Online:Keepers of the Shell
This article is about the quest. For the faction, see Keepers of the Shell (faction).
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: written by Runs-in-River, checked by MolagBallet
Quest Stages: written by MolagBallet, not checked |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Keeper Uxith-Ei.
- Light the two xanmeers and find Assistant Telixith.
- Talk to Uxith-Ei.
- Observe the ritual and the Dominion's behavior.
- Talk to Uxith-Ei.
- Rescue the Argonian eggs.
- Talk to Assistant Telixith.
- Talk to Vicecanon Servyna.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
The Hatching Pools are full of Aldmeri Dominion soldiers, but they have left the eggs unharmed. Vicecanon Servyna asks you to find Keeper Uxith-Ei and discover what the Dominion are doing in the area.
You can use the Keeper's Garb disguise in the chest behind the vicecanon to keep the soldiers from attacking you. Be careful to avoid the senche-tigers, as they can smell through your disguise. Keeper Uxith-Ei is just inside the entrance to the Hatching Pools. Keeper Uxith-Ei tells you to light the braziers in the xanmeers of First Light and Setting Sun (east and west). While you do this, you should listen to the Dominion and try to find Assistant Telixith.
The three objectives are northeast, north and northwest of Keeper Uxith-Ei. The stairs to the western xanmeer are at the northern side. Climb all the way to the top, and activate the brazier. Do the same for the eastern brazier.
While near the Xanmeers, you may overhear dominion soldiers having the following conversations:
Eastern Xanmeer | Western Xanmeer |
Private Dolilas: "They're covered in so much filth, they're starting to grow together. Here, I'll show you." Private Firathil: "Keep your boots on! We're only here until the eggs hatch." Private Dolilas: "Then the lizards get theirs, and we leave this muckwallow for good." |
Private Glalor: "They're almost like the spinners from back home. Couldn't we spare them, sir?" Lieutenant Aldononde: "What part of "no survivors" don't you understand, private? These savages are the enemy. Once they complete the ritual, they die like the rest." Private Glalor: "But, sir!" Lieutnenant Aldononde: "If you're so keen to argue, talk to the Alchemist, It's his order." Private Glalor: "Sir, I ... yes, Sir." |
Assistant Telixith lies to the north, on the lower level beneath the great Hist. She is standing across from the Hist Tree, near a circle of stones. She refuses to help with the Hatching Ritual because the Dominion is eating the baby Argonians. If you have the perk, you can persuade her to calm down and return to Keeper Uxith-Ei. Otherwise, she will tell you to kill the Dominion leader, Fimrimion, before she will return. Once all the braziers have been lit and you have convinced Assistant Telixith to return, talk to Keeper Uxith-Ei again. You tell him that the Dominion plans to kill everyone in the Hatching Pools after the hatching. He asks you to protect him as the ritual begins. Some soldiers attack, and the ritual doesn't work.
Talk to Keeper Uxith-Ei again. He realized why the Dominion waited until the ritual—they wanted to see if it would work. It failed because the Argonians' connection to the Hist has been severed—the children can't hear the Hist, and the Hist can't communicate with the Argonians. The eggs don't know what to do with themselves, as they have no direction from the Hist. If they aren't removed from their nests, the eggs are going to die. He asks you to save the eggs as he sacrifices himself to Sithis to buy the eggs time as they begin to slip into the Void.
Head towards the pool of Hist Sap beneath the Hist Tree. You will see nests of blue eggs with dark spots on them. Activate the nests to save the eggs. A blue light appears in the center of the Hist sap after you have saved several eggs. This is your cue to talk to Assistant Telixith at the ritual site. She says the Argonians need to restore their link to the Hist. Without the Hist, no Argonians will hatch at the Hatchling Pools. She thinks the Dominion is using a powerful artifact to interfere. You tell her they have the Mnemic Egg, and she says they could destroy the memories of the Hist with it.
Leave the Hatching Pools by following the southern path with Assistant Telixith in tow. Talk to Vicecanon Servyna at the top of the final set of stairs. She will have the eggs taken to Hissmir, where they will be safe. She then gives you a reward for saving the eggs.
Quest Stages[edit]
Keepers of the Shell | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should help Keeper Uxith-Ei buy time until Vicecanon Servyna returns with reinforcements to drive out the Dominion.
Objective: Find Keeper Uxith-Ei
Hidden Objective: Disguise Yourself
Keeper Uxith-Ei asked me to light braziers at the top of two Xanmeers, as well as find Assistant Telixith. I should listen for what the Dominion might be plotting.
Objective: Light the Western Xanmeer
Objective: Light the Eastern Xanmeer
Objective: Find Assistant Telixith
I lit the braziers and found Assistant Telixith. I should return to Keeper Uxith-Ei and share what I've learned of the Dominion's plans.
Objective: Talk to Keeper Uxith-Ei
Keeper Uxith-Ei began the hatching ritual. I should stay alert for Dominion activity until he finishes.
Objective: Watch For Dominion Activity
The hatching ritual went horribly wrong. Keeper Uxith-Ei's assistant Ahaht-Ei died during the ritual, and he looks to be in severe pain. I should find out what happened.
Objective: Talk to Keeper Uxith-Ei
Keeper Uxith-Ei sacrificed himself to Sithis, buying us time to save the remaining eggs from the Dominion. I should move before the Dominion has a chance to destroy them all.
Objective: Save the Eggs
The keepers' assistants gave their lives to protect the eggs. With their help, I was able to save several. I should return them to Assistant Telixith.
Objective: Talk to Assistant Telixith
Assistant Telixith believes the Dominion used the Mnemic Egg to sever the link between the Hatching Pools and the Hist. We need to escape before the Dominion finds us and destroys the last of the eggs.
Objective: Escape the Hatching Pools
Vicecanon Servyna arrived with reinforcement [sic]. They should be able to clear out the remaining Dominion forces. Perhaps she knows where the Dominion took the Mnemic Egg.
Objective: Talk to Vicecanon Servyna
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.