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Online:Fit to Rule

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ON-qico-Zone Story.png Restore the Orrery for the ratification ceremony to take place.
Zone: Grahtwood
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Faction: Aldmeri Dominion
Quest Giver: Prince Naemon in Elden Root
Location(s): Reliquary of Stars, Falinesti Winter Site, Southpoint
Previous Quest: The Honor of the Queen
Next Quest: The Orrery of Elden Root
Concurrent Quest: The Grip of Madness, A Lasting Winter, Lost in Study, Heart of the Matter
Reward: Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
ID: 4951
"I'll ask you to speak to Meleras."
Queen Ayrenn must complete the ratification ceremony if her allies are to accept her as leader of the Aldmeri Dominion. At the heart of the ceremony is the Orrery, an ancient Ayleid artifact.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Meleras.
  2. Find an operator, divine spark and Ayleid source of power. Complete The Grip of Madness, A Lasting Winter, Lost in Study and Heart of the Matter.
  3. Return to Meleras in the Elden Root Throne Room.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

After the events of The Honor of the Queen, Prince Naemon will be less resentful and bitter towards you as he tells you about the upcoming ratification ceremony:

"Ambassador Tarinwe's betrayal could not have been more absolute. She knew the details of the ratification ceremony, which puts Queen Ayrenn at risk.
It's my sister's own fault. She thought to appease the Silvenar and the Mane by agreeing to this foolish process."
What do you mean?
"The ratification ceremony ends with the Orrery, an ancient device beneath Elden Root. It will divine Queen Ayrenn's capacity to become Empress, or somesuch.
But Ambassador Tarinwe assisted in the preparations. I must assume she tried to sabotage the proceedings."
Will you cancel the ceremony?
"Doing so would make Queen Ayrenn look weak. No, we must proceed.
You've proven your competence, so I'll ask you to speak with Meleras. He's an expert on the Orrery and knows what must be done. Quite pleasant, once you grow accustomed to the smell."
I'll speak with Meleras.

At this point, you can further question Naemon:

"The preparations for this ratification ceremony seem endless. But I'm up to the task."
Why can't Queen Ayrenn delay the ceremony?
"She asked how she could prove herself their rightful leader. The Silvenar suggested the Orrery nonsense, and the Mane agreed.
Of course, neither will be present to see it, yet my sister is held to her pledge. How unexpected."
Why aren't they here?
"Khajiiti political excuses are impossible to discern. I know the Mane will not be present, and that's all I care to know.
As for the Silvenar, he died on Khenarthi's Roost. Thought he could negotiate with the filthy Sea Elves."
Will any of Queen Ayrenn's allies witness the ceremony?
"King Camoran Aeradan. It's beneath his city, so there's no turning him away.
And myself, of course."

Speak to Meleras, who is just beside Naemon:

"Please don't mind Prince Naemon. Ambassador Tarinwe's betrayal is a shock to us all.
But no matter. The Orrery must work flawlessly for the queen. That's what we will ensure!"
What do you know of the Orrery?
"Enough to be service. The Orrery hasn't functioned as intended for ages. We planned to use some rather delicate magic to trick it into operation.
But if Prince Naemon believes there was sabotage, we must look to an alternative method."
What sort of alternative?
"Why, we'll look to the past!
According to legend, the Orrery required a skilled operator, an Ayleid source of power, and a "divine spark" before it would function. Without all three, it won't do anything but spin. Quite pretty, but not very useful."

At this point, you can ask any combination of three questions, each one of which marks the location Meleras mentions on your map:

Who can operate the Orrery?
"Conservator Daraneth maintains the Orrery and has studied the Ayleid monitoring rituals.
Unfortunately, she was called away to Southpoint for a personal matter. If you can locate her and convince her to return, we'll have our operator."
Explain what you mean by a "divine spark."
"I've researched this a bit. Really, you need to be in three places at once. Simple, right?
But the Falinesti Winter Site is rumored to hold a relic of the Khajiiti thief god. For our purposes, Rajhin's Mantle will serve as the divine spark. If it's truly there, of course."
Where can I find an Ayleid source of power?
"The Heart of Anumaril originally "brought life" to the Orrery, according to the texts. It long ago went missing.
But a member of the local Mages Guild named Laranalda theorizes it's in a local Ayleid ruin. She's currently at the Reliquary of Stars seeking The Heart of Anumaril."
All right, I know what I need to find.
"Wonderful! Have anything you find sent directly to the Orrery. Once everything is in place, we can begin the ratification ceremony.
And do refrain from referring to Conservator Daraneth as a "missing element.""

Go to each of the locations Meleras mentions and complete the associated quests. Once you have Rajhin's Mantle, Conservator Daraneth, and the Heart of Anumaril, return to Meleras in the Elden Root throne room:

"You has done what has not been done for centuries! All the parts of the Orrery have been placed within the chamber, and Daraneth awaits us below!
I must admit to being more than a little excited. I've never seen the Orrery operational."
What else remains?
"Not much. You've done extraordinary work. And just in time for Queen Ayrenn's arrival!"

This will end the quest, and Meleras will then send you to The Orrery of Elden Root.

Quest Stages[edit]

Fit to Rule
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Prince Naemon asked me to speak with Meleras, an expert on the Orrery.
Objective: Talk to Meleras
The Orrery requires the Heart of Anumaril, Rajhin's Mantle, and the presence of Conservator Daraneth to function.
Objective: Find Conservator Daraneth
Hidden Objective: Seek Conservator Daraneth in Southpoint
Objective: Recover the Heart of Anumaril
Hidden Objective: Seek out the Heart of Anumaril in the Reliquary of Stars
Objective: Retrieve Rajhin's Mantle
Hidden Objective: Search for Rajhin's Mantle at Falinesti Winter Site
Finishes quest☑ I recovered everything the Orrery needs to function. I should return to Meleras and inform him of my success.
Objective: Talk to Meleras
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.