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Online:Crown Store/Special Offers

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Limited Time Offers[edit]

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Removed
ON-icon-memento-Witchmother's Whistle.png Crow Caller 0FreeUnavailable Free Crowns The rarest crow callers have been known to summon more than just birds during the Witches Festival. See what strange and sinister secrets await you! Use the whistle to start the 2016 Witches Festival quest, The Witchmother's Bargain.
1 November 2016
13 October 2016
ON-icon-furnishing-Dragon Loot.png
ON-icon-furnishing-Dragon Loot.pngON-icon-pet-Green Dragon Imp.pngON-icon-costume-Grim Harvester.pngON-icon-container-Mysterious Reward Box.png
Dragon's Rise Reward Bundle 0FreeUnavailable Free Crowns You have earned a share of the Dragon's Treasure. This reward bundle includes the Dragon's Treasure Trove Furnishing, Green Dragon Imp Pet, Grim Harvester Costume, and 10 cascading reward boxes. Earned from the completion of community goals during the Dragon Rise Event. Bundle contains:
Dragon's Treasure Trove (page) furnishing item, Green Dragon Imp pet, Grim Harvester costume and Nafaalilargus's First Offering.
7 October 2019
21 October 2019
ON-icon-store-ESO Plus.png ESO Plus Free Trial 0FreeUnavailable Free Crowns Enjoy the benefits of ESO Plus for a limited time. A five-day free trial of ESO Plus for the ESO Plus Bonus Event. All benefits of ESO Plus were available, except the free allocation of Crowns.
9 July 2017
5 July 2017
ON-icon-Event Tickets.png Event Ticket 00250Unavailable 250 Crowns A Ticket used to purchase rare goods from the Impresario, Event Merchant. These tickets will become available whenever there is an event running.
ON-icon-misc-Jester's Day Scroll.png Jester's Festival Invitation Scroll 0FreeUnavailable Free Crowns An unassuming scroll with a strange seal upon it. There's something funny about it. Use the scroll to start the 2017 Jester's Festival quest, The Jester's Festival.
3 April 2017
23 March 2017
ON-icon-stolen-Ticket.png Jubilee Cake Voucher 0FreeUnavailable Free Crowns Good for one special-occasion cake from the renowned baker, Chef Donolon. Use to start the chef's quest. Look for Donolon's bakery barge in the ports of Vulkhel Guard, Davon's Watch, and the Harbor District of Daggerfall. Use the voucher to start the Jubilee Anniversary quest, Ache For Cake. You can receive additional vouchers even after completing the quest, but can only have one in your inventory at a time.
18 April 2017
4 April 2017
12 April 2016
4 April 2016
ON-icon-misc-New Life Scroll.png New Life Festival Scroll 0FreeUnavailable Free Crowns A simple map directs revelers to Breda, a New Life Herald in Eastmarch. A small note reads: "All are welcome to celebrate the New Life Festival!" Use the scroll to start the 2016 New Life Festival quest, The New Life Festival.
4 January 2017
15 December 2016
ON-icon-store-Supply Crate.png
ON-icon-food-Crown Crate Fortifying Meal.pngON-icon-store-Riding Lessons Speed+Capacity.pngON-icon-store-Crown Experience Scroll.pngON-icon-mount-Green Narsis Guar.pngON-icon-potion-Crown Tri-Restoration Potion.pngON-icon-soul gem-Crown.png
Black Fredas Special! 01900Unavailable 1,900 Crowns An 8,100 Crown Value for 1,900 Crowns! Over 75% off! The 2015 version of the Black Fredas bundle. Contains a unique Green Narsis Guar mount, 10 Experience Scrolls, a "Crown Lessons Pack" (10 Riding Speed Lessons and 10 Riding Capacity Lessons), 10 Fortifying Meals, 10 Soul Gems, and 50 Tri-Restoration Potions. Limited to one per account.
1 December 2015
25 November 2015
ON-icon-store-Supply Crate.png
ON-icon-poison-Crown Lethal Poison.pngON-icon-store-Riding Lessons Speed+Capacity.pngON-icon-food-Crown Crate Fortifying Meal.pngON-icon-store-Crown Experience Scroll.pngON-icon-mount-Zeht's Cloud Camel.pngON-icon-potion-Crown Tri-Restoration Potion.pngON-icon-soul gem-Crown.png
Black Fredas Special! 01900Unavailable 1,900 Crowns An [sic] 9,100 Crown Value for 1,900 Crowns! Over 75% off! The 2016 version of the Black Fredas bundle. Contains a unique Zeht's Cloud Camel mount, 10 Experience Scrolls, a "Crown Lessons Pack" (10 Riding Speed Lessons and 10 Riding Capacity Lessons), 10 Fortifying Meals, 20 Soul Gems, 50 Tri-Restoration Potions, and 160 Crown Lethal Poisons. Limited to one per account.
28 November 2016
23 November 2016
ON-icon-store-Supply Crate.png
ON-icon-poison-Crown Lethal Poison.pngON-icon-store-Riding Lessons Speed+Capacity.pngON-icon-food-Crown Crate Fortifying Meal.pngON-icon-store-Crown Experience Scroll.pngON-icon-mount-Tuxedo Bear.pngON-icon-potion-Crown Tri-Restoration Potion.pngON-icon-soul gem-Crown.png
Black Fredas Special! 01900Unavailable 1,900 Crowns An 8,100 Crown Value for 1,900 Crowns! Over 75% off! The 2017 version of the Black Fredas bundle. Contains a unique Tuxedo Bear mount, 10 Experience Scrolls, a "Crown Lessons Pack" (10 Riding Speed Lessons and 10 Riding Capacity Lessons), 10 Fortifying Meals, 10 Soul Gems, and 50 Tri-Restoration Potions. Limited to one per account.
27 November 2017
22 November 2017


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Removed
ON-icon-store-Supply Crate.png Any Race, Any Alliance Bundle 020002,000 Crowns Unlocks the ability to create characters of any Alliance regardless of race. Represent your Alliance with a Mount, Pet, Costume, and Hat!
Also contains a Race & Name Change Token, 3 Experience Scrolls, and a collection of Treasure Maps.
In addition to unlocking the "Any Race, Any Alliance" feature, the bundle also contains:
1x Name and Race Change, Alliance Rider Hood, Alliance Rider Outfit, Alliance War Dog, Alliance War Horse, Coldharbour Treasure Map, Covenant Treasure Map, Dominion Treasure Map, Pact Treasure Map, 3x Major Gold Coast Experience Scroll
PC/Mac: May 20 2019
Console: 4 June 2019
ON-icon-store-Supply Crate.png Starter Pack 00500500 Crowns Utility pack of consumables such as Potions, Foods, Soul Gems, Repair Kits, XP Scrolls, and Poisons—plus a Black Panther Cub Pet! The fifth iteration of the starter bundle, containing 5 Experience Scrolls, 5 Fortifying Meals, 240 Lethal Poisons, 5 Repair Kits, 10 Soul Gems, 30 Tri-Restoration Potions, and a Striped Senche-Panther Cub. PC/Mac: 22 May 2017
Console: 6 June 2017
ON-icon-store-Supply Crate.png Starter Pack, Adept 010001,000 Crowns Utility pack of consumables such as Potions, Foods, Soul Gems, Repair Kits, XP Scrolls, Riding Lessons, and Poisons—plus a White Mane Horse and 3 Costumes! An expanded starter pack, containing 10 Experience Scrolls, 10 Fortifying Meals, 255 Lethal Poisons, 10 Repair Kits, 20 Soul Gems, 90 Tri-Restoration Potions, 5 Riding Capacity Lessons, 5 Riding Speed Lessons, 5 Riding Stamina Lessons, Crafty Lerisa's Thief Outfit, Knight of the Flame outfit, Mages Guild Research Robes, a White Mane Horse, and an exclusive Dye Stamp. PC/Mac: 22 May 2017
Console: 6 June 2017
ON-icon-furnishing-Nord Cart, Hay.png Steadfast Stablemaster Bundle 018001,800 Crowns Everything you need to pamper your heroic horse companion waits for you in this bundle—including the horse! Shelter, food, tasty treats, and more allow you to master your grooming skills, improve your riding proficiency, and cosset your beloved steed. A bundle geared towards mounts, consisting of three riding lessons, furniture and a horse. The bundle includes the Whiterun Windsteed, Crown Lesson: Riding Capacity, Crown Lesson: Riding Speed, Crown Lesson: Riding Stamina, Basket of Apples, Full, Breton Stool, Plain, Carrots, Wax, Common Pack, Backpack,

Hlaalu Shed, Open, Nord Cart, Hay, Straw Pile, Tool, Pitchfork, Watering Trough, Full,

11 June 2020
48px Heroes of High Isle Reward Bundle FREE!FREE! Crowns To the Heroes of High Isle go the rewards. This reward bundle includes the Firesong DLC, Oak's Promise Markings, Plant Yourself Emote, and 6 cascading hoard boxes.
Ensure this is desired character, as some gear will level lock when claimed.
Note: This item's Crown Store availability may vary based on platform and in-game progress. PC/Mac: October 7, 2022 - 21, 2022
Console: (?)
ON-icon-store-Supply Crate.png Starter Pack ata]](?) Crowns (?) The fourth? iteration of the starter bundle, containing 80 Crown Lethal Poisons, 10 Crown Tri-Restoration Potions, 2 Crown Repair Kits, 2 Crown Soul Gems, 1 Crown Fortifying Meal, 1 Crown Experience Scroll, a Piebald Destrier Mount, and a Windhelm Wolfhound Pet.
It went on sale for 60% off (00480480 Crowns) during the 2016 Black Fredas sales event.[1]
PC/Mac: (?) - November 28, 2016
Console: (?) - (?)