Mathragor | |||
Home Settlement | Bloodtoil Valley | ||
Race | Wood Elf | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly |
Mathragor is a Wood Elf found in the village located in the Bloodtoil Valley. He is the father of Dalaneth, and his fellow denizens are among the last Bosmer worshipers of Z'en, being at odds with the Drublog Clan.
Related Quests[edit]
- Payment In Kind: Try to prevent further bloodshed between Bosmer and Drublog.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
As you approach Bloodtoil Valley, a desperate mer will stop you:
- "Please! Help stop this madness!"
Hearing him out:
- "You must help my daughter! Shaman Yarnag, he's attacked us!"
- What happened?
- "Shaman Yarnag caught my daughter with the son of the Drublog chief, Ulagash.
We normally live near the Drublog with only minor squabbles. But now they've gone too far!" - Is she hurt?
- "Not this time. But I fear Shaman Yarnag now plots against us.
My daughter was in shock after the attack. She refused to speak to me. Please, see if Dalaneth will tell you anything. Someone must stop the Drublog before they move against us!" - I will talk to Dalaneth.
- "I left Dalaneth in the village. She said she'd be praying to Z'en in the meantime, the dear girl.
Please do what you can to help her. I'll wait in the valley, near the Drublog's home."
You can ask him more about the situation.
- How did this conflict start?
- "How do these things always start? Impetuous youth!
Chief Ulukhaz's son Ulagash wooed my daughter in secret. I told her no love would last. It was not long before the Drublog shaman uncovered their trysts. Then, the bloodshed began." - Who killed whom?
- "No one knows who struck the first blow. It was a battle. Chaos. Blood. Anger.
Now the Drublog swear they'll kill us all. If only they'd just leave! By Z'en, we will not give up our homes!"
- "No one knows who struck the first blow. It was a battle. Chaos. Blood. Anger.
- You say Ulagash pursued your daughter?
- "She told me she didn't mind his advances. That she actually … liked him. I forbade her from seeing him, but she didn't listen.
I knew their dalliances would anger the Drublog. I've prayed to Z'en for guidance, but've gotten no answer."
- "She told me she didn't mind his advances. That she actually … liked him. I forbade her from seeing him, but she didn't listen.
- "How do these things always start? Impetuous youth!
- Who is Z'en?
- "I'm not surprised you ask. Few worship Z'en these days, though his shrines once spanned the whole of the Valenwood.
He is the god of toil, and payment in kind. Fitting we make the Wood Orcs pay for their actions!"- Why aren't there more shrines to Z'en?
- "The Knahaten flu decimated his faithful. They say Argonian Shadowscales infiltrated our worshippers and spread the flu, curse them!
We are the last of Z'en's followers. If we fall to the Drublog, none will be left to keep the old ways."
Attempt to rescue Ulagash, but you'll be too late. Exit the shrine and you'll spot Mathragor hiding behind a stone wall:
- "The village! I couldn't help them! So many dead ….
Oh Z'en, what have we done?" - What happened?
- "A bloodbath! Chief Ulukhaz killed them all! So much screaming, echoing through the entire valley!
How could this have happened? Is this the workings of the shaman?" - Shaman Yarnag is dead. He threatened to kill Dalaneth.
- "Z'en, this is too much for one to bear! My daughter Dalaneth … my child! I couldn't find her before I was forced to flee.
Some villagers went to hide amongst the forest. Please, can you find them? They may know where she's gone." - I'll head to the village.
Speaking to him again before rescuing the survivors:
- "Z'en, what would you have me do? Blood for blood. Death for death … so much death."
Find out what you can from the survivors and return:
- "Did you find anyone? Dalaneth …?"
- I saved a few villagers, but Dalaneth is still missing.
- "They must have taken her! Wouldn't a father know if his daughter died?
The Drublog destroyed our entire village! Monsters, all of them—my daughter's actions never warranted this madness!" - There's got to be more at work than this.
- "We welcomed the Drublog! We shared a single cup in friendship, and this is what they return?
Chief Ulukhaz was honorable and just, but Shaman Yarnag changed that. And all the others followed his bloodlust! Nothing more than animals, they are!" - What will you do now?
- "My friends, gone. My daughter, missing. What is left for me? I've nothing left, except rage and grief.
Chief Ulukhaz must pay for this massacre. She must die. Blood for blood. Payment in kind. Such is Z'en's will." - You want me to kill Chief Ulukhaz?
- "It's the only path left to me. She must've taken my daughter. So, she must die.
Chief Ulukhaz will be in her longhouse above the shrine to Mauloch. When she is dead, find me in the Shrine of Z'en, across the stream. I must pray for guidance."
Speaking to him again before hunting down the chief:
- "I will see the chief dead for this!"
In the Shrine of Z'en:
- "What news? Have you found my daughter?"
- She's dead. Chief Ulukhaz killed her.
- "No! My flesh and blood, stolen from me by those twice-cursed fiends!
Z'en, this is too much! I beg you, don't give me this burden to bear as well! Curse Ulagash! Curse them all!" - Ulagash tried to save her.
- "Don't speak to me of sacrifice! Ulagash was a Drublog, same as the rest! I told her no love could live between the Drublog and our people. And now, she has paid the price.
The Drublog know only blood, and blood they shall have!" - She asked me to make you stop this bloodshed.
- "My daughter only ever wanted peace. Perhaps the chief's son did, too. But their blood has forever stained these lands. There's no going back.
If I don't stop the Drublog, the suffering will continue. The curse is the only way to end this." - A curse?
An apparition appears on the altar:
- Mathragor: "Z'en answers my prayers! The Drublog will finally pay!"
Speak to him again and he'll say:
- "The Emissary of Z'en! My prayers are answered! She'll strike down the Drublog and end all of this!"
After speaking to the Emissary:
- "Z'en would abandon me in my time of need? After all this, he gives me nothing?"
- I can't let this bloodshed continue.
- "They've slaughtered my family and laid waste to my home! They will answer for their crimes!
If Z'en won't help me, I will find another that will give me justice!" - The Drublog have suffered losses as well. It's up to you to end this.
- "I will not! They must all pay. Do you hear me? They must pay with their lives!
I'll suffer no Drublog on these lands as long as I draw breath!"
If you convince him to stand down:
- [Persuade] Your daughter gave everything to bring an end to this. Don't let her sacrifice be in vain.
- "Dalaneth! If I could see you once more, I would know what to do!
She would weep if she saw me now. She only knew kindness and love. Why did I survive while she died?
You're right. I must find the balance again."
- "Dalaneth! If I could see you once more, I would know what to do!
If you're unable to convince him to give up his vengeance:
- Is this how you serve Z'en? By defying him?
- "It is clear Z'en has abandoned us. For my piety, Z'en allowed my family and friends to be murdered! Tell me, how is that payment in kind?
I curse the Drublog clan until the end of time. They will find no rest, no solace, no peace!"- There is nothing I can do to help you.
- "Go, then! There is nothing left for me. Nothing left but burning hatred. I can feel it in my veins!
If Z'en will not give me justice, then I offer my blood to Mauloch! I offer my body and soul to his bloody vengeance!"- Mauloch?
- "It is clear Z'en has abandoned us. For my piety, Z'en allowed my family and friends to be murdered! Tell me, how is that payment in kind?
He will try to call for Mauloch to aid him but the Herald of Z'en burns him to death in response:
- Mathragor: "The Drublog will pay in kind for this massacre! I will have their blood!"
- The Emissary of Z'en: "Mathragor, this bloodshed ends…with your death."
- <Mathragor is set on fire and dies.>
If you chose to persuade him:
- "You're right. You've been right about everything. These horrific events must pay forward to a better future.
If not for my daughter, then for all the daughters and sons of others like me." - What will you do now?
- "First, I will find my daughter. Hold her one last time, and try to remember the lessons she taught me. Then... I must rebuild.
Perhaps I will find the concept of balance once again. If that is to be my burden, I carry it gladly."
After completing the quest:
- "You've saved me. Saved me from myself. And in some way, you've saved my daughter too. I feel her love again, like a balm upon my heart.
There's nothing in this world that could repay you in kind. I will pray for you for the rest of my days."