Online:Approaching Thunder
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Thane Unnvald Ironhand.
- Talk to Housecarl Thorulf.
- Search the manor and report to Hallfrida.
- Find Bonebane.
- Return to Hallfrida.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
In Fullhelm Fort, you will encounter Sergeant Sjarakki keeping watch over the road by the entrance from her post. She will question your presence.
- "You don't find a hero of the Pact on your doorstep without a reason. What brings you to a backwater like Fullhelm?"
- I'm looking for shards of Wuuthrad. Ysgramor's axe has been shattered.
- "Wuuthrad broken? I wonder if that's related. We're surrounded by undead. They come in waves. We expect another attack soon."
- Who commands this fort?
- "Thane Unnvald. Unnvald Ironhand? He was granted the fortress when he retired. You can try to talk to him if you want, but - well, with all we've been through, he's not glad of visitors."
- It's best I speak to him quickly.
- "The Thane holds court in the manor hall."
Heading up the stairs to the Thane's Manor, you can ask him about the shard of Wuuthrad. His dialogue will change depending on if you spoke to Sjarakki or not. If you spoke to Sjarakki first, he will also asks why you are at Fullhelm Fort, but much more rudely than her.
- "Who are you, then? Another spy from the Jarls? Eh? Sent to put a knife in me, I'll wager. Well? Speak, dog!"
- Wuuthrad has been shattered. I'm looking for its shards.
- "Ha! You think me a fool, child? Ysgramor's axe is safe in Fallowstone Hall."
- It's been taken, Thane.
- "Even if that yarn were truth, what makes you think I have such a thing? Eh? Planning to blame me and slit my throat?"
- I'm only interested in the shards
- "Fair are your words. And fair you may be. But I see Jarls in the shadows behind you. It's not enough they exiled me here. Swept me under the rug. Now they plot to make me disappear! Dark Elf fanciers. All of them."
Housecarl Thorulf will then intervene, walking in from another room.
- Housecarl Thorulf: "Your suspicions have merit, my Thane."
- Housecarl Thorulf: "Surely no harm could be done to Ysgramor's axe."
At this point, having reached the seat he will bow lightly to the Thane, then turn to face you.
- Housecarl Thorulf: "I beg your leave to speak to this stranger myself."
- Housecarl Thorulf: "State your case, stranger."
You will then have to talk to him.
- "You're fortunate I intervened."
- I've only spoken the truth.
- "So you say. My Thane's suspicions are just. You come to us with tales of shattered legend. You offer no proof."
- Then you've heard no rumors of a shard nearby?
- "None. Now the undead may assault my Thane's keep again at any moment. This is his home and we will defend it. You have no such obligation. It would be best to leave this manor, quick as you can."
As you leave, the woman standing beside the Thane will whisper to you.
- Hallfrida: "Meet me outside."'
Upon leaving, she will also exit and walk a short distance, commenting:
- Hallfrida: "Forgive my grandfather's behavior, he's not himself."
She will explain everything when you speak to her.
- "I need help. Things haven't been normal for a long time."
- What exactly is going on here?
- "Grandfather always felt ill-treated by the Jarls. Lately he's become convinced they plot to kill him. Some poor man came with a message from Jarl Angjord. Grandfather accused him of being an assassin. He was beheaded."
- What caused this change in him?
- "I hate to say it, but. Thorulf has been grandfather's Housecarl since I was a girl. He always seemed cold. Aloof. Lately he's changed too."
- Changed how?
- "Lately he's been directing the household. Telling grandfather what to do. You saw it, didn't you? Grandfather didn't order you away. Thorulf did."
- So why did you call me out here?
- "I want to search Thorulf's room, but he keeps it locked. His guard, Sirkidur, holds the key. They both suspect me already. You, maybe, have a chance.
Get inside. If you find anything, meet me upstairs."
Entering the manor, you can begin your search. Attempting to enter Thorulf's room will only prove that the door is locked as Hallfrida said. Talking to Sirkidur may give an idea of what to do.
- "Isn't Domar just charming? He's seen so much, yet he told me he's never seen anything so beautiful as … as ….
Our fort. Er … excuse me."
Even without her interesting slip of the tongue, Domar is the only person in the building uninvolved in this matter, and the only person you can ask for more information. You should talk to him.
- "I'm currently well employed, friend, and not taking requests."
- Do you know any other songs?
- "Oh, aye. But these are the only songs the Thane wants to hear. Reminds him of his reaving days. No skin off my back, long as he's paying gold."
- Are you loyal to the Thane, or Thorulf?
- "Do I look like a Nord? Ha! I'm a traveler like you, friend. I play where the money's good, though Thorulf's been a bit stingy in that regard.
Last time I mentioned what I'm owed, he threatened to slit my throat." - I need to get into Thorulf's room. Can you help?
- "Well! How interesting. I'd planned to slip in myself, collect my fee and be off. But if you're willing to risk your head in place of mine, I'll not stop you!
Settle my debts and the key to his room is yours, friend." - This should cover it. [Leveled Gold
- "Lovely! One day, I'll be singing songs about you.
As for me, I'll soon be slipping off to find a friendlier tavern to play. Sirkidur may not be entirely pleased when she notices the missing key."
- "Lovely! One day, I'll be singing songs about you.
- Where did you get this key?
- "Why, from the nightstand of the lovely Sirkidur. I don't think she's noticed it's missing yet. It was a busy night, and she's an …. energetic lass."
- [Intimidate] Give me the key. Or I'll tell Thorulf you stole it.
- "You little skeever. All a ploy to cheat me out of my hard-earned wages, eh?
Fine. Take they key. I know when I've been outplayed. It's time to cut my losses and be on my way."
- "You little skeever. All a ploy to cheat me out of my hard-earned wages, eh?
No matter the method used to get the key, you can now enter Thorulf's room to find anything incriminating.
Just by the door is a bookshelf, and upon searching it you will discover the book Arkay the Enemy, a text written in support of necromancy. Unfortunately, despite the army of skeletons outside the fort this is not enough to incriminate him, so you will have to dig a little deeper. Beside his bed is a dresser, and inside the drawers is a Bloodstained Dagger. On the desk beside the bed is a Note from Gullveig, detailing his plans for the future and Thorulf's role in them.
You can now take the evidence to Hallfrida, who is in the westernmost part of the upper level.
- "Did you find anything?"
- I found this pamphlet in his quarters.
- "Ysmir's beard! "Arkay the Enemy?" A necromancer's tract! All these years, and Thorulf betrays us to the dead."
- He must be a Worm Cultist.
- "Yes. But who will believe us? My grandfather is wrapped around his little finger. The guards dare not stand against him, not if they want to keep their heads."
- Is there any way we can expose them?
- "No. I don't. Wait. Grandfather's sword. Bonebane!
When the dead first attacked, Thorulf led a group to retrieve it. Thorulf said the blade was destroyed, the men killed." - He led your guards into an ambush.
- "The bastard. There's no way he could have destroyed it. It's been blessed by Arkay dozens of times.
Get Bonebane. It's at a monument to grandfather south of the fort. Bring it back, and you can prove Thorulf's a liar!"
You can ask her more, or attempt to find Bonebane. It's to the southeast of the fort, in a small Nord tower. Following the path will take you directly to it, but will also bring you to face several skeletons along the way. A trio of them rise when you approach the tower. Defeating them and entering the memorial, you can climb to the top and retrieve Bonebane.
Returning to the manor, Thorulf will be talking to Hallfrida.
- Housecarl Thorulf: "You have … grown into a beauty, my child."'
- Housecarl Thorulf: "But I see you have another visitor."'
Having noticed your arrival, he will then walk down the stairs and to his post beside the Thane. You can then tell Hallfrida about your success.
- "While you were gone. Thorulf made a proposal. I told him what he could do with himself. Disgusting man!
What news?" - I have Bonebane, Hallfrida.
- "I knew it! That lying skeever scum!
Come, we must show grandfather. I'm certain he will... wait. Is that Sjarakki?"
From the stairs you can see Sjarakki bursting through the doors, running up to the Thane to deliver a message.
- Sergeant Sjarakki: "The undead! They march on Fullhelm!"
- Sergeant Sjarakki: "My lord. We're holding the stairs, barely."
- Sergeant Sjarakki: "Anyone in here who can fight, get yourself outside."
Speaking to Hallfrida again, she will express her readiness for battle.
- "I need to get my daggers."
- What will we do about Thorulf?
- "I'd slit his throat right now if I could, but there's no time ... not with the dead on our doorstep.
Deal with the dead. Stop the attack. After that, we'll expose Thorulf for what he is!"
She then rewards you for your help so far with some gold.
- When collecting evidence, you must collect all three pieces before presenting them to Hallfrida. Otherwise, her dialogue to progress the quest simply won't appear.
- When accepting the quest, if the dialogue to accept is mashed through the quest will be broken and unable to progress. If accepted from Sjarakki, the Thane will simply not be interactable. If accepted directly from the Thane, Housecarl Thorulf will walk up to the Thane and stand beside him as usual, but the dialogue tree to advance the quest will not be triggered.
- Abandoning the quest and picking it up again should fix this, which isn't much of an issue since it's one of the very first stages of the quest. Relogging will also solve this issue.
- If the quest is abandoned near Thane Unnvald Ironhand, the Thane will not be interactable and the quest cannot be picked up from him again.
- This can be fixed by simply picking up the quest from Sergeant Sjarakki just outside, or relogging into the character.
Quest Stages[edit]
Approaching Thunder | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should present myself to Thane Unnvald in his manor.
Objective: Talk to Thane Unnvald Ironhand
Thane Unnvald was extremely suspicious of my arrival. His Housecarl, Thorulf, has just arrived.
Objective: Listen to the Conversation
Housecarl Thorulf interrupted the Thane's paranoid tirade. He would like to speak to me.
Objective: Talk to Housecarl Thorulf
Housecarl Thorulf has intervened with the Thane on my behalf. He warned me that I would be watched while I'm at Fullhelm. I've been dismissed, and should leave the throne room.
Objective: Leave the Manor
One of the women in the hall has asked me to speak to her outside.
Objective: Talk to Hallfrida
Hallfrida, the grandaughter of Thane Unnvald, fears Housecarl Thorulf has turned against her family. She's asked me to investigate his quarters. If I find anything, I should bring it to her on the fort's upper floor.
Objective: Search Thorulf's Room: 0/3
Objective: Bring Evidence to Hallfrida on the Upper Floor
Thorulf keeps his room locked. Sirkidur may have a key, but Hallfrida doesn't know how to get it.
Objective Hint: Ask Around About a Key
To prove Thorulf is a traitor, I must retrieve Thane Unvald's ancient sword, Bonebane, from the battle memorial southeast of Fullhelm Fort. Thorulf claimed the blade was destroyed. Returning it intact will prove him a liar.
Objective: Find the Blade Bonebane
I've retrieved Bonebane, proving Thorulf a liar and a traitor. I should inform Hallfrida.
Objective: Talk to Hallfrida
Sergeant Sjarakki just ran in. I should listen to what she has to say.
Objective: Listen to Sergeant Sjarakki
Sergeant Sjarakki reported that the undead have begun another attack. I should speak to Hallfrida.
Objective: Talk to Hallfrida
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.