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Online:Jewelry Crafting Materials

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There are four types of materials involved in Jewelry Crafting: Dust and Ounces, Platings, and Trait Materials.

Dust is the raw material that can be found in the world in jewelry crafting seams. By themselves they cannot be used, but they may be refined into Ounces at any jewelry crafting station.

Ounces are used to make Jewelry, including Necklaces and Rings.

Platings can be used to improve existing jewelry.

Trait Materials (once refined from their Pulverized form) are used to craft jewelry with traits.

Prior to Update 40, Grains could be refined to Plating the same way Dust is refined to Ounces. In an order to rebalance the Jewelry Crafting system, the game developers completely removed Grains from the game. All Grains in players' inventories were replaced with Platings, and they were given 10 Platings for every original Plating. Platings now have a small chance to be acquired from jewelry seams the same way Grains could.


Material Dust Refine Into
Pewter ON-icon-dust-Pewter Dust.png Pewter Dust ON-icon-ounce-Pewter Ounce.png Pewter Ounce
Copper ON-icon-dust-Copper Dust.png Copper Dust ON-icon-ounce-Copper Ounce.png Copper Ounce
Silver ON-icon-dust-Silver Dust.png Silver Dust ON-icon-ounce-Silver Ounce.png Silver Ounce
Electrum ON-icon-dust-Electrum Dust.png Electrum Dust ON-icon-ounce-Electrum Ounce.png Electrum Ounce
Platinum ON-icon-dust-Platinum Dust.png Platinum Dust ON-icon-ounce-Platinum Ounce.png Platinum Ounce


Ounce Craft Into
ON-icon-ounce-Pewter Ounce.png Pewter Ounce Pewter Jewelry
(Level 1-24)
ON-icon-ounce-Copper Ounce.png Copper Ounce Copper Jewelry
(Level 26-50)
ON-icon-ounce-Silver Ounce.png Silver Ounce Silver Jewelry
(Champion Points10-Champion Points70)
ON-icon-ounce-Electrum Ounce.png Electrum Ounce Electrum Jewelry
(Champion Points80-Champion Points140)
ON-icon-ounce-Platinum Ounce.png Platinum Ounce Platinum Jewelry
(Champion Points150-Champion Points160)


Platings Effect
ON-icon-plating-Terne.png Terne Plating Improve quality from Normal to Fine
ON-icon-plating-Iridium.png Iridium Plating Improve quality from Fine to Superior
ON-icon-plating-Zircon.png Zircon Plating Improve quality from Superior to Epic
ON-icon-plating-Chromium.png Chromium Plating Improve quality from Epic to Legendary

In addition to jewelry items, platings are also used in Sketches for furnishings. Specifically:

  • Normal quality sketches (if they existed) would not require any resins
  • Fine quality sketches require 9 Terne Plating
  • Superior quality sketches require 6 Iridium Plating
  • Epic quality sketches require 3 Zircon Plating
  • Legendary quality sketches require 1 Chromium Plating

Trait Materials[edit]


There are 9 trait materials used for crafting.

Jewelry traits:

Pulverized Material Trait Description Source
Refined Material
ON-icon-pulverized-Zinc.png Pulverized Zinc Robust Increase Maximum Stamina by 870. Deconstructing Robust jewelry or refining dust.
ON-icon-trait material-Zinc.png Zinc
ON-icon-pulverized-Cobalt.png Pulverized Cobalt Arcane Increase Maximum Magicka by 870. Deconstructing Arcane jewelry or refining dust.
ON-icon-trait material-Cobalt.png Cobalt
ON-icon-pulverized-Antimony.png Pulverized Antimony Healthy Increase Maximum Health by 957. Deconstructing Healthy jewelry or refining dust.
ON-icon-trait material-Antimony.png Antimony
ON-icon-pulverized-Slaughterstone.png Pulverized Slaughterstone Bloodthirsty Increases your Weapon and Spell Damage against enemies under 90% Health by up to 10%. From trial weekly coffers.
ON-icon-trait material-Slaughterstone.png Slaughterstone
ON-icon-pulverized-Dibellium.png Pulverized Dibellium Harmony Increase the effectiveness of any Synergies by 20%. From daily dungeon finder rewards.
ON-icon-trait material-Dibellium.png Dibellium
ON-icon-pulverized-Aurbic Amber.png Pulverized Aurbic Amber Infused Increase the effect of the enchantment by 60%. From finding Psijic portals.
ON-icon-trait material-Aurbic Amber.png Aurbic Amber
ON-icon-pulverized-Dawn-Prism.png Pulverized Dawn-Prism Triune Increase Maximum Health by 478, and
Maximum Magicka and Maximum Stamina by 435.
Purchased from war researchers in Cyrodiil.
ON-icon-trait material-Dawn-Prism.png Dawn-Prism
ON-icon-pulverized-Titanium.png Pulverized Titanium Protective Increase Physical Resistance by 1844. From harvesting jewelry seams.
ON-icon-trait material-Titanium.png Titanium
ON-icon-pulverized-Gilding Wax.png Pulverized Gilding Wax Swift Increase Movement Speed by 7%. Purchased from Rolis Hlaalu.
ON-icon-trait material-Gilding Wax.png Gilding Wax
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