Imperial City

Online:Blood Brother

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ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png This page contains information about content that was cut from The Elder Scrolls Online.
The content described here was planned to be included in Imperial City, but removed before release.

Slay the Bloodmist Master.
Zone: Imperial City
Quest Giver: Zoragag gro-Goldfolly
Zoragag's Plea
Location(s): Bloodworks
Next Quest: Return of the Red Mist
Otholug's lair
Zoragag has asked me to find and kill his clan-brother Otholug, now a vampire working for Molag Bal.

On Otholug's body, I found a note addressed to him from Zoragag pleading for his friend to return home. I should try to find Zoragag.

On the vampire Otholug's body is a note from an Orc named Zoragag. He asks his clan brother to surrender and pay the price for his crimes against the clan. If he refuses, Zoragag vows to track Otholug down and kill him.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Kill Otholug gro-Goldfolly and retrieve Zoragag's Plea.
  2. Talk to Zoragag gro-Goldfolly.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Method 1: Find the Letter First[edit]

You could start this quest in one of two ways: the first was killing Otholug gro-Goldfolly and looting Zoragag's Plea off of his corpse, then interacting with it in your inventory.

On the vampire Otholug's body is a note from an Orc named Zoragag. He asks his clan brother to surrender and pay the price for his crimes against the clan. If he refuses, Zoragag vows to track Otholug down and kill him.
I should find Zoragag and tell him of Otholug's fate.

You would then need to track Zoragag down and speak with him.

"Blood and steel, warrior. Did you come from the sewers?
I hope you don't mind me asking, did you see a vampire down there? I am sad to say … he is my clan brother … or was."
"He is dead? Then my duty is done.
I mourn the passing of my clan brother for the Orc he once was, but I thank you for destroying the monster he had become. My clan thanks you."

Method 2: Find Zoragag First[edit]

You could also speak to Zoragag directly and accept the quest from him.

"Evil has befalled [sic] my clan, warrior, brought about by a clan-brother I once loved."
"My clan brother … Otholug. It's my duty to see him slain.
He was obsessed with becoming a stronger warrior. He infected himself with Sanguinaire Vampiris and turned on us. He killed many clan members."
So this vampire is now in the Imperial Sewers?
"Yes. I tracked Otholug down there, but terrible things blocked my way. I can go no further.
If you are as formidable as you look, perhaps you can find Otholug and end this for me. For one such as him, there can be no redemption."

From there, you'd need to find Otholug, take him down, retrieve Zoragag's Plea from the corpse, and return to Zoragag, who would thank you.

"I am glad to see you survived the sewers. Many others have not been so lucky.
Tell me, though, did you find my clan brother?"
"Very well. Then my duty is done.
I mourn the passing of my clan brother for the Orc he once was, but I thank you for destroying the monster he had become. My clan thanks you."

Quest Stages[edit]

Blood Brother
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Finishes quest☑ I should look for Zoragag and tell him of his friend's fate.
Objective: Talk to Zoragag gro-Goldfolly
I should search the sewers for Otholug.
Objective: Kill Otholug gro-Goldfolly
Finishes quest☑ The vampire Otholug is dead. I should return to Zoragag and tell him.
Objective: Talk to Zoragag gro-Goldfolly
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