This article is about in-game tutorial messages. For current and past tutorial quests, see Main Quest.
Player Basics[edit]
The Elder Scrolls Online user interface can be toggled between the In-Game View and the Player Menu by pressing [Alt].
In-Game View provides the player with an Aiming Reticule, Navigational Compass, Quest Tracker, and Ability Bar.
The Player Menu offers the player important information about their characters. In this menu the player has access to their Inventory, Character Stats and Skills, Journal and various Social Menus.
Player Menu[edit]
The Player Menu is located above the Character Windows. To enter Character Windows mode, press the [Alt] key
The Player Menu houses the following submenus:
• Crown Store
• Inventory Character Skills
• Champion
• Journal
• Collections
• Map
• Group
• Contacts
• Guilds
• Alliance War
• Mail
• Notifications
• Help
As you expand each submenu, additional submenus will appear. Exploring all the menus and submenus will reveal a variety of options and game system mechanics.
Control Mappings[edit]
Your current keybindings can be found in the subsection of the Controls Menu entitled "Keybindings." To access this menu, press [Esc] to open your System Menu, then select Controls Menu and click on "Keybindings."
Any Keybinding can be changed by clicking on the "Primary Bind" or "Secondary Bind" option and selecting a new key to bind.
To move your character around the world use the [W] [A] [S] [D] keys while in the In-Game View mode,
You can change the direction in which your character is moving by sliding the mouse to the left or to the right.
Press and hold the [Shift] key to make your character sprint. Sprinting will consume your character's Stamina. When your Stamina is fully drained you will automatically stop sprinting.
Pressing the [Ctrl] key will make your character crouch and sneak.
Sneaking reduces the chance that non-player characters and hostiles will detect you.
Sneaking allows you to gain critical strikes on hostiles while you are undetected.
Sneaking will consume Stamina while your character is moving.
Camera Controls[edit]
You can change your character's perspective by simply scrolling your mouse wheel forward and backward. To access the first person perspective scroll your mouse wheel all the way forward or press [X]. Scrolling backward or pressing [X] again will allow you to access an adjustable third person perspective.
You can pan your camera to the left and right by sliding your mouse to the left and to the right. You can tilt your camera to look up and down by sliding the mouse forward and backward.
There are many objects and people in the world of Tamriel that you can interact with. While in the In-Game View mode, when you approach such an object or person and aim your targeting reticule at it, an interact prompt will appear. Simply press [E] to interact with it.
Player to Player[edit]
To interact with other players in the world, aim your targeting reticule at them and hold down the [F] key. This will bring up a radial menu of interact options. Move your mouse to the option you wish to use and release the [F] key to commit to your selection.
The Chat Window is your tool to communicate with other players in The Elder Scrolls Online universe. By default this window is located on the lower left hand side of the In-Game View. Pressing the [Enter] key will place your cursor on the text line of the chat panel, allowing you to enter the text or command you wish to execute.
Commands are always prefaced with a "/":
Sending Tells[edit]
To send a tell to a specific person using their character's name, type "/t character's full name," followed by the text you wish to send.
To send a whisper to a specific person using their character's name, type "/w character's full name," followed by the text you wish to send.
Please note that you must type the character's full name, and it must be followed by a comma.
The same commands may be used to send a tell or whisper to a player using their UserID, but you must place an @ symbol in front of the UserID itself.
Chat Customization[edit]
The Chat Window has many customization features. To access these features click the small gear icon in the top right corner of the Chat Window. From here you can add custom filters and channels to your current tab via the "Options" menu, or create a new tab with custom filters and channels via the "New Tab" menu.
Combat Text[edit]
With Combat Text enabled, floating text will display incoming and outgoing damage and crowd control.
Each category of Combat Text can be toggled in the Settings menu, under the Interface category.
Damage: 738
Critical Damage: 1438!
Blocked Damage: 458*
Damage Over Time: 123
Absorbed Damage: (738)
Crowd Control: STUN
Healing: 738
Critical Healing: 1438!
Heal Over Time: 123
Negated Healing: [738]
Damage: 738
Critical Damage: 1438!
Blocked Damage: 458*
Damage Over Time: 123
Absorbed Damage: (738)
Crowd Control: STUN
Healing: 738
Critical Healing: 1438!
Healing Over Time: 123
Negated Healing: [738]
Get Me Unstuck[edit]
If your character becomes stuck, you may use the console command/stuck to become unstuck.
Using/stuck will teleport you to the nearest wayshrine. You will be charged the normal cost for recalling to a wayshrine.
If you do not have enough gold, the remainder of your wallet will be charged.
Limit Followers in Towns[edit]
You may temporarily hide the followers, companions, assistants, and pets of other players near certain high-traffic objects (such as crafting writ delivery boxes and crafting stations) by utilizing the Limit Followers in Towns option, found in the Settings/Gameplay menu.
Crown Store[edit]
The Crown Store is an in-game store in which you can purchase cosmetic and convenience items for your Account and Characters while playing ESO. The Crown Store can be accessed by pressing Not Bound on your keyboard.
ESO Plus
ESO Plus members enjoy a monthly allotment of Crowns to spend on Crown Store purchases, plus access to all of ESO's downloadable content for the duration of the membership. Subscribers also gain a 10% bonus to XP and gold gain, crafting research, inspiration, and access to the Craft Bag.
Purchasing Crowns
You can purchase Crowns from the in-game Crown Store by pressing the "Buy Crowns" button.
Gifting allows you to purchase Crown Store products for your friends, guild mates, and other players. If your account qualifies for gifting, simply select the "purchase as gift" option available on qualifying products found in the Crown Store.
All purchased gifts have a 14 day expiration timer that indicates when, at which time, if the gift was not claimed, it will be returned to the purchaser. You can check the status of all your gifts (received, sent, and returned returns) in the Gift Inventory UI. Gift Inventory can be found within the Crown Store.
Gifting Qualification
Your account will qualify to send gifts 30 days after you log in and have met one of the following requirements:
• You've purchased a Crown Pack
• You've purchased an ESO Plus membership
You will receive a notification in-game when the 30 day timer has begun, and another when your account is able to send gifts.
Daily Rewards[edit]
Every day you log into The Elder Scrolls Online, you'll be able to claim a daily reward to help you on your adventure. Rewards can be claimed from the Announcement Panel and Reward Calendar UI.
Every reward given out in a month will be depicted on the reward calendar found within the Crown Store. Rewards can range, anywhere from Gold (currency) to unique and exclusive collectibles, so be sure to check back often!
Reward Refresh
Rewards become available to claim at 12:00 am (UTC), and the reward calendar refreshes at the beginning of each calendar month.
Crown Crates[edit]
Crown Crates are available for purchase through the Crown Store, Once purchased, a crate can be opened from the Crown Crates menu. Each Crown Crate grants you four rewards-or if you're lucky, five! Rewards draw from a range of cosmetic and convenience items, some common, some quite rare. Crown Crates change with the seasons, so get the current edition while you can.
Crown Gems
If you receive a collectible reward you already own, you'll be awarded Crown Gems in its place. These can be used to purchase specific Crown Crate rewards from within the Crown Crates section of the Crown Store.
Crown Crate Reward Odds
When you open a purchased Crown Crate in The Elder Scrolls Online, you have a chance to receive items from several unique reward groups.
Below are listed the guidelines for Crown Crate reward groups and their percentage chances. Note: you are guaranteed at least four rewards per purchased Crown Crate.
• Common Rewards 98%
• Fine Rewards 72%
• Superior Rewards 86%
• Epic Rewards 21%
• Legendary Rewards 14%
• Apex Rewards 2.0%
• You are guaranteed at least one Superior reward or better
• Some Crown Crates contain Radiant versions of Apex rewards.
• Some Crown Crates contain rare rewards that have special qualities.
• On some rewards, chances improve with each successive missed roll and resets once you receive the reward.
• While we currently have no plans to change the odds, we reserve the right to update or modify information shown above at our discretion to reflect changes and/or evolving reporting standards.
• You can purchase most rewards in the in-game Crown Store with Gems. You can acquire Gems by extracting them from unwanted Crown Crate rewards. This also happens automatically when you receive a Crown Crate Collectible you already own.
• Crown Crates not available for purchase in some territories.
All downloadable content (DLC) is available for purchase through the Crown Store. Once purchased, paid-for downloadable content will be accessible to all characters on your account forever.
Each DLC pack will have an associated Help Guide section. This section will have detailed information on how to access the DLC.
ESO Plus members have access to all of ESO's downloadable content for the duration of the membership.
The Upgrades section of the Crown Store offers both Account and Character convenience offerings.
Account Upgrades will always apply to your entire Account. These include offerings such as "Any Race, Any Alliance", "Playable Imperial Race", items such as Mount, Pet, or Costumes.
Character Upgrades are purchasable on a character-by-character basis.
The Utility section of the Crown Store offers convenience items that are activated when used from your character's inventory These items can be transferred between all the characters on your account through your Bank, but cannot be traded to other players.
Crown Tri-Restoration Potions are best used from your character's Quickslot.
Costumes, Skins, Polymorphs, and Hats added to your Collections are unlocked for all characters on your account. This means any costumes purchased via the Crown Store or unlocked in-game can be accessed by all your ESO characters.
Costumes will override your character's attire visuals.
Skins will override your character's skin while keeping your physical features intact.
Hats will override helmets or costume-related headgear. The "Hide Helmet" Gameplay Setting will hide Hats.
Polymorphs will override all your character's attire visuals, skin, hats, and physical features.
Crafting Motifs enable your character to craft Armor and Weapons in Tamriel's various cultural styles. When purchased, the Crafting Motif is placed in your character's inventory, where it must be used to be activated. Once used, that character will be able to craft in the style specified by the Crafting Motif.
To craft items in the style of the Crafting Motif purchased, you must first acquire the Style Item for that Crafting Style. Some of these items are purchasable through the Crown Store, while others can be found in-game through Blacksmithing, Woodworking, and Clothing Store merchants. If you can't find the Style Item you are looking for, be sure to check a Guild Trader.
Mounts acquired in-game and through the Crown Store are accessible to all the characters on your account through your Collections. Mounts are a purely cosmetic option that your character can Set Active.
Each character has a set of Riding Skills that determine the Speed, Carry Capacity, and Stamina of your character while mounted. Any mount that is Set Active will inherit these Riding Skills.
Non-Combat Pets[edit]
Pets added to your Collections are unlocked for all characters on your Account. This means any pet purchased via the Crown Store or unlocked in-game can be accessed by all your ESO characters.
You may temporarily hide the followers, companions, assistants, and pets of other players near certain high-traffic objects (such as crafting writ delivery boxes and crafting stations) by utilizing the Limit Followers in Towns option, found in the Settings/Gameplay menu.
Service Tokens[edit]
Service tokens include the Appearance Change Token, the Name Change Token, and the Race Change Token. Each of these tokens can be used from the character select screen to permanently alter one character.
Name Change Tokens allow you to change the name of one character to another valid, available name.
Appearance Change Tokens allow you to change the appearance of one character, including gender and voice, but not including race or alliance.
Race Change Tokens allow you to change everything that Appearance Change Tokens do, in addition to race. Changing your race will refund any skill points you have invested in your racial skill line, and will carry your progress over to the new race's skill line. Changing your race does not grant or remove racial crafting motif knowledge.
Please note that certain collectibles are race and/or gender limited—if you change to a restricted race or gender with one of these active, it will be deactivated.
Few warriors inspire more fear and curiosity than Tamriel's Wardens. While most soldiers ply their trade for guilds and kings, Wardens serve nature itself. With a bear's ferocity and a wolf's feral cunning, the mysterious Wardens harness the power of the Green to enhance their martial skill and cast powerful spells. Some turn to the Green for strength and rejuvenation. Others tame the bitter cold of winter to unleash it upon their foes. With loyal beasts at their side and nature's fury at their command, these protectors of the wild are truly unstoppable.
Purchase Skyshard Achievements[edit]
Fully completing a Skyshard Hunter achievement on your account will unlock the ability to purchase those Skyshards on your characters. The purchased Skyshards will award all associated skill points, or any remaining skill points that your current character has not yet acquired.
Purchase Max Rank Skill Line[edit]
Fully completing a skill line on one character now unlocks the ability to purchase that skill line on other characters. Once unlocked on your current character, the chosen skill line immediately advances to its maximum rank. All abilities contained within the purchased skill line arrive unranked, allowing you to advance and morph the skill as you see fit.
Currently Supported Skill Lines:
• Alliance War (Assault and Support)
• Dark Brotherhood
• Thieves Guild
• Fighters Guild
• Legerdemain
• Mages Guild
• Psijic Order
• Soul Magic
• Undaunted
Customized Actions[edit]
Customized Actions, once acquired, are accessible to all the characters on your account through your Collections menu. Customized Actions are a purely cosmetic option that your character can Set Active.
Each character may set a Customized Action override for each action type (recalling, plant harvesting, wood chopping, etc.). They offer a cosmetic change to that action and do not change the distance at which a player may interact with nodes, the duration of the action (depending on Master Gatherer status), or the results of the harvest.
ESO Plus[edit]
ESO Plus is a paid membership service that permits full access to DLC game packs along with other in-game bonuses.
ESO Plus Benefits:
• Full access to all DLC game packs
• Crowns every month (Paid Members Only)
• Access to exclusive Crown Store offers and deals (Paid Members Only)
• Access to Craft Bag for the duration of your subscription
• Costume Dyeing at Outfit Stations throughout the world
• Double the amount of Furnishings and Collectibles you can place in each of your homes
• Double Bank Space for your account
• 10% increase to Experience, Crafting Inspiration, Trait Research, and Gold Acquisition rates
DLC Access[edit]
While you are an ESO Plus member, you will have access to all existing and future DLC Game Packs. To begin playing a DLC Game Pack, open the "Collections" window , choose "Stories" , and open the "DLC" list. Choose the DLC Game Pack you wish to play and click "Accept Quest."
The new quest may not be set to the active quest. Pressing [T] will change your active quest. Reference the tutorial topic for the DLC Game Pack you are interested in for more information.
Each month that your ESO Plus membership is active you will receive Crowns to spend in the Crown Store. Crowns give you the ability to purchase cosmetic and convenience items for your account.
• Cosmetic items such as Mounts, Costumes, and Pets allow you to make your character look unique and stand out in a crowd
• Convenience items such as Experience Scrolls, Bag and Bank Upgrades, and Riding Lessons will make your character's progression more efficient
Craft Bag[edit]
Crafters in Tamriel know how precious inventory space can be. With Craft Bag, be a leg up on the competition and never worry about running out of inventory space for your crafting materials again.
The Craft Bag will relocate your crafting materials to a separate section of your Inventory as long as your membership is active. Items in the Craft Bag do not consume inventory slots.
When you craft at crafting stations, materials stored in your Craft Bag will always be available for use.
If you prefer to manually move items to your Craft Bag, turn off "Auto-Add to Craft Bag" in the Gameplay menu under Settings, and use the "Stow Materials" option in the Inventory menu to move eligible materials to your Craft Bag.
If your ESO Plus membership lapses, you can still use, craft, and retrieve items from your Craft Bag, but you cannot add more materials to the Craft Bag.
Costumes Dyeing[edit]
While your ESO Plus membership is active you will have the ability to dye costumes and hats at Outfit Stations placed throughout the world.
Look for the icon on your town map to find the closest Outfit Station.
To dye a costume or hat, simply interact with an Outfit Station and select the "Costume and Hat Dying icon" to open the interface.
Note: Non-ESO Plus Members can only dye their costumes and hats by purchasing Dye Stamps sold in the Crown Store.
Double Furniture Capacity[edit]
Double Furniture Capacity allows you to place twice the amount of furniture and collectibles in each of your homes.
You will receive this benefit automatically when you activate an ESO Plus membership.
If your ESO Plus membership lapses, items and collectibles placed in the house furniture slots unlocked by ESO Plus can still be seen in your home and removed, but no new items can be placed in those slots.
For more information on Houses and Furniture, reference the Housing tutorial topic.
Double Bank Capacity[edit]
During your adventures in Tamriel, you will gain a lot of loot and rewards. ESO Plus Double Bank Capacity makes sure you always have a place to store the fruits of your labor.
While your ESO Plus membership is active you will have double the amount of bank space. This includes any purchased Bank upgrades. If your ESO Plus membership lapses, items placed in the bank slots unlocked by ESO Plus can still be removed, but no new items can be placed in those slots.
For more information on Banks, reference the Items: The Bank tutorial topic.
Transmute Crystal Capacity[edit]
With ESO Plus, your account is able to carry twice as many Transmute Crystals on-hand as you otherwise can, permitting you to save up more between trips to your favorite Transmute Station.
'If your ESO Plus membership lapses, you can still spend the Transmute Crystals you have, but will be unable to earn more until you fall below the normal limit.
For more information on Transmutation, reference the Crafting: Transmutation: Changing Traits tutorial topic.
10% Bonuses[edit]
While your ESO Plus membership is active you will gain 10% more Experience from all sources, 10% more Inspiration from crafting and crafting quests, 10% faster Trait Research speeds, and 10% more Gold from all sources.
These benefits happen automatically when you activate your ESO Plus membership.
ESO Plus Lapses[edit]
When ESO Plus members allow their memberships to lapse, they can still take advantage of limited aspects of their former benefits.
When an ESO Plus membership ends, access to game DLC, Costume Dyeing, and the 10% Bonuses are revoked, however, limited access to the Craft Bag, Double Bank Space, Double Transmute Crystal Capacity, and Double Home Furnishing Capacity remains.
Former ESO Plus members can still access and retrieve items from their Craft Bags, Banks, and Homes, but they cannot add new items to them until they are under their respective (non-ESO Plus) caps. They cannot earn more Transmute Crystals until they have spent enough to fall below the non-ESO Plus cap.
Former ESO Plus members do not lose access to items that were stored while enjoying ESO Plus benefits.
Necrom (Chapter)[edit]
Necrom is the 2023 chapter.
Explore the Telvanni Peninsula of Morrowind to learn more about the Dark Elves who live among the fungal groves and jagged hills of this land. Walk the streets of Necrom and observe the funerary traditions upheld by the Keepers of the Dead. Work with the enigmatic Leramil the Wise to uncover a plot that may ravage the foundation of reality-all while protecting Hermaeus Mora's Daedric realm of Apocrypha.
Necrom Access[edit]
Necrom is the 2023 chapter.
To get to Necrom: Create a new character and play through the tutorial. Once you enter the room of portals, choose Necrom as your starting destination. Head toward the city of Necrom and seek out Leramil the Wise, or travel to the region with an existing character.
Alternative paths to Necrom include traveling by cart or boat from the alliance capital cities or by employing the Wayshrine network.
Channel the eldritch powers of Apocrypha as an Arcanist. These magecraft savants run the gamut: some are devotees of Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Knowledge. Some are driven and pitiless researchers, and some are esoteric hermits talking animatedly to tentacles in remote sanctuaries.
These scholarly spellcasters channel secret runes and abyssal spells to destroy their enemies, heal their allies, and defend against any foe. Their understanding of secrets mortals were not meant to know gives them an esoteric edge, whether in open warfare on the fields of Cyrodiil or saving the world in some far-flung land.
Sanity's Edge[edit]
Sanity's Edge is a 12-person trial located in the southern edge of the Telvanni Peninsula. Once discovered, you can use the fast travel network to return by selecting the Sanity's Edge icon.
There are two difficulty modes available for Sanity's Edge: Normal and Veteran. Players of any level can access Normal mode. Veteran mode unlocks when you reach level 50. Veteran mode is much more challenging, but has greater rewards to match the risk!
When you arrive, pick up the War Within quest from Wizard Twelvane. The quest is repeatable, so you can experience Sanity's Edge as often as you like. But remember, you can only receive the rewards from this quest once per week. Players can compete for fame and glory on the Trials Leaderboards.
Bastion Nymic[edit]
Vaermina and Peryite have invaded one of Hermaeus Mora's strongholds deep within Apocrypha. Find enough Daedric Ichor to gain access, then defeat the Daedric champions within to reclaim the Bastion for Hermaeus Mora.
Daedric Ichor may be found by defeating Herald's Seekers in the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha.
High Isle (Chapter)[edit]
High Isle is the 2022 chapter.
Join allies old and new in the Systres Archipelago as the mysterious knights of the Ascendant Order seek to sow the seeds of rebellion on the islands of High Isle and Amenos. Work to stop the powerful Ascendant Magus even as you seek to uncover the identity of the Ascendant Lord before events here send terrible repercussions to the mainland.
High Isle Access[edit]
High Isle is the 2022 chapter.
To get to High Isle: Create a new character and play through the tutorial. Once you enter the room of portals, choose High Isle as your starting destination. Head toward the city of Gonfalon Bay to seek out Jakarn, or travel to the region with an existing character.
Alternative paths to High Isle include traveling by cart or boat from the alliance capital cities or by employing the Wayshrine network.
Dreadsail Reef[edit]
Dreadsail Reef is a 12-person trial located along the northwest coast of High Isle. Once discovered, you can use the fast travel network to return by selecting the Dreadsail Reef icon.
There are two difficulty modes available for Dreadsail Reef: Normal and Veteran. Players of any level can access Normal mode. Veteran mode unlocks when you reach level 50. Veteran mode is much more challenging, but has greater rewards to match the risk!
When you arrive, pick up the Reavers of the Reef quest from Admiral Galvendier. The quest is repeatable, so you can experience Dreadsail Reef as often as you like. But remember, you can only receive the rewards from this quest once per week.
Players can compete for fame and glory on the Trials Leaderboards.
Volcanic Vents[edit]
Unpredictable volcanic activity runs rampant in the Systres Archipelago, and dangerous monsters often appear nearby when eruptions occur. Druids can close these vents and help safeguard the islands, but they often need assistance to prevent being overrun.
Volcanic Vents are marked on the map, and you can see when they become active by the fire and molten lava launched by the eruption.
Blackwood (Chapter)[edit]
Blackwood is the 2021 chapter.
A sinister plot, years in the making, unfolds across the province of Blackwood. As Imperial councilors vanish and mysterious vaults emerge from hiding, the time of the Four Ambitions of Mehrunes Dagon draws near. Join with allies old and new to discover the terrible secret of Mehrunes Dagon and the Longhouse Emperors. If left unchecked, it could bring ruin to all of Tamriel.
Blackwood Access[edit]
Blackwood is the 2021 chapter.
To get to Blackwood: Create a new character and play through a new tutorial experience. Once you enter the room of portals, choose Blackwood as your starting destination. Head toward the city of Leyawiin to seek out Captain Rian Lorne of the Ivory Brigade, or travel to the region with an existing character.
Alternative paths to Blackwood include traveling by boat or cart from the alliance capital cities, or employing the Wayshrine network.
Rockgrove is a 12 person trial located in the southern region of Blackwood. Once discovered, you can use the fast travel network to return by selecting the Rockgrove icon.
There are two difficulty modes available for Rockgrove: Normal and Veteran. Players of any level can access Normal mode. Veteran mode unlocks when you reach level 50. Veteran mode is much more challenging, but has greater rewards to match the risk!
When you arrive, pick up the Of Stone and Steam quest from DustOn-Scales. The quest is repeatable so you can experience Rockgrove as often as you like but remember, you can only receive the rewards from this quest once per week.
Players can compete for fame and glory on the Trials Leaderboards.
Oblivion Portals[edit]
Early experiments of Mehrunes Dagon, Oblivion Portals tear through the fabric of the planes as Dagon's cultists attempt to breach a pathway to Nirn. The forces that appear on the portal's outskirts represent a mere scouting expedition, while the true challenge lies inside the portal itself-within the Deadlands. To complete an Oblivion Portal, you will need to find Mehrunes Dagon's general at the center-most island and defeat him, the Havocrel Duke of Storms.
Oblivion Portals are not marked on the map. They appear randomly throughout Blackwood. When a portal opens, it will only remain in this state for a limited time. Once you enter the portal, however, you can stay within the Deadlands until you complete your goal or choose to leave via wayshrine or by traveling to another player.
Greymoor was the 2020 Chapter.
The dark heart of Skyrim beats below the surface of Western Skyrim. As High King Svargrim clings to power over the western kingdom of the Nords, terrible storms rage across the land, turning, his people into bloodthirsty fiends. Join the hero Lyris Titanborn and the Ravenwatch vampire Fennorion as they uncover the secrets and conspiracies that threaten Western Skyrim.
Greymoor Access[edit]
The Greymoor Chapter can be accessed through ESO Plus or purchased in the in-game Crown Store. Certain retail versions of The Elder Scrolls Online may also include the Greymoor Chapter.
To get to Western Skyrim: Create a new character and play through a new tutorial experience to reach the heart of Western Skyrim. Head toward the city of Solitude to join up with Lyris Titanborn, or travel to the region with an existing character.
Alternative paths to Western Skyrim include traveling by boat or cart from the alliance capital cities or employing the Wayshrine network.
Kyne's Aegis[edit]
Kyne's Aegis is a 12 person trial located on an island in the north of Western Skyrim. Once discovered, you can use the fast travel network to return by selecting the Kyne's Aegis icon.
There are two difficulty modes available for Kyne's Aegis: Normal and Veteran. Players of any level can access Normal mode, Veteran mode unlocks when you reach level 50. Veteran mode is much more challenging, but has greater rewards to match the risk!
When you arrive, pick up The Fight of Kyne's Aegis quest from Thane Ogvar. The quest is repeatable so you can experience Kyne's Aegis as often as you like but remember, you can only receive the rewards from this quest once per week.
Players can compete for fame and glory on the Trials Leaderboards.
Deadly rituals created by powerful witches, Harrowstorms ravage the holds of Western Skyrim and the depths of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. People unwary or unlucky enough to be caught in a Harrowstorm risk losing their lives, their souls, and their humanity.
Harrowstorms can spring up just about anywhere. Look for the warning signs-ritual markings on the ground, the darkening of the skies, and, of course, powerful witches bearing intricately carved witch pikes toward the ritual sites.
Elsweyr was the 2019 Chapter.
Dragons rage over the province of Elsweyr for the first time in hundreds of years, and the kingdom of Anequina burns in their wake. Behind them marches a rogue Imperial legion and an army of undead, sifting through the wreckage for something that could alter the world and the night sky above forever. Join the Imperial Battlemage Abnur Tharn and the Khajiiti Defense Force in turning back the dark forces assembled against them and restoring Khajiit rule over Northern Elsweyr.
Elsweyr Access[edit]
The Elsweyr Chapter can be accessed through ESO Plus or purchased in the in-game Crown Store. Certain retail versions of The Elder Scrolls Online may also include the Elsweyr Chapter.
To get to Northern Elsweyr: Create a new character and play through a new tutorial experience to reach the town of Riverhold and join up with the Khajiiti Defense Force, or journey to the region with an existing character.
Alternative paths to Northern Elsweyr include traveling by land through Grahtwood and Reaper's March Gates, employing the Wayshrine network, and arranging passage with a navigator or caravan in Elden Root, Wayrest, and Mournhold.
Sunspire is a 12 person trial located on the tallest mountain within Northern Elsweyr. Once discovered, you can use the fast travel network to return by selecting the Sunspire icon. There are two difficulty modes available for Sunspire: Normal and Veteran. Players of any level can access Normal mode. Veteran mode unlocks when you reach level 50. Veteran mode is much more challenging, but has greater rewards to match the risk!
When you arrive, pick up The Return of Alkosh quest from Moon- Bishop Azin-jo. The quest is repeatable so you can experience Sunspire as often as you like but remember, you can only receive the rewards from this quest once per week.
Players can compete for fame and glory on the Trials Leaderboards.
Both reviled and feared by the people of Tamriel, necromancers are masters of the dark arts. While most spellcasters study in well- lit libraries and guild halls, necromancers delve deep into forbidden tomes and crumbling mausoleums, pushing the boundaries of magical praxis in secret. With practice and fierce application of will, these grim mages can reanimate skeletons, summon ghostly thralls, and channel souls' arcane power into terrifying spells that both harm and heal. The necromancer's power over life and death is absolute. Those fools who stand against them in life will surely serve them in death.
WARNING: Using certain Necromancer abilities in town is a criminal act. Citizens and guards will react accordingly.
After several long eras of imprisonment in the Halls of Colossus, Dragons have returned to Tamriel! Now, these terrifying beasts rule the skies of Northern Elsweyr, leaving trails of charred devastation in their wake.
Dragons rarely stay in one place for long. Once a Dragon chooses a target, it soars to that location and begins its onslaught. Luckily, players can track the beasts' movements by consulting their zone map. Of course, finding these monsters is the easy part. Defeating them will take the combined might of several players, so be sure to gather allies before your attack!
Summerset was the 2018 Chapter. By the decree of Queen Ayrenn, Summerset is now open to all visitors! All is not tranquil on the breathtaking island home of the High Elves, however. Travel to the Summerset, reunite with old friends, and unravel a shadowy conspiracy that threatens not only the High Elves, but all of Tamriel.
Summerset Access[edit]
The Summerset Chapter can be accessed through ESO Plus or purchased in the in-game Crown Store. Certain retail versions of The Elder Scrolls Online may also include the Summerset Chapter.
To get to Summerset: With an existing character, travel by boat from an Alliance capital or starter zone, or employ the Wayshrine network to fast travel to the island of Summerset.
Cloudrest is a 12 person trial located on the tallest mountain within Summerset, Eton Nir. Once discovered, you can use the fast travel network to return by selecting the Cloudrest icon. There are two difficulty modes available for Cloudrest: Normal and Veteran. Players of any level can access Normal mode. Veteran mode unlocks when you reach level 50. Veteran mode is much more challenging, but has greater rewards to match the risk!
When you arrive, pick up the Woe of the Welkynar quest from Olorime. The quest is repeatable so you can experience Cloudrest as often as you like but remember, you can only receive the rewards from this quest once per week.
Players can compete for fame and glory on the Trials Leaderboards.
Morrowind was the 2017 Chapter.
Travel to the volcanic island of Morrowind and explore a land of Dark Elves, Living Gods, and bizarre creatures as adventurers from every alliance answer Lord Vivec's call. An ominous prophecy and an insidious plot threaten all of Morrowind-can you save the island from a looming disaster?
Wander the harsh landscape as an emissary for Lord Vivec, performing missions for the Great Houses, delving into mysterious ruins, and meeting unique challenges head-on in the shadow of the rumbling Red Mountain. The fate of Morrowind rests in your hands!
Morrowind Access[edit]
The Morrowind Chapter can be accessed through ESO Plus or purchased in the in-game Crown Store. Certain retail versions of The Elder Scrolls Online may also include the Morrowind Chapter.
To enter Morrowind and the island of Vvardenfell: With an existing character, travel by boat from an Alliance capital or starter zone, or employ the Wayshrine network to fast travel to Morrowind.
Halls of Fabrication[edit]
The Halls of Fabrication is a 12 person trial located in the eastern shores of Morrowind. Once discovered, you can use the fast travel network to return by selecting the Halls of Fabrication icon.
There are two difficulty modes available for the Halls of Fabrication: Normal and Veteran. Players of any level can access Normal mode. Veteran mode unlocks when you reach level 50. Veteran mode is much more challenging, but has greater rewards to match the risk!
When you arrive, pick up the Halls of Fabrication quest from Divayth Fyr. The quest is repeatable so you can experience The Halls of Fabrication as often as you like.
Players can compete for fame and glory on the Trials Leaderboards.
Scribes of Fate[edit]
Help Saresea, a mage of the Psijic Order, investigate a temporal anomaly in the Eastern Stonefalls before it tears the timeline apart.
Work with the deposed leader of the Scribes of Mora, Keshargo, to wrest control of the once-peaceful order from the upstart Magnastylus Valinna.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: Scrivener's Hall and Bal Sunnar.
Scribes of Fate Access[edit]
To enter Scrivener's Hall or Bal Sunnar, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Scribes of Fate DLC.
You can find the entrance to Scrivener's Hall west of Riften in the Rift. Go south of Senie in Stonefalls to discover Bal Sunnar. You can also access both dungeons through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of Scrivener's Hall and Bal Sunnar by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
Sail to the northern islands of Galen and Y'ffelon in the Systres Archipelago to help House Mornard settle a dispute between the druid circles and stave off an invasion by the Dreadsails-a Sea Elf pirate armada! Action and adventure awaits in the epic conclusion to the Legacy of the Bretons year-long story.
Firesong Access[edit]
To enter the island of Galen, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Firesong DLC. This will both unlock the Vastyr Wayshrine and grant you access to the first main quest, "A Sea of Troubles."
To start the main quest, either travel to Vastyr and speak to Dhulef, or go to the Collections menu, select the Stories Tab, and select Zone DLC. Then accept the "A Sea of Troubles" quest from the Firesong DLC.
Preserver of Galen[edit]
An ancient spriggan known as the Preserver of Galen wanders the isle, seeking to drive all non-druids from the land it was summoned to protect. The secret to controlling it is lost to the ages, and the only way to stop it is to overpower it in combat. It will patrol one of three areas in Galen, and rises again soon after being defeated.
Even the mightiest of adventurers will find this spirit a challenging opponent, as it uses both natural power and darker energies to bind and destroy its foes. Felling this ancient guardian will take the combined might of many blades, so be sure to come prepared with allies at your back!
Lost Depths[edit]
Answer Druid Laurel's call for help at the Earthen Root Enclave, as the Firesong circle corrupts Air, Root, and Stone in search of a legendary sacred seed.
Sail to Graven Deep with Dhulef as he investigates mysterious storms and a long-abandoned research station in the dark waters of the Abecean Sea.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: Earthen Root Enclave and the Graven Deep.
Lost Depths Access[edit]
To enter Earthen Root Enclave or Graven Deep, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Lost Depths DLC.
The entrance to Earthen Root Enclave can be found southeast of Castle Navire on High Isle. The boat to Graven Deep can be found at Amenos Station, on Amenos. Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of Earthen Root Enclave and Graven Deep by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
Ascending Tide[edit]
Stage a daring rescue from the Coral Aerie. Seek out the secrets of the All-Flags Navy in the abandoned shipyard at Shipwright's Regret.
Join Captain Za'ji and others in stopping the nefarious plots of the Ascendant Order.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: Coral Aerie and Shipwright's Regret.
Ascending Tide Access[edit]
To enter Coral Aerie or Shipright's Regret, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Ascending Tide DLC.
The entrance to Coral Aerie can be found along the northern coastline of Summerset. Shipright's Regret is located in Rivenspire, just east of Ravenhurst. Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of Coral Aerie and Shipright's Regret by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted! Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
Travel into the realms of Oblivion to take on the Order of the Waking Flame and stop Mehrunes Dagon's latest schemes to conquer Nirn. Start in Fargrave, a neutral plane without a Prince, before venturing into the Prince of Destruction's realm-the Deadlands! Disaster looms, ready to crash upon the shores of Nirn like a tidal wave of Daedric forces!
With Lyranth the Dremora and new allies such as the Anchorite and Rynkyus of the Bladebearers, battle the legions of Mehrunes Dagon and cultists of the Waking Flame. From the nexus plane of Fargrave to the infernal reaches of the Deadlands, help stop the Prince of Destruction and his plan to conquer the mortal world!
Deadlands Access[edit]
To enter the realms of the Deadlands DLC, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Deadlands DLC. This will both unlock the Fargrave Wayshrine and grant you access to the first main quest, "The Celestial Palanquin".
To start the main quest, either travel to Fargrave and speak to the mysterious Anchorite, or go to the Collections menu, select the Stories Tab, and select Zone DLC. Then accept the "The Celestial Palanquin" quest from the Deadlands DLC.
Havocrel Executioners[edit]
Three mighty Daedra known as Havocrels wander Mehrunes Dagon's realm in search of blood and glory.
These "Executioners" never stray far from the roads of the Deadlands, but offer a challenge equivalent to that of a trail boss. Given the Havocrels' blindness, evading their notice is not difficult. But fighting them is a daunting task that will require the combined might of many players. Challenge these crimson goliaths at your peril!
Waking Flame[edit]
Besiege the fortress bastion of the once-noble order of the Knights of the Silver Rose to reclaim their unlawful plunder. Investigate the Dread Cellar, a long-abandoned Imperial prison harboring new evils in the depths of Blackwood's swamps.
Join Lyranth and others in unraveling the schemes of the Waking Flame and Mehrunes Dagon.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: Red Petal Bastion and the Dread Cellar.
Waking Flame Access[edit]
To enter Red Petal Bastion or the Dread Cellar, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Waking Flame DLC.
The entrance to Red Petal Bastion can be found in Glenumbra near Crosswych. The Dread Cellar can be reached through Blackwood by boat, near the ruins of Welke. Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of Red Petal Bastion and the Dread Cellar by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
Flames of Ambition[edit]
From the decaying halls of a once-opulent estate to the boiling depths far underground, sinister forces stir from the shadows. A grand library burns and cultists prepare dark works, but are they part of a larger plan?
Join some unlikely heroes on their journeys into Black Drake Villa and the Cauldron as they uncover mysteries that threaten all of Tamriel.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: Black Drake Villa and the Cauldron.
Flames of Ambition Access[edit]
To enter Black Drake Villa or the Cauldron, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Flames of Ambition DLC.
The entrance to Black Drake Villa can be found in the Gold Coast, east of the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. The Cauldron is located in Deshaan, west of the West Narsis Wayshrine. Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of Black Drake Villa and the Cauldron by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
The Gray Host has turned its attention on the Reach. Now, an army of vampires, werewolves, and witches descends on the brutal land of the Reachfolk, seeking an ancient relic and following a dark prophecy that will spell the doom of Tamriel if allowed to be fulfilled. A dark storm is coming, ready to overwhelm not only the Reach, but the entire world!
Work alongside Count Verandis and the Ravenwatch to aid the Reachfolk and combat the Gray Host. From the untamed wilderness of the Reach to the legendary depths of Blackreach, battle the Gray Host and help stop a plot centuries in the making!
Markarth Access[edit]
To enter the Reach, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Markarth DLC. This will both unlock the Markarth Wayshrine and grant access to the first main quest, "The Despot of Markarth".
To start the main quest, either travel to Markarth and speak with the enigmatic vampire, Verandis Ravenwatch, or go to the Collections menu, select the Stories Tab, and select Zone DLC. Then accept "The Despot of Markarth" quest from the Markarth DLC section.
Vateshran Hollows[edit]
Vateshran Hollows is a solo arena found in the southern region of the Reach. Once discovered, you can use the fast travel network to return by selecting the Vateshran Hollows icon.
There are two difficulty modes available for Vateshran Hollows: Normal and Veteran. Players of any level can access Normal mode. Veteran mode unlocks when you reach level 50. Veteran mode is much more challenging, but has greater rewards to match the risk!
When you arrive, pick up The Vateshran's Rites quest from the Rites Matron. The quest is repeatable so you can experience Vateshran Hollows as often as you like.
Players can compete for fame and glory on the Arena's Leaderboards.
Devious minds are at work in Skyrim, hidden far from prying eyes in darkest depths of Blackreach and the seldom trod lands of reclusive nobility, working on abominable experiments toward a nefarious purpose, but why and for whom?
Join the Ravenwatch in laying bare the secrets of Stone Garden and Castle Thorn so their vile works may never see the light of day.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: Stone Garden and Castle Thorn.
Stonethorn Access[edit]
To enter Stone Garden or Castle Thorn, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Stonethorn DLC.
The entrance to Stone Garden can be found in Blackreach below Western Skyrim. The entrance to Castle Thorn can be found in Western Skyrim. Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of Stone Garden and Castle Thorn by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
Witches, graverobbers, and worse threaten to plunge all of Tamriel into a chilling arcane nightmare! From their frigid lair in the Sea of Ghosts, the frightful Icereach coven conjures mysterious storms that no ship can weather. Meanwhile, a flock of ghoulish necromancers plunge greedily into the forbidden recesses of the Unhallowed Grave. Whom do these villains serve? Join with allies old and new to reveal the secrets of the Harrowstorm.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: Icereach and Unhallowed Grave.
Harrowstorm Access[edit]
To enter Icereach or Unhallowed Grave, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Harrowstorm DLC.
The entrance to Icereach can be found in Wrothgar. The entrance to Unhallowed Grave can be found in Bangkorai. Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of Icereach and Unhallowed Grave by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
The Dragons have returned. Ravaging the land with fire and chaos, these terrible creatures focus their gaze upon the lawless regions of Southern Elsweyr. The citizens of these provinces, still recovering from the disastrous Knahaten Flu and the wildfires of years past, hide behind the fortified walls of Senchal, praying they can withstand the thunderous shouts of the Dragons' might.
Join forces with the legendary Sai Sahan and other mysterious allies to reform the ancient order of the Dragonguard, a guild of Dragon hunters who once protected the people of Tamriel, and help put a stop to the rage of Dragons before Southern Elsweyr is consumed.
Dragonhold Access[edit]
To enter Southern Elsweyr, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Dragonhold DLC. This will both unlock the Senchal Wayshrine and grant access to the first main quest, "The Dragon's Lair".
To start the main quest, either travel to Senchal and speak to legendary swordsman, Sai Sahan, or go to the Collections menu, select the Stories Tab, and select Zone DLC. Then accept "The Dragon's Lair" quest from the Dragonhold DLC section.
Dragonguard Sanctum[edit]
As you complete the Dragonguard Main Story and Daily Quests, you earn character-specific Achievements that result in the rebuilding of the Dragonguard Sanctum. For each achievement your character completes, more services become available to them, including the following:
A Call to Arms grants access to Chef Chukka-Jekka on the upper level of the Sanctum.
Restoring the Order unlocks the door to the Dragonguard Sanctum on the lower level, which leads to the Ancient Dragonguard Item Set stations in the Dragonguard Armory.
Reforging the Dragonguard grants access to Achievement Furnisher, Martina Ocella, who has a number of Southern Elsweyr- themed furnishings for sale on the upper level. This also unlocks a new quest, "The Good Bits," from Dahfnar on the upper level. Completing this quest teaches you how to harvest the Dragon's Rheum alchemy reagent from slain Dragons.
Dragonguard Operative unlocks the Dragonguard Supply Chest, located in front of Dirge Truptor's stall on the lower level, which includes chances at rare motif chapter pages, crafting materials, and Dragon-related loot once per day.
Kaalgrontiid's rage of Dragons continues to terrorize Elsweyr, bringing out opportunists of all stripes seeking to take advantage of the chaos. The Dragon Maarselok has made its lair in the valley between Tenmar and Grahtwood and its insidious influence creeps farther with every passing day, but not all Dragons have fared as well. Within the ruins of Moongrave Fane the Hollowfang vampire clan holds a felled Dragon prisoner, hoping to claim its power through a feast of blood. You must defend Elsweyr from the threat these Dragons pose, no matter what form it takes.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: Lair of Maarselok and Moongrave Fane.
Scalebreaker Access[edit]
To enter Lair of Maarselok or Moongrave Fane, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Scalebreaker DLC.
The entrance to the Lair of Maarselok can be found in Grahtwood.
The entrance to Moongrave Fane can be found in Northern Elsweyr. Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of Lair of Maarselok and Moongrave Fane by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
On the hunt for the mythical Wrathstone, an artifact prized and feared by Dwemer and Ayleids alike, the treasure hunter, Tharayya, believes her prize will be found in the impregnable Frostvault, or the long-buried Depths of Malatar.
The treasures of two of Tamriel's oldest civilizations have lain undisturbed and unclaimed, until now. Claim them if you can.
Wrathstone Access[edit]
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: Frostvault and Depths of Malatar.
To enter Frostvault or Depths of Malatar, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Wrathstone DLC. The entrance to Frostvault can be found in Eastmarch. The entrance to Depths of Malatar can be found in Gold Coast. Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of Frostvault and Depths of Malatar by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
Ancient secrets rise out of the swamps of Murkmire like the half- sunken xanmeers reminiscent of an earlier time. Legends of secrets swallowed up by the bog threaten to rise up and make themselves known once again.
Watch your footing on the ever-shifting terrain of Murkmire, home to the Argonians but hospitable to none.
Cyrodilic Collections, intent on recovering the lost secrets of Black Marsh, have put out a call for heroes. Venture into the deep swamps of Murkmire, dredging the muck for treasure, relics, and long-lost secrets.
Only the bravest or most foolish adventurers need apply!
Murkmire Access[edit]
To enter Murkmire, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Murkmire DLC. This will both unlock the Lilmoth Wayshrine and grant access to the first main quest, "Sunken Treasure".
To start the main quest, either travel to Lilmoth and speak with the ambitious archaeologist, Famia Mercius, or go to the Collections menu, select the Stories Tab, and select Zone DLC. Then accept the "Sunken Treasure" quest from the Murkmire DLC section.
Blackrose Prison[edit]
Blackrose Prison is a 4 person arena located within the swamps of Murkmire. Once discovered, you can use the fast travel network to return by selecting the Blackrose Prison icon.
There are two difficulty modes available for Blackrose Prison: Normal and Veteran. Players of any level can access Normal mode. Veteran mode unlocks when you reach level 50. Veteran mode is much more challenging, but has greater rewards to match the risk!
When you arrive, pick up The Black Gauntlet quest from Erilthel. The quest is repeatable so you can experience Blackrose Prison as often as you like.
Players can compete for fame and glory on the Arena's Leaderboards.
A pack of werewolves swarm the halls of Moon Hunter Keep, readying themselves to take revenge on those who stand against them. Hunters stalk along the March of Sacrifices, willing to do whatever it takes to win their lord's boon. Hircine merely watches from above with a steady eye, waiting for the ones who will triumph over all.
The hunt has begun.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: March of Sacrifices and Moon Hunter Keep.
Wolfhunter Access[edit]
To enter the March of Sacrifice or Moon Hunter Keep, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Wolfhunter DLC.
The entrance to Moon Hunter Keep can be found in Reaper's March. The entrance to the March of Sacrifice can be found in Greenshade. Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of the March of Sacrifice and Moon Hunter Keep by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
Dragon Bones[edit]
Necromancers dig within the ruins of Fang Lair, searching for the bones of a creature long defeated. Cultists swarm the mountain of Scalecaller Peak, crafting a plague which threatens all. Unknowingly connected, they work tirelessly to unleash ancient evils upon Tamriel.
Dragon bones stir. A priest awakens. It's up to you to put them to rest once more.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: Fang Lair and Scalecaller Peak.
Dragon Bones Access[edit]
To enter Fang Lair or Scalecaller Peak, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Dragon Bones DLC.
The entrance to Fang Lair can be found in Bangkorai.
The entrance to Scalecaller Peak can be found in Stormhaven.
Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of Fang Lair and Scalecaller Peak by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
Clockwork City[edit]
A Daedric menace extends its shadow over the Clockwork City. Sotha Sil, the most mysterious and reclusive member of the Tribunal, is in danger as long as this threat endures.
Enter a realm of magic and machines, where the Clockwork Apostles maintain control over the inhospitable city and its metallic environs.
Divayth Fyr puts out a call for able-bodied assistants. Find his messenger in the city of Mournhold and venture to the foreboding Clockwork City, battling all manner of bizarre and dangerous creatures.
A treacherous enemy lurks within the shadows between the great cogs. The fate of the Clockwork God, Sotha Sil, hangs in the balance.
Clockwork City Access[edit]
To enter the Clockwork City or the Asylum Sanctorum Trial, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Clockwork City DLC.
Go to the Collections menu, select the Stories Tab, and select Zone DLC. Then accept the "To the Clockwork City" quest from the Clockwork City DLC section. This will lead you to the city of Mournhold in Deshaan to meet with Divayth Fyr.
Trial: Asylum Sanctorium[edit]
Three Saints of the Dunmer have been sequestered in the Asylum Sanctorum after a failed attempt to grant them mechanical immortality, but now they threaten to escape their confines and run rampant through Clockwork City. Enter the asylum and shut down these tormented souls before that happens.
This is a trial that supports 12 players and can be played at normal and veteran difficulties.
Horns of the Reach[edit]
An army of marauding Reachmen and minotaurs has emerged from the Colovian Highlands to pillage and conquer the southern holds of Skyrim. Break the siege of Falkreath Hold, crush the enemy stronghold of Bloodroot Forge, and liberate the Jerol [sic] Mountains from the brutal Dread Horn clan.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: The Falkreath Hold and Bloodroot Forge.
Horns of the Reach Access[edit]
To enter the Falkreath Hold or the Bloodroot Forge, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Horns of the Reach DLC.
The entrances to both dungeons can be found in Craglorn. Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of the Falkreath Hold and the Bloodroot Forge by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
Shadows of the Hist[edit]
Foul things are taking root in the remote and murky wilds of Shadowfen; evils that threaten to consume all of Black Marsh. The promise of fortune and glory awaits adventurers brave enough to face perils that would make even a Shadowscale fear the dark.
Seasoned Undaunted and other explorers who seek the thrill of a new challenge, join ranks with three of your peers and face the dangers and mysteries of two new dungeons: The Cradle of Shadows and The Ruins of Mazzatun.
Shadows of the Hist Access[edit]
To enter the Ruins of Mazzatun or the Cradle of Shadows, you must either be an ESO Plus member or own the Shadows of the Hist DLC.
The entrances to both dungeons can be found in Shadowfen. Both dungeons can also be accessed through the Dungeon Finder.
Reap additional rewards for overcoming the challenges of the Ruins of Mazzatun and the Cradle of Shadows by completing Daily Pledges for the Undaunted!
Adventurers of level 45 and up who have joined the Undaunted Guild can accept these pledges by traveling to the Undaunted Enclaves in each of the three Alliance Capitals. Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane for pledges related to DLC content.
Dark Brotherhood[edit]
All is not well with the Dark Brotherhood. Though they stand at the height of their power, some of their best agents have gone missing, and there are whispers of a black-armored warrior hunting the Brotherhood. The cities of Anvil and Kvatch are awash with intrigue, and deadly conspiracies span the whole of the Gold Coast.
The Brotherhood is in need of someone with your talents. Travel to the Gold Coast, and carve your way into their good graces. Execute contracts, fulfill the Black Sacrament, and demonstrate the full impact of a knife in the dark.
As a member of the Dark Brotherhood, call upon the Blade of Woe to bring a swift end to unaware targets, and gain access to a new set of passives that summon forth the shadows of Sithis to obscure your dark deeds.
Dark Brotherhood Access[edit]
To enter the Gold Coast and become a member of the Dark Brotherhood, you must be an ESO Plus member or own the Dark Brotherhood DLC.
Go to the Collections menu, select the Stories Tab, and select Zone DLC. Then accept the "Voices in the Dark" quest from the Dark Brotherhood DLC section. This will lead you to the city of Anvil, in the Gold Coast. There, the Dark Brotherhood will extend an invitation to you provided you prove yourself capable of ending a life in cold blood.
You can travel to Anvil via wayshrine, or by boat from the docks of Vulkhel Guard, Davon's Watch, or Daggerfall City.
Blade of Woe[edit]
Members of the Dark Brotherhood can call upon the Blade of Woe, an artifact with the power to instantly slay unaware targets.
To use the Blade of Woe, position yourself behind your target while hidden. If that target is vulnerable to the Blade of Woe, you will be prompted to press [MB4] to trigger the assassination. This is similar to the way you would activate a Synergy.
Killing a target with the Blade of Woe has a chance to grant you Dried Blood or Tainted Blood, which can be used to craft gear in the Assassins League style.
The Blade of Woe can only be used on humanoids, cannot be used in Group Dungeons or in Trials, and cannot be used against certain powerful enemies.
Using the Blade of Woe does not prevent you from being witnessed by bystanders, so keep an eye on your surroundings!
Thieves Guild[edit]
The Thieves Guild is recruiting new members. Travel to Hew's Bane on the southern peninsula of Hammerfell to join the Thieves Guild and aid them in their struggle against the Iron Wheel.
New Thieves Guild Members will experience a new story in the land of Hew's Bane while unlocking new Thieves Guild abilities.
Throughout Tamriel you will have new Justice Crimes to deal with: Trespassing and Criminal Mischief.
You will have the chance to engage in Heists to steal treasures from around Tamriel as well as attempt to steal unique items to prove yourself a master thief.
Gather your allies to enter a new trial, The Maw of Lorkhaj.
Thieves Guild Access[edit]
To access Hew's Bane and the Thieves Guild Skill Line, you must be an ESO Plus member or own the Thieves Guild DLC.
Go to the Collections menu, select the Stories Tab, and select Zone DLC. Then accept the Thieves Guild quest. This will direct you to find Quen, a thief who is known to frequent Outlaw Refuges across Tamriel.
Trial: Maw of Lorkhaj[edit]
The monks of the Temple of Seven Riddles have been possessed. Enter the temple to face off against the dro-m'Athra: ancient, moon- hating spirits from the heart of the Great Darkness.
This is a trial that supports 12 players and can be played at normal and veteran difficulties.
King Kurog has sent out the call-come to Wrothgar and help rebuild the city of Orsinium! In the mountainous, ancestral home of the Orcs, stubborn clan chiefs, Reach marauders, and religious cults all conspire and threaten to destroy Kurog's dream of a united Orsimer nation. Now, adventurers from every alliance have been invited to aid the king and claim the glory by becoming the Hero of Wrothgar.
As one of the king's invited champions, partake in every challenge and pleasure Orsinium has to offer. Perform missions for the king that help rebuild the city and negotiate the delicate balance of power between the clan strongholds and Kurog's court, delve into the intricacies of Orc culture and religion, and explore the expansive wilds of Wrothgar in search of fame, adventure, and treasure.
Orsinium Access[edit]
To enter Wrothgar and the city of Orsinium, you just need to be an ESO Plus member or owner of the Orsinium DLC. Look for King Kurog's messenger in the cities of Daggerfall, Davon's Watch, or Vulkhel Guard. Once you receive the king's invitation, talk to Ambassador Lazgara to travel to Wrothgar. Davon's Watch Daggerfall Vulkhel Guard
Other paths to Wrothgar include the gates in the neighboring territories of Stormhaven and Bangkorai, and you can also use the Wayshrine network to fast travel to Orsinium.
You can also go to the Collections menu, select the Stories Tab, and select Zone DLC. Then accept the "Invitation to Orsinium" quest from the Orsinium DLC section. This will lead you to the ambassador in Daggerfall, Davon's Watch, or Vulkhel Guard.
Maelstrom Arena[edit]
Maelstrom Arena is a single-player progressive challenge located in the northeastern mountains of Wrothgar. Once discovered, you can use the fast travel network to return by selecting the Maelstrom Arena icon.
There are two difficulty modes available for Maelstrom Arena: Normal and Veteran. Players of any level can access Normal mode. Veteran mode unlocks when you reach level 50. Veteran mode is much more challenging, but has greater rewards to match the risk!
When you arrive, pick up the Maelstrom Arena quest from Fa-Nuit- Hen. Every time you enter the Arena you will be able to pick up where you left off on the quest. The quest is also repeatable, so you can experience Maelstrom Arena as often as you like. Players who reach Champion 160 can compete for fame and glory on the Veteran Maelstrom Arena Leaderboards. Continuing from a saved quest disqualifies the current run from the Leaderboard.
Imperial City[edit]
Molag Bal and his vile minions have claimed the Imperial City. With each passing day, the Lord of Brutality's grip on the city grows stronger. Driven by this looming Daedric threat and their thirst for conquest, each of the three Great Alliances has dispatched troops to the city.
As a member of this force, slay Molag Bal's minions in the Imperial City's six districts, or plumb the depths of the Imperial Sewers in search of treasure.
Be warned: enemy bannermen are everywhere, and they will sell their lives dearly.
During your adventures in the Imperial City, you will encounter a valuable new currency known as Tel Var Stones. Claim as many stones as you can to purchase powerful new items. Crush the Daedra, grow in power, and lead your Alliance to victory in the Imperial City.
Imperial City Access[edit]
To access the Imperial City, you must be an ESO Plus member or own the Imperial City DLC. To enter the Imperial City, you will need to be at least level 10, and select which Imperial City Campaign you wish to join from the Campaign selection menu. Once inside Imperial City Sewers you can talk to one of your Alliance generals to start the quest line for Imperial City.
Imperial City Dungeons: You can access the Imperial City Prison and White-Gold Tower group dungeons through fast travel by selecting the associated icon on the Imperial City map. This can be done from outside of the Imperial City.
Capturing Districts[edit]
Imperial City Districts can be captured, allowing players to respawn in the districts they own.
Capturing a district also grants a bonus towards Tel Var Stone acquisition from killing NPCs.
Tel Var Stones I[edit]
The thunderous impact of Molag Bal's anchors has shaken the White-Gold Tower to its foundation, causing it to crack. Fragments of the tower, known as Tel Var Stones, have broken off as a result. These stones are imbued with great mystical power, making them extremely valuable.
You can obtain Tel Var Stones by killing Molag Bal's minions inside the Imperial City. You can also slay enemy players to acquire some of the Tel Var Stones they are carrying.
Tel Var Stones gained from killing another player will be split equally among all players who contributed in the kill, with the remaining Tel Var Stones being distributed randomly to those same players. Should you be killed by one of Molag Bal's minions or another player, you will lose a percentage of your stones.
Tel Var Stones II[edit]
Collecting Tel Var Stones contributes to your Tel Var Stone Multiplier. Growing your Multiplier increases the number of Tel Var Stones you will receive when you kill one of Molag Bal's servants.
The above image depicts the Tel Var Counter growing towards the next multiplier. Please note the values depicted in the image above are not indicative of actual gameplay, and are only intended as an example.
Tel Var Stones can be deposited with any Banker to prevent them from being stolen by other players.
Infinite Archive[edit]
Character Progression[edit]
Group and Activity Finder[edit]
Enchanted Weapons and Armor[edit]
Player Guilds[edit]
Alliance Warfare[edit]
Tales of Tribute[edit]