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Carpenter Carpenters are vendors who sell a variety of unidentified wooden gear and some crafting materials. Not to be confused with Woodworkers.


Zone Settlement Store Carpenter
Aldmeri Dominion
Auridon Skywatch Island Woodworks Ambre Leraud
Vulkhel Guard Timber & Tools Heranwen
Grahtwood Elden Root Grahtwood's Bounty Nolinore
Haven Haven Foundry Pruzga [a]
Greenshade Marbruk Pact-Safe Woodworks of Marbruk Sarirna
Woodhearth Shipshape Carpentry Azarg
Khenarthi's Roost Mistral Old Sawdust Mill Splinter-Paws
Malabal Tor Velyn Harbor Smithy of Velyn Harbor Tutorius Asellio [a]
Reaper's March Dune Artisans Alley Aranorne [a]
Rawl'kha Planed Plank Carpentry Maesar
Daggerfall Covenant
Alik'r Desert Sentinel The Alik'r Desert's Rare Woods Aideh al-Satakalaam
Bangkorai Evermore Chrinitte's Carpentry Corner Louic Chrinitte
Hallin's Stand Desert Sun Woodshop Eban [a]
Betnikh Stonetooth Fortress Timber & Plank Monar
Glenumbra Aldcroft Dockside Green Kylian Garick
Crosswych Iron Mine Arms & Armor Nilenir Tree-Killer
Daggerfall Daggerfall Millworks Kothon Bear-Master
Rivenspire Shornhelm Hammer & Saw Carpentry Cuts-with-the-Grain
Stormhaven Wayrest The Bough and Birdsmouth Lagbuga gra-Rug
Stros M'Kai Port Hunding Mael's Manufactory Mael Ancent
Ebonheart Pact
Bal Foyen Dhalmora Sappy-Saw Woodworks Bokeeus
Bleakrock Isle Bleakrock Village Ice-Wolf Lumber Vidusil Ice-Wolf [b]
Deshaan Mournhold Drethani Carpentry Byla Drethan [c]
Eastmarch Windhelm The Tree's Bounty Volknar Coldheart
The Rift Riften Sand and Dust Strav Hlor
Shadowfen Stormhold Jagged-Peak Carpentry & Supply Algunda Jagged-Peak
Stonefalls Davon's Watch Silver-Gills Woodworks Silver-Gills
Ebonheart Stonecrush Lumber Camp Snushbesh
Kragenmoor Sugar-Side Woodworking Sanabi [c]
Clockwork CityClockwork City Brass Fortress Hall of Refined Techniques Jobai
Coldharbour The Hollow City Cold Iron Forge Hurabesh [a]
Craglorn Belkarth High Road Woodworks Sings-to-Stumps
The Earth Forge Franja Snowpeak [a]
Eyevea The Loom and Lathe Tangarion [a]
Gold CoastDark Brotherhood Anvil The Carved Bough Drivanas Gilvilo
Hew's BaneThieves Guild Abah's Landing Sharper's Alley Xugirus-Dimik
MurkmireMurkmire Lilmoth Woodworm's Woodworking Gemma Philida
Northern ElsweyrElsweyr Rimmen The Scratching Post Turami
Southern ElsweyrDragonhold Senchal Serene Trees Carpentry Scelian Celatus
SummersetSummerset Alinor Seabreeze Saw Company Satha Ralaal
VvardenfellMorrowind Vivec City Foundation's Bulwark Murgonak
^aAppears at this location after related liberation/restoration quest.
^bAbandons this location once it becomes overrun by enemy forces.
^cHas the "Can you tell me about woodworking?" dialogue option.


Icon Item Price
ON-icon-style material-Adamantite.png Adamantite 0000001515 Gold
ON-icon-plan-Blueprint 2.png Blueprint: Common Table, Slanted
(Common Table, Slanted) (page)
00000270270 Gold
ON-icon-plan-Blueprint 2.png Blueprint: Common Washtub, Empty
(Common Washtub, Empty) (page)
00000270270 Gold
ON-icon-plan-Blueprint 1.png Blueprint: Rough Box, Boarded
(Rough Box, Boarded) (page)
00000150150 Gold
ON-icon-plan-Blueprint 1.png Blueprint: Rough Container, Cargo
(Rough Container, Cargo) (page)
00000150150 Gold
ON-icon-plan-Blueprint 1.png Blueprint: Rough Crate, Bolted
(Rough Crate, Bolted) (page)
00000150150 Gold
ON-icon-plan-Blueprint 1.png Blueprint: Rough Crate, Reinforced
(Rough Crate, Reinforced) (page)
00000150150 Gold
ON-icon-plan-Blueprint 1.png Blueprint: Rough Platform, Stage
(Rough Platform, Stage) (page)
00000150150 Gold
ON-icon-plan-Blueprint 2.png Blueprint: Stool, Carved
(Stool, Carved) (page)
00000270270 Gold
ON-icon-style material-Bone.png Bone 0000001515 Gold
ON-icon-style material-Corundum.png Corundum 0000001515 Gold
ON-icon-style material-Flint.png Flint 0000001515 Gold
ON-icon-style material-Manganese.png Manganese 0000001515 Gold
ON-icon-style material-Molybdenum.png Molybdenum 0000001515 Gold
ON-icon-style material-Moonstone.png Moonstone 0000001515 Gold
ON-icon-style material-Nickel.png Nickel 0000001515 Gold
ON-icon-style material-Obsidian.png Obsidian 0000001515 Gold
ON-icon-style material-Starmetal.png Starmetal 0000001515 Gold
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Missing stock for non-CP160 players.
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Equipment crates sold depend on player level, the following is the list sold to Champion Points160 players.

Icon Item Price
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Unexplained Wooden Weapon 00000840840 Gold
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Unfathomable Wooden Weaponid? 00000840840 Gold


All Carpenters have a small selection of furnishings for sale.

Name Type Cost Notes Description
ON-furnishing-Harvester's Woodpile.jpg Harvester's Woodpile (page) Workshop
000010001,000 Gold Reward for: Grand Master Crafting Harvester A symbolic pile of precious woods awarded to a master harvester of timber.
ON-furnishing-Woodworker's Sign.jpg Woodworker's Sign (page) Parlor
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Master Woodworker A sign earned by one who's become a master of the chisel and saw.