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Online:Octin Larouche

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Octin Larouche
Location Galen, west of Fauns' Thicket
Race Breton Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Octin Larouche
Octin Larouche as a sprite

Octin Larouche is a Breton thief who was turned into an sprite as a result of a curse.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

Near Fauns' Thicket, where the three roads intersect, you will find Joslin Coravel and Octin Larouche along with Druid Fenas. When approaching for the first time, the trio will have the following dialogue:

Joslin Coravel: "I'm turning into a tree. A tree, Octin!"
Octin Larouche: "At least your bark is beautiful. I got turned into a floaty orb thing!"
Druid Fenas: "It'd be a lot easier to translate this tablet if I had some quiet."

Speaking to him before Joslin:

"I have the tablet in my hands one moment, and the next? No hands at all!"
What are you?
"A Breton. Or, at least I was. Now I look for my legs and all I see are wisps of blue…essence. I think I'm round-ish. An orb? And I feel small. Fenas, the druid over there, laughed when he saw me. I must look ridiculous.
Am I a sprite? A wisp?"
I have no idea.
"I suppose it could be worse. I could be a netch.
All those limbs? No thank you!"
What happened to you?
"It was an accident. No idea what went wrong. One moment I could see, the next? No eyes at all.
Don't ask me how I know you're there. I have no idea."

After the quest is started, the following dialogue plays:

Joslin Coravel: "This adventurer agreed to help us. Does that help solve our problem?"
Octin Larouche: "An adventurer, ey? That explains the boots"
Druid Fenas: "An adventurer? Come here, I'll tell you how to help"

Speaking to him before Druid Fenas:

"You should talk to Druid Fenas. He's the expert here. I think? Expert in…translations! He's helping us! Yes, you should definitely talk to him."

After speaking to Fenas:

"There's something wrong, but I don't know what. I'm just different. It's like my mind is….
Ooh, feel that? It's going to storm later. You can tell by the energy in the air."

Travel north past the Valley of the Watcher and you'll find Octin near a cave. He will greet you:

Octin Larouche: "Hello! Over here! I'm waving my ... oh, crud."

Speak to him to ask about the location of the sacred tree.

"The druid said to follow the stream. Or was it the trees?
Well, I followed something and I spotted you, so this must be the right spot. I think. I hope. How are you?"
Do you know which of these is the sacred tree?
"Sure! I mean, I think so? The trees all look the same, so the sap must be the same too, right? Try that one over there. With those fancy hands of yours, it should be easy to acquire.
At least, if the forest wraiths don't try to kill you."
Forest wraiths?
"Forest wraiths! Where? No, I'm not floating a lichen's width farther. You can fight those horrible forest spirits on your own. You've still got all your limbs, after all.
The sap tree is just over there, in that cave. Don't get squashed like a bug!"

Speaking to him again:

"Hi! Good to see you again! What are you doing out here? Me, I'm looking for some sap from a sacred tree.
Hey, maybe you can help me, seeing as you have hands and all. Just watch out for the forest wraiths. They're so mean!"

The tree is in the cave nearby. Defeat the cave's guardian and take the sacred sap. Then, return to Octin.

"Hi! Good to see you again! How do i do that, I wonder. See you, I mean.
Oh, wait. Sap! You were looking for sap! Did you find any?"
I have the sacred sap.
"What makes sap sacred, I wonder. Druids are so funny.
Oh no! Joslin! I just remembered! She's turning into a tree! We need to get back to Druid Fenas. He's going to save her. And maybe me!"
Do you know where we can find Druid Fenas, Octin?
"Druid Fenas? He's not here. He's back at Fauns' Thicket. But how come the tree didn't curse you? If I took some sap, it would have blasted me six ways to Sundas!
Sundas? Is it Sundas already? I thought it was still Midyear."

Speaking to him more, you'll notice his confusion is getting worse:

You seem confused, Octin.
"Confused? Not that I'm aware of.
Oh, you mean the forgetting and the rambling and the weird dreams. I have become a glowing ball of light, you know. This could be perfectly natural for someone in my condition. I deserve it. It's my fault, after all."
Why is this your fault?
"I dropped the tablet. Slipped right through the fingers I no longer have. I broke it. And if Joslin hadn't tried to help me, I'd be the only one cursed.
But maybe Druid Fenas will save us. Druid Fenas…and you. Let's head back to Fauns' Thicket."

Return to Fauns' Thicket, this time closer to the delve than where you found the group originally. Upon arriving, you will hear the following dialogue:

Joslin Coravel: "You want to do what? No. Think it through. Flammable tree bark over here!"
Octin Larouche: "But this will go faster if we break up the fire shard. More shards mean more heat and —"
Druid Fenas: "Ah, the adventurer returns. Bring me the fire shard and the sap, please."

Taking a chance to speak to him before Fenas:

"I think I'm finally mastering this floating thing. I can mostly go where I want now. Except when the wind blows. Still need to get the hang of dealing with a strong breeze.
Oh, hi! What were we talking about?"
What's it like being a sprite, Octin?
"I'm a sprite? Oh yeah, I forgot about that! It's not as bad as I imagined. It feels like a great weight has lifted off of me, but that could just be that I'm so much lighter now. No flesh or bones, see?
But poor Joslin. She looks awfully sad."
Why do you think she's sad?
"Joslin has never been fond of nature. She prefers the indoors to outside. Hates the bugs and the dirt and the weather. I wonder if we could plant her in a building. That might make this more bearable for her.
If we can't break the curse, that is."

After exiting the dialogue, Joslin will be apologetic to her cousin:

Joslin Coravel: "Octin, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. It's just ... I'm scared."
Octin Larouche: "Don't worry, Joslin. I literally forgot all about it until you just mentioned it."

Before you go inside Fauns' Thicket:

"We're going back into Fauns' Thicket? Wonderful! It's nice and peaceful in there. Well, except for all the wild creatures that tried to kill us last time.
Oh, hi! What are you doing here?"

Enter Fauns' Thicket delve and search for the ritual site. Keep on the right road until you reach the platform with the three NPCs waiting around a stone table. Approach the site to progress the stage and trigger the following dialogue:

Joslin Coravel: "Stop ignoring us, Fenas! We want to help"
Octin Larouche: "What are we doing out here again?"

Speaking to him before the druid:

"Hi! Good to see you again! Do I know you?
Oh, I remember! You're the adventurer who's going to help us break this curse. Well, talk to Druid Fenas. I'm sure he knows what to do."

When the ritual begins:

"What's happening? Are we breaking the curse? I can't wait to be myself again!"

When you notice the ritual is not going as planned and before you speak to Fenas:

"I have a feeling I'm still missing something…. Let's see. Yup, still no legs or feet. That's disappointing.
Hey, could you talk to Druid Fenas and ask him what in Oblivion went wrong? Thanks!"

Now you must decide to break the curse on either Joslin or Octin. You can speak to each of them, and they will each beg you to choose the other. When you choose him:

"Hi! Good to see you again! Why does Joslin look so glum?
Oh, wait a moment. I remember. The ritual. Something went wrong, didn't it? I knew we wouldn't get out of this that easily."
Druid Fenas says only one of you can be saved. He wants me to choose.
"Only one? One what? Oh. Oh! That's not fair. I'm pretty sure neither of us wants to stay cursed.
Well, if you can only choose one, you have to chose Joslin. She doesn't deserve to suffer because I made a mistake. Besides, this isn't so bad ...."
I choose you, Octin. Touch the tablet. (He is chosen to be cured)
I should talk to Joslin before I make my decision.
"Joslin? Is my cousin here, too? Did I tell you she hates nature? Abhors it. And trees and flowers make her sneeze.
Don't let her become a tree, friend. Please choose her."

Once you've made your choice, the ritual ends and the person is cured, while the other will remain cursed forever.

Octin Larouche: "Please, you have to save Joslin, too! "
Druid Fenas: "I cannot. The ritual has run its course."

When he gets cured:

"I have arms and legs agian! And feet! Oh, how i missed my fingers and toes!
But what about Joslin? She was standing right over there, where that tree is, but now she's gone. I don't understand. Is the curse over?"
The curse is lifted. You're free, Octin. But we couldn't save Joslin, too
"What? I told you to chose Joslin! You let her become a tree? It's — no. Forgive me, friend. You did what you had to do. I'll make sure Joslin has a good life as a tree.
And this is for you. Joslin will drop fruit on me if I didn't pay our debts."

After the quest:

"Hi! Good to see you! Oops. Sorry. Still getting used to being back in my own head.
I appreciate everything you did for us. And don't worry. I'll find a way to restore my cousin. I'm sure Druid Fenas will help. Joslin will be her old self in no time."
You really think you can restore Joslin?
"Why not? We restored me. And I'll make it up to Druid Fenas. Give back everything we procured and make amends. He has to help me lift the curse from Joslin if I do all that, right?"
Well, good luck with that, Octin.
"Thanks. In the meantime, I'll get Druid Fenas to show me how to care for Joslin. Prune her leaves, water her roots, whatever a tree needs to stay healthy and happy.
Things will work out. I just know they will."

After the dialogue is closed, Octin turns to the Joslin tree and says:

Octin Larouche: "Joslin? Don't worry, cousin. I'll find a way to fix things."

And Now, Perhaps, Peace[edit]

If you previously completed Cursed and Coniferous, and chosen Octin to be saved, he will appear as a guest at All Flags Islet during the peace talks:

"Go on, talk to whoever you need to. I'll be here when you have a free moment."
Any progress undoing the curse on Joslin?
"Not so far, but I have hope. Druid Fenas is consulting with the best minds in the three druid circles. Someone is bound to come up with a solution eventually.
And in the meantime, Joslin's leaves are growing in nicely."

After talking to Count Stefan Mornard, speaking to him:

"You helped everyone here and saved the archipelago? And you still had time to help Joslin and me? Thank you!"

After finishing the quest:

"So you really are a hero? I'm glad you didn't turn Joslin and me in to the authorities for our little … ah, procurement enterprise.
But hey, thanks for what you did for us. I won't forget it."