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Oblivion talk:Oblivion/Archive 5

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This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:Oblivion discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Respawn Mechanics

Is there a page that describes how things "respawn" or reset in-game? If not, would it be possible to add a page somewhere to list observations on how it works?

Some things I was curious about: what returns to a person's inventory if pickpocketed? For example, if you steal gold off a person and check back another time, that person may have more gold. However, the amount they're carrying the next time seems less to me. Also, I've stolen multiple copies of Agarmir's Debaser in this way. Does this apply to anything else a NPC may be carrying or equipping?

It also seems like if your body bumps into an object, say in someone's house...if that's all that happens, the item may reset to its original location on your next visit. However if you press 'grab' on that object, it'll stay in its new location. NPCs bumping into things may be different as well as to if the object moves or can be reset to its original place.

Nightbreeze 06:42, 25 February 2010 (UTC)

Well, usually inventories and cells respawn every 72 hours. This means that any food either on a person or in a given cell will reappear. Gold also respawns but it's amount is never fixed, it's leveled and random. The 'bumping' you've alluded to is probably due to collision. If you 'bump' into stuff it is displaced via havok physics (or collision) so when the cell resets it should go back to place. However, if you move it yourself via grab it is likely to stay in the location were you placed it. --SerCenKing Talk 08:26, 25 February 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for the reply! How about things like equipment? If I were to say, steal the clothes off of someone sleeping, would those respawn as well or would that unfortunate person calmly walk around town naked forever? And say, if I were to steal the skooma off those people living in the Skooma Den, would that respawn as well? I also was wondering about say, doors. Do their open/close states always reset, never reset, or only for certain locations? --Nightbreeze 17:13, 25 February 2010 (UTC)
I'm not 100% sure about this but I think that clothes don't respawn - i.e. the NPC just walks around naked. It can easily be checked in-game: simply pickpocket a guy and then wait three days. The skooma also shouldn't respawn. Doors are actually separate to respawning mechanics: NPCs have AI packages which order them to lock and open doors. For example, Sergius Verus in the Market District has a package that makes him available for bartering for most of the day; at the beginning of the package he unlocks the door to the store while at the end he locks up. --SerCenKing Talk 22:39, 2 March 2010 (UTC)
Yes, NPC's will walk around without cloths if they have 2 sets and you steal one set, its pretty funny actually.--Corevette789 22:45, 2 March 2010 (UTC)

Hmm, so from what you're saying, NPC gold and food respawn, but not other things in their inventory (like potions).

What about npc equipment with durability (weapons, shields, armor, the like)? I've stolen multiple copies of Agarmir's Debaser, which made me think equipment respawns. However, it also seems like normally, swords and armor can get worn out over time. After following Mazoga the Orc through a few dungeons while she hunts black bows, now she only runs around using fists.

Also, is it possible to put a page up somewhere on the wiki that explains/clarifies all these small details? --Nightbreeze 05:33, 6 March 2010 (UTC)

Well semi-old discussion, but the reason Mazoga's sword hasn't respawned is that it's still in her inventory so the game doesn't recognize that she needs a new one.--TheAlbinoOrc 02:22, 25 May 2010 (UTC)

anyone anyone

Hay i was just wondering if anyone knows if Bethesda is making an Elder Scrolls five?

They haven't announced what they're currently working.-- 00:00, 19 March 2010 (UTC)
Read the title page and we have a news feed there.--Corevette789 00:01, 19 March 2010 (UTC)

Just a quick question

First off if this is the wrong place I'm sorry... I have played this game on 360 for ages now, however I have always wanted to get more from the game, and due to mods beings more readily available for pc it seems like the best option is to buy it for pc. However, I have grown sick of windows with all the problems I have had with it and am in the process of buying a MacBook pro (please don't flame on that decision if you prefer windows). My question is; will thisgame even stand a chance of running in boot camp, and will the mods be able to work there? (this is with the highest specs the MacBook offers) to be honest I was going to get a gaming laptop and give windows one last chance but the course I am doing is graphicly heavy and seeing everyone elses macs handling it so well it seems like the right decision. Tl;dr would a MacBook pro be able to run oblivion and the mods that are available?

Lol no macs cant play games until you dual boot with windows but if you are gonna stay with the Mac os you cant play the game or get any of the mods. Arny 13:54, 18 May 2010 (UTC)

City swimmer now in the city sewers

here's the rundown. before i even started the main quest line (and had all the random mythic dawn agents attacking the towns) i found city swimmer of Bravil and all of Bravil's beggar population dead in the river that runs through the city... i ran into a few problems when doing the thieves guild quest line but there's a working around (no mods or cheats if this has happened to any one else) does any one know why this happened?

City-Swimmer (and probably the rest of the beggars of Bravil) has very low responsibility, meaning she will attempt to steal food, if she get caught the guards kill her. This sounds like the same thing only more people were involved.--TheAlbinoOrc 19:01, 1 April 2010 (UTC)

It is just random scripting errors. I have seen Ranaline and Cosmus dead in the river before starting the main quest. But no, beggers don't steal food. Like my friend Simplicia, beggers always have food waiting for them by their beds.--Arch-Mage MattTalk 19:07, 1 April 2010 (UTC)

doors in ruins not working

OK so I've just entered the ruins to get the great welkey stone but in the first room wher you jump down and push the butten on the wall then activate the preaahur thinggy to open the gate and the gate wont open I've tryed avoiding this quest and playing the game without the main quest but in the other ruins those gates you open up with the wall butten thingys just wont work. I've tryed the floating paintbrush thingy to avoid the pressur plate but the gate wasint even open anny sugestions?

by the way the gates im trying to activate are the ones with the weird floral-ish design and the hole in the middle you can pretty mutch see through the gate no matter what

There is a bug that seems most commonly to occur in Miscarcand but has been noticed in other ruins. Unfortunatley there is no way to open the gate once it freezes without reloading or in some cases restarting. Manic 11:13, 2 July 2010 (UTC)

Also see the Glitches talk page. There's a topic there that deals with the same problem.--TheAlbinoOrcGot_a_question? 20:20, 2 July 2010 (UTC)

No Quest Conversation Options

I've had this issue occur previously, and was able to go to an older savegame to find one without the bug. When I attempt to speak to characters, there are no options in the conversation related to the quests that I have. For instance, I'm supposed to escort Martian to the palace for lighting the dragonfires, but he doesn't have a conversation option that allows me to offer to escort him. Walking into Umbacco's home, I'm approached by the butler who speaks to me, but only has the rumors option, and won't unlock the door for me to head up stairs to talk to Umb. When I pick the lock to talk to him, he doesn't have any conversation option for me to advance the quest. SO far as I can tell, it applies across all quests. While I do have a fair number of mods, I'm not sure that any of them are causing this - I've tried disabling a number of them, and it doesn't appear to fix the issue.

A bad thing for Oblivion Makers

People please do me something in return ! I need really help. I helped the city of Kvatch and i didnt save Martin. So when i completed save count, i went back to the entrance to kvatch. Martin is now in the camp and i cant get him too follow me ! This game sucks if there is no solution. Also i have started the spies quest (Wich i recived by Jauffre) then i dont know what too do either. How can i join The Blades Without making this martin guy too move his ass.BTW i cant make Martin too move with me. He just says that hes studying on some stuff.

Also i noticed a bugg on 1.2 patch, if you are traveling to Cheydinhal go into the water. Now jump and then move forward. This should make you swim in the air !

Too All Elder Scrolls Makers. Good Work Making Those Games. Oblivion has good quests and is a big experience. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 9 April 2010

Huh? What do you even mean ? Martin can't be in Kvatch when you have the quest for the spies, can he ?--TheAlbinoOrc 19:54, 9 April 2010 (UTC)


I think it would be cool if somewhere there was a pop. estimate of cyrodiil. just a thought though.

970 people. --Arch-Mage MattTalk 00:34, 15 April 2010 (UTC)
(P.S., that isn't an estimate.)--Arch-Mage MattTalk 00:35, 15 April 2010 (UTC)

Sweet thanks

That doesn't include bandits, marauders and etc. does it?

Vampire help

I was going to sleep in a bed in the cloud ruler temple since I'm a Blade member and when I woke up it said I was a vampire! I have no clue what to do or what happens besides the fact that I burn in sunlight. Many of my quests require being out in the day! Please help and tell me how to undo this or some tips. 21:24, 22 April 2010 (UTC)

See this page.--Corevette789 21:26, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
If you want the page that explains the effects of vampirism (the link Corevette gave is for the cure), see this page. --GKtalk2me 01:23, 23 April 2010 (UTC)
I had exactly the same weird surprise. I didn't realise I had the vampire disease until I woke up and it gave me a weird text message coming up explaining about my nightmare. This only happened because I didn't originally know that hemophilia was a vampire disease. When I got hemophilia, I didn't care about it (As it only had a very weak drain fatigue effect). — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 6 August 2010


i as just wandering does something happe if you get all of the daedric artifacts — Unsigned comment by Allgreto (talkcontribs) at 02:56 on 25 April 2010

Nothing special, you just have a lot of powerful artifacts.--Corevette789 02:58, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
Doesn't Clavicus Vile require you to give up one of the Daedric artifacts, thus making it impossible to have all of them at once ?--TheAlbinoOrc 04:07, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
Umbra, which isn't one of the Daedric artifacts - technically. The quest Blood of the Daedra requires you to give up an artifact, but you don't have to do that straight away. But no, nothing special happens if you get all the daedric artifacts. rpeh •TCE 08:21, 29 April 2010 (UTC)

quest list with number of bugs

Does anyone know where there might be a list of quests with number of bugs in them? I'm just fed up with all the bugs and would like a completely safe bug-free experience for a change. The reason I need a guide instead of just downloading the unofficial patch is that I am on the Xbox360. If there isn't one, would it be acceptable for someone to make one please? Perhaps it would be as simple as adding bug number to a quest list? I really like this game, but so far every quest I have been interested in doing was bugged in some frustrating way. Seems like I have a case of permanent bad luck.

Did you try connecting the xbox to the internet and downloading the official patch for it? That solved all bugs I had that prevented gameplay. AlexJ 03:50, 2 June 2010 (UTC)


how do you get a dog — Unsigned comment by ObLiViOnFrEaK (talkcontribs) on 18 May 2010

dog? what dog? Arny 19:47, 18 May 2010 (UTC)
Do you mean this one? rpeh •TCE 01:42, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
Its not essential so it could have died Arny 10:11, 20 May 2010 (UTC)

Question about leveled weapons and weapon leveling...

So I'm level 22 at the moment, Nord race male born under The Thief, class Knight. I have finished the main quest and lots of other side quests. I think I've completed about 100 quests so far. Got myself the full daedric armor (I'm missing a daedric broadsword, but I've got the full apparel of all the other weapons).

Since I play the PS3 GOTY version of the game, I don't want to make mistakes when going to Shivering Isles. I've just started the quest at level 22. My question is related to weapons and armor you acquire on Shivering Isles. I've read on the Shivering Isles pages on here that there are many leveled rewards, some ranging to level 30+!

Well, I don't think I can level that fast to level 30 then do the Shivering Isles so I was wondering am I missing out if I start the Shivering Isles at level 22? Maybe I'm wrong, but leveling is really slow now at level 22?

Thank you.

Kyou — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 21 May 2010

See here, here and here and decide for yourself. --SerCenKing Talk 18:07, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
That doesn't help, I've read that myself. You could've linked me to, same difference. Can someone help me please? Thanks again.
Kyou — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 21 May 2010
You're the only person who can decide whether or not you absolutely have to have the best leveled gear. Looks at the items and determine if they would be useful for your character and if they would be useful, determine what version of the gear you'd be happy with getting. If you want (or need) the best gear than wait. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter.-- 19:42, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
The reply SerCenKing gave should give you all the answers you need. If you need answers spoon-fed to you, why not try a shoot 'em up instead of an RPG? Please read the links you were given and work it out for yourself. This isn't a forum, it's a wiki. rpeh •TCE 21:34, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
Everytime I try to enter the shivering isles below level 25 it says i cant. Than again I power level (as opposed to effeciently leveling) most of the time, so it could be time-based or fame-based. Mikeyboy52 15:11, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
Any advice on powerleveling? How do I get a few levels up in a short time? Kyou

() Such questions are better asked in the forums. Robin HoodTalk 17:50, 25 May 2010 (UTC)


What I think should be added to oblivion acheivments. "All beggars killed" (Mylesjackson 14:36, 22 May 2010 (UTC)Mylesjackson)

Besides the X-Box acheivments and "personal glory acheivments" as i call them, i dont see any acheivments on this wiki. Although I think we have a "100% completion" page. Mikeyboy52 15:14, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
We list the Oblivion Xbox 360 Achievements on the page Oblivion:Xbox 360 Achievements, and the Shivering Isles Xbox 360 Achievements on the page Shivering:Xbox 360 Achievements. As for further comments on what achievements you think should be added, please take it to the forums. rpeh •TCE 07:59, 23 May 2010 (UTC)

I ment 100% completion. I just forgot ok! Mylesjackson 18:36, 23 May 2010 (UTC)

Summon spells in the Shivering Isles

Discussion moved to Shivering_talk:Shivering Isles#Summon spells in the Shivering Isles


my xbox freezes whenever i cast a bound spell or summon?!?!?!? how can i fix this???? (Tbone11)

I have a 360 and my my only problem is that sometimes it randomly freezes, and it over heats when I play oblivion and then I get lag and then I get the red rings of death. but sry I dont know--Arny 19:36, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

ok so now my summons work but i cant use the bound items- better but annoying- should i just wait an hour for my xbox to cool off?- extremely hot day in Ohio

Maybe, my 360 is in a cabinet so I turn it so that the back faces the open end and open all the windows in my house, I have a fan that I put next to my 360 on hot days. --Arny 19:43, 26 May 2010 (UTC)
For all you non-Jesper users, I would recommend a Intercooler to prevent game-crashing and other technical issues.--Corevette789 19:48, 26 May 2010 (UTC)
I dont have too many issues when the windows are open on my 360 my issues are oblivion loading times --Arny 19:59, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

I'll get more specific about what happend before it froze- I summoned bound dagger, repaired it to 107 dropped it, and i equipped a sroll spell for an upcoming fight. then i dropped the dagger (so it would stay after spell ran out) afterwards it froze when i summoned a bow. now it freezes when i use bound weapon.

Im not sure if you realized it but that dagger is now a permanent bound item, look here, I dont know why it froze though --Arny 20:14, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

I meant to do the permanant bound item but I did made the permanant armor nd was gonna start on weapons

Well I dont think the order of events matter I think you should play the game again and if it continues post here again --Arny 20:27, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

Day 2- everything works now, if this happens to you wait a few hours or a day


im playing on the 360 and my saves are organized randomly is there any way to change the settings so that the saves are organized by save number? please help--Arny 19:18, 27 May 2010 (UTC)

Possibly the Saved Data Utility ? (Or whatever it is for the 360) — Unsigned comment by TheAlbinoOrc (talkcontribs) at 19:29 on 27 May 2010
In the 360 memory it shows up in order of save number but in the games its randomely organized the reason im asking this is because my friend has the pc version and his saves are organized --Arny 19:59, 27 May 2010 (UTC)
Ok I found the problem because I dont have xbl whenever I restart my console the time resets and because Oblivion organizes its saves by time they all become messed up now everytime I start my console I set the date so the new saves I make now show up where they are supposed to --Arny 14:42, 31 May 2010 (UTC)
I solve this be overwriting my saves so you don't get clogged up. I think this happens with all Xbox users, as it always happens to me if I have too many saves. I usually have about 5 saves going at one time. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 7 August 2010


"ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Lists your many accomplishments." - from Oblivion PC Manual. Any reason why this isn't included on this site?--Zander490 02:40, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

It is, although it's not important enough to have its own page. Rather, the individual counters crop up in various articles across the site. 100% Completion is one such page. rpeh •TCE 04:35, 2 June 2010 (UTC)


I have a question. I dont know how the abilities "acrobacy" and "athletics" works in relation to Strenght and wight. For example, ive become the Gray Fox and obtained the mask wich have "feather 200" and theres no change. The only difference is that i cant carry about 700 instead of 500 but hasnt affected my speed or my jumps. Mi question is... Does wieight have an influence on your speed or only on the thing you can carry? thanks — Unsigned comment by Kangurodecker (talkcontribs) on 19 June 2010

From Oblivion:Encumbrance: "Total weight carried has no effect on your Speed". rpeh •TCE 11:10, 19 June 2010 (UTC)


when you get master mercantile do you get a store — Unsigned comment by Allgreto (talkcontribs) on 24 June 2010

No. You can invest in stores, though, see here.--TheAlbinoOrcGot_a_question? 18:26, 24 June 2010 (UTC)
thats good but were is the store at what kind of store and how do I get my money — Unsigned comment by Allgreto (talkcontribs) on 24 June 2010
Try reading the link left by TheAlbinoOrc above, specifically the part that says, "An Expert can invest money in a shop to permanently increase the shop's available gold by 500." Though there are a (very) few exceptions, you can pretty much invest in any merchant's shop. As far as "how do I get my money," you may not be understanding the way it works. Investing increases the merchant's available gold, so there's a higher limit to how much they will pay for a single item. --GKtalk2me 19:14, 24 June 2010 (UTC)


Trouble loading east of Skingrad

I'm currently trying to complete the quest "Information at a price", however I can't get to Bloodcrust Cavern. Every time I get somewhere close to it, my computer siezes up, no matter what direction I approach it from. Does anybody know what's going on and how to fix it?

Trouble loading east of Skingrad

The same thing happened during the Main quest, I couldn't approach the Oblivion gate there. I note that this Oblivion gate and Bloodcrust Cavern are in close proximity to each other. I have no problems with any of the rest of the game. I was able to complete the Main quest without shutting down that particular gate, but I won't be able to complete this quest (Information at a price) without access to the cavern.Billbush 21:10, 28 June 2010 (UTC) I've found the solution! I downloaded the unofficial Oblivion patch 3.2.0 (by Quarn and Kivan) at this following site, and it worked just fine. Thank you Quarn and Kivan, I understand that you put a tremendous amount of time and effort in this patch. It was well worth it, you did an excellent job! Now I can get on with the game.Billbush 03:13, 29 June 2010 (UTC)

Could someone help me out? I'm looking for a house...

There is a house in Oblivion I am looking for. I don't know where it is or what it looks like because I have not seen it in a long time. All I know is that if you go into the house after the amulet of kings has been delivered to Jaufre, it will be destroyed by an oblivion gate that will take it's place. Could someone help? I know this shouldn't really be posted on the main oblivion page, but I have no where else to go.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:11 on 4 July 2010

Is this what you're looking for? Talk Wolok gro-Barok Contributions 20:34, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
Yup, that's it. Thanks alot man, you're a life saver.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:39 on 4 July 2010
By the way, are there any more "hidden" houses like this? And shouldn't this be on the houses page technically?— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:22 on 5 July 2010
To my knowledge no. There isn't much point of putting it on the houses page though, since bandits spawn inside it and so does an Oblivion gate during the main quest. --SerCenKing Talk 09:43, 6 July 2010 (UTC)
I believe the anon is referring to the fact that this whole conversation should've taken place on the houses talk page instead of this page. I suppose he's right, technically, and so that's my fault, but it isn't worth the hassle of replacing it now. Talk Wolok gro-Barok Contributions 09:52, 6 July 2010 (UTC)
Oh, and there are no more hidden houses like that, but this page shows all the unmarked locations. Talk Wolok gro-Barok Contributions 09:55, 6 July 2010 (UTC)

Can't Continue Mage Questline!

The whole purpose of me playing Oblivion is for me to get through the Mage's Guild (obviously I've done other things too though). Also, I'm playing this on the Xbox 360 if that matters...

I'm at the quest with the magical Pillar that you have to fire spells at in a certain order to open. I went through and got to a place where I had to raise the steps and 4 Liches came after me. Since I couldn't kill them, I left to get some Spell Absorb/Reflect spells and came back. But now the Pressure Panel won't activate anymore and I can't continue if it doesn't! Any help PLEASE?! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:40 on 16 July 2010

Try waiting 3 days (away from the ruin) to see if the ruins will reset. -- Jplatinum16 21:58, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
I waited an entire week in the Imperial City and it still messed up... I've tried getting some achievements, completing other quests, leveling up, and waiting but it still does it... Any other ideas? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:51 on 16 July 2010
I wish I had a better idea of where you're having a problem at. Looking at the this zone map, have you already opened the two side rooms for the pressure plate reprsented by the small teal dot? -- Jplatinum16 00:18, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
"Ahead of you, down a short hallway, is a pressure plate. Stepping on it opens up two rooms to the sides of you containing an enemy each." This is the Pressure Plate with the issues. Like I said, I made it all the way to the Liches once, saved before releasing them, and when I couldn't be it, left to become more prepared and returned. Now the above-mentioned Pressure Plate won't activate... — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:07 on 17 July 2010
The pressure plate should only open the rooms- "Enter each room to open the way to the rest of this dungeon (it is not necessary for you to kill the enemies here)." -- Jplatinum16 01:49, 17 July 2010 (UTC)

I realize that... But the rooms aren't opening! If I could get my save to work for PC (like there is a guide to do on here) would there be a Command code I could use to reset the Pressure Panels or force the rooms open?

Toggle Collision--Corevette789 05:16, 19 July 2010 (UTC)

I "purified" teinaava, after starting the Argonian Heart quest.

I was half way through "purification of the Cheydinhal sanctuary when Teinaava gave me a quest. I listened, then finished her off.

So now I've got the heart, and returned to the sanctuary but obviously, she's not there. How do I get rid of the Quest entry?

I'm on PS3.


nope their is no way to get it off and he is a he not a she. --(Theblack7 17:00, 27 July 2010 (UTC))

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