Gold Road


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Location Vashabar, West Weald, Nonungalo, Ontus
Race Breton Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Belienne is a Breton sorceress who is experimenting with the Daedric mirror magic in West Weald. She can initially be found north of the Haldain Lumber Campanywhere else?.

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As you approach Belienne and her Fear:

Belienne: "There you are! Finally. I just want to talk."
Belienne's Fear: "You again! Stay away from me! Help! She's going to kill me!"
Belienne: "No, wait! Ugh. This is hopeless."

Speaking to her:

"Ugh, I'm such a screaming ninny when I panic. I suppose you saw that whole debacle?
It's embarrassing enough for me to witness my own base emotions, let alone anyone else. I've got to pull myself together. Literally."
Were you just talking to … yourself?
"Obviously. Though I hoped it would go better.
I was experimenting with the reflective Daedric magic in this region. I always loved mirrors. During my studies, I fractured my personality, freeing my emotions to run amok. I haven't felt right since."
You fractured your personality?
"Must I repeated myself? You saw my fear earlier.
I don't miss my stupid whims, but I'm not myself without my facets. They're running wild and now they won't return to me. Maybe a stranger could convince them to come back. I'll make it worth your time."
I'll convince your facets to return to you.

She directs you to a nearby facet and you can ask her some questions.

"I wish I didn't need my petty emotions. They only cause trouble.
I'm still linked to my facets. I sense one near a river south of Skingrad. It's probably my despair. I can be rather dramatic when I'm in a doleful mood, and the water is comforting."
I have some questions.
"Of course you do. Let's get on with it then.
I'd rather not drag this out any longer than I have to, although at least my despair isn't likely to run anytime soon. I tend to wallow when the mood strikes."
What caused your personality to split?
"If I knew the answer to that, do you think I would be here?
Daedric magic is tricky at best, and the magic in West Weald is particularly volatile. I must have pushed my experiment too far and shattered some element binding the spell together."
Why were you experimenting with Daedric magic?
"I'm a sorceress. Daedric magic is just a tool, like a hairbrush or a dab of rouge.
I was creating a spell to expedite my morning routine. Mirror magic is more powerful here. It was going swimmingly until the mirrors shattered and I did, too."
How am I supposed to get your facets to return to you?
"Honestly, I'm not sure. Talk to them, for a start.
I can be quite stubborn, so I expect my facets won't come easily. Do whatever it takes to convince them to return. Appease them. Bargain with them. Tie them up for all I care, just get them back."
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