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Online:Captain Hingrid

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Captain Hingrid
Location Road south of Dragon Bridge
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Captain Hingrid

Captain Hingrid is a Nord soldier and head of the garrison at Dragon Bridge. She can initially be found on the road south of the bridge, looking for signs of an incoming caravan with much needed supplies.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Crisis at Dragon Bridge[edit]

You can either speak with her directly or be sent to the captain by Lieutenant Korleva. As you approach, she can be heard speaking to herself:

Captain Hingrid: "Damn, another dead soldier and no sign of our supplies."

She will be kneeling over the body of Svenvar, talk with her to see what is happening:

"This is the third caravan this month that never made it to Dragon Bridge. And the soldier I sent to look for it, dead! I'm at my wit's end.
Troll's blood! The garrison's remaining reserves won't last a week without an influx of fresh supplies."
Have not started Quest:
Spoken with Lieutenant Korleva:
You have no idea what happened to the missing caravans?
"Oh, we eventually find the wagons—ransacked, ruined, and no sign of the traders.
All I can say for sure is that without a safe and constant supply line, the Dragon Bridge garrison will collapse. And that will leave the entire region in jeopardy."
Are you going to send out more soldiers?
"The garrison isn't at full strength. It's like Solitude has forgotten us. We haven't seen relief soldiers in quite some time. I need every remaining soldier to guard the town.
You look capable. Are you willing to aid the garrison and earn some gold?"
I'll help. What do you need me to do?
Lieutenant Korleva thought you could use some help.
"Forced to conscript civilians to do the work of the garrison? What a sorry state we've been reduced to.
Well, who am I to look a gift guar in the mouth? If you're willing to help, then I'm willing to make it worth your while."
Tell me about the missing caravans.
"We haven't heard from Solitude for awhile, so I have an agent acquiring supplies for us from other sources. They never arrive. Later, we find the wagons, ransacked and the traders missing.
If you can find the caravan, that would be a big help."
I'll look for the missing caravan.

After agreeing to help, you can ask more about the situation:

"Look for the missing caravan. See if you can determine what happened to it and who's to blame.
I need to check on Ena, the caravan agent. She has a camp on the overlook, south of the bridge. Meet me there if you find any sign of the caravan."
Tell me about your caravan agent.
"Ena White-Eye. Maybe caravan agent is too formal a title. I suppose you would call her a smuggler. She deals in black-market goods.
After Solitude stopped responding, she agreed to supply the garrison. I don't like it, but she's been a godsend."
Until the caravans started to go missing.
"That's been a recent development, but yes. Without supplies from either legitimate sources or otherwise, the garrison's days are numbered. And Ena has been nothing but helpful. Dragon Bridge is her home as well as ours."
Why is Solitude ignoring you?
"Politics, I suppose. Look, we've never been a high priority for the capital city, but this total disregard is a new low, even for Solitude. It's like the high king's court has more important matters to attend to. I do what I can, but it's never easy."
Why does Dragon Bridge need a garrison?
"Besides being an important lumber town, Dragon Bridge serves as the crossroads for the northern region. We're the first line of defense for Solitude and the neighboring holds.
Though in our current state, I'm not sure how much good we can do."

After finishing your conversation:

Captain Hingrid: "Good luck. Meet me at the overlook if you find anything."

Once you have found the wrecked wagons and some items, you can bring them to Captain Hingrid who can be found at a campsite overlooking Dragon Bridge. She will be examining the burnt out campfire:

Captain Hingrid: "The embers are still warm. Ah, over here, what did you find?"

Tell Hingrid what you found:

"Ena uses this camp to conduct business she prefers not to deal with in town. Whoever was here last certainly left in a hurry. Not exactly encouraging.
Did you find anything?"
The caravan was destroyed. I found this arrow and a bottle of Markarth mead.
"Markarth mead. Hmm. Ena deals with the Reach from time to time, though usually indirectly.
The arrow, however. It worries me. Only Reachmen use Druadach snow owl feathers to fletch their arrows."
Who are the Reachmen and why would they attack your caravan?
"The Reachmen come from the Reach, in the southwestern part of Skyrim. We've been at odds with those barbarians, off and on, for generations.
Would they raid our caravan? Most certainly! But discovering their presence this far north is disturbing."
You didn't find any trace of your caravan agent?
"No, but Ena must have come through here.
This entire outlook is more or less her domain. Ena's got little outposts scattered everywhere up here. Look around and see if you can find any indication of where she went next."

Talking with her again before searching the outposts, you can ask her about Ena:

"Search the other end of the overlook while I continue to look around here. Let's see if Ena left anything behind to suggest where we might find her."
Ena lives in town but has camps up here?
"What can I say? Ena isn't the kind of person who likes to be tied down to just one place. Besides, she likes to watch as her river shipments come in.
I also use her as a lookout. I don't have enough soldiers to keep an eye on every approach."
It sounds like Ena does a lot for the garrison.
"Ena's a thorn in my side on the best of days … but you're right, she's become a vital part of the community.
As much as we bark at each other, I rely on her. I hope she's safe."

After you have found a Letter from Ena you can bring it to the captain:

"Any luck? Did you find any sign of Ena?"
I found this note from Ena to someone named Ulang.
"Let me see that. Ulang is Ena's right hand. She must have left this for him.
Damn. She really is in trouble. You check on that camp she mentioned and see if you can find her. I'll prepare the garrison for whatever's coming."
You really think the Reachmen will attack Dragon Bridge?
"I'm not sure what to think. But if the Reachmen went to all the effort to get this far north, it's probably for more than just raiding caravans.
Be careful. Once you find Ena, meet me back in Dragon Bridge."

Before you check out the camp, she will say:

"While you check out that camp Ena mentioned, I'll go and ready the garrison. Come find me if you learn anything.'
Tell me about Ulang.
"Ulang serves as Ena's right hand. And he's her partner in life, too. The only reason they're not married is because they're both too stubborn to settle down.
Ulang's her muscle, but he's got a brain, too. And he's a good man."
Sounds like you like him.
"For a smuggler and black marketeer, he's honorable. He refuses to deal in anything harmful. Without him, Ena would walk a darker path. She's impulsive, brash.
Ulang, on the other hand, is thoughtful. Considerate, even. I suppose I do like the man."

Once you have rescued Ena from the Reachman camp, she will tell you about the impending attack on the Dragon Bridge. You'll need to get back to town to warn Captain Hingrid, when you arrive she'll be giving orders to Lieutenant Korleva:

Captain Hingrid: "Station sentries on both sides of the bridge. As many as you can."
Lieutenant Korleva: "Yes, captain."
<Korleva runs off to fulfill her orders.>

Talk with the captain:

"Report. What did you find at the waterfall camp? Did you locate Ena?"
Reachmen occupied her camp. She says they plan to destroy the bridge.
"Destroy the bridge? While we're standing right here? How do those Reach idiots expect to get that close?"
With smuggler caves. They plan to collapse the cavern beneath the bridge.
"Smuggler caves? Under my garrison? I'll deal with Ena later. Right now, we need to act fast. Maybe we can flush the bastards out before they do whatever it is they're planning.
I think—wait, is that Ena?"

The smuggler will come running up with bad news:

Ena White-Eye: "Wait! There's a problem!"
Captain Hingrid: "Ena! Care to explain the smuggler caves beneath my garrison?"

If you talk to Hingrid before Ena:

"Don't talk to me. Find out what Ena's going on about.
And do hurry. We still have to save the bridge."

When asked, Ena will explain that she overheard the Reachmen talking about using the smuggler towns beneath the settlement to attack the garrison. However, she has an idea to use kindlepitch and fire salts to block the entrances:

Captain Hingrid will warn Ena after hearing this:

Captain Hingrid: "If we survive this, Ena, we are going to have a very long talk."
Ena White-Eye: "Whatever you say, captain."

Talking to her before finding the supplies:

"First the bridge, now an attack on the garrison? I don't have the forces to withstand an assault on multiple fronts! Do as Ena suggested. Seal those bolt holes, then deal with Vund. I'll make sure we're ready up here.
Well, as ready as possible."

After collecting the supplies:

"You have the materials? Go, quickly! I'll ready my people by the caves."

Before entering the cave, she'll be there with Korleva on the defense:

"We've got a good position here. Any Reachmen coming out of that hole won't get past us.
Do what you can in there. I want the bridge to still be standing when this is finished."

Once you have enter the smuggler cave, freed Ulang and defeated Warlord Vund, you can exit the cavern to find Captain Hingrid and Lieutenant Korleva outside. There will be Reach Warrior corpses around them.

Captain Hingrid: "Dead! And yours?"
Lieutenant Korleva: "The same. That seems to be all of them for now."

Talk with the captain to complete the quest:

"It's good to see you, my friend. I feared the worst when the Reachmen started pouring out of the cave.
Since you're here and the bridge is still standing, I assume your mission was a success?"
Yes, the bridge is safe now.
"Excellent. Hopefully after all this trouble, we can convince Solitude to make our lives a little easier.
Thank you, friend. Your actions likely saved the western holds. I promise you, your triumph will not go unsung."

After you have spoken to Captain Hingrid, she'll ask how everyone is:

Captain Hingrid: "Everyone all right? Did we lose anyone?"
Ena White-Eye: "Ulang's arm! I told him he not to—"
Ulang: "I'm fine, Ena, really."
Captain Hingrid: "We'll get him healed up, don't worry."

Daughter of the Wolf[edit]

She will also appear for the ceremony during Daughter of the Wolf if you completed her quest beforehand:

"Looking around Solitude … it puts what happened at Dragon Bridge in perspective. I think the western holds owe you more than they know."
How is the garrison holding up?
"Well enough. They're tired, but managing. I think everyone here feels the same.
Looks like we could all use a drink. Luckily, Ena's here to help."


After you have completed Crisis at Dragon Bridge, you will find Captain Hingrid with the others in the pavilion at Dragon Bridge. She and Ena White-Eye will be chatting as you pass by:

Captain Hingrid: "Do I even dare hope you have another supplier? Or shall I savor this drink?"
Ena White-Eye: "I thought I might do business with a few trolls, actually. They have excellent mead."

Talking to Captain Hingrid, her dialogue will be the same as if she were being spoken to at the waterfall after the quest:

"An intricate plot by the Reachmen. This doesn't bode well for Western Skyrim. I need to warn Solitude.
After this, they have to provide the support we were promised long ago. For their own sake, if not for ours."
Do you think Solitude will finally provide the supplies you need?
"They better.
What happened here will be hard to ignore. They might not tell stories of your bravery, but I think they'll send us what we need. And for the rest, we have Ena."
Are you worried about working with the smuggler again?
"No. I think this whole ordeal taught her a valuable lesson. Gods … at least I hope it did. Besides, she loves Dragon Bridge as much as I do. She's part of our community. And I always make use of every resource at my disposal.
Now, thanks again."


  • When speaking with her at the overlook, your character will ask who Reachmen are, even if they have dealt with them previously, such as in the Glenumbra/Bangkorai/The Rift main questlines.