
Online:Cliff Strider Matriarch

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Cliff Strider Matriarch
Location Forgotten Wastes
Species Cliff Strider
Health 185,661 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Cliff Strider Matriarch

The Cliff Strider Matriarch is a large Cliff Strider found in the Forgotten Wastes. While initially not present, she swoops into her lair when you approach her offsprings eating inside.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As a Champion type enemy, Cliff Strider Matriarch is immune to crowd control. The Cliff Strider Matriarch has all of the same abilities as standard cliff striders, as well as one additional unique ability:

A basic melee ability that deals low physical damage.
The Cliff Strider Matriarch vomits up her last meal, dealing poison damage in a cone and leaving an area of effect on the ground. Standing in the circle can apply continuous moderate poison damage over time.
A melee ability wherein the Cliff Strider Matriarch stabs her target with its beak. Deals minor physical damage and may cause bleeding.
Tail Swipe
The Cliff Strider Matriarch quickly swipes you with her tail, dealing low physical damage and staggering you.
The Cliff Strider Matriarch swoops over the battlefield, raking targets with her claws. It serves as a gap closer, and a moderate AoE appears under the Matriarch while the attack is active. If you're hit, you'll be knocked back.
The Cliff Strider Matriarch sends nearby cliff striders into a frenzy, causing them to use basic attacks more often.
Enraged Pecking
The matriarch screams and begins pecking furiously in the area in front of itself, indicated by a wide conal AoE, dealing high physical damage.


There are two achievements associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Forgotten Wastes Vanquisher.png Forgotten Wastes Vanquisher 10 Defeat three of the champions in the Forgotten Wastes.
ON-icon-achievement-Forgotten Wastes Conqueror.png Forgotten Wastes Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions in the Forgotten Wastes.