narrow stairway RFNStairs01.NIF and optimized from 155KB to 133KB
  • Fixed fort exterior piece RFCastleWallsTop03A.NIF being slightly too wide at one point, so left seethrough gaps wherever it was used, and optimized from 119KB to 95KB
  • Removed invalid alpha property from the waterspouts of ruined fort basin RFNAlcoveBasin.NIF that were causing them to be transparent, and optimized from 39KB to 32KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps of nothingness in the ceiling of ruined fort piece RFNHalf01.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed flickering overlapping polygons on the top of lowerclass bookshelves LowerClassShelves02.NIF and optimized from 158KB to 84KB
  • Fixed oversized Havok collision at the base of Oblivion talon rock ObTalonRockLg03.NIF and slightly optimized from 74KB to 72KB
  • Fixed bad UV mapping on the back of cave rock CRock01.NIF (backside facing is not supposed to be seen as the rock is usually embedded but there are places where it is)
  • Fixed the oversized Havok mesh on burnt West Weald rock RockWestWealdBurnt09.NIF found in and around Kvatch and optimized from 41KB to 37KB
  • Improved oversized Havok meshes at the bases of ruined Oblivion walls RuinedWallRoundLeft01.NIF and RuinedWallRoundRight01.NIF, and optimized them from 1.91MB to 1.02MB in total (thousands of unwelded vertices)
  • Fixed flickering overlap of two planks on loose planks mesh WoodPlanks01.NIF and optimized from 19KB to 16KB
  • Fixed redundant texture reference on UpperClassRugCircle01.NIF (used both and though the area shown of the latter texture is exactly the same as the former) so the redundant texture doesn't need to be loaded into memory
  • Fixed missing texture (was matte black) on the inside notches of the stationary post of common animated cave gate CDoor02.NIF and optimized from 39KB to 33KB
  • Sealed the hollow tops of mine ceiling supports MCeilingEndCapNoCol01.NIF and MCeilingNoCol01.NIF as they could be seen into in several places they are used (optimized them but they grew by 1KB each due to all the new polygons)
  • Fixed the hinges on chargen dungeon animated door ImpDunDoor02.NIF not being attached to the door so it was unsupported (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed the useless light sources from Weynon Priory secret doors and doorframe WHouseFalseCabinet.NIF, FalseCabinetDoor01.NIF and FalseCabinetDoor02.NIF that were causing the Construction Set to complain, fixed the door handle rivets not being attached to the handles and optimized from 155KB to 135KB in total
  • Closed the back of the large upperclass bookshelf (UpperWallShelf03.NIF) so that it isn't transparent in two locations (this mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed the usual litany of seethrough gaps, bad UV mappings and unneccessary polygons in the interior of the Two Sisters Lodge in Skingrad (SKHouseMiddleInt04B.NIF) and the upstairs (SkHouseMiddleInt04T.NIF) and optimized from 1,286KB to 1,055KB and 455KB to 394KB respectively
  • Corrected the collision type in the window alcoves of Leyawiin Mages Guild sections LeyawiinMGInteriorShops.NIF and LeyawiinMGInteriorDinning.NIF {sic} so that they don't sound like water if walked on, fixed bad vertex color alignment in the ceiling and optimized from 1.18MB to 1.04MB in total
  • Closed several seethrough gaps in the exterior of Reynald Jemane's house in Chorrol (ChorrolHouseMiddle05.NIF) and optimized from 451KB to 372KB
  • Closed more gaps in BravilFightersGuildBasement01.NIF and also added BravilFightersGuildBasement02.NIF as there were ceiling gaps in that as well, and optimized from 354KB to 296KB
  • Fixed up CheydinhalHouseMiddle01, 04 and 05.NIFs some more; still had some gaps and bad UV mapping, and reduced 01's size another 4KB and 04 another 10KB
  • Fixed the hole in the middle of the manhole cover (SewerManholeCover01.NIF) being transparent, so if it was placed on a floor as it is in several IC houses as a load door the floor could be seen through it
  • Closed several seethrough gaps in castle pieces StackStairsRight03.NIF and StackStairsLeft03.NIF including under all the stonework of the banisters and optimized from 565KB to 391KB and 567KB to 384KB respectively
  • Fixed a missing windowframe beam on SKHouseLower04.NIF exposing the one-sided window cel (this mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed a piece of bad UV mapping on boulder RockGreatForest1400FGDMoss.NIF and optimized from 152KB to 137KB
  • Fixed bad UV mapping on the sides of chargen dungeon pieces IDPitFloor2WayNoCol01C.NIF & IDPitFloor3WayRCol02C.NIF and optimized from 24KB to 19KB in total
  • Fixed bad UV mapping at the corners and several seethrough gaps on CastleKitchenFireplace01.NIF and optimized from 242KB to 185KB
  • Fixed the bedframe clipping through the blanket on ships' interior beds (SIBed01.NIF) and optimized from 75KB to 59KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap over the upper doorframe of ICGroundFloor18.NIF missed originally (mesh is already in the UOP)
  • Fixed several pieces of bad UV mapping on the broken barrel found in dungeons (DunBarrel01Broken.NIF) and optimized from 129KB to 96KB
  • Fixed skewed UV mapping in the grate of IC sewer piece SewerTunnelStraight04.NIF and optimized from 73KB to 63KB
  • Fixed introduced patches of bad UV mapping in the alcoves of IC top floor pieces ICTopFloor21.NIF and ICTopFloor25.NIF (face optimize artifacting) and the roof of FarmHouseInterior01.NIF (also restored a couple of accidentally deleted fireplace polygons)
  • Fixed optimization on ICGroundFloor19-21.NIFs and ICTopFloor01,05.NIFs causing ragged edges on the local map.

Optimized Meshes[edit]

Optimized all unskinned meshes already present in the UOP 100KB or larger and some others:

Name Original Size UOP Before UOP After Notes
AnvilFGTopFloor.NIF 211KB 209KB 125KB
AnvilHouseMC02.NIF 449KB 448KB 383KB
AnvilUpperClass02.NIF 975KB 963KB 665KB
AnvilUpperClass03.NIF 1,113KB 1,110KB 816KB Also fixed the column capitals being transparent from both sides due to missing polygons, a polygon of bad UV mapping and a flickering overlap in the base stone border and a one-sided poly of wall border poking through a doorframe missed originally.
ARStatue01.NIF 1.233KB 813KB 804KB
ARStatueSmall01.NIF 258KB 167KB 162KB
BloodworksEntrance01.NIF 479KB 479KB 371KB
BravilCastleKeepGate01.NIF 747KB 776KB 627KB
BravilFightersGuildInt2ndFloorB.NIF 325KB 270KB 262KB
BravilHouseIntL04.NIF 368KB 368KB 303KB Also fixed bad UV mapping on the fireplace missed originally.
BravilHouseIntL05.NIF 504KB 426KB 397KB
BravilHouseIntM07.nif 338KB 338KB 305KB Also fixed a flickering skirting beam and a missing beam missed originally.
BravilStairs02.NIF 169KB 169KB 125KB Also fixed several small seethrough gaps and flickering missed originally.
BravilTowerTop03.NIF 140KB 105KB 100KB
CastleIntTransistionLWay01.NIF 217KB 198KB 150KB
CastleIntTransistionRWay02.NIF 216KB 197KB 151KB
CastleKeepBruma.NIF 558KB 561KB 386KB Also fixed a thin seam around the ramparts missed originally; this can't usually be seen.
CastleWallRiverGate01.NIF 215KB 213KB 169KB
CastleTower512Ground0Way01.NIF 107KB 106KB 91KB
CastleTower512Ground1Way.NIF 165KB 164KB 135KB
CastleTowerLadder01.NIF 189KB 188KB 155KB
CathedralAkatoshIntEntRuined01.NIF 1.26MB 1.25MB 1.04MB
CheydinhalFightersGuild01.NIF 808KB 700KB 612KB Also fixed gaps in the doorframe decoration and its blocking the doors and a gap between the railing and floor on the balcony missed originally.
CheydinhalHouseMiddle01.NIF 578KB 583KB 545KB Also fixed numerous UV mappings and one-sided beams missed originally.
CheydinhalHouseMiddle02Interior.NIF 911KB 880KB 778KB Also fixed a seethrough gap under the banister, a seam in the fireplace and several bad UV mappings missed originally.
CheydinhalHouseMiddle05.NIF 380KB 338KB 313KB Also fixed open roof ends, several seethrough gaps/beams and numerous UV mapping errors missed originally.
CheydinhalHouseUpper03.NIF 647KB 569KB 538KB Also fixed several open beams and UV mapping errors missed originally.
CheydinhalMagesGuild01.NIF 807KB 700KB 641KB Also fixed flickery overlapping polygons in the vertical beam to the left of the front door missed originally.
CheydinhalHouseUpper02.NIF 1,137KB 957KB 875KB Also fixed numerous gaps in beams and UV mapping errors missed originally.
CheydinhalHouseMiddle03.NIF 494KB 487KB 394KB Also fixed several bad UV mappings and seethrough gaps missed originally.
ChorrolDoorMiddleAnim03.NIF 279KB 279KB 124KB
ChorrolHouseMiddle05Interior.NIF 1.21MB 1.01MB 1.01MB Only shrunk 4KB.
CheydinhalHouseMiddle06.NIF 479KB 473KB 398KB Also fixed a seethrough gap in the roof end, seethrough beams and beam ends missed originally.
CitadelHallDoor01AnimFixed.NIF N/A 111KB 60KB
ClubStatic.NIF N/A 115KB 59KB
CPMainHall01.NIF 1.83MB 1.83MB 1.70MB
CPStatueBase01.NIF 221KB 221KB 174KB
CRmColumn01A.NIF 301KB 283KB 231KB
DUNPlatform01.NIF 115KB 116KB 92KB
FarmHouseInterior02.NIF 661KB 453KB 416KB
HangingCorpse01.NIF 349KB 267KB 214KB
HangingCorpse02.NIF 420KB 420KB 256KB
HangingCorpse05.NIF 352KB 351KB 215KB
ICArcaneGate01.NIF 180KB 179KB 135KB
ICAUPlaza01.NIF 1.32MB 1.36MB 1.10MB
ICBasement3WayCrypt02.NIF 176KB 159KB 106KB Also fixed two pieces of bad UV mapping missed originally.
ICBasementPrisonTransition01.nif 199KB 199KB 196KB
ICBasementStairs01.NIF 60KB 57KB 48KB Also fixed two misplaced polygons on one side missed originally.
ICDomeInt01.NIF 243KB 276KB 219KB
ICDTopFloor04.NIF 427KB 328KB 246KB
ICDTopFloor05.NIF 444KB 330KB 245KB
ICGroundFloor01.NIF 773KB 747KB 520KB Also fixed UV mapping on the step ends and support tops for all ICGroundFloor NIFs.
ICGroundFloor02.NIF 796KB 722KB 517KB
ICGroundFloor03.NIF 805KB 607KB 526KB
ICGroundFloor04.NIF 759KB 511KB 449KB
ICGroundFloor05.NIF 788KB 592KB 508KB
ICGroundFloor06.NIF 927KB 791KB 616KB
ICGroundFloor07.NIF 1,178KB 793KB 792KB
ICGroundFloor08.NIF 933KB 871KB 618KB
ICGroundFloor09.NIF 947KB 868KB 634KB
ICGroundFloor10.NIF 896KB 737KB 577KB
ICGroundFloor11.NIF 916KB 805KB 599KB
ICGroundFloor12.NIF 895KB 792KB 752KB
ICGroundFloor13.NIF 948KB 771KB 620KB
ICGroundFloor14.NIF 975KB 795KB 757KB
ICGroundFloor15.NIF 966KB 863KB 621KB
ICGroundFloor16.NIF 943KB 877KB 621KB
ICGroundFloor18.NIF 1,053KB 951KB 675KB
ICGroundFloor19.NIF 931KB 911KB 674KB
ICGroundFloor20.NIF 1,054KB 848KB 674KB
ICGroundFloor21.NIF 787KB 767KB 488KB
ICGroundFloor22.NIF 902KB 839KB 563KB
ICGroundFloor23.NIF 1,053KB 940KB 675KB
ICGroundFloor25.NIF 1,401KB 1,203KB 888KB
ICGroundFloor26.NIF 960KB 857KB 617KB
ICHotelGroundFloor01.NIF 1.89MB 1.64MB 1.19MB
ICHotelGroundFloor02.NIF 1.64MB 1.47MB 1.03MB
ICHotelGroundFloor03.NIF 1.82MB 1.29MB 1.02MB Also closed a square hole in the stairwell skirting missed originally.
ICHotelGroundFloor04.NIF 1.89MB 1.64MB 1.19MB Also closed triangular gaps in the stairwells missing originally.
ICPalaceCouncilRoom01.NIF 528KB 504KB 390KB
ICPalaceCouncilRoomEnt01.NIF 750KB 719KB 585KB
ICPalaceRoomEnt01.NIF 263KB 227KB 214KB
ICPrisonPlaza01.NIF 872KB 906KB 758KB
ICPrisonWallHouse02.NIF 809KB 778KB 662KB Also fixed bad UV mapping and seethrough gaps in the steps and overhang missed originally.
ICTopFloor10.NIF 506KB 281KB 224KB Also fixed some UV mapping errors missed originally.
Kennel01.NIF 55KB 55KB 37KB
Kennel02.NIF 56KB 56KB 40KB
Kennel03.NIF 57KB 57KB 40KB
Kennel04.NIF 116KB 116KB 83KB
KennelDoor01.NIF 33KB 33KB 29KB Also fixed flickering face overlapping, two open and two bad UV mapped ends missed originally.
KennelDoor02.NIF 33KB 33KB 29KB Also fixed flickering face overlapping, two open and two bad UV mapped ends missed originally.
KvatchDiningTable01.NIF 479KB 478KB 377KB
KvatchLadder.NIF 278KB 277KB 222KB
LeyawiinFightersGuildHouse.NIF 941KB 904KB 842KB Also fixed several hollow beams and seethrough gaps in walls missed originally.
LeyawiinFGInterior.NIF 2.51MB 2.47MB 2.02MB
LucienLachanceDead.NIF 187KB 187KB 127KB
MiddleBarrelTopped04.NIF 101KB 101KB 68KB
MiddleBarrelTopped05.NIF 101KB 101KB 68KB
MiddleBarrelTopped06.NIF 89KB 89KB 59KB
MinotaurHead01.NIF 220KB 220KB 171KB
MS21AyleidStatue01.NIF 104KB 104KB 87KB
OblivionSpiddalDead01.NIF 194KB 164KB 124KB
PrisonCellGate01.nif 102KB 102KB 63KB
PrisonHall03.NIF 341KB 341KB 200KB
RFNTurn01.NIF 163KB 163KB 142KB
RFRmCornerDoor2x.NIF 263KB 263KB 221KB
RFRmCornerR01.NIF 284KB 284KB 222KB Also closed several gaps missed originally.
RFRmWallWithColmL01.NIF 178KB 181KB 153KB
RFWWiden01.NIF 235KB 235KB 202KB
RockMossEndCap01.NIF 91KB 112KB 64KB
RottenTorso01.NIF 204KB 204KB 108KB
ShamanGoblinStaff.NIF 436KB 436KB 275KB
SkHouseUpperInt03.NIF 697KB 698KB 609KB
SKMageGuildIntB.NIF 1.32MB 1.15MB 0.98MB Also closed a seethrough gap around the front door missed originally.
SkHouseMiddle04.NIF 709KB 707KB 581KB Also removed two duplicated-in-place window arches and fixed bad UV mapping missed originally.
SpiddalCloudPlant.NIF 240KB 187KB 138KB
StatueGodsZenithar01.NIF 288KB 288KB 187KB
StatueImperial03.NIF 413KB 413KB 254KB
TestStaff01.NIF 59KB 59KB 42KB
TestStaff02.NIF 70KB 70KB 48KB
TestStaff03.NIF 70KB 76KB 36KB
TG11cHiddenStairs.NIF 279KB 279KB 197KB
UpperTable01.NIF 194KB 194KB 153KB
UpperTable02.NIF 120KB 120KB 86KB
WeynonHouseInterior.NIF 1,137KB 997KB 968KB Also fixed flickering and bad UV mapping at beam apexes missed originally.