Gold Road

Online:Goblin Totem

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Goblin Totem
Category Services (Weather Control)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Collectible Furnishings
Bind Collected
After placing this furnishing in your home, a quick prayer to Kynareth causes the weather around you to change. Until you use the vessel again, the skies remain in their current state. Homes without skies are not impacted by this furnishing.
Goblin Totem

The Goblin Totem is a sacred piece that appears as a collection of bones tied to a stick. It lacks an icon and proper description, seemingly in use as a placeholder item within the database, and is currently unobtainable.

It is a replica of the totems that appear in-game, such as that of the Stonechewer totem from the quest A Means to an End.This asset is used in some other quests too, please list them if found



  • The furnishing appeared in the Collectibles menu as a placeholder in Update 40. This was later patched out by Update 42.
