Imperial City

Online:Simulacrum of Molag Bal

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Simulacrum of Molag Bal
Location Barathrum Centrata
Species Molag Bal
Health 4,246,070 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Projection
Sigil of Imperial Retreat, Hakeijo, Runebox: Stonefire Scamp, Runebox: Soul-Shriven Skin
Simulacrum of Molag Bal

The Simulacrum of Molag Bal is an aspect of the Daedric Prince Molag Bal. He will appear at the conclusion of the Barathrum Centrata event in the Imperial Sewers, after all three central portals have been closed. When killed, he can drop several Trophy Vault trophies, a Hakeijo rune, a Sigil of Imperial Retreat, sometimes the Stonefire Scamp pet runebox and very rarely the Soul-Shriven Skin's Runebox.


When summoned:

Simulacrum of Molag Bal: "Submit to the will of Molag Bal. Fall to your knees and worship me."

When engaged in combat:

Simulacrum of Molag Bal: "I will delight in the music of your agony!"

When defeated:

Simulacrum of Molag Bal: "That which is eternal can never die."

If he kills every player trying to kill him:

Simulacrum of Molag Bal: "The screams of the damned please me!"

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Basic melee attack dealing high physical damage.
Fire Bolt
Molag Bal creates cold flames in its left hand then throws them at a target. (Bugged)
Defiled Ground
Molag Bal places three runes beneath each player's position, each area dealing continuous moderate magic damage and snaring.
Vile Leap
Molag Bal jumps high and disappears in the air then a growing AOE forms under a player, which is Molag Bal's landing area. When it lands, it deals very high physical damage and knockbacks targets hit.
Enraged Pound/Flaming Scream
Molag Bal slams down his club at a target, dealing high physical damage and stunning it, then it screams which deals high flame damage and stuns in a cone.
Pulled Soul Burst/Soul Burst
Molag Bal summons five souls to his right hand, which coalesce into a mass of energy. This mass splits into three cold-fire orbs that he hurls in your direction, forming AOEs dealing high magic damage. This happens twice
Molag Bal Guardians
Molag Bal ummons a group of Xivkyn around him that will attack immediately.
When Simulacrum of Molag Bal dies, a massive AOE grows out if it and then detonates, dealing ~50% of the target's max Health in oblivion damage and knocking back targets hit.


  • A maximum of twelve players can loot the Simulacrum; if more than twelve take part in the final battle, some participants will get nothing.
  • The Simulacrum deals a large burst of damage upon death. Healing quickly after this explosion is essential if enemy players are around.
  • The drop rates for the rare pet and skin are doubled during Imperial City Celebration Events.


There is one achievement associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Imperial Lightbringer (desktop).png Imperial Lightbringer 50 Complete the Barathrum Centrata event deep beneath the Imperial City.


  • The "Fire Bolt" attack is bugged and does nothing ?
