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Home City Ebonheart
House Zasha-Ja's House
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Zasha-Ja is an Argonian who lives in her house in Ebonheart. She is a leading member of the community in the Argonian Quarter, and will request your aid in healing the local Hist sapling.

Related Quests[edit]

  • The Sapling: Help save the Argonian's Hist tree in Ebonheart.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Approaching her inside her home:

"Another stranger swims into our wallow?"

First encounter:

If your character is an Argonian:
"I erect the spine of distress, egg-sibling. We have need of your aid, but I'm sure you already felt it as you approached.
We have a Hist here, and it's dying."
If your character is a Dark Elf:
"So, Dark Elf. Have you come to gloat about our Hist? Are you its murderer?
If your character is neither:
"I have no quarrel with you. We shall speak.
But know that if you would help those trying to murder our Hist, I will speak with my teeth instead of my tongue."
What's wrong with your Hist Tree?
"It's dying. It was never healthy. This isn't Black Marsh, after all, so in the last few weeks, it's withered.
We've learned that House Dres is poisoning it. It's not enough to have enslaved us for generations. Now they want to carve our hearts out."
What can be done to save your Hist?
"The best we can do is fertilize it. We're using mudcrab meat wrapped in ashreed. Both are common around the quarter.
We've also set guards around the tree to keep the Dunmer away."
I'll collect some fertilizer for you.

Once you've agreed to help her, she'll say:

"If you wish to aid us, gather the items I requested. Ashreeds grow in the tidepools in our quarter, and mudcrabs thrive on the shores nearby.
Gather some of each and present them at the roots of our Hist."
Who told you the Dark Elves are poisoning the Hist?
"Some of our people heard a Dark Elf talking to others of his kind. He asked if they'd seen the Dres rowing out to our Hist Tree. He saw jars of poison in the boat.
That's not hard to believe."
Who was this Dark Elf? / Who was the Dark Elf who claimed the Dres poisoned the Hist?
"Rhavil Urano. My people overheard him at the inn. He was drunk and talking too loud.
No one spoke to him directly. It's never been wise for an Argonian to confront a Dark Elf, especially lately. We're far from Black Marsh."
It sounds like none of the Argonians actually saw the Dres, the boat, or the poison.
"No, but it's not difficult to believe, is it?
The Dres think we're little more than animals. But the Pact freed us. What they can't enslave, they destroy."
Why would the Dark Elves do this? / Why would the Dres do this?
"The Dres have always regarded Argonians as little more than savage children.
We needed to be "civilized" so they "uplifted" us by putting us to work as slaves on plantations and in mines. No more. Now we speak beside them in the council."

When you finish collecting the fertilizer ingredients, she will run up to you:

Zasha-Ja: "Hold. What do you have there?"

She still distrusts strangers, but will relent:

"We are allowing no one to approach the Hist, especially strangers claiming they wish to help us.
We just caught a Dark Elf trying to poison the tree."
I only have the ingredients you asked for.
"Your words smell fair, but tasting is proof. Let me see what you have there."
Just crab meat and ashreeds.
"Yes. I erect the spine of apology. While you were away, we caught a Dark Elf defiling our Hist.
Please, apply the fertilizer you've gathered to the base of our Hist. As long as I am with you, the guards will let you through."
Tell me more about the Dark Elf you caught.
"One of our guards is escorting him to my lodge.
He seems half-mad. He was doing something to the tree. And apparently, he is of House Dres."
Let's go to the tree now.

Speaking to her outside before spreading the fertilizer:

"Spread the fertilizer over the roots of our Hist. As long as I'm with you, our guards will not trouble you."

Speaking to her again inside her home before spreading the fertilizer:

"You have the meat and the reeds? Good.
Our Hist is on a small island north of this hut. Spread the fertilizer you’ve gathered around its roots."

When you approach the tree with her, she will ask the guards to step aside:

Zasha-Ja: "Let this one through."

After fertilizing the tree, she will tell you to meet her at her lodge:

Zasha-Ja: "It is done. Meet me back at my lodge."

Speaking with Zasha-Ja in her home:

"It seems we have proof that the Dres are trying to murder our tree."
This is the Dark Elf you mentioned?
"While you were gathering mudcrab meat and reeds, the guards caught him trying to harm our Hist. We can't get anything out of him but his name and House.
Seems the rumors were true. House Dres is trying to murder our Hist."
What was he doing to the Hist?
"He was scratching at the bark, licking our tree! When the guards shouted at him, he dropped an empty bottle.
Now he's very ill. The truth is as plain as the face of Masser."
Let me speak to him.
"You may do as you wish, but his mind is boiling. His words skitter like a mudcrab in a pan.
You will gather no moisture from this one."

Speak to her again before speaking to Biiril:

"Speak to him, if you wish. You might as well ask questions of the sea."

After speaking to Biiril and learning about Rhavil:

Zasha-Ja: "Rhavil?"

If you speak to her, she elaborates on how she knows Rhavil.

"I can't believe it. Rhavil!"
You recognize the name?
"Rhavil Urano claimed he saw House Dres poison our Hist Tree. Then he gave a bottle to this tree-licking waste of flesh.
I smell worm scat. Someone has been playing us for fools, and I no longer believe it’s House Dres."

If you speak to her before leaving, she'll add:

"There will need to be an accounting with this Rhavil."