Online:The Blight of the Bosmer
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Activate the three Standing Stones.
- Talk to Indaenir at the Eldest Den.
- Kill the Eldest and take its heart.
- Kill the three tree spirits.
- Find Indaenir, and defeat the Servant of Naemon.
- Talk to Indaenir.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
When you approach Verrant Morass, Indaenir runs up to you. There is a strange blight here turning the Bosmer into rabid beasts. He thinks it is a result of Naemon's Shade corrupting the forest, since the blight comes from the trees. You might be able to contain it using Standing Stones, ancient tools Bosmer used to protect themselves from the aggressive forest. It appears some Bosmer are immune to the blight, and other races are also immune.
You need to activate the east, central, and west standing stones. After you activate them, Indaenir says the corruption is coming from the Eldest Den.
The Eldest Den is north of Verrant Morass. Talk to Indaenir once you arrive. The blight will quickly spread because the Eldest has been corrupted. The Eldest is an ancient strangler, the lifeblood of the forest. Regardless of the Green Pact, you must kill it. However, Indaenir tells you to take its heart, so you might grow a new strangler in its place.
However, once you take the Eldest's heart, you and Indaenir are transported to the shadowy version of Greenshade, the Shadow Wood. The Eldest's heart ties the shadow plane to the real world. He thinks it is also tied to Naemon's Servant. If you slay the corrupted tree spirits, the real trees will be restored. If you have the Intimidation perk, you can choose to use the heart to help slay the spirits but corrupting the heart so it will be unable to grow a replacement for the Eldest.
Defeat the east, central and west tree spirits. Then, find Indaenir. Naemon's servant is attacking him. Defeat the servant, and you return to the real world where the feral Bosmer are no longer hostile.
Talk to Indaenir. You saved many of the trees, but if you chose to sacrifice the heart, Indaenir will be concerned. However, he will be elated if you did it without the heart's power.
- If you choose not to use the heart: "It wasn't easy, but we did it. We stopped the blight from spreading, defeated Naemon's servant, and we still have the heart we can use to grow a replacement for the Eldest. All things considered, this went as well as I could have hoped."
- If you choose to use the heart: "At least it's over now. We stopped the blight from spreading and defeated Naemon's servant…but at such cost."
- Three quests - Retaking the Pass (Driladan Pass), Right of Theft (Dread Vullain) and The Blight of the Bosmer (Verrant Morass) - are all part of the overarching meta-quest "Shades of Green", although you will not be assigned the latter until you complete ONE of these three, whereupon you will be assigned "Shades of Green" with one objective already completed and the other two still to do. If you follow the Zone Story in the correct order, "Retaking the Pass" will be the first one of the three encountered, although the other two can be done independently if the area is reached early. Alternatively, if you somehow reach Hectahame before starting ANY of the three, then "Breaking the Ward" will ask you to choose ONE of the three places to go to.
- The three are also mutually exclusive: while you're doing one of them, it will not be possible to start either of the other two. This is because, although technically the quest giver for each one is a different member of the Vinedusk Rangers, all three also involve Indaenir, and he can't be in three places at once.
- All three are needed to unlock Hectahame itself.
- The standing stones still appear dormant with no effects around them after they have been activated.
- The Feral Bosmer will become passive/Neutral when you complete the quest
- The Eldest Den is accessible prior to starting the quest, but becomes inaccessible while on the quest until reaching the related objective. When entered outside of the quest, The Eldest appears inside neutral and can be killed prematurely. ?
- The Corrupted Tree Spirits appear and can be killed before speaking to Indaenir. They will reappear once the objective is acquired and must be killed again. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
The Blight of the Bosmer | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Objective: Activate West Standing Stone
Objective: Activate East Standing Stone
Objective: Activate Central Standing Stone
Objective: Approach Eldest Den
Objective: Talk to Indaenir
Objective: Kill the Eldest and Extract its Heart
Objective: Kill East Corrupted Tree Spirit
Objective: Kill Central Corrupted Tree Spirit
Objective: Kill West Corrupted Tree Spirit
Objective: Find Indaenir
Objective: Defeat the Servant of Naemon
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.