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Online:Bebbia Sleek-Fur

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Bebbia Sleek-Fur
Home City Senchal
Location Senchal Palace
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Bebbia Sleek-Fur

Bebbia Sleek-Fur is a wealthy Khajiit trader found in the palace in Senchal. She returned to the city after a lengthy absence, only to find the city in disrepair and the prized Khajiit of the Moons tapestry stolen and torn apart by Alfiq thieves.

She will recruit you to find the missing pieces around Southern Elsweyr.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]


When you enter the tapestry room, you overhear her fuming.

Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "Stealing a work of art is despicable, but destroying one is unforgivable."

If you talk with her she will airs her grievances to you. It appears that a prized tapestry of Senchal has been torn apart and the pieces stolen by a band of Alfiq thieves.

"If there was any justice in Senchal, the thieves who did this would be cut to pieces as well."
What happened?
"This room housed a priceless tapestry called Khajiit of the Moons, but a gang of Alfiq degenerates shredded it and ran away with the pieces.
The damage can't be undone, but if Bebbia had the pieces, she could restore some of its glory."
Do you know where to find the thieves?
"They scattered like skeevers after the theft. She has learned that their leader, Nishzo, has a hideout in a cave on the coast north of Senchal, but even if he is still there Bebbia couldn't confront him herself.
She can afford a bounty though."
I'll find Nishzo and see what he knows about the tapestry pieces.

After accepting the quest, you can ask her about the importance of the tapestry:

"Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Restoring the tapestry will prove to the people of Senchal that we can bring beauty back to our city."
How long have you been in Senchal?
"My entire life. Before the flu and the fires. Before rogues and Imperial thieves brought their corruption. Before everything was overgrown and left to rot.
This one remembers being proud to live in Senchal."
Do you really think restoring the tapestry will help Senchal?
"It is more than just a tapestry. It's a symbol of Senchal's status. Khajiit of the Moons reminds us of who we were and what we can be again.
This one must prove that our culture isn't lost and that it's worth saving."

If you are a Khajiit her response will be slightly different:

"Yes, because Khajiit like you need to see that it is more than just a tapestry. It is our history. It reminds us of who we were and what we can be again.
This one must prove that our culture isn't lost and that it's worth saving."

Once you return from Nishzo's hideout with the piece of tapestry and a book of cryptic riddles, you will find Bebbia standing to the side as her guest studies the empty frame.

"You're back! Did you find Nishzo? Did he cough up his piece of the tapestry?"
Nishzo was dead, but I did find his piece of the tapestry.
"Bebbia doesn't wish death on anyone, but she will make an exception for the thieves who ruined Khajiit of the Moons.
Nishzo was this one's only lead. If he's dead, then she fears this small scrap may be all we ever see of it."
He was tracking down the other thieves himself, but his notes are in riddles.
"It seems Nishzo took no chances with the location of his fellow degenerates. Bebbia is certain these riddles are the key to finding the thieves.
If you would seek out the pieces they stole for her, she will be ever so grateful."
What will you do with the first piece?
"It should rest in its frame where it belongs.
In fact, you should have the honor of placing it. You were the one to recover it."
I'll place this piece in the frame then.

She will then walk up to the tapestry while reminiscing about the Khajiit of the Moons in its original state.

Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "Even this tattered scrap is as vibrant as she remembered. She can't wait to see the rest again."

After placing the first scrap, Bebbia will feel more optimistic about restoring the tapestry.

"Bebbia feared that the damage to Khajiit of the Moons would be beyond repair, but now she dares to hope that we can do this, zha'al. Senchal's crowning jewel will shine once more and the city will soon follow."
I'll let you know if I find more pieces.
"Bebbia looks forward to it. Rest assured, her gratitude knows no bounds. And the Khajiiti people, as well. Every tapestry fragment you find restores a little more of our history.
Thank you so much, my friend."

Once you have spoken with Bebbia to complete the quest, Percius will promise her that he will restore the tapestry.

Percius Loche: "Lady Bebbia, on my honor as an artisan I will restore Khajiit of the Moons to its former glory."
Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "This one read it took twelve years to weave Khajiit of the Moons, she hopes it will not take that long to restore its beauty."
Percius Loche: "I'll begin securing this in place. You may add any other pieces you recover to the frame and I will handle the rest."
Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "How does it look, sir Loche? Can we make it whole again?"
Percius Loche: "Mending the tears will not be the troublesome part. This work will bear scars, but I will endeavor to make them enhance its beauty."

If you talk with Bebbia after completing the quest, you can ask her about herself and how she met Percius Loche. Her greeting will come from a randomized pool of responses:

"Percius Loche is a true artist. Bebbia questioned the merit of using gold threads for the restoration, but now that she's seen this technique at work she believes it will be well worth the cost."
"Bebbia is thinking of hosting some sort of grand unveiling once the tapestry is completed.
Senchal's finer society is sadly in shambles, but she thinks this work should be appreciated by all the cities people. Not just the wealthy."
"Have you more pieces for the frame? Bebbia is eager to see them in place."
"Bebbia knows this task is not a simple one, but she hopes you will retrieve all the pieces soon. She longs to see what Percius can make of them."
"This one has never sewn or stitched a thing in her life. It is wonderful to watch Percius Loche do his work. So meticulous. So patient. I appreciate my seamstresses more after watching him."
Were you here when the tapestry was stolen?
"No. Bebbia left Senchal when the flu began to spread. This one lived in Rimmen and Rawl'kha many years, but Senchal will always be Bebbia's home.
This one returned when she heard about the tapestry because it has always been the heart of her city."
Has the tapestry always been here in the palace?
"Yes, when this one was young she would stare at the tapestry for hours. Bebbia studied every Khajiit, imagining their lives and their dreams and what they saw in the moons."
What did you do in Rimmen and Rawl'kha?
"She does what all noble traders do. Make and spend obscene amounts of money. And travel. Lots of travel. That was how Bebbia met Percius. She had business with the merchant lords of Abah's Landing and purchased some of Percius's wonderful garments."

Pieces of History[edit]

Viewing the completed tapestry

Once you place the last piece of the tapestry on the frame, you receive the Pieces of History achievement and the screen will fade to black. When visibility becomes normal, the tapestry will be restored and Percius will present it to Lady Bebbia:

Percius Loche: "Lady Bebbia, it is done. Khajiit of the Moons is whole again."
Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "Finally, this one's dreams have been made real. Thanks to you both."
<Pericus gets down from the platform and stands beside Bebbia.>
Percius Loche: "Perhaps I'll put that on my sign. Percius Loche: Dreamweaver."
Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "You've mended more than dreams, Percius. This is hope. For all of Senchal."
Bebbia Sleek-Fur: "Khajiit of the Moons will be the cornerstone of a new Senchal, risen from the ashes."
Percius Loche: "If you're in need of new fashion for this new Senchal, it would be my honor to design it."

She is beyond happy at the results and can be asked about future plans.

"There it is. Khajiit of the Moons. It's been many years since Bebbia last saw it."
Is it how you remember it?
"Somehow, it's even more beautiful.
For all their misguided greed, those Alfiq thieves may have done us all a great service. Senchal has a symbol to rally behind."
Couldn't you have spent your gold on restoring the city itself?
"Bebbia is wealthy, but not so wealthy she could save Senchal herself. Khajiit here need to believe not only that rebuilding is possible, but that it's worth doing. We must all come together like the pieces of this tapestry to make it whole again."
What will you do next?
"Percius and Bebbia had been discussing just that very thing. He has a great talent and a new found passion for restorations. This one intends to hire him to share his learnings with Khajiit. Perhaps more things thought lost may be returned to us."
I wish you luck.

The Pride of Elsweyr[edit]

If the tapestry was completed before attending the ceremony, Bebbia will be in attendance along with Percius.

"Bebbia did not realize you were so famous! It seems restoring Khajiit of the Moons was just a simple errand for one such as you. This one is a little embarrassed to have troubled you."
It was no trouble.
"Well, it may not be so dire a need as fending off these Dragons, but it was meaningful to us. We will rebuild this city. Dragons and art thieves be damned."


After completing the tapestry achievement, Bebbia can later be found outside the palace in Senchal near Ja'zinki. If spoken with she will tell you about what she has been up to since last speaking with her.

"Already this one feels a new air of hope breezing through her city. There is so much to do. So much to plan. The future is bright as the Moons, walker."
What's keeping you so busy?
"Bebbia has been invited to no less than seven committees for Senchal's beautification. And she has aims to recover other lost works to return to the city and restore to their prior glory.
She'll be stuck here a while, it seems."
You'd rather leave again?
"No, no. She has missed her home for a while now. Though it does feel odd to be settling in after so long bouncing around like a Baandari Pedlar.
Bebbia will travel again, she is certain, but not before Senchal is on the mend."
Best of luck with all your plans.