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Online:DLC Loyalty Rewards

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This article is about rewards from DLC game packs. For the discontinued subscription rewards, see Loyalty Program.

Loyalty Rewards are given to players with access to certain DLC game packs. They can be earned through the achievements system by entering a specific DLC area. The rewards are available to players who purchase the DLC permanently through the Crown Store and to players who have access through an ESO Plus subscription. If obtained through ESO Plus, the rewards remain available for use even after your subscription lapses. Unlike DLC Collector's Edition bundles, the rewards are not timed and can be obtained at any point.

The Imperial City, Scribes of Fate, Scions of Ithelia, and Fallen Banners DLCs have no associated loyalty reward, nor do any of the DLCs which were originally released as Chapters.


Orsinium Reward[edit]

A pet Echalette

An Echalette pet can be obtained by entering the city of Orsinium in the Orsinium DLC. It was added retroactively when Thieves Guild was released.

Thieves Guild Reward[edit]

A pet Jackal

A Jackal pet can be obtained by entering the city of Abah's Landing in the Thieves Guild DLC.

Dark Brotherhood Reward[edit]


The Assassin personality can be obtained by entering the Gold Coast in the Dark Brotherhood DLC.

Shadows of the Hist Reward[edit]


The Heroic personality can be obtained by entering either Cradle of Shadows or Ruins of Mazzatun as part of the Shadows of the Hist DLC.

Horns of the Reach Reward[edit]

Bull Horns emote

The Bull Horns Emote can be obtained by entering either Bloodroot Forge or Falkreath Hold as part of the Horns of the Reach DLC.

Clockwork City Reward[edit]

Scintillant Dovah-Fly

A Scintillant Dovah-Fly pet can be obtained by entering the Brass Fortress in the Clockwork City DLC.

Dragon Bones Reward[edit]

Renegade Dragon Priest Mask

The Renegade Dragon Priest Mask hat can be obtained by entering either Fang Lair or Scalecaller Peak as part of the Dragon Bones DLC.

Wolfhunter Reward[edit]

Werewolf Hunter Hat

The Werewolf Hunter hat can be obtained by entering either Moon Hunter Keep or the March of Sacrifices as part of the Wolfhunter DLC.

Murkmire Reward[edit]

Verdigris Haj Mota

A Verdigris Haj Mota pet can be obtained by entering the city of Lilmoth in the Murkmire DLC.

Wrathstone Reward[edit]

Ayleid Royal Crown

The Ayleid Royal Crown hat can be obtained by entering either the Depths of Malatar or the Frostvault as part of the Wrathstone DLC.

Scalebreaker Reward[edit]

Dread Aurelian Mask

The Dread-Aurelian Mask Outfit Style can be obtained by entering either the Moongrave Fane or the Lair of Maarselok as part of the Scalebreaker DLC.

Dragonhold Reward[edit]

Topal Corsair Hat

The Topal Corsair Hat Outfit Style can be obtained by entering Southern Elsweyr as part of the Dragonhold DLC. The other parts of the outfit can be earned over the course of the DLC storyline.

Harrowstorm Reward[edit]

ON-icon-emote-Wickerman Mishap.png

The Wickerman Mishap emote can be obtained by entering either Icereach or Unhallowed Grave as part of the Harrowstorm DLC.

Stonethorn Reward[edit]

Energetic Dwarven Shock-Spider

An Energetic Dwarven Shock-Spider pet can be obtained by entering either Castle Thorn or Stone Garden as part of the Stonethorn DLC.

Markarth Reward[edit]

Arkthzand Anfractuosity Shroud

An Arkthzand Anfractuosity Shroud hat can be obtained by entering the Reach as part of the Markarth DLC.

Flames of Ambition Reward[edit]

Fire-Forged Maul

The Fire-Forged Maul weapon style can be obtained by entering either Black Drake Villa or the Cauldron as part of the Flames of Ambition DLC.

Waking Flame Reward[edit]

Scorion Pyreling

The Scorion Pyreling pet can be obtained by entering either Red Petal Bastion or the Dread Cellar as part of the Waking Flame DLC.

The Deadlands Reward[edit]

Oblivion Explorer's Headwrap

An Oblivion Explorer's Headwrap hat can be obtained by entering Fargrave as part of The Deadlands DLC.

Ascending Tide Reward[edit]

Abyssal Embrace Face Markings

Abyssal Embrace Face Markings can be obtained by entering either Coral Aerie or Shipwright's Regret as part of the Ascending Tide DLC.

Lost Depths Reward[edit]

Mulberry Hermit Crab pet

A Mulberry Hermit Crab pet can be obtained by entering either Earthen Root Enclave or Graven Deep as part of the Lost Depths DLC.

Firesong Reward[edit]

Firesong Obsidian Mask

A Firesong Obsidian Mask hat can be obtained by entering Galen as part of the Firesong DLC.


The following achievements relate to loyalty rewards:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-A Gift from Orsinium.png A Gift from Orsinium 5 Come visit the Orcs' newly rebuilt capital city: Orsinium!
ON-icon-achievement-Spoils of Abah's Landing.png Spoils of Abah's Landing 5 Travel to the notorious free port of Abah's Landing!
ON-icon-achievement-Gold Coast Tourist.png Gold Coast Tourist 5 Visit the Gold Coast and take in the local scenery.
ON-icon-achievement-Shadows of the Hist Explorer.png Shadows of the Hist Explorer 5 Enter either the Ruins of Mazzatun or the Cradle of Shadows for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Horns of the Reach Explorer.png Horns of the Reach Explorer 5 Enter either Falkreath Hold or Bloodroot Forge for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Treasure of the Brass Fortress.png Treasure of the Brass Fortress 5 Travel to the Brass Fortress in Clockwork City.
ON-icon-achievement-Dragon Bones Explorer.png Dragon Bones Explorer 5 Enter either Fang Lair or Scalecaller Peak for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Wolfhunter Explorer.png Wolfhunter Explorer 5 Enter either Moon Hunter Keep or March of Sacrifices for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-The Festering Jewel.png The Festering Jewel 5 Travel to Lilmoth in Murkmire.
ON-icon-achievement-Wrathstone Explorer.png Wrathstone Explorer 5 Enter either Frostvault or Depths of Malatar for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Scalebreaker Explorer.png Scalebreaker Explorer 5 Enter either Moongrave Fane or Lair of Maarselok for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Welcome to Pellitine.png Welcome to Pellitine 5 Enter Southern Elsweyr for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Harrowstorm Explorer.png Harrowstorm Explorer 5 Enter either Icereach or Unhallowed Grave for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Stonethorn Explorer.png Stonethorn Explorer 5 Enter either Stone Garden or Castle Thorn for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Welcome to the Reach.png Welcome to the Reach 5 Enter the Reach for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Flames of Ambition Explorer.png Flames of Ambition Explorer 5 Enter either Black Drake Villa or the Cauldron for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Waking Flame Explorer.png Waking Flame Explorer 5 Enter either Red Petal Bastion or the Dread Cellar for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Welcome to Fargrave.png Welcome to Fargrave 5 Enter Fargrave for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Ascending Tide Explorer.png Ascending Tide Explorer 5 Enter either Coral Aerie or Shipwright's Regret for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Lost Depths Explorer.png Lost Depths Explorer 5 Enter either Earthen Root Enclave or Graven Deep for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Welcome to Galen.png Welcome to Galen 5 Enter Galen for the first time.