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Oblivion talk:Norbert Lelles

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Norbert Lelles missing in action[edit]

Has anyone had the same problem with playing the Unfortunate Shopkeeper quest and I can't find Norbert Lelles. I'm in the store, dancing around the green arrow, but no Norbert. Any ideas? I'm playing on XBOX 360.

I'm new to the site (and love it), so I hope this is in the right spot.

Ronno 00:34, 14 March 2010 (UTC)RonnoRonno 00:34, 14 March 2010 (UTC)

Have you checked upstairs? The compass doesn't work very well in 3D. rpeh •TCE 00:38, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
The whole building is "open" so I believe this is your problem because without mods he couldn't have died.--Corevette789 00:41, 14 March 2010 (UTC)

Upstairs, downstairs, day, night, waited a few days/weeks. Has me locked up in the Fighter's Guild quests. I was worried he died when I ran outside of the ship during The Ghost Ship of Anvil to allow some room to fight the wraiths. I say a few bystanders join in the fight.

Impossible, he is essential until the end of this quest, something else happened.--Corevette789 02:18, 14 March 2010 (UTC)

I went back to those saved games. At Sun's Dusk 17, 3E433 10:37PM I'm looking down the pier (out to sea) presumably after just killing a wraith that came after me, I turn around and he's walking past me an into his store/house. If I sneak in, he's not there, but he comes running downstairs if I just walk in. Either way, if I wait until daylight and go in he's there. The next save game at 11:22 PM (game time) I'm back on the pier (I guess after another wraith came up), but no matter what and when I can't find him. Save thing for a random sampling of saved games after that. Also, if I start from the 10:37 saved game and go into the ship and turn around and come right back out, I can't find him again. Something is really wierd. I really don't want to go back through 40ish hours or real time game play to that point. I did see that when I could find him, I couldn't kill him and only knocked him unconscious. Imus the Dull and a guard apparently weren't so lucky and bit it in the battle with the wraiths. — Unsigned comment by Ronno (talkcontribs) at 03:57 on 14 March 2010

Can't Buy Anything?[edit]

Just recently in gameplay, I closed the Oblivion Gate terrorizing Anvil, then tried to go and sell my stuff at Lelle's Quality Merchandise. It was 2:32am in gametime, but his store's door was unlocked and the icon wasn't red, so I went in. He didn't tell me to get out but he didn't have the option to sell anything. I waited (I was allowed to wait in the store) until 8:30am and then 9:30am but he still didn't have the buying option. I left, came back, waited some more, left again, did "the Ghost Ship of Anvil" and came back but I still couldn't buy anything! I haven't done the "Unfortunate Shopkeeper" yet, so I may do that and come back, but any guidance would be appreciated. I have SI, KotN, Spell Tomes, Vile Lair, and Thieves Den installed, so that may be affecting it, but this has never happened before. Could it be a strange bug? I can't find anything on his page about it. -- Sees-the-Stars (talk) 20:08, 9 July 2014 (GMT)

I'm having the same problem. I think it was triggered the same way. I saw the shop was open after hours. Norbert was in the shop (not upstairs) and spoke to me but had no merchant interface. I returned during business hours and he still had no merchant interface. Much later in the game he still doesn't. I tried disable/enable and resurrect to reset him to a default state, but that did not help. --Bheimbaugh (talk) 22:19, 13 December 2014 (GMT)
Same problem. I just walk back to Skingard now :( --Robert.Labrie (talk) 11:38, 31 May 2015 (UTC)
Had the same problem - doing the "Unfortunate Shopkeeper" quest fixed it for me.-- 11:01, 15 April 2018 (UTC)