Online:Julien Rissiel
Julien Rissiel | |||
Home Settlement | Hoarfrost Downs | ||
Race | Breton | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly |
Julien Rissiel is a Breton found in the town of Hoarfrost Downs. He is a potential recruit of the Shornhelm Guard.
Related Quests[edit]
- The Lover: Help recruit a reluctant lover to the Shornhelm Guard.
The Crown of Shornhelm: Counsel the High King and recommend a true leader for Rivenspire.
He can initially be found in the main street of the town where he will ask you a complicated question if approached.
- "Why are women so complicated? It's maddening! Maddening!"
Quest-Related Events[edit]
The Lover[edit]
After two successes, Captain Thayer will ask you to speak with Julien to try and recruit him. When you speak to him, Julien will note that he is aware of your previous work.
- "I've been watching you. Going around town, cleaning up the mess that beastly soldier-woman created by offending everyone.
You must have a golden tongue, getting folks to enlist after that. You won't persuade me, though. I can't leave town. Not now." - Why can't you leave town?
- "Because I'm close. I've been courting Guendeline for three years and I think I'm finally close to winning her heart.
If I leave town now, by the time I get back she'd probably have married someone else. I couldn't live with that." - What if she promised to marry you?
- "That would make everything perfect! If I had her love, I could enlist and fight with the strength of ten soldiers!
That's not going to happen, though. It's going to take something special to win her heart, and I haven't a clue as to what that is." - Maybe I could go talk to her and find out?
- "Good luck with that. I've been trying to figure her out for years now. I think maybe she just enjoys playing with my emotions.
If you can help me win her heart, though, I'll enlist. I'll do anything you want, in fact."
Continue talking to him for more information:
- "You can tell her I'll stand out here as long as it takes. I'm not going anywhere until she accepts my love."
- What's so special about Guendeline, anyway?
- "What's so special? That's like asking what's so special about the sun up in the sky or the flowers in the fields.
I've been in love with Guen ever since we were little children. She's grand and glorious, and she smells like a spring day!"
While you were talking with Guendeline, he will have been doing some thinking about her previous words. When you return he will tell you his idea, it may be an idea to first talk with the townsfolk about what they think Guendeline would like.
- "I've been thinking. Guendeline says I don't really love her. It's just some kind of silly infatuation.
I think I need to make a grand gesture to prove my love to her. Something spectacular to show her how I really feel." - What kind of gesture are you thinking about?
- "Something romantic. Something unique.
I know! A bouquet of rare flowers, though I'd need help picking them. Or I could serenade her with a poem! Of course, I don't know any poems. Or maybe a beautiful necklace? What do you think?" - I could pick these rare flowers for you.
- "You wouldn't mind? I'm thinking dunlain daisies. They're very rare, but they smell wonderful.
They grow near the old tower outside town. Just watch out for the trolls and you'll be fine. Give the flowers to Guen and tell her they're from me."
- "You wouldn't mind? I'm thinking dunlain daisies. They're very rare, but they smell wonderful.
- A poem sounds like a good idea.
- "I think so, too. I noticed her flirting with a minstrel once. She practically swooned whenever he opened his mouth.
Anyhow, now we just need a poem. Surely someone around here knows some poetry. Find a good poem and I'll serenade Guen with my love!"
- "I think so, too. I noticed her flirting with a minstrel once. She practically swooned whenever he opened his mouth.
- I'd give her a nice necklace.
- "Of course! They say jewelry's the key to every woman's heart.
I don't have much gold, but the blacksmith's apprentice, Khalisah. She said she could make a nice necklace if I could supply the gems." - Where can we get some gems?
- "Well, I know where we can get some gems, but it might be risky ….
The Bitterhand Bandits have a camp west of town. With all the robberies they commit, I'm sure some of them carry stolen gems." - All right. I'll get gems from the bandits and take them to Khalisah.
- "Of course! They say jewelry's the key to every woman's heart.
Speak to him again and he'll just say:
- "Why are women so complicated? It's maddening! Maddening!"
At this point the quest will branch out in three paths, depending on what gift you suggested to him.
A Gift of Flowers[edit]
If you told Guendeline's brother, Deputy Ascenge, that you are helping Julien, he will tell you to give Guendeline flowers. This turns out to be a joke on Ascenge's part as it gives Guendeline hayfever:
- "You gave her the daisies? Was she happy? Did she swoon? What did she say?
Tell me. Tell me. Tell me." - She didn't like the daisies. They made her sneeze.
- "Daisies make her sneeze? Why didn't someone tell me? How could we have missed this? I feel terrible.
Now we'll just have to try something else. What do you think?" - Actually, it's over. She wants you to leave her alone.
- "Oh, gods! It's … over! No, no, no! I can't …. What am I going to do? I'll never find another woman like Guendeline! My life will be empty!
Honestly, I don't know if I can go on. It's like I can feel my heart breaking inside my chest." - Then you might as well enlist in the guard.
- "The guard? I guess. It sounds mad, but you're probably right. I really do want to die now, and it might as well be for a good cause.
Tell Captain Thayer I'll be along soon."
Speak to him again and he'll say:
- "Maybe when Guendeline hears that I died in battle, she'll regret turning me away. Maybe she'll finally love me. Even in death, that would be worth it.
At the very least, I hope she feels guilty."
A Gift of Poetry[edit]
Speak to Julien after you've suggested a poem and he'll say:
- "The more I think about this poetry idea, the more I like it. It's the perfect way to show Guendeline both the strength of my mind and the depth of my passion.
I think I'll call her outside and serenade her in front of the whole town!" - Do you have a poem in mind?
- "Well, no. I was planning how I was going to do it, not what I was going to say.
I thought you were handling that part. Did you find anyone in town who knows anything about poetry?"
If you haven't asked the townsfolk yet, you can only tell him:
- I need more time. I'll be back.
Otherwise, after going around town and asking about poetry, you can return to Julien and give him some suggestions.
- Read something from this book of poetry.
- "What a fancy book! Look at the leather cover and the gilded pages! Guendeline's sure to be won over by one of these poems.
Come on, let's go over and I'll read one of these poems to her."
- "What a fancy book! Look at the leather cover and the gilded pages! Guendeline's sure to be won over by one of these poems.
- You should recite this Orcish love poem.
- "How … how very original. It's a little … direct, don't you think? Well, I do want her to know exactly how I feel. And it does rhyme.
Come on, let's go over and I'll recite this poem to her."
- "How … how very original. It's a little … direct, don't you think? Well, I do want her to know exactly how I feel. And it does rhyme.
- I think you should compose your own poem, from the heart.
- "Really? Write it myself? I never thought of that.
I'm much better when I'm spontaneous. I'll just make something up as I go along. Yes. I'll just let it come from my heart and pour straight out of my mouth. Follow me."
- "Really? Write it myself? I never thought of that.
Whatever you advise him to do, he will then head over to Guen's house to recite. The three poems which will give different reactions. His self-authored poem:
- Julien Rissiel: "Fair Guendeline, come forth and hear my words of love!"
- Guendeline Ascenge: "This should be interesting."
- Julien Rissiel: "I look at you coming down the stair …."
- Julien Rissiel: "And I wonder, did you forget to brush your hair …?"
- Guendeline Ascenge: "My hair …? How could you embarrass me like this? Go away, Julien. Go away and never come back."
- Julien Rissiel: "I guess maybe I should've planned that better. What have I done? I've ruined my whole life in two sentences!"
The Orcish Love Poem:
- Julien Rissiel: "Fair Guendeline, come forth and hear my words of love!"
- Guendeline Ascenge: "This should be interesting."
- Julien Rissiel: "The skin of your neck exudes an animal stench …."
- Julien Rissiel: "I want to pull your hair and call you a …."
- Guendeline Ascenge: "Stop! Please, just … no more. That's the most vile poetry I've ever heard! Go away, Julien. For good this time!"
- Julien Rissiel: "I guess that's it then. I thought that was quite good, myself. But without her … oh, what will I do?"
After his rejection he'll say:
- "I can't believe it. After all the years, I've spent courting her, just a handful of words and she casts me aside!
How could she be so heartless?" - Maybe you're better off without her.
- "No. I'll never find another woman like Guendeline. I'll never love again. My life will just be empty and sad.
Honestly, I don't know if I can go on. I can feel my heart breaking apart inside my chest, it hurts so bad." - Then you might as well enlist in the guard.
- "I guess. It sounds mad, but you're right. I really do want to die now, and it might as well be for a good cause.
Tell Captain Thayer I'll be along soon."
The poem from Adrone Larocque's book:
- Julien Rissiel: "Fair Guendeline, come forth and hear my words of love!"
- Guendeline Ascenge: "This should be interesting."
- Julien Rissiel: "I look to the firmament and thirteen constellations do I see …."
- Julien Rissiel: "But even the stars look dark and lonely without thee …."
- Guendeline Ascenge: "But in your eyes, there is enough light, to guide me through any night …. Oh Julien! That's my favorite poem! We were meant for each other! I love you and I will wait for you!"
- Julien Rissiel: "I go to war now, my love. But when I return, we shall be married."
With his success, he will be thrilled.
- "It worked! Can you believe it! She said that she loves me! And she said she'll wait for me!
I never thought it was possible. I'm so happy, I could … take a nap. All this wooing has made me really tired." - You promised me you would enlist.
- "And I will. Napping will have to wait. Honestly, I'm proud to go fight for the kingdom now. I'll fight for Guendeline's sake and for the sake of our future.
You can go and tell Captain Thayer I'm coming. I'll be there as soon as I can."
If you spoke to Captain Thayer but haven't turned in the quest yet:
- "Don't worry. I'm not going to back out. I just need a few moments and then I'll be along."
A Gift of Jewelry[edit]
Speaking to him again if you choose to get a necklace as a gift:
- "If you find some gems, take them right to Khalisah. She does great work and she's always been a really good friend.
She'll make something that will impress Guendeline, I just know it."
As you decided on jewelry, you can collect the gems from the bandits and take them to Khalisah, who will accidentally reveal her own feelings towards Julien. When you return to him, you can decide whether or not to tell him about it.
- "Did you get it? Oh, let me see! I know that if Khalisah made it, it has to be beautiful.
She's amazing." - Here's the necklace.
- "That's perfect! Completely unique and totally romantic! If Guendeline doesn't fall in love with me after receiving this, then there's no hope for us at all.
What did Khalisah think? Was she glad that I took her up on her offer?" - [Lie] Yes. She's really happy for you and Guendeline.
- "Good. That makes me feel even more confident about this. Khalisah knows me better than anyone else. If she thinks this is the right thing, then it must be so.
Just one more favor, my friend. Will you take the necklace to Guendeline for me?"- You don't want to take it yourself?
- "No. I couldn't bear the pressure. Besides, if I give it to her and she professes her love for me, it would be hard to leave.
Better you do it. That way, I can enlist with a clear mind and know that she will be here when I return."
- Did you know that Khalisah has feelings for you?
- "Feelings? For me? You can't be serious.
I've known Khalisah since we were toddlers. She's like a sister to me. I mean, I love her dearly, but not like that … at least, I don't think I do."
If you revealed that Khalisah has feelings for him, you may ask him if he's sure about pursuing love or even to proceed giving the necklace to Guendeline, which both options leads to him being unsure of his choices:
- It doesn't sound like you're very sure.
- "Mother always said I was hopeless when it comes to this sort of thing. I never really thought about Khalisah in that way before.
What do you think? Have I just been blind this whole time?" - Then you want to me to give the necklace to Guendeline?
- "I don't know. Mother always said I was hopeless when it comes to this sort of thing.
What do you think? Is it a mistake to chase Guendeline? Is Khalisah the better woman?"- Let's not complicate matters. I'll give the necklace to Guendeline.
- "All right. That's probably for the best. Otherwise, I'd always wonder what would have happened.
Truth is, if Guendeline turns me down, I can always approach Khalisah."
- "All right. That's probably for the best. Otherwise, I'd always wonder what would have happened.
- I think you should give Khalisah a chance.
- "All right. Maybe … maybe you're right. Maybe I've just been a fool this whole time, chasing Guendeline because she teased me when true love was right under my nose.
Will you take the necklace back to Khalisah and tell her I was wrong?" - Yes. I'll go talk to Khalisah again.
- "All right. Maybe … maybe you're right. Maybe I've just been a fool this whole time, chasing Guendeline because she teased me when true love was right under my nose.
- If you can't decide, maybe you need more time.
- "But … maybe you're right. Everything seemed so clear before, but now, I don't know.
You know what? I'm too young to commit. I should enlist and go see more of Tamriel before I settle down. Yes. I'll do it. Tell Captain Thayer I'm coming."
- "But … maybe you're right. Everything seemed so clear before, but now, I don't know.
- Let's not complicate matters. I'll give the necklace to Guendeline.
If you talk to him after suggesting to give Khalisah a chance, he'll say:
- "What a fool I've been! Beautiful, talented Khalisah. How could I not see how she felt about me?"
Khalisah will want Julien to tell her himself and asks you to pass on the message to Julien.
- "I can't believe this. The more I think about it, the more I realize that this was meant to be. Khalisah has always been kind and giving. What did I ever see in Guendeline?
Tell me though, did Khalisah understand? Will she give me another chance?" - Yes. But she wants to hear it from you.
- "All right. I'll need a moment to consider my words. Then I'll go talk to her.
After that, I suppose I have to fulfill my promise and enlist. It's the least I can do after what you've done for me. You can tell Captain Thayer I'll be along shortly."
However, if you either kept quiet about Khalisah's feeling or insisted that he give the necklace to Guendeline, he'll say:
- "Please, take the necklace to Guendeline and let her know how I feel about her."
When you return after giving the necklace to Guendeline:
- "Tell me, friend, tell me! Did Guendeline like the necklace? Will she finally accept that my feelings for her are real?"
- Yes. She says she loves you and will wait for you.
- "Then this is the best day of my life, and I can now enlist without reservation and fight for my true love.
You made all this happen. Thank you, friend. Tell Captain Thayer I'll be along shortly."
If you talk to him after he agrees to give Khalisah a chance, successfully wooed Guendeline or decides he's too young to settle down, he'll say:
- "I feel much better about leaving now. In fact, I feel proud."
Once he has agreed to enlist, you can find him with Captain Thayer before they head out. His words will depend on what outcome happened.
If you encourage him to give Khalisah a chance:
- "I'll call on Khalisah sometime soon. I just need to figure out what to say to her."
If you gave Guendeline the necklace:
- "Thank you for helping me. Guendeline is so beautiful! And the necklace. It really brings out the color of her eyes.
I can't wait to tell Mother all about this!" - alternate lines
The Crown of Shornhelm[edit]
If he was recruited before the coronation at Shornhelm Castle, he will be there with the Captain and his squadmates. His greeting to you will depend on how his lovelife ended up.
In the case of succeeding in getting Guendeline to agree to a marriage proposal, Julien will admit that since he left he feels that he has fallen out of love with her.
- "I'm really enjoying the soldier's life. The thrill of battle, the rush of victory—these are real feelings.
I'm thinking about staying in the Guard. Mad as it may be, now that I know Guendeline's waiting for me, I don't really like her any more."
If he learnt about Khalisah's feelings and reciprocated, Julien will feel that he made the right choice.
- "If it isn't Mara's messenger in the flesh! You really saved my love-life. Looking back, I can't imagine what I ever saw in Guendeline.
Khalisah. Now that's the woman of my dreams! It warms my heart to think she's waiting for me back at home."
However if Julien utterly failed with his romantic gesture, he will have found some romance with his fellow squadmate.
- "If it isn't Mara's messenger in the flesh! You really saved my love-life. Looking back, I can't imagine what I ever saw in Guendeline.
I finally met my true love during training. Shuga. She's sweet and strong and all the woman I'll ever need."