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Thieves Guild


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Home City Skywatch
Abah's Landing
Location Thieves Den
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
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Follower That Which Was Lost

Tashmin is a Khajiit found in Skywatch, Windhelm or Wayrest. His mother Narahni has asked you to find him and help him out of some trouble.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

That Which Was Lost[edit]

You'll find Tashmin tied to a post near the docks of the city you're in, about to be loaded onto a ship by "bounty hunters". If you are a Dunmer he will be more distrustful.

"This one is miserable."
I'm here to rescue you.
"Why would you do that? This one doesn't even know you.
Besides, that bounty hunter carries an arrest writ with Tashmin's name on it. As long as he has that, this one will never be free."
I'll get the arrest writ and then free you.
"This one will be dead soon. It is inevitable.
But if you really plan to get the writ, you'll need to pick his pocket. He's been drinking my Skooma while his partner hunts other Khajiit, so I suppose you might want to hurry."

If the player character is a Dark Elf, it leads to this exchange:

"This one is miserable."
I'm here to rescue you.
"A Dark Elf? Help me? What cruel amusements these slavers employ to trick a poor Khajiit!"
I'm not a slaver.
"Then why would you help me? This one has never even seen you before.
Besides, that bounty hunter carries an arrest writ with Tashmin's name on it. As long as he has that, this one will never be free."
I'll get the arrest writ and then free you.
"This one will die of thirst soon. It is inevitable.
But if you really plan to get the writ, you'll need to pick the bounty hunter's pocket. He's been drinking my skooma while his partner hunts other Khajiit, so I suppose you might want to hurry."

If spoken to again before pickpocketing the bounty hunter:

"The arrest writ resides in the bounty hunter's pocket. Get it now while he's drunk on my precious skooma."

Once you return with the writ in hand, he's ready to go:

"You got the writ? Well, then, set me free!"

When he is freed, he will tell you where to meet him before running off.

Aldmeri Dominion Tashmin: "Sky's Edge Tavern, just outside town. We can talk there."
Daggerfall Covenant Tashmin: "Meet me near the South Gate. We can talk there."
Ebonheart Pact Tashmin: "Meet me near the stables, by the north gate. We can talk there."

After you have caught up to him, Tashmin will want to know why you keep helping him.

"Tashmin thanks you but continues to wonder why you bothered? You want something, yes?
Explain quickly, because this city no longer feels safe to me."
Narahni heard you were in trouble and sent me to help.
"My mother sent you? This one has not seen Narahni in many, many years. How would she even know where to find me? Why would she even try?
I was full of anger for so long, but now? Now I'm just sad."
Narahni wants to see you. She looked everywhere to find you.
"This one wishes she had not found me. She should not see the sorry condition her beloved son has fallen into.
Still, Tashmin can't stay here. Maybe it's time to put the past behind me and try to do something better with my life."
Why are you and your mother estranged?
"Because this one was young and foolish once, full of anger and certain that the moons shone only for me.
Soon, the skooma drowned my memories and it was easier just to forget."
Come to Abah's Landing. There's a safe place where we can meet. (Appears after asking one of the above questions.)
"This one has heard of Abah's Landing. Always wanted to see such a place. Perhaps I will accept your offer of hospitality.
But first things first. This one needs a drink."

If you talk to him while he walks off:

"This one has a wicked thirst. Perhaps some generous stranger would be kind enough to part with some gold?"

Once you arrive at the Thieves Den in Abah's Landing, Tashmin will be in the Cistern.

"Your words rekindled the memories this one thought were long gone. So I decided to come to Abah's Landing sooner rather than later."
Narahni will be glad to see you.
"Now? So soon? Can't this one have a drink first? Maybe three?
No, no. A clear head is better than a clouded mind on occasions such as this. I just hope my mother isn't too disappointed in what her son has become."

Tashmin will then become your follower. If you talk to him while he follows you, he will admit nervousness:

"This one is as nervous as a newborn kitten!"

When you arrive to where Narahni is staying, Tashmin will walk up to her.

Tashmin: "Is that … my mother?"
Tashmin: "This one never should have stayed away so long."
Narahni: "Oh, happiness, oh, joy! First Velsa and now my Tashmin."
Velsa: "Your mother has missed you. Welcome to our home, Tashmin."
Narahni: "We have so much to catch up on, my dear, sweet son. Come, let us talk."

If you try to talk to him straight away, he will politely ask that you give him a moment:

"This one has so much to talk to mother about. Please, give us a few moments to ourselves."

After talking with Velsa, he will instead thank you.

"This one thanks you for freeing me from those slavers. You've given me a chance to see my mother after all these years.
And maybe even to start over again."