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Oblivion talk:Glitches/Archive 8

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This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:Glitches discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Glitch Expiramenting

Has anybody experimented into the possibilty of 'Frostcrag Spire Glitches' with Plugins other than 'Frostcrag Spire'? I am willing to try out other possibilties but before i do, I felt it would be smart to ask the UESP community of their expiriences of this sort. Has anybody already tried other Plugins, knows it's risks, has reasonable speculation on the outcome, or knows why only the 'Frostcrag Spire Glitch' exists (maybe its the only one that leads to a helpfull test-cell). If anyone has any helpfull information it would be appriciated by myself and I am sure, by the community, if you posted it. --Moosman547 16:15, 9 June 2009 (EDT)

Weird Camera glitch

For some reason, and I don't know when this started, when I click the right thumbstick to go into 3rd person cam, the camera is not behind the body like it usually is, it's right up against the back of my characters head. I can't even push and hold the thumbstick in and rotate to see my characters outfit, it's stuck right up at his chest. It's really a pain in the butt. What's going on?! DaedryonTCE 16:36, 3 December 2008 (EST)

Seems to have fixed itself when I mounted a horse. Now it's not right up against the back of my head. DaedryonTCE 02:22, 4 December 2008 (EST)
Fixed utterly, or fixed only while mounted? While holding the stick in, you can press L2 or R2 (LT or RT on Xbox, I think) to zoom in/out. 22:59, 13 December 2008 (EST)

Game messing up?

Does using glitches such as permanent Bound items or duplication mess up the game? I wanna know because after I made a full suit of permanent Bound armor, I duplicated a lot of bricks to make a wall. I dropped a brick and it floated in mid-air. One dropped through the ground. It was only a one time thing, but I wanna know if these glitches messed my game up for a few minutes. -- 18:11, 7 December 2008 (EST) Sorry, this is me, I just forgot to sign in. --Oblivion nerd 18:12, 7 December 2008 (EST)

Horse-and-Rider Invisibility Glitch

I have recently come across the knowledge that if you cast an invisibility spell upon your horse, you can keep yourself from being graphically displayed for a while. To do this you must create an Invisibility Other spell, preferably a touch spell as it is hard to hit the horse with a target invisibility spell and it will go straight through parts of the horse. After that you must get onto your horse and immediately get off. The result should be that your character does not display at all, but is still registered as visible by the animals around. This lasts even after your horse has become visible. This is easily fixed by re-loading, even if your save was while your character was not being displayed. Also, it will eventually wear off on its own if you choose not to re-load it. If you cast bound item spells then there are three articles of clothing that can be displayed: the helmet, the gauntlets, and the boots. They will all apear where they would be if you were visible, with a catch, you won't be able to see anything of yourself (Unless your gauntlets are not bound gauntlets or your shoes are not bound boots, but that will be discussed later). Now once the effect of the bound items wear off, or are removed, you should be able to see the items you were wearing before (besides your armor and greaves) floating, as long as the display glitch is still in effect. Your helmet should be hollow where you would normally see your face, but gauntlets and gloves generally show the parts of your hands that would be visible and connected to the gauntlet. Perhaps open-toed shoes do as well, but I have not checked. My question is this: Should I post this all in one thing in the Glitches page, or seperate the appearance of "floating armor" from the actual display glitch? I would also ask someone else to test if they can recreate this to see if it holds valid. (Note that I did this on the 360)Endnekind 12:13, 8 December 2008 (EST)

Invisibility while riding a horse is already discussed at Oblivion:Horses#Useful Spells. --NepheleTalk 12:20, 8 December 2008 (EST)
Indeed it does, but it doesn't adress the glitch of causing what will appear as floating armor or how to get out of the invisible state, as I have, the first of which having so much information as to how to cause it that it doesn't seem logical to add it simply as an add-on to the useful spells.Endnekind 12:58, 8 December 2008 (EST)
Still, the information is only relevant to people who are riding horses, and expands upon existing information covered on the Oblivion:Horses page. So if more details are needed, I'd say the information should be added to the horses article. We don't document every glitch in the game on the glitches page (there are countless quest-specific glitches or location-specific glitches that are only covered on the appropriate quest or location page) because the resulting page would be unusable, and the information should be provided in the place where readers are first going to look for it. In other words, if you're doing a quest, you're going to look at the quest page first to find out about the quest; you're not going to want to search through thousands of glitches posted on the Glitches page just to see if there's a problem you need to avoid. The same principle would seem to apply here.
You asked where the information should be posted, and in my opinion in should be added to the information at Oblivion:Horses#Useful Spells. --NepheleTalk 13:36, 14 December 2008 (EST)

Invisible NPC bug

I was just reminded of this bug while reading the Talk page for Horses. Waaaaaaay back when I had pretty much just started the game, I came across a really strange glitch when walking around Skingrad. Every once in a while, I would come across Dion's body frozen mid-frame in the middle of a street somewhere. I was able to walk through him as if there was nothing there. I also wasn't presented with any dialogue options or anything. He was just an empty graphic.

Later on, I noticed a "Talk" option flash in the corner of my screen while walking, but there wasn't anyone there. I tracked it down and found that it was Dion walking around invisible. When I talked to him, the game tried to zoom in on his face, but kept going until it went straight through the entire map and showed only a uniform blue mass. The conversation functioned as normal otherwise, and nothing went wrong when I exited it. Invisible Dion kept walking, and his frozen husk didn't move. At some point, he must have fixed himself, since he behaves normally on that file now. I only specifically remember this happening with Dion, though I seem to recall it happening with a couple of guards later on (I spent a lot of time in Skingrad).

I didn't make any comment on the Horses page, since it has nothing to do with horses and the discussion has been inactive for almost a year. That is the only other time I have heard of this glitch manifesting. Both of us also found it on the PS3 version, though I'm not sure I was using GOTY at the time I encountered it. It seems to be quite rare and inconsequential, but I'd still like to know if anyone has seen this. Maybe it's just one of those weird things that happens sometimes (like spinning swords and body spasms). 00:17, 16 December 2008 (EST)

This has happened to me a fair number of times in the Chorrol Mages Guild. I forget who, but I've had it happen with two different people, more than one time on the same file. (I play on PS3 the non-GOTY edition, but with Shivering isles off PSN.) I've never managed to find the invisible half of the character, only the shell.
I think it has something to do with a character's schedule. Say, if they're supposed to go to the inn at 4:00pm, but for some reason, they were held up, I think if you sleep or wait during that time when they're in the wrong place, the character itself goes to the inn, where their physical form is still in the Guild.
This is JUST an idea of why I think, I have no knowledge of the game coding at all. It's just always happened to me after waiting.
Chunk of Ham 18:26, 19 January 2009 (EST)

Floating Glitches

The Paintbrush isnt the only item that will float! Yes its true, i managed to get a Clay plate to float, completely accidental. I tried to clone it using the Scroll glitch (roughly trying to clone 300 plates) and they all just floated there, I used them for Stairs, ect. But i cannot seem to reproduce the glitch, nor did the already floating plates stay that way. If you shut down your X-box (not tried on Pc but friends say it works) then the plates will be on the ground completely normal. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 25 December 2008

On the XBox360, I've had a lot of items float after being dropped, mostly courasses, usually exiting and re-entering the room will fix it. Sadly, I dropped a pair of nice enchanted greaves (magefighter greaves? sounds right), and now they're frozen, can't select them or collide with them anything. They've been frozen in the middle of the room ever since. It happened in my imperial city house on the waterfront. I don't remember that happening before the game was patched, could it be another patch related glitch? Is there a way to unfreeze items on the XBox360?

it happened to me on my pc but I thought it was because I was using the tcl console command and doing the bow and arrow dupe glitch at same time.

Visual effects linger/doors & gates won't open!

I thought long & hard about posting this, and searched the archives of glitches, so I really really apologize if I'm describing something that's already been covered.

I've been playing for some time with one character, and now visual effects from spells linger both for me and NPC's. I'll use a Detect Life spell and be seeing bubbles for a long time afterward. I'll shoot fireball spells and a nice little fireball remains where the spell hit. I'll heal an NPC and they'll walk around with a blue halo. And so forth. Additionally, some flames (like the ones on the Imperial City bridges) won't flicker at all.

Furthermore, doors and gates won't swing open! Meaning, doors within dungeons & houses and gates at farms - ones that don't lead to separate cells. They won't open for me!

I suspect it may be an Xbox 360 cache problem, as Google searches found people discussing things similar but not as extensive as my problem. However, I don't want to do anything stupid before seeking advice!

Once again, I apologize if I what I am describing is a standard glitch that you all have addressed before. Thanks in advance for any help! xoxo Coryl 05:45, 27 December 2008 (EST)

It is not unique to Xbox. I started a new game a few days ago because of this glitch on PC with D2D version. Doors and gates would open, but took a very, very long time and still wouldn't be fully open a minute or so after the sound. It took like 10 - 15 seconds before they would start to open and usually at least another 10 - 15 seconds before they were open wide enough to squeeze through. Display cases were also affected. Oddly, although some fires were nearly frozen from first appearance on screen, torches would start as normal then slowly start to leave faded patches in their wake. Visual effects of spells were as you described. This started after about 240 Oblivion days and progressively got worse. I thought it might be caused by the Oblivion Lamps mod, but I still had it after loading a save with the mod disabled. Otherwise, I only had the Wizard's Tower DLC. Oblivionated 06:43, 29 January 2009 (EST)

Rock Glitch outside Fort Alessia:

Hi! I was playing on the xbox 360 today and I was at the end of that large bridge leading from the Arcane university to Fort Alessia, and just outside fort alessia I found a rock glitch. I was mauled by two grizzly bears and I jumped up on top of this large rock to avoid them. I began firing fire bolts at them and killed one, but the other had disappeared. I jumped down to see where it went and I could still hear it. When I accidentally stood next to the rock, I was hit by a bear paw. Turns out that the bear had some how gotten stuck inside the rock via an adjacent bush which was next to the rock. It was most useful because I would lure other enemies next to the rock by standing on it and the bear would then attack them. This ended when I waited, because I went back and the bear was in the open again. So I was just wondering, should there be something about npcs getting stuck in terrain on this article, because it's not the first time it's happened to me. I remember a marauder got stuck in another rock near the water front, which was a pain because I wanted his glass armour. Anyway, thanks for reading - I don't edit here so was wondering if someone else would like to investigate...? Cheers, 04:43, 2 January 2009 (EST)

Not really, falling through scenery is a very common glitch in most games. It tends to be random, so it isn't useful, just an annoyance when it occurs.

Well, what does work for in game but not fix the problem, is quick save, every time you quick save the gates will open a piece same goes for the spell bubbles every time you quick save it shifts on a bit, so just hit that quick save a couple of times to open the doors quick. sorry i don't know how to fix it all together but at least this makes it playable :-p

Spontaneous Sword-spinning

My boyfriend who plays on the 360, GOTY edition, no plugins, has repeatedly told me of times when he'll drop a sword, and it'll spin madly like a top on its tip. By grabbing it, without moving it, and letting go, the spinning stops, but it stays on its tip. After having him mention it, I had the same thing happen on my PS3 (not GOTY, but Shivering Isles downloaded) I walked onto the ship in the Imperial City Waterfront to have those pirates attack me, just to create some havoc and watch the guards kill them. I looted the guard's corpse, after one got killed, and was over-encumbered. So I dropped the silver longsword, and it just started spinning. By grabbing it, I could stop it and it would stay balanced, just like he said. Is this strictly coincidence? I highly doubt the physics of the game could just HAPPEN to do this. Thoughts? Chunk of Ham 18:32, 19 January 2009 (EST)

I've seen YouTube videos and such with this, so it happens often enough. The sword thing's never had it happen to me, but I do know of a fairly reliable way to partially reproduce it. By holding a Dark Mace from SI, punching, and releasing it just before impact, it will spin when it hits the ground as long as the surface is flat. The mace moves while spinning (like a real top), and will eventually fall over. It's only similar, but I think this indicates that the physics engine is perfectly capable of doing this on its own, it's just not supposed to.

Xivilai Zombie glitch

I boosted by summoning zombies, from level 94 to 100, and almost any creature i summon, or anyone else does, sounds like a zombie. Has this happened to anyone else?Madness Mike 23:13, 28 January 2009 (EST)

I've never heard of that happening, but I'd try damaging your Conjuration skill, and using a trainer to increase it by 1. It might just fix the problem, if it's in any way related to the fact that you used a zombie spell to increase your level to 100. This is really just a suggestion, and in no way guaranteed to work.
Chunk of Ham 20:41, 23 January 2009 (EST)

Dialogue Cutting off...

Hello, I'm using the ps3 version, and my question is; Everytime I get a good bit of playtime on a character...NPC voices start cutting off mid-sentence. (this only happens when they're talking casually to others/me..not when I talk to them directly) This has forced me to turn subtitles on, but even that gets cut off sometimes. Is there any way to stop this annoyance? 03:14, 25 January 2009 (EST)

  • that happend to me too, it looks like that if you stay in chorol for a while they will stop in a midle of a sentence. it fixes itself if you leave, wait, sleep or fast travel--Themadgod 03:22, 21 April 2009 (EDT)

Disappearing Crusader's Relics

In Benirus Manor, inside of the chest atop the dresser on the second floor, I had at least 75 weapons stored in it, as well as Madness ore and amber. All my armor was placed in the dresser below. I later got madness armor and placed the relics in the chest. After around 2 or three game weeks I did a Mage's Guild quest for the Large Black soul gem. I completed it, and returned to the manor to discover that the relics are gone. I loaded from back inside The ruin where I was sent to go by Travern. I quickly exited the ruin and went to the manor and quickly retrieved the Relics, and became over encumbered, so I placed my madness armor into the same chest that the relics were in. I open it again a few seconds later, And my madness armor is gone. I reloaded, got the relics again, and placed the Madness Armor in the Container below the chest where I usually placed my armor. Can anyone confirm the fact that the chest can't hold armor for a substantial amount of time? Or was it because it was usually just for weapons, or some other rare circumstance? Thanks. Madness Mike 23:20, 28 January 2009 (EST)

Are you sure the armor was completely gone? There is a display bug in Oblivion, where the game randomly doesn't list all the items that are in a container. If you remove one or two of the items that are listed, it sometimes displays the ones that were 'missing'. You could try going back to the chest and hitting 'Take All', and see if the armor is placed in your inventory. If it is, it's just the display bug. If not, it's something more serious. Have you installed the last Shivering Isles patch? If not, you may have encountered the 'form id' bug that it fixes. --Gaebrial 06:04, 29 January 2009 (EST)

I loaded up the save I had before I had to reload, It must have been a display problem because they're there now. Thanks for the help. Madness Mike 15:24, 29 January 2009 (EST)

Xivilai Hand to Hand

Whenever I punch a Xivilai they fall down. I've only punched Xivilais I've summoned though. Is this a glich? I would figure it would've been mentioned somewhere. Madness Mike 23:49, 28 January 2009 (EST)

         Yeah I have been having the same problem.

scroll not working?

i bought 3 skill scrolls from this guy in the imperial city absorb fatigue i think it was i clicked the stack (although it didnt have a blue bar highlighting it as it would if it was a weap or armor, only the current spell icon turns to "absorb icon"), droped the daedric bow, nothing happens. i tried atking while droping stil nuthing happens. i tried other items doesnt work either. plz i really wanna dupe in 1.2 so plz happen out!--P90 user 22:47, 1 February 2009 (EST)

You're not doing it right; there's more to duplicating items than just that. Follow the full instructions here. Also, please can you spend a little more time writing your posts? I just had to read that three times to understand what you meant. –RpehTCE 00:51, 2 February 2009 (EST)
ok i did: Acquire two or more copies of the same scroll. The number of identical scrolls that you have will determine the number of duplicate items you create.

Open your inventory. Highlight the stack of scrolls and select them once. Highlight (but do not equip) an item (either single or a stack) that you wish to duplicate, and drop it. Close your inventory and on the floor will be multiple copies of the item that you dropped. when i clicked the scrolls in items tab, its not highlighted like it would be if u click a weap/armor, but it is if u click it in the spells tab. i tried clicks in both it doesnt work. it doesnt have any "u cant equip weaps while attacking" as in the arrow method. i think my version says 1.2.1 is it fixed??? hey if u can post a vid on youtube lemme know--P90 user 07:52, 6 February 2009 (EST)

For PS3 GOTY edition: I figured out a problem with duplicating armor. If you have repaired the armor above 100, then it won't dup. Make sure you dup any armor before you repair it over 125 (if your armorer skill is high enough to do so.) I have not tested this on weapons as all my weapons have been repaired to 125 at this time. I will try it with weapons and reply back here when I get a chance. (Tyric - February 7,2009)

spell icons turned purple!??

I did not play Oblivion for about a month or two. When I turned it on and started playing, I had a spell on hotkey and I selected it. The icon for it was a purple square. When I opened my inventory I noticed a lot of my spells where like that. Does anybody know why this happened. I'm on the 360 by the way.

Updated Guidelines

Based on various discussions about the contents of the glitches and proposed glitches pages I've realized that our existing guidelines probably aren't doing enough to let editors know what is or is not relevant for these articles. Therefore, I'd like to propose revamping the guidelines posted at the top of Oblivion:Glitches/Proposed.

One reason for the revamp is to spell out the criteria in excruciating detail. A single word (e.g., "malfunction") doesn't seem to be enough detail or emphasis to be noticed by most people who post to the page. Of course, we we can't force readers to read and understand the criteria before posting, so a perfect set of criteria won't prevent unnecessary entries from appearing on the page. But having a more exhaustive, detailed set of descriptions should at least mean that questions about why an entry was deleted can simply be answered by saying "read the guidelines" or by copying/pasting the relevant guideline.

The other reason for the revamp is to eliminate the most common type of unhelpful entry that gets posted on the proposed glitches page: an obscure sequence of actions that nobody would ever normally do that leads to an unexpected but irrelevant result. Given that Oblivion is such an open-ended game, players can do an infinite number of ridiculous actions, and I don't think it helps anyone (other readers, developers preparing a future game, etc.) to list all of them. Therefore, minor glitches are only noteworthy if they are commonly encountered as part of standard gameplay; conversely, obscure events are only noteworthy if there are major consequences (game crashes, duplication exploits). I think that distinction provides a fair summary of the unspoken reasoning that has effectively been used when deciding what content actually belongs on the Glitches article.

Therefore, I'm proposing replacing the guidelines on the page with the following section:

I'd also like to replace the introduction on the Glitches page with a statement such as:

This article documents the common and notorious glitches that you are likely to encounter when playing the game of Oblivion.
It is not an exhaustive list of every anomaly that may possibly occur. There are numerous minor animation oddities and graphical surprises that you can uncover if you try to trigger them; if you choose to do a bizarre and unpredictable set of actions, it's likely that the game's response will be bizarre and unpredictable. Rather, this wiki only documents glitches that other readers are likely to be interested in learning about: those that have serious consequences, those that can be exploited to your advantage, or those that most players are likely to uncover during standard gameplay.
Furthermore, this article focuses on general glitches. Glitches that you will only encounter under very specific situations are documented on more specific articles: problems during a quest will be documented on that quest's article; problems that only occur in a given location will be described on that place's article; etc. If you are looking for information on a problem that you've encountered, you should start by searching the same way as non-problem-related information: look at the wiki article on that topic. This article is the place to look if there's an inexplicable problem, whose source is not obvious, or for problems that don't fit into one of the site's other articles.

Any feedback? If you notice typos/grammar errors in the proposed text, feel free to directly edit what I've posted. Assuming there aren't any overall objections, I'm likely to post the new guidelines in a week or two, and then do some housecleaning to Glitches and, particularly, Glitches/Proposed based on the new guidelines. --NepheleTalk 18:48, 9 February 2009 (EST)

That all looks good to me. The only question is with which pre-patch glitches you're planning to remove. I'd definitely keep the arrows one, and probably Dorian, as those two are the most notorious glitches the game has. The request for good spelling and grammar has always amused me. If poor spelling was a requirement on the whole site we'd never get any additions! Anyway, anything that helps clean this mess up has got to be good so thanks for the effort on the new guidelines. –RpehTCE 01:02, 10 February 2009 (EST)
Trying to follow up on this at last....
I wasn't really planning to remove any pre-patch glitches; the guideline about patched glitches was already in the guidelines and I just reorganized/tweaked it. Similarly for the spelling/grammar, although I may have added a bit more emphasis than previously, primarily because it is frequently used as a reason for deleting illegible entries. --NepheleTalk 00:33, 21 April 2009 (EDT)

Sitting Troubles - Cannot Sit Down

On the Knights of the Nine quest arcticle it was correctly edited to remove the statement, "After completing the entire KotN questline your character will no longer be able to sit down, instead they will be stuck standing for a moment then stuck sitting down afterwards which can last up to 2 real time minutes leaving you only able to control the camera making you unable to stand up however after a moment or so you will regain control and be able to stand up again." and was brought to the talk page.

It was stated that no one else was reporting this problem. Then another person said it happened to them, but it happened when they had sat in a throne chair and got killed while messing with a chest. My character cannot sit either, but my experience was also different. I post this message here to test if this is actually a found glich and perhaps we all can help to narrow down exactly what is causing it.

I am uncertain if it started after the KotN questline. I first noticed it after I jumped into the Elder Council room in the center of the Imperial Palace where there is a large table with red "throne-like" chairs and Ocato was sitting in one of the chairs. I tried to sit in a chair, experienced what is described above, then got up and haven't been able to sit since. What is strange is that I was just curious what was down there and reloaded my game to a point before jumping down onto the table but my character still cannot sit down and becomes immobile for a time. I've always assumed it's because she's a High Elf. She sits on her horse higher than my husband's character which is an Imperial. High Elfs are taller than everyone else.

Please inform me if this is an inappropriate use of this talk page. If not, where should I go to post glitches that are not quite narrowed down, yet obviously are consistent to some. Arctic Frost 04:11, 13 February 2009 (EST)

See my response at Oblivion talk:Knights of the Nine#Unable to Sit. In general, it's only necessary to post a question once on the wiki -- the editors who are most likely to respond to a question will see it in either place. --NepheleTalk 10:47, 13 February 2009 (EST)

Sneak Attack Damage Multiplier Glitch

I've just discovered an exploitable glitch which I haven't seen covered anywhere else on the wiki. It appears that, if you perform a sneak attack with a bow, and then quickly switch to a 1-handed weapon before the arrow makes contact, you will get the damage multiplier from the 1-handed weapon instead of the bow, i.e., if you fire a shot with the bow and then quickly switch to a sword, you will do 6x damage instead of 3x damage (or 4x and 2x respectively, if your sneak skill is under 25). However, you do have to be somewhat far away from the target, so that your character has finished his action before the arrow makes contact, else trying to switch weapons before your character returns to the ready position will produce a "You cannot switch weapons while attacking" message. I have been able to repeat this effect. If anyone can confirm that a) this is not covered elsewhere, and b) someone else has also been able to produce this effect, I would be more than happy to do a write up on it. Oh, and I'm playing on Xbox 360, though I doubt an effect of this nature would be any different on PC or PS3, as I have updated to the latest version on Xbox live. Kronos o 17:24, 16 February 2009 (EST)

It's already covered, for example at Sneak Attacks, which I'd say is all that's necessary. --NepheleTalk 19:05, 16 February 2009 (EST)
Ah. I did actually look at that article to see if it was there, though I'll confess I just skimmed it. Thanks. Kronos o 19:43, 16 February 2009 (EST)

Super Bug

I really don't know what else to call it. Whenever I log onto my account on a computer and play Oblivion on the account that I have set up, I encounter the following problems.

  • the mouse is off-center with the interface. To click anything, my mouse is usually a few inches above and either to the left or right of the actual button. I can usually access most of the screens with the keyboard, but this is a nuisance.
  • The first dialogue option for every NPC, no matter what it is, is invisible, a blank area where the option is supposed to be. This is usually very irritating when I have multiple dialogue options and by clicking the first one, something happens that may make me fail my quest.
  • The compass has disappeared. There is absolutely nothing there. Just a blank parchment-colored HUD. I still have the other bars, and I can see the quest marker by opening up the map, but it is still a nuisance.
  • (Strangely enough, whenever I mouse anything via the console, it seems to always select the correct target withouthaving to move the mouse to an off-center position)
  • Whenever I play the game on another account, all these errors are gone.

I know it's not the mods: I played the game with all the mods, and I played the game with none of the mods. I don't want to reinstall it; I'm already so far in the game, so close to the end! Anyone else encounter a similar error? --Darkheart 13:24, 1 March 2009 (EST)

I've certainly never encountered anything like that, but it very much sounds like you've got a corrupted installation. You can re-install the game without affecting any of your current saved games provided you install all the same mods as well. Before you do that, however, try going into My Documents\My Games\Oblivion and renaming the various .ini files to .bak and see if that fixes your problems. It seems odd that different accounts on the same computer would work or not work, which would point to something in those files, I would think. Do older saved games work properly? (Do you have any?) Also, if you copy the saved games in the above-mentioned folder from one account to another, do they work there? --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 16:57, 8 March 2009 (EDT)
I've seen this problem come up if you edit oblivion.ini and change the default FOV setting. Anything besides 75 will screw up your interface in the way described. --Imagine 06:43, 7 June 2009 (EDT)

"Hell breaks loose"

All hell breaks loose in Imperial City

Get a Command Humanoid spell level 3 within the Arcane University that you created yourself for 30 seconds. Use it on an apprentice in green robes and open the gate and walk outside the gates of the Arcane University. When the Command Humanoid spell wears off, all hell breaks loose, the two guards outside the door (the main door to the University lobby) fight eachother, the apprentice attacks you, and the third guard at the gate to the Arcane University district comes and attacks the apprentice. You gain no bounty for this glitch, and I just found it. I guarentee it can work, not positive if it ALWAYS works. You get nice loot from everything, because after the apprentice attacks you and the guards fight eachother, wait for the third guard to kill or distract the apprentice and open the gate and all the mages there attacks something. Loot it and, at higher levels, get enormous loot!

Removed from article. Written in First Person, Mage Apprentice is PC-6, so level 3 wouldn't cover every occurrence, Command Humanoid greatly reduces Disposition and Mage Apprentices have an Aggression of 10, etc. -Nesskid 17:24, 12 March 2009 (EDT)

(Response:) I am re-adding the article. The POINT is to lower their disposition to make heck break loose,..And it always works unless its a mage scholar im talking of apprentices,..

How is this a glitch at all? If an NPCs aggression is above 5, you can turn them hostile by lowering their disposition. Command spells greatly reduce disposition. If any person turns hostile, the guards and citizens will join the fray. It's how the game is set up. -Nesskid 22:41, 13 March 2009 (EDT)
Agreed. Please see the guidelines at the top of Oblivion:Glitches/Proposed (or even better, the updated guidelines) to see what qualifies as a glitch. I've deleted the text from the article again, and unless you can provide some reason for why it's a glitch (i.e., a mistake in the game mechanics) I'd recommend not putting it back again. --NepheleTalk 23:36, 13 March 2009 (EDT)

It is because it turns the entire town aggressive,..When it really isen't suppost to, also Nephele, ive seen you delete more and more good pages, its just very upsetting you delete good glitches and ignore us when we tell you you may have made an error. Ill just be the better man and not add it,..Sense you obviously cant "loose the fight" or you'll ban me again for no reason,..

I have to agree with Nephele on this one. The same "glitch" can be acheived by raising the disposition of any population and then getting a guard to turn hostile toward you, the town will defend you and 'all hell breaks loose'. This isn't a glitch, at the very most it just demonstrates one of the limitations of the game's AI. ( 07:53, 18 May 2009 (EDT))

I once made a similar glitch happened on multiple occasions by casting a sneak spell attack on a civilian in the Market District. It seemed to put a bounty on one of the beggars instead, and everybody immediately began attacking her, and I made off without a bounty or infamy, even though I was the one who attacked. That is a glitch. --Darkheart 11:29, 7 June 2009 (EDT)

duping with scrolls help

i can't seem to dupe my stack of scrolls. i get 2 scrolls that are the same. and then another 2 the same but a different spell. i follow the instructions but then when i exit the journal its just one stack of 2. no duplication has happened. i'm on the PS3 GOTY and it worked with non stacked scrolls so how do i do it? i dont get an option to choose how many items i want to drop either

drop one scroll that you're trying to dupe, so you are only trying to dupe one at a time. That should work 12:57, 15 April 2009 (EDT)

can we get a list?

can we get a link to a page with a list of items that can be duplicated by each method. for example; a list of items duplicated by arrows, scrolls and the skull of corruption. this makes it easier to figure what items can be duplicated

can we make it clear?

can we make it clearer how to duplicate items using scrolls and arrows. we should add in things such as reasons why it may not work or what might not work. ex: if you are wearing what you try to duplicate it won't work.

Dorian infinite money glitch with the newest patch

I would like to get confirmation that even with the latest patch, you can get infinite gold from Dorian. If you pickpocket the gold from him, without killing him, you should be able to take his amount of gold infinite times. Unless you're caught, that is. I'm certain that this isn't a one time occurance, as I've successfully done it several times. -Codex 10:58, 9 April 2009 (EDT)

how to stretch characters/animals etc

My boyfriend has found a glitch that shouldn't mess up the game, but CAN be entertaining if that's the sort of thing that you like to do. You can actually STRETCH those listed above.

 What you need to do: (May only apply to Xbox 360, test on pc and let me know if it works)

First of all, it helps to be fully chameleonised (invisible, find rings or enchant armor to make yourself at least 110% invisible) What you need is a paralyze spell that keeps the 'enemy' down for as long as possible. Make one if you have to. Next, make sure the quest is done to release the ogres into Lord Drad's estate so that Lord and Lady Drad are working for them. Travel to Lord Drad's estate (north/north east of Anvil) and use the paralyze spell on an ogre. Travel either into their house or into the slavery cavern. Come straight back out and hopefully the ogre will still be alive and on the ground. Here comes the fun part, kill them! Once the creature is dead, they should stretch out on the ground. Grab them using the LB button and move them about. This also works on the characters (citizens) of the game in towns and farms, and to the animals they are caring for. As long as they can die you can do the same thing with them and they will stretch for as long as you can carry them. (warning: characters may disappear)Nightmother123 18:52, 16 April 2009 (EDT)

Additional Spasm Glitch Info

The Spasm glitch can also be initiated (in my experience, with the xbox 360, will try on PC eventually.) in a couple of ways not mentioned here. First, by filling a small room with literally hundreds of items. The room I chose (out if boredom and desire to find a use for all of the useless tan plates, etc.) was the main room in the Knights of the White Stallion Lodge. I took items from everywhere that wasn't considered "stealing" (dead people's houses, everything from Cloud Ruler temple, you get the idea) and dropped them on the floor. Once you have about a hundred items, when you first walk in to the lodge you will see the stretched items. If you walk through them or "hit" them with another item (by kicking it) they will rocket around the room. You may also see the floating paintbrush glitch.

Another way to activate the spasm glitch is by kicking everything off of the counters and shelves in shops. I am not sure about the specifics, but I was able to cause certain items to become stretched and distorted by knocking them off the counters of "The Best Defense" in the Imperial City a number of times. Although the items will remain on the floor for a few game-days, they are eventually reset. I think the stretching, related to the Spasm Glitch, is caused by the item being in one position when you kicked it off and then being "reset" later on. 23:38, 17 April 2009 (EDT)

Statues in oblivion

Step 1: create a Bow of weakness to magic 100% for 9 seconds

Step 2: get 10 arrows or withering

Step 3: create a permant clone of youreself close to wherever you want the statue

Step 4: have the clone follow you close as possible to the exact spot, then start shooting it with the arrows of withering from previously created bow.

Step 5: keep shooting till it puts away its weapon, this means it will no longer attack.

Step 6: push it into to exact location you want it.

Step 7: stand back and admire youre new statue.

exsplanation: the arrows of withering have a damage all statistics effect. (the only one found in game). The weakness to magic bow uses spell stacking to effectivley damage all atributes 128 by the 7th arrow shot. the clone is still alive so it wont dissapear but it now has no attributes at all. basically it has 0 magic is overencumbered by 1 weight and has no speed. In effect its a statue.

they will still attack but only if you get within weapon range. ive quicktravled away from and back to the location and that does not unfreez them. to move them the last bit let them attack then block and use the the knockback to get them in there exact location.

oddly enough any gaurds and bandits you effectivley paralyze will still "wander" becoming frozen again only when you aproach.

done on a 360

Temple District Wanted Poster

Near the door from the Imperial Palace in the Temple District there is a wanted poster stuck in the "railing" on the right side. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 25 April 2009

Infinite Money - Vampirism

I have the European GOTY edition of Oblivion for PS3 (including SI and Knights Of The Nine expansions), and I couldn't do the infinite money glitch after the cure for vampirism quest. After asking about Reward once, the topic is just removed from the list. I have never downloaded a patch, so I guess it just isnt there on this edition of Oblivion. Just wanted to let you people know (or is there a way get this glitch to work?). B.A.L. 20:32, 26 April 2009 (EDT)

Your game is patched to version 1.2 (see, for example, Oblivion:PS3#Content or Oblivion:Patch#Version_1.2.0214). --NepheleTalk 21:07, 26 April 2009 (EDT)

Ultimate bug?

Hi i started to play oblivion today to try an role playing idea and to look at the pit armour but all of the sudden i got this weird bug

some of the Knights of the nine items are blurry when i have them in inventory

i can't talk to npcs i just get the i have no greeting bug

there's proboably more but i dont wanna play thanks to the bug

i think it started when i tried to get to the imperial city arena trough the console cause the command i tried didn't work and when i got there normaly ihad the bug

sorry for bad english im from sweden

--DarthMikael 11:53, 30 April 2009 (EDT)

Chokeberry Potion Glitch

In Deepscorn Hollow, there is a plant called Chokeberry Vine in there with the effect of "Poison Fruit". I made it a potion and drank it. Hoping to get rid of the damage health effect, I slept in a bed for 24 hours. When I woke up, the effect sign was still in the top right corner, only with no time bar over it. The damage health effect was still there, and it didn't go away. — Unsigned comment by TheLastNinja (talkcontribs) on 16 May 2009

What's supposed to be a glitch? The Poison Fruit effect is permanent and it's supposed to kill you: as stated at Oblivion:Chokeberry, "Like Poisoned Apples, they will also kill you should you ingest them." It works just like the Deadly Poison effect for Poisoned Apples, where it explicitly states "If you accidentally consume a poisoned apple, you will still take damage at 10 points per second indefinitely, even after the supposed duration time runs out." Or, as stated at Oblivion:Useful Potions#Special Effects: "There is no cure, or any way to reverse the effect of the Poisoned Apple/Deadly Poison: no potion, spell, scroll, greater power or altars of any kind." The only thing that sounds strange about this is that you didn't die in your sleep. --NepheleTalk 14:52, 16 May 2009 (EDT)

Spell Crash

Well I got the spell Bound Gauntlets from a tome. Anyway I began practicing Conjuration. About a combat level and 9 levels down the track I cast it. I quick save it at a house and barter the guy and I walk outside. Autosave... Anyway As soon as the spell runs out The game crashes. I don't want to start again and the actual proper save would be at level 3. I am now level 12.

I cant unequip the bound gloves. I tried quick traveling. I tried loading quicksave before the shop No matter what if the spell runs out the game crashes I tried going to jail but doesn't seem to be a guard I can attack.. so I can go to jail. Is there a console command or something.

Permanent Bound Weapon "Glitch"

Using the permanent bound weapon glitch to create a weapon, and then summoning another bound weapon whilst the original is still equipped will crash the game. (Only confirmed on PS3 version, happened to me 100% of the time on several different saves.) I would have added this as a note on the page but seeing as it is a glitch caused by the exploitation of another glitch I'm fairly sure it doesn't apply to this article. ( 08:06, 18 May 2009 (EDT))

Paintbrushes on PS3

I think it should be worth noting that the Paintbrush glitch does not work on the PS3. I tried it on the GotY Edition and the Paintbrushes simply fall through the ground. It works on Xbox360 and PC though. Anyone tried this on the non-GotY Edition on the PS3? Diadu 09:45, 21 May 2009 (EDT)

game crashes when leave any city

help I have oblivion for my pc I was walking from the imperial city to bruma and my game crashed now every time I leave any city my game crashes can i fix that? ps if it has something to do with expansions I have shivering isles.

Robe of Protection bug?

I picked up the Robe of Protection from an enemy, and it is described as having 12% shield effect. When I put it on I get 12 armour - (12% of 0 = 0, yes?). I haven't really tested if I am actually getting 12 armour, or if it is just some display bug. OK, I just did a test, I have "Protect" as a spell = "Shield 5% for 30 seconds". When I cast that I get an extra 5 points in armour. I guess someone doesn't know what percentage means...

When they talk about protection given by shield spells and armour, it's in the form of a percentage of damage reduction. What it means is that the robe deducts 12% percent of the damage from melee weapons striking you. This can be added to the damage reduction provided by armour, but the max total reduction is 85%. It's just it isn't normally refered to as 85 percent, just 85 points of armour, but they are meant as the same. - User:Aces Andre 18:59, 26 May 2009 (EDT)
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