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Online:A Family Divided

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Quick Summary: written by Likelolwhat, checked by FolkPunkDruid

Walkthrough: written by Likelolwhat, FolkPunkDruid, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Jeancey, checked by FolkPunkDruid
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Reunite a refugee with her husband.
Zone: Deshaan
Objective: Forgotten Crypts — Investigate the disturbance in the Forgotten Crypts.
Quest Giver: Sela
Location(s): Forgotten Crypts
Next Quest: A Bitter Pill
Reward: High Leveled Gold
Survivors of the plague from Narsis have built a refugee camp inside long-abandoned crypts. Sela and her husband came to join the group, but became separated.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Escort Sela to the camp.
  2. Unseal the door.
  3. Find Sela's husband.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Just inside the Forgotten Crypts you will find Sela. She explains that she fled Narsis, and the Llodos Plague, with her husband Garil and a group of other refugees. Upon entering the crypts, she became separated from them, and now they won't let her in the camp through the main entrance. She needs your help finding another way in.

You have the optional step of talking to Sela more after accepting the quest; she says that she wears too much cinnamon perfume.

Head down the steps into the first room. Sela will approach the barricade and initiate a dialogue with the gate sentry in which she gets absolutely nowhere, but it does provide context for why the sentry won't let her through.

Danus: "Go away! If you're infected, you'll kill us all!"
Sela: "We're not infected, you idiot! I'm trying to find my husband!"
Danus: "I don't care if you're looking for Nerevar. You're not getting in here."
Sela: "This is getting us nowhere. There's got to be another entrance through the crypts."

Head east then north through the corridors, heading west when you can to loop around to the back entrance of their camp. There are many undead to fight along the way, as well as The Forgotten Sheriff, a ghost miniboss.

Sela and the warded door

At the back entrance Sela will spot her husband's bow atop a crate and points it out as evidence that he's been here. You can examine it for information.

"<This bow is covered with grime. If it belongs to Garil, clearly he hasn't used it in a long time.>"

The door into the refugee camp is warded. There's a note on the table nearby, mostly consisting of the author's complaints about using the crypt as a hideout, but it does mention some kind of puzzle lock.

A battleaxe and shield are mounted on the wall on each side of the door. To the right side, a sword rests on the ground. Inspecting the door, you can attempt to open it.

"<The ornate door is locked shut, but shows signs of recent use.>"
[Intimidate] Open this door or I'll tear this whole place apart!
"<From the other side you hear a quiet shuffling, a pause, and then a loud click as the door unlocks.>"
<Inspect the door>
"<There are three items positioned along the frame of the door that look out of place. They move slightly when pressed.>"
<Press the sword.>
<Press the shield.>
<Press the axe.>

The three items around the door are the key. Click on the door, then solve the puzzle by choosing them in the dialogue in the order they are on the door - left side, top, right side (left to right) to get the ward down. Trying an incorrect answer will cause you to be hit with a small dose of poison and knock you back, prompting Sela to comment that the trap doesn't seem to be lethal. You can also try intimidating or persuading the sentry on the other side to save the extra step.

<Press the shield.>
"<There is a small click as the shield is depressed.>"
<Press the sword.>
"<There is another click as the carved sword gives.>"
<Press the axe.>
"<There's another click, then the sound of stone locks sliding open.>"

The barrier will fade away, and you can step through. Several Dunmer are sitting around, and the camp is littered with tents and other amenities, including a sizable pool of rainwater in the middle from a crack in the ceiling. Speak with Sela, and she will tell you that she can't see her husband anywhere and that something seems wrong. You can question Nodryn, Sil, and Danus about Sela's husband and life in the crypts.

Nodryn will mention that Danus, the paranoid sentry from earlier, leads their little group. She also mentions that he has had remarkable luck finding fresh meat, but she has no idea where he's getting it from in a crypt full of ghosts and skeletons. When asked about Garil, Nodryn simply says that he's "not with us anymore", and directs you to Danus for any further answers to either of your questions. Sil will express much of the same about the meat he is eating, but will also say that Garil vanished on the last hunting expedition, and again directs you to Danus for more information.

Danus in the camp

Danus is near the barricade, on the south side of the camp. He is distrustful of you, saying that you aren't wanted here and that you may be carrying the plague. He also reveals that he abandoned Garil in the crypts once he was sure he had the plague. He has no idea where Garil is, but he doubts he survived.

You will have to break the news to Sela, who is by the back door. The other refugees haven't been answering her questions, and when you inform her why Garil isn't there she is shocked. According to her, he was completely fine the last time she saw him. She is suspicious of Danus' explanation and begs you to help her find her husband. At this point you can chose to either tell her to stay in the safety of the camp with the other refugees while you investigate, or that she's not safe here and she should get out immediately. Your choice will have an impact on the outcome of the follow-up quest, A Bitter Pill.

No matter your response, she will ask you to hurry your investigations. Additionally, if you tell her it's not safe to stay, she will agree that the camp "doesn't feel right". Either way, she will give you an average sum of gold before you set out.


  • If the followup quest, A Bitter Pill, is not accepted, Sela will remain in the camp indefinitely, even if told to leave for her safety.

Quest Stages[edit]

A Family Divided
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Latest start Sela cannot find a way past the main barricade, and can't fight through the haunted crypts herself.
Objective: Help Sela Reach the Camp
Optional Step: Talk to Sela
There is what appears to be a back entrance into the camp, but the door is locked. Sela will wait by the door while I find a way to open it.
Objective: Find a Way to Unlock the Camp Entrance
Objective Hint: Determine the Correct Sequence
HINT: The door utilizes a puzzle lock. I need to determine the correct sequence of the axe, shield, and sword symbols to open it.
The entrance into the camp is unlocked.
Objective: Enter the Camp
Sela looks uneasy.
Objective: Talk to Sela
Sela is concerned that she hasn't found her husband. It's possible someone in the camp may know where he is.
Objective: Discover Sela's Husband's Fate
Danus, the leader of the refugees, claims Sela's husband contracted the plague and had to be abandoned in the crypts.
Objective: Talk to Sela
Sela should be told whether or not I think it's safe for her to stay here.
Objective: Tell Sela if the Camp is Safe
Finishes quest☑ I've decided it's safe for Sela to stay in the camp.
Objective: Speak to Sela
Finishes quest☑ I've decided it is not safe for Sela to stay in the camp.
Objective: Speak to Sela
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.