Online:Beasts of Falinesti
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
The quest starts by talking with Thonoras at the southeastern side of the Falinesti Spring Site.
- "I will pay whatever you require. Just help me. I will give anything to get her back."
- Get who back?
- "Pariel, my bold, brave, beloved Pariel. My wife.
The Wood Orcs captured us. They did unspeakable things …. They were going to kill me. She couldn't watch me die. She killed them all, but now she's missing." - How did she manage to escape? How did you get free?
- "Pariel … broke our pact with Y'ffre. She called upon Hircine, Master of the Hunt. He changed her. Now, by Y'ffre's command, I must end her before she hurts others.
She fled into these caves. She knows my scent. I can't get close." - Very well. I'll look for her.
- "She is not in her right mind, filled with rage at our treatment. Please, if she comes at you … subdue her, don't kill her."
- You're going to kill your own wife?
- "I have no choice! What Pariel did goes against the Green Pact. She made herself into a monster, and she can never change back.
I cannot let her wander unchecked or slaughter others. I owe her that."
- "I have no choice! What Pariel did goes against the Green Pact. She made herself into a monster, and she can never change back.
- How do I track your wife?
- "As any hunter would. Look for signs in the cave—a broken stalk here, trampled ground there. Anything to show recent passage."
- You said Hircine "changed" Pariel?
- "Yes. The story is, the Bosmer received their form from Y'ffre. It symbolizes a break from our wild nature.
Pariel called upon the Master of the Hunt. She gave into her wild nature and slaughtered the Orcs. She did it to save me." - What exactly is Pariel now?
- "I don't know. The change was not instantaneous—it was wild, fast, brutal. The Wood Orcs were unrecognizable when she was done.
But she's my wife. I can't let her suffer."
- "Yes. The story is, the Bosmer received their form from Y'ffre. It symbolizes a break from our wild nature.
The quest marker will direct you to enter the Falinesti Cave nearby to search for clues. Inside, you will find a patch of disturbed vegetation, which you can examine.
- "<Something massive recently moved past this plant, breaking several stalks. it went deeper into the cave.>"
Next will be some muddy prints.
- "<Soemthing left massive paw prints in this mud. It appears to have walked on four legs, not two.>"
Then follows a Lhurgash Warrior corpse.
- "<This Wood Orc's neck was snapped with incredible force. A blood trail leads off the edge of the cliff and huge claw marks are gouged in the rock. It appears something tumbled off.>"
To get down the cliff safely, there is a convenient vine you can climb. The next clue is nearby - some bloodstained leaves.
- "<Dried blood is crusted upon these leaves and rock. Bloody pawprints lead to the east.>"
You will find Pariel in a small alcove, sleeping off her wounds. Unfortunately, she is hostile (and a bear), so no conversation is possible and you have to battle to subdue her. Once her health depletes, she will break from combat and run off. Proceed throughout the cave to track her down.
As you close onto her, Thonoras will come running and shouting.
- "Stop! Don't hurt her! Pariel, it's me."
Approach both of them and talk to Thonoras.
- "She is wounded! Did you hurt her?"
- She attacked me. I subdued her, as you asked.
- "Subdued … yes, I see. I'm sorry. Now, please, leave us.
I left my pack at the mouth of the cave. Inside is all the gold I have—all yours." - Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me?
- "I'm sorry. I was desperate for help. Desperate enough to color the truth.
Pariel did this, sacrificed herself, to save me. How can Y'ffre ask me to kill her? I love her! I can't slaughter her like a common wolf." - Then why have me track her down?
- "This is the only way we can be together. I will pray to Hircine and hunt beside my wife for the rest of our days.
Now please, leave us. This is between Hircine and myself." - Very well. I'll leave you to your ritual.
- "Thanks for understanding. After I change, Pariel and I will leave this cave and go deep into Valenwood. But you should go - I don't know that I'll be able to control myself during the transformation."
- Don't do this. If you turn yourself into a feral beast, your wife sacrificed herself for nothing.
- "Don't use my wife's sacrifice to lecture me. Someday, you will love someone half as much as I love Pariel. Then you'll understand why I can't kill her."
- [Persuade] You cannot violate the Green Pact. This is wrong.
- "Damn it all! Why me? Why is this burden on me?
Pariel, oh Pariel. I'm so, so sorry, but they're right. I'm so sorry." - Do what must be done, Thonoras.:"Peace, my love. It will all be over soon."
He will then finish her off.
- "Forgive me."
If you talk to him before leaving:
- "I have done as you asked, as I knew I must. Now leave me to my grief!
If you instead let him choose to join her:
- "You must leave now. What transpires next is between Hircine and myself.
Thank you."
- "You must leave now. What transpires next is between Hircine and myself.
Either way, the quest ends.
- Pariel and the tracks she left behind won't exist in the cave before starting the quest.
- The hanging vine cannot be used outside of the quest.
- There are no enemies here except for the boss.
- Your active companion falls dead and quickly revives when Thonoras stabs and kills Pariel.
Quest Stages[edit]
Beasts of Falinesti | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Pariel fled into a cave beneath the Falinesti Spring Site. I must start my search for her there.
Objective: Enter Falinesti Cave
Hidden Objective: Search for Clues
Thonoras begged me to track Pariel into a set of caves beneath the Falinesti Spring Site. He said she knows his scent, and thus only one she does not know can get close to her.
Objective: Find Pariel
A strong set of vines leads from the upper reaches of the cave to its lower chamber. It looks like it will hold my weight if I choose to climb it.
Objective: Climb the Hanging Vine
Pariel has taken on the form of a massive bear! I must subdue her without killing her. Thonoras asked me to leave that task to him.
Objective: Subdue Pariel
After I subdued Pariel, she fled deeper into the cave, wounded. I must track her down.
Objective: Track Down Pariel
Thonoras has caught up with us, but Pariel is still a bear. I should see what he wants to do about this.
Objective: Talk to Thonoras
Thonoras deceived me. He never planned to kill his wife. Instead, he plans to give himself to the Wild Hunt and join her as a beast. I can leave him to this ritual, or convince him to kill his wife and follow the Green Pact.
Complete one: Let Thonoras Join His Wife or Force Thonoras to Kill Her
Thonoras has decided to join his wife as a wild beast. I should leave him to complete his prayer to Hircine.
Objective: Find Thonoras' Backpack
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.