Oblivion talk:Arena Mouth
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Is this page really necessary?[edit]
'Arena Mouth' isn't an unused npc, nor a test npc. He is only used for the Arena Announcer's voice (like the npcs that enable daedric lords to talk) and he was never going to be in the game, hence his odd name. He has no unique dialogue or anything of particular interest about him. I feel if this has a page then there may as well be pages for 'Azura's Voce [sic] for Recording' and 'Boethiah's Voice for Recording'. If anything, this page misleads people, as I've seen mods wrongfully 'restore' arena mouth because they were under the impression he was a cut npc. --Xbox99 (talk) 09:31, 9 April 2017 (UTC)
- Arena Mouth is an NPC, as are Arena's Voce for Recording and Boethiah's. These NPCs are the same as the ones found at Skyrim:Unused NPCs#Placeholder NPCs, where they are needed for technical purposes (i.e. a voice can't seem to exist without a body, but only in most cases). A retroactive decision was taken by some users to make these pages so that all NPCs have a page, but it was already inconsistent as some unused NPCs had pages and others did not. The ideal would probably be to move the information to an OB:Unused NPCs page and turn these into redirects. Any mods 'restoring' him to the game haven't read the page game or played the game, as they would know that there is no problem with Arena's commentator needing 'fixed' by making his body appear. The page might not say he does not need to exist, but neither does it say he should. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 09:52, 9 April 2017 (UTC)