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Oblivion talk:Knights of the Nine Items

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Archive 1: November 2006-October 2010


why do the holy relics get heavier when you first put them on the stand.--(Theblack7 21:20, 15 December 2010 (UTC))

This may be because when they are placed on the stand, they are placed at the highest level for your character (in terms of enchantment and what not) whenever they are placed on the stand, meaning they effectively 'level' with your character. In short when the item gets higher like this, they are also given weight, if that was confusing for you see the last paragraph here - Emoboy64 21:31, 15 December 2010 (UTC)

Heavy -> Light switch?[edit]

I was wondering. If you got the heavy-armour version of the artifacts, then levelled your light armour up past it, would you get the heavy armour versions or the light armour versions when you took them back off the stand? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:21 on January 16, 2011

The armor recalculates its version when it is placed on the stand and removed, so you should get the Light version as long as that is greater than your Heavy Armor skill. --DKong27 Talk Cont 16:30, 16 January 2011 (UTC)
Nope - you get the correctly-leveled version, but once the game has picked a light or heavy version during the Shrine quest, that's it for good. rpeh •TCE 15:26, 17 January 2011 (UTC)

The boots....[edit]

Why does woodland grace not affect rats or mudcrabs?-- 06:25, 25 March 2011 (UTC)

Because rats and mudcrabs aren't in the Predator Faction. rpeh •TCE 07:50, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
will someone tell me what waswrong with the post that was just undone? Its probly a pain for site admins to keep this place running without ignrant people like me, and I want to learn from my mistakes
and no, I'm not being a kiss a**
Well, you could start with putting four "~" signs without quotes after each of your posts and not swearing and to use the Show preview button. Right next to Save page. You should see it.--Iamgoofball 03:26, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
ok thanks, I did use preview, and if I didn't swear, we both know there is a good chance the next guy to come along would have called me one, and do you mean like this: 03:32, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
I think swearing is not allowed on this wiki, so there is a good chance that wont happen. I personally advise making an account on here. About the boots, if you are a PC player, and have the Construction set, I think you might be able to change certain creatures like the rats and mudcrabs to the Predator faction. I am a PS3 player, but I think that that will make the boots affect the mudcrabs and rats if you do that.
good point, I'm considering it I'm a xbox user, so i couldnt, and i didn't ask the question, i made a joking reply that got me. Here in the first place24.162.122.34 03:42, 12 April 2011 (UTC)

Page Name[edit]

Having the word "new" in the page name doesn't sit right with me. It would make a lot more sense to omit it. However, the page is linked to a massive amount of times, so I'm unsure of moving it. Thoughts? --Legoless 16:20, 14 October 2011 (UTC)

I agree. Knights of the Nine Items makes more sense. There are links and redirects all over though. I don't think it would be too hard to leave this as a redirect and work on changing all the links, but maybe a Bot could do it? --DKong27 Tk Ctr Em 16:29, 14 October 2011 (UTC)
I concur. There's no reason for the word "New" in the name. I can get my bot to do something with this easily enough once the page is renamed, though there aren't really that many when you take out the redirects. Robin Hoodtalk 00:14, 26 February 2012 (UTC)

Lost the enchantments?[edit]

After doing KotN, DB, TG (in that order) and then redoing the Pilgrimage I seem to have lost the enchantments of the relics... Bug, mistake on my part or just imagination? MrL 17:09, 14 October 2011 (UTC)


Do the Boots of the Crusader affect the way spriggans respond to you? I was running through the forest, fully visible (no Invisibility or Chameleon) and my Detect Life picked up a humanoid creature. When I approached it, it turned out to be a spriggan, giggling in the weird way they have. It didn't respond to me at all, even when I stood directly in front of it. Might this be due to the unusually close connection to nature they have? 00:15, 8 February 2013 (GMT)

They don't seem to work on them for me. Spriggans aren't members of the Predator Faction (wearing the boots puts you in this faction, which makes every other animal/creature apart of this faction friendly towards you), so I guess they shouldn't be friendly towards you at all in the first place. Did you happen to bump into the Spriggan out by the Grotto where you first get the Boots of the Crusader? That one stays friendly indefinitely after you pass the test to get the boots, and I don't think it is ever removed from the game afterwards. --Dremora Lord 17:26, 31 May 2013 (GMT)

Infamy and the Gauntlets of the Crusader[edit]

These were not automatically unequipped when acquiring 2 Infamy points from a Thieves Guild quest. After unequipping them, attempting to re-equip fails with the Pilgrimage warning.--Lmstearn (talk) 16:20, 15 July 2014 (GMT)

Meaning behind the helmet?[edit]

Is there any meaning behind the fact that one side of the helmet has 4 holes on the facial area, while the other has 12? - ZuTheSkunk (talk) 18:22, 6 December 2014 (GMT)

That's a really good question if it does have some special meaning intended. I cannot think of any special meaning off the top of my head, though, so I'm going to say that it is just ventilation decoration (which is the correct term to describe the ventilation holes being in any kind of fancy pattern, as I've learned while Googling for a possible mundane answer to this). --AKB Talk Cont Mail 18:30, 6 December 2014 (GMT)

Attempting the Pilgrimage doesn't reset my Infamy[edit]

I did the KOTN quest before continuing my Thief and Dark Brotherhood quests, but upon completion(of TG and DB) I can't get my Infamy to reset. On the PS3 I even tried that, as well when I joined the Thieves Guild, and I tried everything as I got 1 Infamy, but it didn't work, either.(I started the topic for the PC version, though) I did the Pilgrimage, and went to the exact way-shrines located on the map, I fully understand that I don't have to go to those exact ones. I also got the message that my Pilgrimage was completed, but my Infamy still resides at 52. I know that using the console can help me reset but that overrides the reason I installed the plugin. I want to know if I did something wrong. I have no intention to wear the relics, if anyone is wondering. I also have the Unofficial DLC Patch, in case it is brought-up for discussion. Megaman (talk) 00:35, 16 December 2015 (UTC)

Me and my frivolous topic. I had a mod that is suppose to fix it and it turned out to be the cause of this situation. After removing it, and activating a shrine, my Infamy was reset to 0. It's a "dumb me" moment, but I guess I have to complete all the quests for the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild to reset it on the PS3.Megaman (talk) 00:44, 16 December 2015 (UTC)