Help an author find inspiration from past tragedy for her latest work. |
"Lady Yisara, you bear not only Alizinda's ring, but her spirit as well."
A romance novelist named Yisara asked me to help her explore the haunted Castle Giovesse. She seems convinced that the castle's tragic history will help inspire her next novel.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Speak with Yisara.
- Test the Spirit Lantern and summon a ghost.
- Search for clues in an abandoned cottage.
- Summon another ghost with the Spirit Lantern.
- Search for clues at Castle Giovesse.
- Find the cursed armor.
- Enter a crypt and retrieve the Sword of Giovesse.
- Bring the items to the mage's tower and break the curse.
- Help Yisara make a choice to conclude the quest.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Following what you've read on Author's Assistant Wanted!, find Yisara and talk to her about the work, or speak to her directly.
Started quest from Author's Assistant Wanted!:
- "Are you from around here? Sorry, I'm not familiar with Gideon and … wait! Are you here because of my fliers? Thank Ruptga!
Call me Yisara. I'm here on a thrilling, inspirational journey! And I could really use a sturdy companion."
- What sort of assistance do you need?
- "I'm an author. Aspiring, really. I've penned a few romance novels, but they all lack … what's the word? Authenticity! Yes! So, I resolved to get out into the world and find my muse.
Now, here's the exciting part: I found it in Castle Giovesse!"
- You found your romantic muse in a crumbling castle?
- "Yes! Well, not exactly. A tragic affair played out there years ago and lovestruck spirits still haunt the castle.
I acquired a magic lantern that allows me to speak to the ghosts. But, you know … ghosts. I need you to ward off the angrier spirits!"
- I'll help you with your investigation.
- "Hi! Are you from around here? Sorry, I'm just … you know. I'm flustered! Gideon's positively labyrinthine!
Call me Yisara. What brings me here, you ask? I'm here on a thrilling, inspirational journey! And I could really use a well-sculpted friend."
- What's this journey all about, exactly?
- "I'm an author. I've penned a few romance novels, but they all lack…what's the word? Authenticity! Yes! So, I resolved to get out into the world and find my muse.
Here's the exciting part: I found it in the crumbling ruins of Castle Giovesse!"
- You found your romantic muse in a crumbled castle?
- "They say a tragic affair played out there long ago and lovestruck spirits still haunt the castle.
I acquired a magic lantern that allows me to speak with ghosts. I just need someone to help fight off dangerous spirits. The job pays well, I promise!"
- All right. I'll help you explore the castle.
- "Thank you for agreeing to accompany me. With your help, my next romance novel will be a masterpiece!
Here, take the lantern. Now, fair warning—I've never actually used it. But I heard a ghostly woman wanders the city gardens. We can test it there!"
Go to the city gardens. They are in the southeast corner of the town. Yisara will then catch up to you and then point at a spot in the garden.
- Yisara: "Perhaps there, near that overturned slab?"
"Who intrudes upon my grief? Giovesse is lost. My son is lost. All that remains is sorrow!"
Talk to the ghostly duchess that appears who'll tell you about Castle Giovesse and her son who's apparently been murdered by a woman called Alizinda. You'll have to head to a cottage northeast of Gideon and Castle Giovesse. You can find a Tarnished Ring of Mara and Alizinda's Journal; Yisara will want to see them.
"So, this is Mathen? Gracious. Grandmother Alizinda clearly knew how to pick them."
You can then use the Spirit Lantern to summon Mathen's spirit, who will appear and mistake Yisara for someone else: none other than his old lover, Alizinda, herself! Speak with Mathen to hear his side of the story. He confirms he was poisoned by Alizinda on the night he was going to propose to her, but denies that she cursed anyone. He suggests that he may still be anchored to the world by certain personal possessions that can be found in the ruins of Castle Giovesse.
Meet Yisara at the chapel and investigate the area. On an intact desk you can find a Scrawled Incantation. It seems important enough that you can bring it to Yisara for her to see:
- "What's that you've got there? Not a golden helm by any chance?"
- No. Some strange lines written out. Have a look.
- "A magical incantation! The handwriting is different from Alizinda's journal. That means she can't be responsible for the curse!
I knew my ancestor wasn't a sorceress. A murderer, maybe, but not a sorceress! Of course, this all begs the question …."
- Who really placed the curse on the castle?
- "Yes. And more importantly, why? The person who cast the spell clearly had an axe to grind. Maybe it was a court wizard? Or some jilted witch? My novel's less romance than mystery at this point!
Let's use the lantern again. Maybe the culprit's here!"
After you place the lantern on the altar, Duchess Astella will appear, wanting to know why you are there. When you speak with Duchess Astella, she will let slip that she tried to bring her son back from the dead. She used his armor as a focus but doesn't know why it failed. The Duchess then suggests that you find her notes on the ritual; they can be found in her private study. Fight or avoid the spectral warriors and enter the study through a hatch door. In the study, you can find Duchess Astella's Notes.
- "You found Duchess Astella's notes that quickly? Thank Ruptga I can rely on your eyes. Can barely see a thing in this place!
What do they say?"
- Apparently, the spell involved burying Mathen's armor under clumps of heartsbane.
- "Really? Ugh. I think I spotted some on the way across the castle grounds. I knew that herbalism workshop would come in handy someday!
If we do manage to find the armor, be careful pulling it out of the tangle. Heartsbane's quite deadly."
You will need to go upstairs and find some heartsbane, a small plant with purple flowers. There you will find Mathen's Golden Helm. After you retrieve it, Yisara will want to talk:
- "Sorry, sorry. I feel like we've assembled most of the clues to this mystery, but I just can't shake the feeling that we're missing something here."
- What do you mean?
- "Well, Duchess Astella got them into this situation, right? She cast the ugly spell that cursed poor Mathen. And now, we're gathering up the items she used to make this mistake in the first place?
It can't be that simple. What are we missing?"
- You think there's more she's not telling us?
- "Maybe. Maybe not. She wasn't a professional necromancer. Maybe she missed something too.
Remember what Mathen told us? Certain objects take hold of the soul. If that's the case, isn't it odd that we found him in the cottage instead of the chapel?"
- We found that ring of Mara in the cottage. Do you think that might play a role in this?
- "Only one way to find out! Let's use the lantern again.
I'm still carrying the ring. If he followed us here, maybe we're on to something!"
Speaking with Mathen, you explain that his mother's attempts to resurrect him caused the curse. But he agrees that the rest of the armor needs to be found, and that he will stay with Yisara for awhile. Once you have found the pieces of armor, you will need to find a place to summon Duchess Astella to talk. She reveals that one more item is needed: the Sword of Giovesse, which can be found in the crypts. You will need to enter the crypt, retrieve the sword, and fight Duke Calvus Vanin. Then, bring the objects to Tavia's Tower, which sits near the castle. When you enter the tower and use the lantern, Duchess Astella, Mathen, and Yisara will appear as spirits.
"Mathen, my darling boy! We can finally end this curse!"
Once you lay out the arms and armor, the ritual will start, though the end result is unexpected:
- <Yisara becomes corporeal once more.>
- Duchess Astella Galenus: "Mathen! Why aren't you—? Mathen!"
- <Duchess Astella disappears in cloud of golden sparks while Mathen remains.>
- Mathen Galenus: "I'm … I'm still here?"
- Yisara: "My poor Mathen! What went wrong?"
Speaking with Mathen, you will learn that Mathen was tied both to the cursed armor and to the Ring of Mara, and that his soul still remains linked to the ring. He then requests to speak with Yisara:
- <Mathen goes one knee before Yisara.>
- Mathen Galenus: "Lady Yisara, light of my … afterlife. That ring you carry is the key to my heart. I leave my fate in your hands."
- Yisara: "My hands? Mathen, what are you saying?"
- Mathen Galenus:"If you choose to wear the ring, I will remain by your side—an attentive and loving guardian."
- Yisara: "Are you serious? Tall Papa preserve me …."
- Mathen Galenus: "Destroy the ring, and I will pass to Aetherius. The choice, my lady, is yours."
With a twist straight out of a romance novel, you can talk with Yisara about this decision:
- "Did I just get a proposal from a ghost? Up until now, the only man who ever wooed me was a stable hand in Bergama!
I know I should recoil at this. It's profane! Blasphemous? Right? But, gods he's cute. And the way he speaks! It's like a dream!"
- He said the choice is yours.
- "Ugh! How could he lay something like this at my feet? I can barely decide which boots to wear most days.
When he abducted—I mean, swept me away, he told me his heart was torn to pieces. He said I was the only balm. He said I was his second chance."
- Do you think that's true?
- "I don't know! Aside from the whole ghostly murder victim thing, this is what my heart always yearned for. It's why I write romance novels! The thought that I could bring him love and joy is intoxicating.
Still, he deserves peace and rest, right?"
:I think you should seize this opportunity for love and keep the ring.
:Mathen's soul deserves rest. Give me the ring. I'll destroy it and set him free.
- "Yes! I want to write, and travel, and feel the rush of romance every time I slip on this ring! Mathen and I have so much to offer one another.
It will be a little weird, yes. But like I said before, who wants normal romance? Certainly not me!"
- Yisara: "I want you to stay with me, Mathen. I know it's weird, but—"
- Mathen Galenus: "Weird? No, my lady. Unique. Unique and perfect."
You can talk to her after completing the quest:
- "Tava's feathers, this is so exciting! Who else in the world has a ghostly beau to talk to? Other than crazy spinsters, I mean.
What an adventure!"
- What's next for the two of you?
- "The two of us? Ha! It feels so odd having a partner.
I have a lot of writing to do. Mathen, hopefully, will be able to enjoy an existence outside these old ruins. We have a lot to look forward to!"
- Are you concerned about appearances?
- "Ha! I'm a romance novelist poking around a dingy castle in the swamp. Do I strike you as someone overly concerned with appearances?
No, it will all turn out. I doubt people will even be able to see Mathen."
- What are you basing that on?
- "A hunch, mostly.
Without the power of the spirit lantern to illuminate him, Mathen should just be a whisper in the wind for most people. I think it actually makes it all even more romantic! Every moment together is a secret rendezvous. Marvelous!"
She asks you to destroy the ring for her. She will apologize to Mathen for her choice:
- Yisara: "I want you to stay, Mathen. I really do. But it wouldn't be fair to you or Alizinda. Our friend will destroy the ring."
- Mathen Galenus: "I understand. Yours is a loving heart, Yisara. I pray you find someone worthy to share it with."
With the ring in the brazier, they will both say their goodbyes:
- Yisara: "Goodbye, Mathen."
- Mathen Galenus: "Farewell."
- <Mathen's body disappears in golden sparks.>
Afterwards you can approach the crying Yisara:
- "Ugh. Isn't this always the way? You find the man of your dreams, but it turns out he's the lost soul of a man your ancestor poisoned in a fit of passion two-hundred years ago.
Just my luck."
- You did the right thing letting him go.
- "You're right, of course. I'm desperate for some grand romance, but it's no more real than my stories if I act selfishly. Ugh.
Let's focus on the good things, right? A curse broken, a writer inspired … and it's all your doing! Thank you, my friend!"
Once you have completed the quest, you can discuss her feelings and plans some more:
- "Gods he was gorgeous. I'll find someone, eventually. But I doubt they'll have a chest like that."
- Will you write about this?
- "Are you joking? Of course I'm going to write about this! Tragedy, lies, murder, necromancy, intrigue … true love.
This will be a bestseller. Guaranteed. More importantly, it will help me remember Mathen."
- Will you tell your family about Alizinda?
- "Ha! No. I have Crown blood on my mother's side. The idea that a beloved ancestor who accomplished so much in Sentinel played a role in some salacious and deadly affair …? It would not go over well. At all.
Better to keep that to myself."
- This all happened fairly quickly. Did you really feel something for Mathen?
- "I did. At least, I think I did.
I've never been one of those women who thinks about marriage and children. That's why I have my novels, right? To revel in the fun part of love. The only part I've ever really been interested in."
- But this was something more?
- "Maybe. I guess we'll never find out, will we?
One thing's for sure—love is much more complicated than I ever gave it credit for. That shouldn't really come as a surprise to someone who writes about it professionally, but here we are."
No matter what you've chosen, you'll be rewarded the Scion of Giovesse Breastplate and some gold.
Quest Stages[edit]
The Ghostwriter of Giovesse |
Finishes Quest |
Journal Entry |
I should speak to Yisara in Gideon's inn, to see what sort of assistance she requires.
Objective: Talk to Yisara
Yisara asked me to meet her in the city gardens. According to the locals, a ghostly presence wanders the area. This might be a perfect opportunity to test her magic lantern.
Objective: Go to the City Gardens
Yisara's lantern seems to be reacting to something. I should give it a shake to see if it works.
Objective: Use the Spirit Lantern
I found Yisara in the city gardens. I should talk to her before we try to contact the spirit with her magic lantern.
Optional Step: Talk to Yisara
Yisara's lantern worked! A ghost appeared and is speaking. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Duchess Astella Galenus
The ghost of Duchess Astella insisted that someone named Alizinda placed a curse on Castle Giovesse. I should speak with Yisara about what we discovered and what comes next.
Objective: Talk to Yisara
Yisara wants to investigate the cottage Duchess Astella told us about. It should be northeast of Gideon. If we can summon the ghost of the duchess's son, we might learn more about the curse of Castle Giovesse.
Objective: Find the Lovers' Cottage
We found the cottage where Mathen and his lover, Alizinda, used to meet. I should have a look around.
Objective: Search the Lovers' Cottage
Hidden Objective: Find Journal
Hidden Objective: Find Ring
I found a tarnished ring and the frayed remains of an old journal. I should show these items to Yisara.
Objective: Talk to Yisara
I should light the spirit lantern to summon Mathen's ghost. Hopefully he can shed some light on the origin of the curse.
Objective: Use the Spirit Lantern
The lantern illuminated another restless spirit: Duchess Astella's son, Mathen. I should speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Mathen Galenus
Mathen is not sure if his missing regalia is tied to his spirit being bound to this plane, but suggested we investigate the chapel in the ruins of the once-proud Castle Giovesse.
Objective: Go to the Castle Giovesse Chapel
We found the chapel in Castle Giovesse where Duchess Astella laid Mathen to rest. I should search for Mathen's golden armor. With any luck, it will provide the means to break the castle's curse.
Objective: Search the Chapel
I discovered a curious incantation scrawled on a dusty scroll. This may be related to the Giovesse curse. I should share it with Yisara.
Objective: Talk to Yisara
Yisara seems confident that Alizinda did not write this incantation, which means someone else is responsible for the curse. I should ignite the spirit lantern again. With any luck, a nearby ghost can shed some more light on this mystery.
Objective: Use the Spirit Lantern
Duchess Astella appeared when I ignited the lantern. I should find out what she's doing in the chapel.
Objective: Talk to Duchess Astella Galenus
Duchess Astella, not Alizinda, inadvertently placed the curse on Castle Giovesse during a botched necromantic ritual. Finding the duchess' notes may be our only means of reversing the spell and liberating the souls trapped here.
Objective: Find Duchess Astella Galenus's Notes
I discovered Duchess Astella's notes. I should discuss their contents with Yisara.
Objective: Talk to Yisara
In order to break the curse on Castle Giovesse, we need to find Mathen's golden armor. According to Duchess Astella's notes, we'll find his helm, breastplate, and shield hidden under clumps of heartsbane all around the castle grounds.
Objective: Find Mathen Galenus's Armor
We found piece of Mathen's armor, but Yisara wants to speak before we continue our search.
Objective: Talk to Yisara
Yisara feels uneasy about collecting Mathen's armor and wants to try contacting him again to get his opinion. I should ignite the spirit lantern to see if he'll appear.
Objective: Use the Spirit Lantern
Mathen appeared. I should speak to him about Yisara's concerns.
Objective: Talk to Mathen Galenus
Driven by romantic passion, Mathen whisked Yisara away and vanished. I need to find the rest of his armor quickly. Hopefully performing the duchess's ritual will bring him and Yisara back.
Objective: Find the Rest of Mathen Galenus's Armor
Hidden Objective: Find Shield
Hidden Objective: Find Breastplate
I found Mathen's breastplate and shield. I should ignite the spirit lantern to summon Duchess Astella. Hopefully she can help me break the curse and rescue Yisara.
Objective: Use the Spirit Lantern
Duchess Astella appeared. I should talk to her about how to break the curse and how to free Yisara.
Objective: Talk to Duchess Astella Galenus
Duchess Astella requires one last item to break the curse: the Sword of Giovesse. I need to delve into the castle's mausoleum to reclaim the blade.
Objective: Find the Sword of Giovesse
I found the Sword of Giovesse. I should take it and Mathen's armor to Tavia's Tower. Hopefully we can break the curse and return Yisara to the land of the living.
Objective: Go to Tavia's Tower
I should use the spirit lantern one last time to summon the spirits of Castle Giovesse.
Objective: Use the Spirit Lantern
The Duchess, Mathen, and Yisara all appeared when I used the spirit lantern. Duchess Astella urged me to lay out Mathen's armor and the Sword of Giovesse. Hopefully this will free both the spirits of Giovesse and Yisara.
Objective: Lay Out Mathen's Sword and Armor
Duchess Astella vanished when I returned Mathen's regalia to the altar in Tavia's Tower, but Mathen himself remains. I should talk to him about what happened.
Objective: Talk to Mathen Galenus
Mathen believes his soul is bound to the ring of Mara he intended to give to Alizinda all those years ago. He wants to speak with Yisara about what he should do.
Objective: Let Mathen Speak to Yisara
Mathen declared his love for Yisara and told her that the ring she carries has the power to bind him to her. If she destroys the ring, his spirit will fade to Aetherius and his soul will be at peace. The choice is hers. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Yisara
Finishes quest |
Yisara seems eager to accept Mathen's proposal. I should speak with her.
Objective: Talk to Yisara
Yisara couldn't bring herself to destroy the ring and asked me to do it.
Objective: Destroy the Ring
Finishes quest |
Yisara was moved by Mathen's proposal, but her conscience moved her to destroy the ring that bound Mathen to the mortal plane. I should talk to her about what comes next.
Objective: Talk to Yisara
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.