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Costumes by Race and Theme
Akaviri • Altmer • Argonian • Bosmer • Breton • Dunmer • Imperial • Khajiit • Nede • Nord • Orc • Reachfolk • Redguard
Daedric • Guild • Holiday • Occupational • Vampire

Appears only with Orsinium

Cavalier of the Sworn Oath[edit]

Cavalier of the Sworn Oath (female)
Cavalier of the Sworn Oath (female)
Cavalier of the Sworn Oath (male)
Cavalier of the Sworn Oath (male)
ON-icon-costume-Cavalier of the Sworn Oath.png
A mix of metal and leather melded with the hide of a great snow bear, fashioned to pay tribute to Malacath, the Furious One.

The Cavalier of the Sworn Oath costume is acquired by completing the quest A Cold Wind from the Mountain.

Slot 1: Face mask, robe, boots, gloves, neck strap
Slot 2: Cheek guards, boot, belt, and glove trim
Slot 3: Robe and arm guard edgings

(Bear head is not dyeable)

Celestial Robes[edit]

Celestial Robes (female)
Celestial Robes (female)
Celestial Robes (male)
Celestial Robes (male)
ON-icon-costume-Celestial Robes.png
Celestial guardians themselves could not take issue with these robes. The gemstones reference the Warrior and Thief, while the elegant draping of fabric pays homage to the Mage. Wear this ensemble and you'll be sure to wow courtiers and scholars alike.

The Celestial Robes costume is available as an Apex-level reward in Celestial Crates.

Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:

Centurion Dress Armor[edit]

Centurion Dress Armor (female)
Centurion Dress Armor (female)
Centurion Dress Armor (male)
Centurion Dress Armor (male)
ON-icon-costume-Centurion Dress Armor.png
This costume replicates the dress armor of an Imperial Centurion of the Legions of Cyrodiil.

The Centurion Dress Armor is part of the Imperial Officer Pack, which was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700 Crowns. This costume is also available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crates.

Slot 1: Chestplate, helm, pauldrons, bracer backs, skirt front, side, and back panels, boots
Slot 2: Trim on chestplate, helm, pauldrons, hip guards, and boots
Slot 3: Under armor, chestplate straps, back of helm, sleeves, gloves, shoes, skirt, and leggings

Centurion Field Armor[edit]

Centurion Field Armor (female)
Centurion Field Armor (female)
Centurion Field Armor (male)
Centurion Field Armor (male)
ON-icon-costume-Centurion Field Armor.png
This costume replicates the field armor of an Imperial Centurion, the outfit worn on the battlefield.

The Centurion Field Armor is part of the Imperial Officer Pack, which was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700 Crowns. This costume is also available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crates.

Slot 1: The dull brown plates on the bottom of the helmet, the pauldrons, the chainmail pieces, the lower three plates on the loincloth, the front of the boots, and the front of the breastplate.
Slot 2: The diamonds on the knees of the boots, the trim on the helmet, the middle pauldron plates, the top section of the loincloth, the diamond on the belt, select spots on the hip guards and forearm plates.
Slot 3: The black parts, including the sides of the top of the helmet, the fabric trim surrounding any plate armor, the trim going down the center of the breastplate, the pants and all cloth/leather.

(The laces going down the center of the chest are not dyeable)


Chef (female)
Chef (female)
Chef (male)
Chef (male)
A high-end chef's outfit that indicates the wearer is a provisioner supreme.

The Chef costume was available in the Crown Store for 00400400 Crowns from March 17 to May 26, 2015. From May 21 to May 26, 2015, this costume was on sale for 00200200 Crowns before being removed from the Crown Store.

Slot 1: Robe, hat, boots, front and inside of pants
Slot 2: Belts, suspenders, parts of the boots
Slot 3: Apron and outside of pants

City Isle Tunic Dress[edit]

City Isle Tunic Dress (female)
City Isle Tunic Dress (female)
City Isle Tunic Dress (male)
City Isle Tunic Dress (male)
ON-icon-costume-City Isle Tunic Dress.png
Designer Diocletia says, "For a true Imperial, simple does not mean unsophisticated. Our City Isle Tunic Dress is inspired by the elegant lines of Second Empire attire, but updated with a contemporary bias cut."

The City Isle Tunic Dress is an Imperial-style costume that was available in the Crown Store for 00500500 Crowns from July 28, 2016 to July 15, 2019. It is now available as an Epic-level reward in Nightfall Crates.

Slot 1: Dress
Slot 2: Dress trim, sandals, necklace chain
Slot 3: Necklace, brooch, bracelets, belt tassles

(Belt is not dyeable)

Classic Ordinator Armor[edit]

Classic Ordinator Armor (female)
Classic Ordinator Armor (female)
Classic Ordinator Armor (male)
Classic Ordinator Armor (male)
ON-icon-costume-Classic Ordinator Armor.png
The classic dark-gold armor worn by Ordinators of the Tribunal while keeping the peace and combating heresy in Mournhold and its surrounding regions.

The Classic Ordinator Armor is part of the Ordinator Armor Pack, which was sold in the Crown Store for 010001,000 Crowns from May 7, 2015 to September 1, 2016. It is also available as a Superior-level reward in the Dwarven and Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates.

Slot 1: Darker gold parts on the armor (including the face)
Slot 2: Shiny trim on the armor (including the non-face helmet portions)
Slot 3: Mohawk, and blue cloth/leather parts (including the belt straps and elbow straps)

(The inner arm portion that extends from the elbow up to the shoulder cannot be dyed.)

Claw Seer of Sithis[edit]

Claw Seer of Sithis (female)
Claw Seer of Sithis (female)
Claw Seer of Sithis (male)
Claw Seer of Sithis (male)
ON-icon-costume-Claw Seer of Sithis.png
"Change cannot be denied. Yet some wish to thwart it, finding comfort in stasis. In stagnation. These I seek out in the way of seers so that ku-vastei may deal with them. Once they clear the path, needed change occurs."—Claw Seer Deelith-Xul

The Claw Seer of Sithis is an upcoming costume found in the update 43 datamine.

Slot 1: (?)
Slot 2: (?)
Slot 3: (?)

(The (?) cannot be dyed.)

Clockwork Tinker[edit]

Clockwork Tinker (female)
Clockwork Tinker (female)
Clockwork Tinker (male)
ON-icon-costume-Clockwork Tinker.png
"You'd be forgiven for mistaking my piles of cogs and springs for wayward scraps from one machine or another. But a trained eye sees them for what they are. Seedlings. Kernels of ideas waiting to be given form and purpose. Why not give it a go?"—Hyacinth

The Clockwork Tinker was available in the Crown Store for 012001,200 Crowns from March 13 to March 20, 2025.

Slot 1: (?)
Slot 2: (?)
Slot 3: (?)

(The (?) cannot be dyed.)

Corseted Riding Outfit[edit]

Corseted Riding Outfit (female)
Corseted Riding Outfit (female)
Corseted Riding Outfit (male)
Corseted Riding Outfit (male)
ON-icon-costume-Corseted Riding Outfit.png
Lady Eloisse, the designer, says, "A Breton woman likes to add a touch of feminine flair to her otherwise practical clothing. She wants her attire to say she's a lady, no matter what she's doing."

The Corseted Riding Outfit was available in the Crown Store for 00500500 Crowns from December 17, 2015 to July 15, 2019. It is also available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.

Slot 1: Shirt
Slot 2: Corset, wrist wraps, boots
Slot 3: Pants
Appears only with Summerset

Court of Bedlam[edit]

Court of Bedlam (female)
Court of Bedlam (female)
Court of Bedlam (male)
Court of Bedlam (male)
ON-icon-costume-Court of Bedlam.png
The Court of Bedlam may be a cult of angry and vengeful Daedra worshipers, but there's no denying they have a certain sinister sense of style. Adopt their distinctive look with this ominous costume.

The Court of Bedlam costume was awarded to anyone who pre-ordered the Summerset chapter with the Queen's Bounty Pack. It is now available in the Crown Store for 025002,500 Crowns as part of the Summerset Collector's Pack. It is worn by members of the Court of Bedlam.

Slot 1: All red parts of armor and robe
Slot 2: Outer robe, neck covering, straps on gauntlets
Slot 3: Face mask, plates on shoulders, wrists, gloves, and waist, boots, belt buckle, robe details including Mephala brooch

(Horns are not dyeable)

Courtly Traveling Attire[edit]

Courtly Traveling Attire (female)
Courtly Traveling Attire (female)
Courtly Traveling Attire (male)
Courtly Traveling Attire (male)
ON-icon-costume-Courtly Traveling Attire.png
Fashionable nobles would never sully their fine court clothes with the dirt of travel. They wear simple - yet still elegant - robes while riding between castles, and display their wealth in the silver fastenings holding the robes together.

The Courtly Traveling Attire is awarded for earning the Peace in Our Time? achievement.

Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:

The (?) are not dyeable.

Covenant Scout[edit]

Covenant Scout (female)
Covenant Scout (female)
Covenant Scout (male)
Covenant Scout (male)
ON-icon-costume-Covenant Scout.png
Brown and black leather armor topped with a black leather cowl, like that worn by Breton Skirmisher Scouts.

The Covenant Scout is a bandit-style costume that is part of Stealthy Rogues Pack which was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700 Crowns from March 17, 2015 to December 11, 2017.[1] It can also be received through the Level Up Advisor at Level 20.

Slot 1: Main armor, hood trim
Slot 2: Buckles and edging
Slot 3: Hood, inner arms and pants, glove straps, upper sleeves

Crafty Lerisa's Thief Outfit[edit]

Crafty Lerisa's Thief Outfit (female)
Crafty Lerisa's Thief Outfit (female)
Crafty Lerisa's Thief Outfit (male)
Crafty Lerisa's Thief Outfit (male)
ON-icon-costume-Crafty Lerisa's Thief Outfit.png
Lightweight thieving outfit of dark-gray padded cloth and leather, with a feature-concealing half-balaclava.

Crafty Lerisa's Thief Outfit is part of the Stealthy Rogues Pack which was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700 Crowns from March 17, 2015 to December 11, 2017.[2] It is now available in the Adept Starter Pack alongside the Knight of the Flame costume, Mages Guild Research Robes and White Mane Horse for 010001000 Crowns.

Slot 1: Shirt, mask, front and top of hood, stripes on pants, boots, bracers
Slot 2: Straps on bracers, buckles on chest, belt, and boots, upper chest pad
Slot 3: Undershirt, back of hood, pants

Crystal Tower Sapiarchs' Gown[edit]

Crystal Tower Sapiarchs' Gown (female)
Crystal Tower Sapiarchs' Gown (female)
Crystal Tower Sapiarchs' Gown (male)
Crystal Tower Sapiarchs' Gown (male)
ON-icon-costume-Crystal Tower Sapiarchs' Gown.png
Inspired by the elegant formal gowns of the Sapiarchs of the Crystal Tower, designer Estinwe Silkdancer says, "Now you, too, can have the mysteries of the Dawn Era at your fingertips—or at least look like you do!"

The Crystal Tower Sapiarchs' Gown is available in the Crown Store for 010001,000 Crowns since May 2, 2019.

Slot 1: Sleeves and center of the dress
Slot 2: Shoes and body of the dress
Slot 3: Gold trimmings

(The white cuffs and the jewel accents cannot be dyed.)

Cumberland Anniversary Attire[edit]

ON-icon-costume-Cumberland Anniversary Attire.png
High King Emeric ordered this dashing attire for the anniversary of his coronation. The first of the Cumberland Dynasty to ascend to the throne, Emeric seeks to rule the Daggerfall Covenant wisely. With this garb, he also leads with panache.
Cumberland Anniversary Attire (female)
Cumberland Anniversary Attire (female)
Cumberland Anniversary Attire (male)
Cumberland Anniversary Attire (male)

The Cumberland Anniversary Attire was available as a daily reward on day 21 of April 2024.

Slot 1: Coat and vest
Slot 2: Shirt and pants
Slot 3: Boots and belt

(The gold, silver, and red parts, the lapels, and the boot cuffs cannot be dyed.)

Cyrod Gentry's Town Gown[edit]

Cyrod Gentry's Town Gown (female)
Cyrod Gentry's Town Gown (female)
Cyrod Gentry's Town Gown (male)
Cyrod Gentry's Town Gown (male)
ON-icon-costume-Cyrod Gentry's Town Gown.png
"Tailored from sheerest linen, as daring as it is discreet, this aristocratic town gown is suitable for Cyrodilics of either sex," says the renowned Diocletia of Skingrad. "Whether you're dining or dancing, shopping or just showing off, this is for you."

The Cyrod Gentry's Town Gown was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700 Crowns from September 15, 2016 to June 3, 2017. It returned from June 3 to June 10, 2021, and was offered to ESO Plus Members at a discounted 00560560 Crowns. It returned once more from July 6 to July 10, 2023

It is also available as an Epic-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.

Slot 1: Gown
Slot 2: Sandals
Slot 3: Trim on robe, necklace, broock, bracelets, belt

Cyrod Patrician Formal Gown[edit]

Cyrod Patrician Formal Gown (female)
Cyrod Patrician Formal Gown (female)
Cyrod Patrician Formal Gown (male)
Cyrod Patrician Formal Gown (male)
ON-icon-costume-Cyrod Patrician Formal Gown.png
You'll look every inch the aristocrat in this formal wrap gown from Diocletia of Skingrad, paired with a splendid gorget of hammered gold dripping with Imperial diamonds. Get haughty!

The Cyrod Patrician Formal Gown was sold in the Crown Store for 010001,000 Crowns from (?) to June 3, 2017. It is also available as an Epic-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

Slot 1: Most of gown
Slot 2: Shoulder and arm straps, sandals
Slot 3: Necklace, gown trim, sandal clasps, bracelets

(Blue gems are not dyeable)