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Online:Seeds of Suspicion

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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: not written

Quest Stages: not written
ON-qico-Zone Story.png Investigate the links between the wildburn seed and the Recollection.
Zone: West Weald
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Quest Giver: Beragon
Location(s): Hoperoot, Skingrad, Vashabar
Prerequisite Quest: Paths of Chaos, When the Ground Shook, The Missing Cohort
Next Quest: Relics of the Three Princes, Hold the Line, The Many Paths
Reward: (?) Leveled Gold
Pact-Keeper's Fervor
1 Skill Point
XP Gain: 16,841 Experience
ID: 7072
Aid Beragon, Leramil the Wise, and Tribune Alea Idolus in their investigation.
Beragon believes the best way to get to the bottom of West Weald's troubles is to find the source of the wildburn seeds. He thinks that the seed we found can lead us to the Recollection … or the Recollection can lead us to more seeds.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Beragon.
  2. Travel to Vashabar and speak to Darolith and King Natharion about the seed.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Quest Stages[edit]

Seeds of Suspicion
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Beragon wants to start by visiting the Wood Elf town of Vashabar. He hopes to consult with a greenspeaker there about the wildburn seed we found in Ostumir.
Objective: Go to Vashabar
Beragon suggested we show the wildburn seed to Greenspeaker Darolith in Vashabar. I should find her and show her the seed.
Objective: Talk to Greenspeaker Darolith
Greenspeaker Darolith explained that the wildburn seed is a corrupted greenspring seed. She sensed strange energy within the seed, possibly Daedric in origin. I should talk to Beragon about what we just learned.
Objective: Talk to Beragon
Beragon wants to warn King Nantharion that some of his followers might be connected to the Recollection before we head out to investigate the cart Greensinger Darolith told us about.
Objective: Go to King Nantharion's Residence
Beragon and I reached King Nantharion. Beragon wants me to warn him about the Recollection. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to King Nantharion
I should look for the covered cart east of Leftwheal that Greenspeaker Darolith told me about. If it contains more wildburn seeds, we need to destroy them.
Objective: Find the Wildburn Seed
Hidden Objective: Continue to Explore Hoperoot
Hidden Objective: Defeat Sorilen Blackwing
Optional Step: Talk to Tribune Alea Idolus
I found another wildburn seed. This one looks charged and ready to sprout. I need to destroy it before that happens.
Objective: Burn the Wildburn Seed
I destroyed the wildburn seed, but it's obvious these Recollection forces were expecting us. If a Recollection spy is working in Vashabar, King Nantharion is in danger. I should talk to Beragon about our next move.
Objective: Talk to Beragon
Beragon wants to warn King Nantharion that he may have a Recollection spy in his midst. I need to rendezvous with Beragon and Tribune Alea near Hoperoot.
Objective: Rendezvous Near Hoperoot
Objective: Talk to Beragon
I found Beragon near Hoperoot. He told me that the gate sentries were hostile to him and Tribune Alea, but the tribune has a plan to get inside. She's waiting for me near the gate.
Objective: Go to Hoperoot
Tribune Alea called to me. I should go meet her.
Objective: Go to Tribune Alea
Tribune Alea distracted the sentries. Now's my chance to slip into Hoperoot undetected.
Objective: Enter Hoperoot
Beragon thinks King Nantharion is likely on one of the tree-fort's upper platforms. I need to find a way up and look for the king.
Objective: Search Hoperoot
Recollection fighters in King Nantharion's new settlement can't be good. I need to reach the king.
Objective: Find King Nantharion
Objective: Search the Documents
I found a Recollection map and some documents. This may be valuable intelligence. I should gather whatever I can.
Objective: Take the Map
Objective: Examine the Documents
I need to continue my search for King Nantharion. He must be somewhere higher in the tree-fortress.
Objective: Continue to Explore Hoperoot
Objective: Search for King Nantharion
I think there's a memory nearby. I should use the Echonir to reveal it and see what it contains.
Objective: Use the Echonir
Search the Offices
Hidden Objective: Use the Echonir
The strange shawl we found activated an Echonir memory.
Objective Hint: Watch the Echonir Memory
Tribune Alea wants to talk to me about the Echonir memory we just observed. I should speak to her.
Objective: Talk to Tribune Alea Idolus
We found King Nantharion talking to Greenspeaker Sorilen. They don't realize we're here. I should listen in on their conversation.
Objective: Listen to King Nantharion
King Nantharion is the leader of the Recollection! He's heading to the throne room with Greenspeaker Sorilen to prepare a new wildburn seed. I need to stop him.
Objective: Enter the Throne Room
King Nantharion ordered Greenspeaker Sorilen to prevent me from interfering in his wildburn seed ritual. I need to defeat her.
Objective: Defeat Greenspeaker Sorilen
I fought my way past Greenspeaker Sorilen. Now I need to destroy the seed before King Nantharion completes his ritual.
Objective: Destroy the Wildburn Seed
I destroyed the wildburn seed before the ritual was completed. I should listen to what Nantharion is saying, because something is going very wrong.
Objective: Listen to King Nantharion
Fails quest☒ Stopping the ritual unleashed a wildburn eruption right here in Hoperoot. I need to escape!
Objective: Escape Hoperoot
We learned a lot about the Recollection at Hoperoot. We should return to Beragon's townhouse in Skingrad to regroup and plan our next move.
Objective: Return to Beragon's Townhouse
I should talk to Beragon about what we learned at Hoperoot so we can plan our next move.
Objective: Talk to Beragon
We learned that Nantharion is the leader of the Recollection, that Ithelia seeks the Outcast Inn, and Feldagard Keep is in danger. I should discuss this with Beragon.
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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