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Oblivion talk:The Imperial City

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The Sewer System[edit]

In case any one is wondering why the names for the sewers are somewhat inconsistent, I'm just using the names as listed in the game in all cases. So some sewers have 'The' included in their name, others (Talos Plaza Sewers) don't. And although the district is Elven Gardens (with an 's' on Garden) the sewers are The Elven Garden Sewers (no-s). So just another case of Bethesda not quite making up their minds, and in the process tormenting those of trying to document the game. I'm creating some redirects so everyone else doesn't have to keep track of whether or not to use 'The' with these sewer names.--Nephele 14:35, 1 July 2006 (EDT)

Imperial City People[edit]

I went ahead and put the people in the Imperial City on this page... I've found the other cities' listing of people very handy whenever I'm in town, I know exactly where to go sell something or get training or some other service. I was disappointed it wasn't on this page and only later found it over it the 'People' section. --Vilhazarog 18:07, 23 February 2007 (EST)


Is there a dog anywhere in the Imperial City? I swear I hear a dog's bark occasionally when I'm in the Talos Plaza District (exact same one that you hear when you are around dogs). Is the dog bark sound used as an ambient sound that is randomly played when in cities? Dio 225

There are two dogs who live in the Imperial City, but neither of them is in the Talos Plaza District. Charlotte is in the Temple District and Rohssan's Dog is in the Market District. There's a full list of all the dogs at Oblivion:Dog. --NepheleTalk 21:07, 13 May 2007 (EDT)

Imperial Palace Glitch[edit]

Hey, I'm not sure if this is where I should ask about this, but it seems to fit here. Sorry if it's the wrong place.

Okay, so you know the door that you go through to get into the Imperial Palace? Right in the middle of the city? This is on the PC version, by the way.

It appears to be glitched. It has no collision model, so I can walk through it. If I select it in the Console, it has the same ID as the rest of the building.

I am not given the option to open the door or anything, either. I cannot access the Palace any longer.

Help? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:34 on 17 March 2008 (UTC)

The only thing I can think of is to use the console to travel to Green Emperor Way. You can find it's ID on the Imperial City page. Are you sure you haven't accidentally used Toggle Collision? 14:27, 27 September 2009 (UTC)


Should a shop table be placed on the right-hand side of the page? I know you only need to click on the market district but the page does not indicate any need to click on Market District to view the shops. --Matthewest TCE 04:41, 15 April 2008 (EDT)

Guard Siege[edit]

I was in the market district when the battle music came on. all the guards strated to run out of the city but the people didnt seem to notice. So the all the guards ar runnig out of the city i followed them after a while thay fought a bear then they all whent back to the city whats that about— Unsigned comment by Allgreto (talkcontribs) at 03:15 on 30 August 2009

Guards protecting the city, I don't see what is so wrong about that. --Timenn-<talk> 15:12, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
yeah but thwy ran out of the city for a while almost all the way to anvil — Unsigned comment by Allgreto (talkcontribs)


the page include related quests ? JackTurbo95 13:14, 20 March 2011 (UTC)

I guess so, although I'm a bit worried it would be a looooong list. rpeh •TCE 13:16, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
If you worrying about help I will provide a load of it. What do you think ? — Unsigned comment by JackTurbo95 (talkcontribs) at 13:25 on 20 March 2011 (UTC)
Maybe we could make a separate page like Morrowind:Quests in Vivec Foreign. Legoless 13:25, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
That would be better. Also I was thinking about putting in the Independant Thievery where the fences are because it is a quest. JackTurbo95 13:29, 20 March 2011 (UTC)

Vampire Cure Quest[edit]

Is vampire cure really an imperial city quest? I realise that the first step is to go there, but you get the quest wherever you might have slept, so it's more of a "related to" quest, I understand if folks want to keep it here, but there should at least be mention of it in the miscellaneous section, as this is sort of confusing. (Same with "The Collector", as one way to begin the quest has him finding you.) (Sorry that I put this question multiple places, I wasn't sure where it fit best.) 09:39, 22 May 2011 (UTC)

You can start both of them in the city. That's reason enough to have them in the "quests starting here" section. Legoless 10:47, 22 May 2011 (UTC)
In that case they should be in other lists as well (specificly Cheydinhal for the vampire cure (as I never set foot in the imperial city, I went through Vicente from the dark brotherhood.) I concede however that they do not need to be removed from here, and thank you for your explanation. Cultist O 07:57, 24 May 2011 (UTC)
I added his name to the first paragraph. Legoless 16:08, 24 May 2011 (UTC)

a 3rd strut?[edit]

If you notice there is enough room for a 3rd "strut". I mean strut as in like a branch like the prison and the arcane university. On the island there is enough room where you would think there could have been another branch similar to the university or the prison. This is pure speculation. I was just wondering if anyone has come across any files that could point to that and how maybe they didnt add it to save disk space like how they only had 1 arena. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:57 on July 5, 2011

There is nothing to suggest this idea. If there was it would have been noted on the page. --DKong27 Tk Ctr Em 03:17, 6 July 2011 (UTC)
And what would they put there? The only thing I can think of is some sort of Fighters Guild version of the Arcane University (Well it it is across from it which would even things out). I'm pretty sure that the same layout was in previous lore maps (Arena?) and I know Bethesda wouldn't add anything new that would mess up previous games. --Pickle 04:12, 6 July 2011 (UTC)
This was pure speculation on my part. I just saw the extra land and thought if a 3rd area was ever brought up. I mean hell, this is the epic captial city of arguably the most sophisticated area of tamriel (or tries to be) and why not make it gigantic. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:10 on 8 July 2011 (GMT)


Has anyone else waited, and then at a gate to another district a large crowd is there, like fifteen people? I had that just now, and a while before after completeing an nexpected Voyage. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:53 on 22 August 2011 (UTC)

ground storage[edit]

can you drop a random item on the ground and leave it there for days upon days and when you return, have it still be there? or will it disappear? DragonWolf 03:35, 16 January 2012 (UTC)

In most cases, yes, you can just drop something and leave it there. The only exception to that is if there's someone nearby who's scripted to steal things (most often food), then whatever you drop might disappear. Robin Hoodtalk 06:55, 11 February 2012 (UTC)

Skyrim logo on new banners and doors?[edit]

I just started playing oblivion again, and I notice that most (if not all) of the area separation doors now have the skyrim logo, and banners with the logo are all over the Imperial City. Am I right that this is new, or did I just miss this before? If this IS new, can I expect other skyrim easter eggs later? (am playing steam version with the DLC (all of them) and unofficial patches, if that's relevant) — Unsigned comment by (talk)

It's not specifically the Skyrim logo, it's the symbol of Akatosh and the Empire. It was used in Morrowind as the symbol of the Legion (see the image on the Morrowind article). In Skyrim, it's also used on your map to mark Imperial camps. --Gaebrial 10:18, 15 February 2012 (UTC)

How does NPC pathing into sewers work?[edit]

This article mentions that: "Occasionally, when an NPC in the Imperial City tries to travel to a different district of the city, their AI will decide that going through the sewers is quicker than walking the streets. This will cause them to enter the nearest sewer entrance and travel underground, possibly putting themselves in danger from rats, goblins, bandits, and other hazards."

How are the combat outcomes simulated when the player is elsewhere and the sewers are unloaded? Is Oblivion dynamically loading them in the background to track NPCs? 15:18, 8 March 2024 (UTC)