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Oblivion talk:Console/Archive 3

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This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:Console discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

no bAllowConsole ?

hey guys, i need help with this, i went over to my oblivion_default file and i searched everywhere for the bAllowConsole line but could not find it (my computer: windows 7). Iron ultimaIron Ultima

bAllowConsole is found in Oblivion.ini which should be in My Games/Oblivion Mxk101 22:15, 9 January 2011 (UTC)

I think it's somewhere in the Settings marker in oblivion.ini Sorry about late post

I'm doing a ctrl+f for it and its not being found. (steam version in case it matters) 01:54, 25 November 2011 (UTC)

kill all command

I was wondering why UESP dosen't have the "killall" command in the console codes section. This command, if you don't already know, kills all actors with in a certain radius. I don't know exactly what the radius is, but its pretty big, about two or three hundred feet. I wouldn't know how to measure it. This is just a guess based on the Mehrunes Razor plugin's main dungeon. - Jagar Tharn

When this article started out, it wasn't intended to be a complete list. "killall" probably just got lost along the way somewhere. After confirming that it works (just in case anybody's sceptical), I've added the command and a basic summary for now. If you can find documentation on exactly what radius it affects, then we should add it to the article. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 21:34, 15 June 2009 (EDT)
Wouldn't it just kill everything in a cell and vary with the size of said cell?--Theos 01:56, 11 May 2010 (UTC)
I guess this response is a little late, but it doesn't seem to work that way, no. If you enter a large enough area, you'll have to do "killall" more than once as you travel. Robin Hoodtalk 20:14, 1 November 2010 (UTC)

Making someone essential

Is there any way to make a character essential? Like, can I make Martin essential during Defense of Bruma to make it easy?Dstebbins 14:25, 30 December 2009 (UTC)

I believe the command you're looking for is 'SetEssential BaseID #'. The BaseID can be found on the wiki, and the # should be replaced by either 0 (for making an essential character non-essential) or 1 (for the opposite, like you're looking for). And yes, I know this is a very outdated post but it took me a while to find this! -Summergale 17:01, 29 May 2010 (UTC)

windows 7

i just got a new laptop with windows 7 home. i was able to get the console to open with the ~ key on my old computer, but not this. when i press the button, nothing happens, even if i hold it down.

as a possible clue to this annoyance when using xfire the scrol lock button (witch is used a lot in xfire's default commands) would not work, and when i went into xfire's menus to fix it, i hit scroll lock and instead of 'scr lk' showing up, it said it was the 'pause' button. i think a simmilar problem is happening here, any advice on how to fix this would be great.

i'm only just getting the basics of the consruction set, so i don't know if i can mod the controls with it. and i did look in the in-game options-controls, but it didn't have anything to change the button for tilde.

p.s. i'm well aware win7 is new so there will be bugs, and lots of them. i'm just wondering if any1 has a mod or work-around that can change this. tnx in advance. Akbaroth 10:05, 31 December 2009 (UTC)

It's the same problem Oblivion had with Windows Vista. If your laptop has any hardware that uses Infrared, you're SOL, mate. --Darkheart 18:39, 31 December 2009 (UTC)
damn, well tnx anywayAkbaroth 13:42, 2 January 2010 (UTC)
Try this mod. --GKtalk2me 18:27, 3 January 2010 (UTC)
I have Win7 and had no problem until I accidentally activated the IR device on my TV card. To fix it I went to devices, found the IR for that device (there were others, but I don't think they were the problem), hit Properties button, Drivers tab, Disable button, restarted, and I was playing my old Oblivion again. I can still use the TV card as long as I keep the IR disabled. --Tungol
bit risky but, "hidir.sys" find this file in windows/systems32/drivers/ make a copy of it, then delete the real one. Worked like a charm. it deactivates the infread, no issues arise. when u need it, change it back. win7 64x HP. -- B3hindall

A note on the SHOWRACEMENU command

The escape menu has to be left opened - additionally to the opened race menu - when the SAVE command is entered into the console.

Otherwise the command results in a 'You cannot save right now' message from the console. 22:15, 24 January 2010 (UTC)


How do you get the cell coordinates? I'm trying to figure out what mod completely destroyed an exterior cell. Fruckert 07:29, 27 January 2010 (UTC)

When you use tdt you can use Scroll Lock to cycle to the various debug pages. One of them should reveal the cell you are in, but I don't know which specific page it was. --Timenn-<talk> 12:54, 29 January 2010 (UTC)


When i type in this command my copy stays there for a few seconds and then the game crashes. I am playing on GOTY on a windows 7 laptop and this command has always worked before, even on this laptop. Could anyone suggest something that could cause this, perhaps a mod or something??? --TheElderScribe--

tilde key not functioning...

I am operating in windows xp professional, and i have tried the tilde key, and tilde key with shift, and am getting no console. what else could be the issue? 04:48, 11 February 2010 (UTC)

Not sure if it applies to your OS, but try the last paragraph in this section. --GKtalk2me 22:16, 11 February 2010 (UTC)
Same problem here-the common belief is conflicts with the infrared sensor (Do you have a media remote for your computer?) I just try to do tweaking with the construction set.--Theos 01:52, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

Spell Effectiveness

Can I set my current or a armor's influence on spell effectiveness? 04:58, 11 March 2010 (UTC)

I don't think you can. It depends on your skill level after all. --SerCenKing Talk 09:27, 15 March 2010 (UTC)
If you like having a high armor rating, yet don't want your effectiveness reduced to 95%, I suggest you get your armor rating up through shield enchantments (85 points is the maximum needed). One really nice way to do it is to create a custom sigil stone with the construction set that gives 85 shield on self, then enchant some clothes or jewelry with it. After you use the stone, the item is enchanted and the mod can be deleted without removing the effect. ...(Computers remember effects, not how they were created)Of course, you can try to track down normal sigil stones and use grand soul gems on multiple pieces of clothing--Theos 01:50, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

Use console on yourself.

How do you use a console on yourself? I'm curious. Nikofeelan 22:23, 24 March 2010 (UTC)

Go to third person and click yourself.--Corevette789 22:24, 24 March 2010 (UTC)
You can also prefix every targeted command with player (e.g. player.additem), which refers to you (obviously). --Timenn-<talk> 22:27, 24 March 2010 (UTC)

ENE CIR reciever

I don't have an "infared reciever" but i do have this one. Should i delete it? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 6 April 2010

"CIR" stands for "Consumer InfraRed". So, yes, you do have an infrared receiver. --GKtalk2me 22:31, 9 April 2010 (UTC)

Disabling quest item status

If you disable the quest item status of the Umbra, will it change from 0 weight, 0 gold value to 45 weight, 5508 gold value? and does Umbra being zero weight as a quest item make it use up minimum fatigue to swing? I think this happens with the Steel Longsword and Steel Warhammer from the Fighters Guild quest... Wurm 02:45, 8 May 2010 (UTC)

In the construction set, I believe there are 2 umbra's, one that is a quest item, and one that isn't. The stats will stay the same and it will still be weightless (Thought the quest item still had a value though...) if you remove the quest item status. It's best to just add the other version to yourself and complete the quest, so you get both rewards. Quest item status just makes you unable to remove it from your inventory by normal means. And yes, the weight of the weapon effects fatigue use while swinging.--Theos 01:45, 11 May 2010 (UTC)
Hey thenks. Wurm 01:43, 12 May 2010 (UTC)
That's not right. There's only one Umbra. The Quest Item flag also toggles the zero-weight of an item. rpeh •TCE 11:27, 12 May 2010 (UTC)

Spawn enemy?

Is there some sort of console command that lets u spawn an enemy? Ex: Mankar Camoran Obliviofan12 02:17, 11 June 2010 (UTC)

See the bottom of this page. APSX3427 02:24, 11 June 2010 (UTC)

Ref IDs?

Is there a command to show the reference IDs of certain items? I've recently switched from playing on the 360 to PC and I've been having fun playing with the console on inconsequential characters, but it's very difficult to find the RefIDs for some items. Right now I'm trying to find the RefIDs for the Master Alchemy Apparatus, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. Mole126 13:06, 18 June 2010 (UTC)

If you're looking at the item in-game, you can see the RefID at the top of your screen just by clicking on the item while the console is open. If you're not looking at one, then you have to use the Construction Set or see if you can find the item's ID here on the wiki (e.g., Alchemy Equipment is here). Robin Hoodtalk 15:51, 18 June 2010 (UTC)

Two Questions

What exactly is the 'global variable' thing? And, is there a command that enables you to set the in-game date (the oblivion months) if not, is there a a way i can wait long periods of time until the intended date? please help Mor'tar'iit 11:43, 4 July 2010 (UTC)

I Need a Reply for Two Quick Questions...

I was wondering if there is a way to force broken switches (like the ones in Vahtacen's Secret if you leave after pressing the Pressure Plates) to work. Also, I have an arrow taking me to the guy you buy a house from in Skingrad, but it takes me to a location then changes where it is at and loops me back to it. Is there a way to fix this? (If it helps, I think he might have somehow died...) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:36 on 19 July 2010

Well, about the Skingrad issue, you can try enabling the character again. Not sure who he is but it wouldn't be difficult to figure out. Hm... broken switches... I guess you could try unlock or something? No idea, might just have to noclip past the walls. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:22 on 25 October 2010

Setting Attribute Value

setav <attribute> <nn> I must be doing something wrong because I can't get this command to work. When I type... setav Strength 35 I get this message: Script ". line 1: Function 'SetActorValue' requires a reference. What? HELP!! Hyzakyt 23:21, 22 July 2010 (UTC)

Nevermind. I read article 29 Use console on yourself and figured it out. Yeesh. I hope this helps other retards though. :) .Hyzakyt 23:29, 22 July 2010 (UTC)

Console "Config Resetting"

Yesterday i noticed that when i open up the console, it seems to repeatedly enter in "Config Resetting." If i type in "TCL" (or any other command, it will perform the task, but "TCL" will shoot up thru the console history, because the console is repeatedly entering Config Resetting. Looks like this" Config Resetting Config Resetting Config Resetting Config Resetting tcl Config Resetting Config Resetting Config Resetting How can i stop this? &%£V£/\/ 20:02, 21 August 2010 (UTC)

I don't see anything in the game code that would give that error message. Is it possible that it's something like a mod or OBSE generating the message? In any event, the message suggests that there's something wrong with the configuration of whatever's causing it, so try disabling any add-ons or even do a clean install and see if that fixes the problem. Robin Hoodtalk 20:50, 21 August 2010 (UTC)

Getting modded items onto a NPC

I'm trying to get some mod items I made onto a NPC. However, I can't use the additem command because the ID for the item starts with "ff" which I think means its temporary.

So 1) Is there any way I can just make it 0 weight and just pickpocket it over? or 2) How can I make the Id work with console commands? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 25 October 2010

See this section for information. rpeh •TCE 18:42, 25 October 2010 (UTC)

Own house

i know the setownership command but i want a full house ive tried clicking on the door and typing setcellownership but it doesnt work someone please answer! PS:what does GOTY stand for?

I can't answer your first question, but GOTY stands for "Game of the Year". --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 19:54, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
thanks ive wated to know that for a long time oh and how do you answer someone else cause im always writing knew paragraghs?
To edit a specific topic, press the "edit" button at the top right corner. --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 20:05, 1 November 2010 (UTC) P.S. Have you thought about creating an account?
(edit conflict) Owning an entire house is not always as simple as you might like. Even if you own the cell, the contents may separately belong to someone different (often a faction). Also, you wouldn't click on the door to use SetCellOwnership, you'd have to know the name of the cell. See SetCellOwnership on TESCS Wiki for examples. Robin Hoodtalk 20:06, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
As for responding to someone, just click on the "edit" link to the right of the section you want to edit rather than the + at the top of the page. You can indent by adding one or more colons (:) in front of your response. Robin Hoodtalk 20:06, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
There's a simple way to use the console for this, but I must insist that this may or may not solve all your problems. For example, say you clear out Brindle Home (easy to do without becoming a murderer, read up on it) and you think Hmm, this would make a great place to live. You could use SetCellOwnership BrindleHome to make the cell yours, go over to the horse you like and use SetOwnership on it, and then use SetCellOwnership BrindleHome02 to make Astante's Home yours. I know this works because I have done it. If you go into Astante's even after you've made the BrindleHome cell yours, trying to sleep in the bed will still be disallowed because you are trespassing. However, after you've made the house cell yours (SetCellOwnership BrindleHome02) you no longer get a trespassing popup when you sleep there. Note that this WILL NOT make the storage items safe (nonspawning etc) you'd have to use the console to deal with that. Morgaledh 19:23, 17 August 2011 (UTC)

Another way you could get a house is just to use the console command to give yourself money (additem f ###). That way you get the house, but avoid any weirdness with whether or not the game thinks you're trespassing.

Ownership in Shivering Isles

I need to set ownership of the Duchess' Chambers and the Greenmote Grove to me. I am the madgod...everything in the Palace should be mine. Unfortunately I am a little confused as to how exactly to type the setownership command.

1. Do I target the door or myself to set ownership to me? 2. Do I need to use my ID and a faction ID to set ownership it to me, or the ID and faction of the current owner? 3. Are either the [ ] or the < > brackets needed? On the article it shows this:

setownership [<owner>] [<faction>] 4. Based on this I assumed it is not on one line. Is it split up into three lines? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 10 December 2010

No. Just target the object and type in setownership by itself. The other parameter is if you want to set it to someone other than yourself. --Brf 17:32, 10 December 2010 (UTC)

Adding a constant effect to the player

Is there a way to add (or remove) a constant effect to the player? Like the Argonian water breathing, I want to add a constant chameleon and water walking to my character. Which console command would I use? I understand how to add specific spells to the players inventory, but not too sure about effects. Exothesis 04:28, 20 December 2010 (UTC)

No, you generally can't do this sort of thing with the console alone. You would need to create new effects in the Construction Set, which is far too detailed a topic to answer here. Robin Hoodtalk 23:31, 20 December 2010 (UTC)
While not as effect, it is possible to add those as "innate" abilities. For chameleon 100%: player.setav Chameleon 100
and for water walk: player.setav WaterWalking 1 To remove them just set them back to 0. --Wizy (Talk/Contribs) 07:11, 22 December 2010 (UTC)
I'd forgotten you could do that. Thanks for the catch, Wizy! Robin Hoodtalk 10:14, 22 December 2010 (UTC)

clone following

The article states that you can make a full copy of yourself, and that you can order your clone to follow you after the knights of the nine questline has been completed. As you might have guessed, i can't order my clone to follow me, but i might be good to note that i just made that character and used to console to instantly set the umaril the unfeathered quest to its completed state, i initually doubt that would affect it, as i completed the quest after all, but now i'm starting to worry, any thoughts? KrazorM 22:03, 8 January 2011 (UTC)

Some more reading answered my own question, sorry to bother you. KrazorM 18:31, 9 January 2011 (UTC)

Update in General Information

Any problem with new OS, like Windows 7 or Mac? And there's new scenario of installation from Steam that can be difficult in some cases. It's worth adding some tips --Rev3rsix 23:14, 9 January 2011 (UTC)


i have a mac is there bAllowConsole for it ?

Well, if you found someway to run oblivion on a mac, then try the ~ key.

Erm, i too have a mac and a functioning version of obliv runnin, through wineskin, seems smooth, runni on a macbook pro 15

But i too am having console issues, the "~" command does not work!

Please help

windows 7 console issue

ok i know there are alot of console issues and all but none of them answered my question...the button works for me and the console comes up no issues (which is why the questions never helped me any...) but whenever i type somthing in and press enter oblivion force quits and windows says there was an error. its getting slightly annoying and i was wondering if anyone has encountered this problem and fixed it or not... thanks

moving items

Let's say you want to put some books on a shelf. I am well versed in the drag function, but that isn't always enough, like if the bookshelf is very tall and you want to put a book on the top shelf - you might be able to get it up there, but good luck adjusting its position (such as getting it to stand upright) from that distance. So I was wondering, is there a way to use the console to fine-tune an item's position, maybe by using coordinates or something? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:45 on February 12, 2011

One way is to just use TCL to bring yourself closer, then adjust by hand from there. There are also several different commands that can be useful: MoveTo, PositionCell, SetPos, and SetAngle, as well as a few others that probably wouldn't help out much for what you're trying to do. It takes patience that I've never actually had :), but these should get you there eventually. (I've linked to the TES CS wiki, as their instructions are more detailed for script/console functions.) You may also want to have a look at the Book Placement mod. I've never tried it, so I can't tell you how well it works, but at least for books, it sounds like it'll do what you want. Robin Hoodtalk 03:42, 13 February 2011 (UTC)

inanimate object base id

I have accidentaly spawned a cell door (the ones on prison cells) by typing into the console, player.placeatme 000c55e 1, and i am curious if other similar objects such as doors or gates have a base id as well. i have been unable to find any website that even mentions them. if anyone knows how or where to find them i would be very grateful. Autinrox 03:04, 1 March 2011 (UTC)

Every object has a baseid, and every object placed in the game has a refid. We include all the useful ones, but there's no point listing doors and walls because there's nothing useful you can do with them. You can get all the values in the CS. rpeh •TCE 12:56, 1 March 2011 (UTC)


When I try to "coc" anywhere I get a totally black screen and just the crosshair. If I toggle sneak I get an eye and if I pull out my weapons I see my weapons but that's it. Also third person mode shows the weapons I am carrying but nothing else. I can't do anything or see anything and I have to re-load a previous save file. I waned to coc to leyawiin because the game glitched on me and told me I can't quick travel because I am being followed by the guards, even though my bounty was 0 and it was not true. I ran all the way to the middle of the wilderness and walking to leyawiin or anywhere for that matter, each and every time this happens would be a pain. 02:10, 19 March 2011 (UTC)

Usually when this happens it is becasue you typed in the console location of a blank cell. The game uses these to set up scripts appropriately for a large number of cells with the same beginning, such as Anvil for AnvilFightersGuild and AnvilChapelofWhatsHerFace. --DKong27 Talk Cont 03:16, 19 March 2011 (UTC)
Yup. The console code for Leyawiin isn't "Leyawiin". There are several, such as LeyawiinCastleEntrance, LeyawiinCathedral and LeyawiinExterior04. rpeh •TCE 08:35, 19 March 2011 (UTC)


I saw this command mentioned in another article. Looked up the meaning, being StopCombatAlarmOnActor. Might want to add it to this article. It is supposed to stop all actors from engaging in combat with the command's target, but I haven't tested and confirmed it, so I'm not gonna add it now. 15:55, 8 May 2011 (UTC)

Field of view and 4:3 display

Just yesterday I tried to change the fov through the .ini file, I have 4:3 display and the resolution was set accordingly. Menu layer became rather unusable. Ionwind 07:06, 18 May 2011 (UTC)

Coc testing hall

I noticed that this wasn't listed in your console entries. It instantly teleporrs you to the testing hall, which has lots of rooms for tesring almost every aspect of the game. Well worth a look, especially the room with every weapon and armour in the game. I've tried the code myself and it works, can someone please add it to the console page, and make a page for the halls themselves on the wiki. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Well, the codes do not go on the Console page, and I believe that the Testing Hall can be found on this page. --Kalis Agea 23:16, 18 May 2011 (UTC)
We already mention COC, the only reason that I can see us mentioning this is as an example on how to use the command. If you wish to add it as an example on how the code works I won't protest. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 23:19, 18 May 2011 (UTC)

Border crossing

I just quickly skimmed the listed commands (and I'd also like to point out that I'm new with Oblivion on PC), but is there a command that disable the borders between the provinces?

To put it bluntly no. --Manic 19:04, 12 June 2011 (UTC)
Emmm, I'm pretty sure this code should work, although it isn't strictly speaking a "console" code. Go to your Oblivion folder (i.e. C:/Program Files/Bethesda) and open up the .ini file. Then change the number you have after bEnableBorderRegion=. --SerCenKing Talk 15:08, 14 June 2011 (UTC)

Opening the console

So how do I do it? There is absolutely nothing working. bAllowConsole was already set to 1. overridesubtype in regedit is already 0. Change console key won't even work right. Console spell just doesn't bring up the console, and neither does the Ring of Gods, even though I installed them right and am acquiring them in-game. On top of all that, I have the correct version (, if I recall correctly). I don't have any Infrared devices, and I even tried disabling the Bluetooth sensor. Nothing. It just makes no sense. What's going on? -- 21:04, 15 June 2011 (UTC)

And yes, I have Windows 7. -- 21:08, 15 June 2011 (UTC)

Never mind, I fixed it. Had to go to services.msc in order to uninstall the infrared devices. It's working fine now. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 16 June 2011


I think I've lost shadowmere, and she hasn't returned to fort farragut. I don't have horse armor downloaded, it's been a month, and she still won't return. I've tried using console commands to find her, but player.moveto <refID> just takes me to a place where Shadowmere isn't (Battlehorn Castle).

I tried resurrecting her, enabling her, moving her to my location, and nothing works. Whenever I don't get an error message, I get something like the following:

Shadowmere Picked Package Travel ()

GetStage >> 70.00

GetStageDone >> 1.00

GetInCell >> 1.00/0.00

What do these messages mean, and how do I get Shadowmere back? 15:21, 3 July 2011 (UTC)

EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out. 15:48, 3 July 2011 (UTC)

Picking items up

Is there a way to use the console to pick up items that you can't reach? I had some items on a bookshelf, but one of them fell down below the bottom shelf and I can't reach it, not even by sneaking, and I can't fit anything else under there to knock it out. Is there a way of picking it up with the console, or perhaps moving it closer to me so I can pick it up normally? Or, at the very least, just deleting the damn thing so I can keep everything tidy? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:06 on 8 July 2011 (GMT)

Hello! Yes there is! The Console Command that you need is, "TCL", but never "TLC"! It is the one that allows you to walk through walls, ceilings, and floors inside, and the ground when outside. Once activated, just walk around or through until you can get a clear view of what you need to or want to grab with the "Z" key. Click on it as usual to grab it, and ta-dah, you have it! Then walk back to the proper space coordinates and use "TCL" again. Oh, and to use it correctly for yourself, make sure that you haven't clicked on any people, et cetera, because then you may cause them to fall through into the "Great Gray Void" unable to return to the "proper dimension"! (By the way, there are glitched spots that do allow characters to fall into that void and sometimes that is the answer to why you can't find them.) Oh and just for the fun of it for the fun of it, you can use that same command to enter areas that you usually couldn't, to get items that you can see, but usually can't grab. I use it to get decor items form around the thrones in the Arena for example. Plus to loot the crates and barrels noticable from the portholes in the Captain's Quarters in the wrecked pirate ship in the cavern. To go explore the "Unused Cell" in the underground city that belongs to that knife quest, just to see the warning text telling me that I shouldn't be there! Oh, and just for the fun of it too, in the beginning prison cell, duck under the floor and look at the body parts and skins on display! Or, wait until you get to the last chance gate and do it there, to see the same scene under a different location. Oh, and if you can't open a display case yet, you can retriece objest from them when you're just happening to be passing through them. Otherwise, using "unlock" does the task for you there. However, there are some items in glass display cases that are only obtainable by using "TCL", as merely opening them like any other container, will get you different items. The items that I'm referring to aren't meant just to be display only items, usually not obtainable without the "TCL" command. Okay that's a long answer, but I hope it helps! After all, if you're going to be using this to grab stuff that you dropped, why not grab the "secret" stuff too! (Oh, you can't grab the body parts and the hanging skins. I tried.) 14:06, 22 July 2011 (UTC)
Cool. I knew about that code, but hadn't thought of it in this case. I mostly only use it to get past that gate in the Pale Pass fort where the designers forgot to put in a way to open it. Also, the next time I loaded that game, the item I was trying to get had completely disappeared, so that particular item is no longer a problem. Although maybe it just fell down below the floor itself, so maybe I could use this code to go and get it. Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely check out some of those secret areas.

Race Changed But No Abilites

used 'showracemenu' correctly and changed race from Nord to Argonian, Nordic Frost and Woad abilities removed, but no Water Breathing, Poison Immunity or Disease Resistance abilities gained, cant find a command to add them, help?

Edit: i changed my race as said on the page thus to retain my current stats, i think this is why i have not gained any abilites, i shall return to Nord and remain that way, no worries.

additem issue

hi, I type in 'additem (then the ID) (then the quantity) but when I press enter it says 'Script ", line 1: Function 'additem' requires a refence.' am I doing something wrong? also, I can use the console for other commands so I assume the file has been changed to allow scripts, although I havent checked. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 26 August 2011

You need to prefix it to tell it who you are adding the item to. Assuming you want the item yourself, use player.additem (whatever) — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 31 August 2011


Does the use of ShowBirthsignMenu reset your stats to default? I am asking this from inside Oblivion through Xfire. FokkerTISM (email) 08:20, 23 September 2011 (UTC)

I've tried it just now and it doesn't appear to affect you in any unexpected way. It removes the effects of your previous birthsign and adds effects of the other. But I've only done it a couple of moments ago, so I haven't tested it extensively.

Windows 7 Screwy Console

I can't activate the console at all. No matter how hard i press the tilde key, nothing happens. I've been told by so many people that 'I have to unplug the remote sensor', but not one person has told me how to do that properly. I don't have a USB plug in sensor. I have a HP Pavilion entertainment pc, that I got for christmas in 2009. It's run on windows 7, with an i7 intel core.

Am a massive noob at computers. 01:01, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

I had the same problem on Windows 7. What you want to do is disable any bluetooth sensors or software. you cannot use a bluetooth mouse or keyboard and use the console. I can not tell you fully how to disable the software but it should be under remove hardware/software in your C:/ drive--Toungennose 19:03, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

No ballowconsole

Where do you find the bAllowconsole command thing?? 01:04, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

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