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Online:Ventral Audiometer

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Ventral Audiometer
Location Ventral Terminus
Type (?)
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly

The Ventral Audiometer is an intercom-like machine located just outside the main gate leading into the interior of the Ventral Terminus. Chancellor Gascone Dusant uses it to communicate with you during the related quest.

Related Quests[edit]

  • ON-qico-Zone Story.pngDeepening Shadows: Locate Chancellor Gascone Dusant of the Congress of Calibration.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Upon approaching the gate, the machine turns on and the chancellor speaks through it.

Ventral Audiometer: "What? Who's out there?"

You can then talk into the machine back to Gascone:

"Begone, whoever you are! I sealed the door, and it shall remain sealed for as long as necessary!"
Chancellor Gascone? Varuni sent me to find you. We have some questions.
"Questions? You think I'm foolish enough to let you in? No, this door will remain closed. I just need time to work this out—to smooth things over. Simple. Now, leave me be!"
What have you done? Did you make a deal with these shadow cultists?
"Who I keep council with is none of your concern!
You're just like Varuni. So uptight. So naive! If you value your life, you'll leave this place. Now."

If you speak to the audiometer again, he will say:

"I already told you, I'm not coming out! Begone"
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