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(lore page)
Location Infinite Archive, Theater of War
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health Varies Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile → Friendly

Aramril is a Wood Elf arcanist who can be found in the Infinite Archive's Theater of War in Apocrypha. This area can be accessed through an Unknown Portal during your forays into the Infinite Archive. You have to fight her to complete this part. You win the combat if you drop her health to ~18%.

Skills & Abilities[edit]

Tentacular Flail
Aramril casts an Abyssal Impact-like ability which deals damage and roots targets hit.
Circle of Knowledge
Aramril casts an Arcanist's Domain-like ability which creates a circle under her that grants damage shield to her and her adds.
Empowered Runeblades
Aramril casts a Runeblades-like ability which launches multiple runeblades at a target, dealing damage.
Abyssal Conjuration
Aramril creates a growing area that follows under the target, when the area is filled it stick to the ground then explodes shortly after, dealing magic damage, knocking back and stunning targets hit. Aramril always summons Abyssal Tendrils at the area's location.
Apocryphal Gate
At 75%/50%/25%, Aramril creates an Apocryphal Gate that goes in a corner of the room and goes through it. This also purges all effects you have on her. A Mind Terror is always summoned in the middle of the room after.
Seeking Runescrawl
Aramril lift her arm upwards, channeling an attack which launches Runeblades to targets at an increasing speed. You have to interrupt this attack to stop it.


Once you enter the Theater of War, Aramril will call out to you and say one of the following:

Aramril: "I'll never turn down an opportunity to duel."
Aramril: "Ready yourself. The duel's begun!"
Aramril: "A challenger approaches? I hope you're prepared."
Aramril: "Ooh! Confidence. Do you have the skill to back it up?"
Aramril: "You come to challenge me? I'm flattered."
Aramril: "Test your skills against mine!"

You will then need to fight her and her summons, once she reaches 20% health she will concede the fight. The fight also ends when you are defeated.

If you won the duel:
If you lost the duel:

She may say one of the following:

Aramril: "A wonderful showing. You'll perform excellently in front of a crowd."
Aramril: "So that's where your strength lies. I'll remember it."
Aramril: "You got lucky this round. I can't wait 'til next time."
Aramril: "You won? I … misjudged you. I won't hold back next time."
Aramril: "You're skilled. I'm honored to fight with you."
Aramril: "I concede this round. I'll need a rest before we again meet in combat."

You can talk to her. She has many unique greetings:

"I … I lost. There's no way around it. And I refuse to sully my integrity alongside my record and deny it. Should anyone ask, I will regale them with the truthful outcome of our battle.
Just know that I will face you again. And I will win."

"I can't believe I lost. How did you do it? Did you cheat?
Ugh, I should accept this loss with grace. Very well, I will reflect on the lessons you taught me and I will become all the stronger for it."

"You fight well, I'll have to remember that little move you pulled. Caught me completely off guard."

"What was that thing you did at the end there? That was brilliant. I haven't witnessed timing and fortitude such as yours in ages. That was incredible. An amazing duel.
I only wish we had an audience to marvel at our skill."

"I'm shocked. To think that I've gone so long since suffering a loss.
Well, I'll just have to use this as motivation to better myself. Next time our paths cross, I will be ready."

"Who taught you to fight like that? You're incredible. And you don't hold back. I look forward to our next meeting."
Aramril: "You fought well, but you have much to learn."
Aramril: "When you return, think on this fight. You'll do better."
Aramril: "A valiant attempt!"

You can talk to her. She has many unique greetings:

"If only my pupils were as talented as you, maybe then they would have pressured me for my title. I can see you getting it one of these days. You could usurp me as the greatest duelist in Valenwood."

"That was invigorating! I can't wait to fight you once more.
Not yet, of course. I want to give you some time to rest and improve yourself. See how you measure up to me after some time."

"Your technique is … well, it's all right. But you didn't fight like you loved it. Put your heart into the next duel and I'm sure you'll fare better."

"Watch for your opponent's intent, don't believe everything they tell you. Follow that advice and I know you'll do better the next time we meet."

"Well fought and well met. I'll remember you for sure. And I hope you'll remember me long after the bruises I gave you fade.
We taught each other much in that duel. I hope we can fight again."

"You're a good sport. Fighting well beyond where you could stop to save face against an opponent is worthy indeed. With some more practice, you'll be a great duelist as well!"

First Fight[edit]

After the first fight, you may ask her the following questions:

Who are you?
"I have the fortune of being a famed duelist. Challengers of every discipline sought me out. When they couldn't defeat me, I accepted many of them as students.
Oh, and I wrote a book, The Apprentice's Assistant. Perhaps you've read it?"
I have not.
"A shame, there's some advice it in that would be of service to you.
Still, you put on a very good showing. It's too early for me to properly make a full assessment, but I can tell that you have all the makings of a successful duelist."
How did you get to be such a famous duelist?
I know it. You're that Aramril?
"I am!
How wonderful it is to meet someone interested in the fine art of dueling. Most focus on physical training, but the key to true mastery lies in books and the wisdom of others."
How did you get to be such a famous duelist?

Both of the above questions lead to the same dialogue chain:

How did you get to be such a famous duelist?
"I am fortunate. I have magical prowess, dexterous feet, and a sharp mind. The real secret is that there's a certain theatricality necessary to truly achieve greatness. Skill is important, but plenty of duelists are skilled. There's only one Aramril."
How can I become a better duelist?
"Keep practicing. Read the Apprentice's Assistant. And come find me again.
The only way to improve is by learning from the best. I, of course, am the best."
You really like to duel.
"It is my life, my passion, my reason for being. I am the sum of my abilities. Within the duel and through them, I know myself.
I'm sure you understand. I see the same fire in your eyes. If I may be so bold, may I offer some advice?"
No, thank you. I prefer to keep my own council.
"Very astute and noble of you. Very well, then all I can do is wish you luck in your future duels. I hope we meet again.
Maybe next time, the outcome of our duel will be different."
I don't need your advice.
"Confidence is a quality all duelists require, but overconfidence is a folly few recover from. I hope we meet again so I can help show you which you possess."

Second Fight[edit]

Who are you?
"How could you forget? I am Aramril. Valenwood's most prestigious spellcaster. Author of the Apprentice's Assistant. Teacher to many of the greatest duelists in Tamriel.
I forgive you for forgetting, but that really is in poor form."
You did something different in that fight.
"Of course. I try not to showcase all my skills in one bout of combat. A real duelist keeps their capabilities secret and only deploys new strategies when necessary."
So every time I fight you, you'll have new abilities?
"Not every time. A good duelist conserves their energy and guards their secrets. But if you prove to me that it's worthwhile, then of course I'll show you more of what I can do.
Prepare for every outcome and no one will truly surprise you in combat."

Third Fight[edit]

After the third fight, you may ask her the following questions:

Who are you?
"How could you forget? I am Aramril. Valenwood's most prestigious spellcaster. Author of the Apprentice's Assistant. Teacher to many of the greatest duelists in Tamriel.
I forgive you for forgetting, but that really is in poor form."
You can summon monsters?
"Of course. I'm a mage of incredible talent and variety. The Hushed are easy to summon here and in the heat of combat, simple solutions are always better.
Don't misunderstand it as a slight. I only summon creatures out of respect for the duel."
Isn't winning with the help of another creature cheating? (available if you lost)
"Not in magical duels. If it helps, you could remember to attack the Hushed. Dealing with one enemy and not two often leads to higher chances of success."
Why are the Hushed easier to summon here?
"Because we are in Apocrypha. It's simpler to summon a creature while in its natural habitat since there are more available. Plus, if the creature has less distance to travel, the summoning requires less energy and leaves more for the duel."
Summon as many allies as you need, it wasn't enough to beat me. (available if you won)
"Oh, well done. That attitude will serve you well in this profession. Still, be sure not to get too comfortable in your prowess. I might just surprise you next time."

Fourth Fight[edit]

After the fourth fight, you may ask her the following questions:

Who are you?
"How could you forget? I am Aramril. Valenwood's most prestigious spellcaster. Author of the Apprentice's Assistant. Teacher to many of the greatest duelists in Tamriel.
I forgive you for forgetting, but that really is in poor form."
You really went easy on me the first fight.
"Treating a student the same as a veteran shames them both.
I only introduce techniques into our duels when I know you're capable of dealing with them."
What're you going to challenge me with next?
"That will be a secret for you to discover. I do have some ideas though. All I will tell you is that you'd best be prepared for our next duel. I have much to teach you."

Fifth Fight[edit]

After the fifth and final fight, you may ask her the following questions:

Who are you?
"How could you forget? I am Aramril. Valenwood's most prestigious spellcaster. Author of the Apprentice's Assistant. Teacher to many of the greatest duelists in Tamriel.
I forgive you for forgetting, but that really is in poor form."
You're always so excited to duel.
"As are you. I see the way you leap at the chance to best me. Were our circumstances different, we would make fortunes dueling each other for the public's enjoyment.
Ah well, that will never come to pass."
Especially since you keep summoning those mind terrors. (available if you lost)
"I learned to use my opponent's fear against them. If you dislike them so much, then you're much more motivated to remove them from the field of battle.
Focusing your attention there may serve you better in our next duel."
Why not? Are you worried that you'll keep losing? (available if you won)
"Of course not, I am Aramril, the greatest duelist in Valenwood. But, it would do neither of our reputations any good to publicize a loss. No, it's best that we keep our duels private from now on."


  • Despite being Elite enemies, Mind Terrors summoned by Aramril are vulnerable to Minor Mangle.
  • Companions do not interrupt Aramril when she is casting Seeking Runescrawl.