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Home Settlement Orzorga's Kitchen
Race Orc Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Imperial Legion Irregulars (formerly)

Orzorga is an Orc chef who cooks at the inn at Orzorga's Kitchen. She is apparently an ex-commander of the Imperial Legion, but left service after an incident at Lake Rumare.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Kindred Spirits[edit]

"Did you happen to see a tattooed Breton on your way here? Stupid hat, droopy moustache … carries a mage staff he doesn't know how to use? Answers to 'Hamelyn Serpe?'"
No. Why do you ask?
"I hired an assistant to retrieve some ingredients from the wilderness, but he's late. Very late.
I won't let his absence ruin my chances to restore the good name of Orc cuisine."
Orc cuisine?
"The king's hearth-wife is holding a competition to celebrate Orc culture. Without my assistant, I can't finish my classic Orc recipes.
Unless you'd care to make some coin? If you're interested, I can get you a list of ingredients."
All right. Where do I start?
"I'll need some wrathberries and a skin of ice stream water. There should be some nearby, but watch for the wildlife."
I had some questions about the ingredients.
"Of course."
What can you tell me about wrathberries?
"Wrathberries are like sharper-tasting snowberries. If you chew a mouthful, they stain your teeth the color of blood. A great intimidation tactic before battle.
Or a wedding … if it's a good wedding."
What about the skin of ice stream water?
"Normally I'd say "water is water," but I want to mix these crushed wrathberries with water from the same source that nurtured them."

Return after gathering the ingredients and she'll be saying to herself:

"Did I overcook the meat? Just should have taken it off the fire sooner."
I have the ingredients you requested.
"Wonderful! Now to brew them for the competition. I call it my 'cup of wrath.'
I still have a glass from an earlier batch. You're welcome to try it."
Yes, it sounds delicious.
"Here you are. So, what do you think?
And please, be honest. If it's not ready for competition, there's still time to perfect it."
It's very refreshing.
"Exactly! The wrathberries gives the drink its sharp aftertaste, but the water evens out the crispness.
Wrothgarian Orcs still use wrathberries to fend off illness, but our ancestors knew the best way to make the medicine."
Interesting. It has a very memorable taste.
"Wonderful! It should stand out in the competition."
My tongue is burning. Is it supposed to burn?
"I could ease back on wrathberries in the next batch.
Oh! Echatere milk will cut through the burning sensation. If that doesn't work, place some charcoal under your tongue for ten minutes - but you'll lose some of the flavor."
I don't think I'll ever forget the taste.
"Wonderful! It should stand out in the competition."
No thanks.
"Not even a sip? I wouldn't mind a second opinion."

A Healthy Choice[edit]

"Still no sign of my assistant. Want to make some more coin? I prefer to work with people who finish the job."
I'm listening.
"A drink won't win the cultural competition. I need to present a full course of traditional Orc cuisine.
Care to scour the land for ingredients that fight back?"
All right. What do you need?
"The next dish calls for harpy bile, some harpy brains, and sedge grass to tie it all together."
I had some questions about the ingredients.
"Of course."
What can you tell me about sedge grass?
"I call it "tundra hay," because the echatere always nibble on it. You'll want to find a patch near the open water. Those are more naturally salty.
With enough sedge grass, you weave a pocket for the harpy viscera. The flavor bakes right in."
What about the harpy bile and the harpy brain?
"Try not to get any on your boots. You'll attract durzog."
I don't know if I'm comfortable hunting harpies as food.
"That's why I'm sending you after Wrothgar harpies. A thousand generations of inbreeding long since removed any glimmer of intelligence from their minds. The ones here are really giant birds.
Delicious, tasty birds."

Finish the conversation, and Hamelyn Serpe will come running up and breathless:

Hamelyn Serpe: "Wait! I'm here! Hold on!"
Orzorga: "Hamelyn Serpe. You're late."
Hamelyn Serpe: "But … chased by a giant … think she wanted to mate …."
Orzorga: "Well, now your job won't interfere with your personal life. You're fired."
Hamelyn Serpe: "But … but …. I understand."
Hamelyn will sulk off into the nearby inn.

Return after gathering the ingredients and she'll be saying to herself:

"Too salty. One handful of salt, next time."
I have the ingredients you requested.
"More than enough to serve brain pockets at the competition!
I do believe I perfected the recipe with my earlier batch. Would you care for a taste? They're especially crisp!"
I can't wait to try it.
"Here you go. Pull it apart with your hands and scoop out the—yes, like that.
So? How is it?"
That's surprisingly good.
"Isn't it juicy? The grass casing draws the bile from the brain mash, which gives it a good snap.
This is an old recipe from Shatul. They travel well, and the harpy bile is a natural preservative."
Delicious. Thank you for sharing.
"I'm glad to hear it. I hope the king's hearth-wife has a similar experience!"
I just lost sight in my eye. Is that normal?
"You're not supposed to eat the sedge grass! It draws out the harpy bile from the brain mash.
Give it a few moments. I had a similar experience in the kitchen."
I'm all right, my vision returned.
"I'm glad to hear it. I hope the king's hearth-wife has a similar experience!"
None for me.
"Just a taste? It would help me know if it was ready for competition."
Fine. Maybe one bite.
"Here you go. Pull it apart with your hands and scoop out the—yes, like that.
So? How is it?"
That's surprisingly good.
"Isn't it juicy? The grass casing draws the bile from the brain mash, which gives it a good snap.
This is an old recipe from Shatul. They travel well, and the harpy bile is a natural preservative."
Delicious. Thank you for sharing.
"I'm glad to hear it. I hope the king's hearth-wife has a similar experience!"
I just lost sight in my eye. Is that normal?
"You're not supposed to eat the sedge grass! It draws out the harpy bile from the brain mash.
Give it a few moments. I had a similar experience in the kitchen."
I'm all right, my vision returned.
"I'm glad to hear it. I hope the king's hearth-wife has a similar experience!"
No, I'll pass.
"Just a taste? It would help me know if it was ready for competition."

Thicker Than Water[edit]

"I have a drink and an appetizer, but I need a few more dishes before I'm ready to enter the competition."
What's next?
"The main course requires more planning. For now, I need a dessert.
The ingredients are closer this time. It'll be a walk through an ogre-infested park!"
Sounds good. Tell me what you need.
"You'll want to look for echatere moss, preferably untouched by any echatere. It's the subtle glue which will hold the ogre heart and intestines together.
There's … no actual glue. It's just an expression."
I had some questions about the ingredients.
"Of course."
What can you tell me about echatere moss?
"It thrives in freezing temperatures, which is why it's confused for a weed. It's actually quite healthy to eat, for echatere and people alike.
Try to get to the stuff before the echateres do. The taste of their drool would not add to the dish."
What about the ogre heart and ogre intestines?
"There's an ogre outcast who's said to eats nuts, berries, and vegetables—never meat. It's like the opposite of a Valenwood Bosmer.
Think how tender his organs must be … mmm!"
What if I find another Wrothgar ogre with healthy organs? Would those work?
"Of course."
Eating an ogre seems like cannibalism.
"I know, I had the same idea. But I asked a priest of Malacath who assured me—ogre innards were commonly found in ancient Orc dishes.
Does this mean the Daedric Prince of Vengeance favors pies? I forgot to ask the priest."
I don't know. It still seems like cannibalism.
"That's what I thought—so I hunted down a cultist of Namira. After a series of beatings, he confirmed the Lady of Decay would strike him with five kinds of pox if he offered up a slice of ventricle pie.
Two Daedric Princes agree—not cannibalism."

As you walk through the camp, you'll hear:

Dindom : "Did Orzorga say "brain pocket?" Is that what she's cooking?"
Tikkus : "Don't worry, it isn't Elf brains. They're far sweeter. I, um. I heard."

Return after gathering the ingredients and she'll be saying to herself:

"Interesting taste, but nobody will eat a dish that smells like old greaves."
I have the ingredients you requested.
"Perfect! Ventricle pie requires the freshest ingredients. Ogre hearts don't exactly keep unless you bake them quickly.
I have one last slice from my previous attempt. You're welcome to it!"
Sure, why not?
"Here you go, have a slice. Large bites, as the chiefs of old would do.
So? How did it turn out?"
It's sweet, but not too sweet.
"Surprising, isn't it? A bit nutty from the moss, but the intestinal quiche contrasts well with the vascular cream pockets. Chewy, too!
In the halls of Old Orsinium, no meal was complete until they served ventricle pie."
Thank you for sharing this.
"They say it's a real tusk-cleaner. It should round out the meal nicely."
My tongue feels furry. Why does my tongue feel furry?
"It must be a reaction to the ogre intestines. I assure you, I cleaned them thoroughly before....
No, it's the echatere moss! I should have broiled before baking. Try running your tongue across your teeth - back and forth, as fast as you can."
You're right, it stopped. Thanks for the advice.
"They say it's a real tusk-cleaner. It should round out the meal nicely."
"I'm not asking you to eat the whole thing. But if you don't mind, I'd like to know if it's good enough to round out a meal."

A Feast to Remember[edit]

"Thanks to your efforts, I have ingredients for everything but the main course.
We've come this far. If it's no trouble, I'd like you to procure what I need."
What do you have in mind?
"I need something to draw the attention of the cultural competition judges. Something … spectacular.
That's why I want to cook a stew inside a bear's head. You with me?"
I can do that.
"The glacial tomato features in this dish, so bring me a bundle. Also some tundra truffles, and a decent amount of durzog lichen.
As for the bear head, I want you to take it from Gnarl-fang's shoulders. Bastard ate my shipment of coffee beans."
I had some questions about the ingredients.
"Of course."
What's special about a glacial tomato?
"It's just a tomato. We call them "glacial" because the cold soil gives them a richer flavor.
There's a small patch near Orsinium. The farmer and I are on good terms, so grab what you need."
What about tundra truffles and durzog lichen?
"Durzog lichen is spread around when durzog migrate—it's where they were, not where they are. The seeds catch in their paws, or something."
Wait. How is a tundra truffle different from a snow truffle?
"Location, really. Also, snow truffles have a very distinct flavor. While delicious, they would overpower the dish.
On its own, the tundra truffle is far more subtle, but it is perfect for bringing other tastes to the forefront."
And how about the bear head?
"Say what you want about tradition … I think Orcs first turned a bear head into food because it looks amazing.
All the rest is hot smoke up the flue. "The preferred meal of Baloth Bloodtusk himself." If you believe the Orsinium vendors—which you shouldn't."

As you walk through the camp, you'll hear:

Sayla Daren: "Ventricle pie doesn't sound bad. It should sound bad … like something Dindom would eat."
Dindom: "I was raised in Windhelm! You know what, go try some. I'm sticking to rations."

Return after gathering the ingredients and she'll be saying to herself:

"Frozen durzog liver pairs surprisingly well with mead."
I have the ingredients. And Gnarl-fang was already dead—perhaps it was the coffee?
"Ha! Coffee shipped all the way from Velyn Harbor and he eats the whole bag off the cart?
He'll make a fine smoked bear's head stew. One of his cousins just came off the fire, if you'd care for a sample."
Sure! I've eaten stranger stuff than a smoked bear's head.
"Dig in! The lichen is key to the broth. You may notice the tomato base draws out the subtler taste of the truffles."
That's a deeply flavored stew.
"Bear meat is usually disgusting, but those of northern Wrothgar survive on a diet of fish. And the marrow makes for a delicious stew!
I can't wait to serve up Gnarl-fang's head. I hope there'll be a subtle hint of coffee."
Coffee-infused bear's head stew sounds delightful.
"Very true! You know, you're the best assistant I've ever had? Far better than Hamelyn Serpe … though there's really no comparison."
I think I just swallowed a bear's tooth.
"Bear meat is usually disgusting, but those of northern Wrothgar survive on a diet of fish. And the marrow makes for a delicious stew!
I can't wait to serve up Gnarl-fang's head. I hope there'll be a subtle hint of coffee."
Coffee-infused bear's head stew sounds delightful.
"Very true! You know, you're the best assistant I've ever had? Far better than Hamelyn Serpe … though there's really no comparison."
Absolutely not.
"You aren't a fan of a dish that comes with its own container? Are you sure you can't make an exception? Just one ladle-full?"
All right. Just one.
"Dig in! The lichen is key to the broth. You may notice the tomato base draws out the subtler taste of the truffles."
That's a deeply flavored stew.
"Bear meat is usually disgusting, but those of northern Wrothgar survive on a diet of fish. And the marrow makes for a delicious stew!
I can't wait to serve up Gnarl-fang's head. I hope there'll be a subtle hint of coffee."
Coffee-infused bear's head stew sounds delightful.
"Very true! You know, you're the best assistant I've ever had? Far better than Hamelyn Serpe … though there's really no comparison."
I think I just swallowed a bear's tooth.
"Bear meat is usually disgusting, but those of northern Wrothgar survive on a diet of fish. And the marrow makes for a delicious stew!
I can't wait to serve up Gnarl-fang's head. I hope there'll be a subtle hint of coffee."
Coffee-infused bear's head stew sounds delightful.
"Very true! You know, you're the best assistant I've ever had? Far better than Hamelyn Serpe … though there's really no comparison."
No, I'll pass.
"You aren't a fan of a dish that comes with its own container? Are you sure you can't make an exception? Just one ladle-full?"

Finish speaking to Orzorga, and a visitor will arrive:

Barazal: "You are Orzorga, master of Orc cuisine?"
Orzorga: ""Master?" I … yes, that's me. And you are?"
Barazal: "Barazal, hearth-wife to the king."
Orzorga: "Oh! Welcome to my kitchen. Can I get you something? Perhaps some candied chub loon? Fresh from the oven!"
Barazal: "No, I have business in Orsinium … yet I expect you to join me there shortly. I want you to cook the feast that will honor my husband. Can you do this for the king of the Orcs?"
Orzorga: "Of course. It shall be a feast to remember!"

Speak to Orzorga and she'll say:

"I don't know what kind of feast Barazal plans, but I cannot wait to share classic Orc cuisine with the king!"
